Wesnoth 1.16 Add-ons List

To install add-ons using the in-game client, choose “Add-ons” from the main menu, and click “Connect” to connect to the add-ons server. Pick the add-on you want to install from the list and click the “+” icon — the download will commence immediately and the add-on will be automatically installed once finished. Bear in mind that not all add-ons are singleplayer campaigns!

If you really need or would prefer to download add-ons from this web page instead of using the built-in client, use a compatible program to uncompress the full contents of the tar.bz2 file — including the subfolder named after the add-on — to the data/add-ons/ folder in your game’s user data folder. The add-on will be recognized next time you launch Wesnoth or press F5 on the main menu.

Tip: Hover over the type field to see an explanation of the add-on type and over an icon to see a description for the add-on.

Type    Icon    Addon    Size    Traffic    Date    Translations   
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Crits Mod
Attacks will always hit, whilst the hit chance is now used as a crit chance for devastating crits! The AI will take this (mostly) into consideration.

Health, Crit Damage and Damage multipliers are adjustable.
(poison, healing, village etc is increased alongside health)
Forum topic Download Crits Mod
Version: 1.0.0
Author: B099
0.01 MiB 10 down
1 up
Sep 29 2024 ru
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
8p Elimination Tournament
Right now this mod contains 4 different 8 Player Single Elimination Tournament Scenarios. You play a couple of 1vs1 Rounds trying to make it all the way to the final. Can you win it all?

This was made with playing vs the Standard 1.16 AI in mind.
I can recommend playing Ageless Era with this, for the ultimate mix of matchups.
I do also recommend you to check out Advanced Wesnoth Wars or it's fork for more game setup options.

The general concept of gameplay is to be a fun semi-competitive experience of consecutive 1vs1 matches while managing your roster vs all different kind of opponents. When you win your Match and advance a Round, your leader and all living units that remained are fully healed and teleported to the next Arena.

Special Rules:
1.The Leaders can't move
2.Leaders automatically level up to Rank 3 when reaching Round 2 of the Tournament (if possible)
3.Killing a unit gives the player who killed it 25% gold of the slain units cost

Last Update (0.0.9):
- Added a new tournament scenario called Reedwood Swamps
- Disabled the Shuffle Sides feature because of how the difficulty works right now

I am happy for any feedback or stories from your experience playing these Tournament style maps. I will check the forum thread frequently and you can find me over on the wesnoth discord.

Credits and alot of Thanks to:
lbrande - for creating The Duelist's Tournament map for 1.12. I took alot of parts from his code back from 2015
mattsc - for always giving great advice and pushing me in the right directions
octalot - for helping with setting up the gold 
Pentarctagon - for helping with unit recalls
knyght - for helping with all kinds of problems
Forum topic Download 8p Elimination Tournament
Version: 0.0.9
Author: EyderSnob
0.07 MiB 2573 down
5 up
Jan 08 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Time Schedule Control
Control the time of day schedule, change the lawful bonus, add Midday and Midnight. The first time of day in campaigns will always be the dusk (or the time just after).
Download Time Schedule Control
Version: 1.4.5
Author: Zatigem
0.00 MiB 654 down
2 up
Dec 21 2021
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Fourlands
'The Fourlands' is a small 1v1 map with 5 villages at the center of the map. Those villages will be built on turn 8 by default.
Download The Fourlands
Version: 2.4.9
Author: zatiranyk
0.00 MiB 440 down
2 up
May 17 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Survival Fusion
Fuse units together in this classical Survival
Forum topic Download Survival Fusion
Version: 2.0.2
Author: Blueblaze&Ant
0.00 MiB 166 down
2 up
Dec 24 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Sudden Death
Add a sudden death to the game! You can choose on which turn it will occur.

Sudden death: Every villages or oasis will disappear.

Extreme sudden death: Optional, activated by default. Each turn, all units will be harmed by an increasing amount of damage in percent that may provoke death.
Download Sudden Death
Version: 1.3
Author: Zatigem
0.00 MiB 453 down
1 up
Jan 01 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Save The Forest
Something is happening in the forest of Wndir.
It's my first campaign and it has 4 scenarios :) 
Download Save The Forest
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Clairetk
6.37 MiB 338 down
2 up
Dec 03 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Die Suche nach Erlornas Frau
Erlornas Frau wurde von Orks entführt. Er muss Sie retten. Es beginnt eine Verfolgungsjagt. Wird er seine Frau wiederfinden und retten können?
(Einstufung: Experte, 6 Szenarios.)
Download Die Suche nach Erlornas Frau
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Johannes Lindenfelser
6.36 MiB 1020 down
1 up
Nov 09 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Random Units Collection
An era with a single faction containing a number of units I've created for other add-ons. In the future I plan on making several factions, but there aren't enough units yet
Download Random Units Collection
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Viminyr
0.87 MiB 415 down
1 up
Jun 22 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Raginature v1.0.2 - multiplayer survival map

Try to survive against the most dangerous monsters of Wesnoth! 
There are 3 game modes: Duel, Coop and Solo.
Duel: You have to survive longer than your opponent,
Coop: You have to survive with your ally until the end of the waves,
Solo: You have to survive alone, but the monsters are twice fewer.

For now on, you have to choose the Normal difficulty, but
Hard and Insane may come later (if i have the time ^^).
Forum topic Download Raginature
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Zatigem
0.13 MiB 1267 down
2 up
Jan 01 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Mirror Faction
Same faction for all teams. (But different Leader.)

* Works fast on huge Eras (e.g. Ageless)

* Manual choice is preferred over random.

* Works on maps with AI players (mirroring human sides takes preference)

* Works with multiple sides on each team
Download Mirror Faction
Version: 0.8.2
Author: Vasya N
0.00 MiB 494 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Lucas' Underground Map Pack
A map pack which is containing 5 maps right now:
2p - Caves of Khundar
- Battle while looking for a powerful item to gain the upper hand

2p - Trolls
- Fight your opponent plus the native trolls 

4p - Black Mountain (NEW!)
- A scripted adventure where 4 players enter a mountain to defeat a Lich. Special events and items.

4p - Siege of Anghold
- 3 invade a cave fortress vs 1 who defends it

8p - Underground
- 4 vs 4
Download Lucas' Underground Map Pack
Version: 1.5.1
Author: LucasLT, developed by Atreides
0.02 MiB 396 down
5 up
Jan 06 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Level Zero Helper
Modify the recall cost for level zero units.

The default recall cost for level zero units is set to recruit cost + 1, but other options are available.

You may start campaigns or multiplayer scenarios with a handful of random level zero units in the recall list.  Campaigns can be played with these units at start, or with more after every scenario.

There is an optional new unit: the Trainee Mage.  This weak level 0 unit has a destiny; it will level up into some random, unexpected level one mage-like unit.  You do not get to choose what it will level into.

There is an option to include units from the War of Legends addon for more level 0 units and Trainee Mage advancements.

This mod uses units from the Default L0 Era.
Forum topic Download Level Zero Helper
Version: 0.2.9
Author: Fluffbeast
0.53 MiB 1366 down
6 up
May 29 2023 de
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Capture the Flag (CTF)
This 1v1/2v2 multiplayer scenario allows players to participate in the Battle for Wesnoth's iteration of the game mode Capture the Flag (CTF).

Capture the Flag has the following rules:
1. Players play in two teams. East (P1 & P4) and West (P2 & P3).
2. The scenario has to be won by capturing the flag a certain number of times. This number is customisable and defaulted to 3.
3. To capture the flag, one of your team's unit has to move to the enemy base. They become the flag carrier, receiving a custom status and overlay to distinguish them from regular units.
4. To score, the team flag carrier must be moved or escorted to the team's base. That is, taking the Western flag to the eastern base and vice versa.
5. The stolen flag can be returned to the team base by killing the enemy.
6. The flag cannot be transferred between units.
7. Side leaders cannot be permanently killed in this scenario mode. Instead, they are teleported to their base's interior.
8. The objective of the game mode is capturing the flag so targetting side leaders is not recommended. 

Extra Information:
1. If you get bored and/or frustrated at long waiting times for players to join, you may set any side to AI controller. The AI for this scenario has been tailored specifically to play this game mode to an optimal capacity.
2. For further challenge, the scenario also supports options for allowing AI-controlled monster spawns at specific intervals. The difficulty and quantity spawn can be modified by checkboxs under Custom Options.
3. There are also options to spawn Defenders for each base.

For feedback, you are requested to head to the forum topic provided or leave the feedback in the #modding channel of the official BfW discord server with preferably pinging the add-on author, knyghtmare#8753.
Forum topic Download Capture the Flag (CTF)
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.05 MiB 583 down
6 up
Aug 02 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Knights of the Silver Spire
The story of the Knights of the Silver Spire and their battles against the evil Crimson Duke to keep the Northlands safe.

(Intermediate level, 9 scenarios, 3 endings).

Can be played with or without the War of Legends add-on (it replaces undead units with vampire ones and makes the campaign better).

Please give feedback on the forums, it would be greatly appreciated.

1.1.0: Japanese Translation added
Forum topic Download Knights of the Silver Spire
Version: 1.1.0
Author: hopelight
2.43 MiB 1788 down
2 up
May 05 2023 fr, ja
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Hyperactive Novice Healers
Includes two modifications enabled by default. You can choose which to enable or disable. 

    - Hyperactive Healers: Allow healers to heal friendly units whenever they are in a village, they have a regeneration ability or they have already been healed but 35% less effective.

    - Novice Healers: Will give +1 XP to healers every 5 HP they have healed in a single turn. A cure of poison is +2 XP. But they will need +50% XP to level up.

If you want to help with translations, contact me in private or go to https://r.wesnoth.org/p661652
Thank you ! :)
Download Hyperactive Novice Healers
Version: 1.3.0
Author: zatiranyk
0.01 MiB 1572 down
2 up
May 17 2023 cs, fr
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Gold per Village (easy handicap)
Give more/less income to friends-beginners, yourself or AI.

Player1   gold: [100] income: [0]
Player2   gold: [100] income: [+1]  <-------
Player3   gold: [75]  income: [0]
Player4   gold: [50]  income: [0]

With this add-on, _each village_ will give 1 more gold per turn. It thus scales with map size.

Note: this add-on has no effect if you don't set any handicaps.
Download Gold per Village (easy handicap)
Version: 1.1.11
Author: Vasya N
0.00 MiB 1464 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Full Music Playlist
Play the full music playlist. Every official music of wesnoth will be played in-game.
Download Full Music Playlist
Version: 1.1.2
Author: Zatigem
0.00 MiB 983 down
1 up
Dec 21 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Embark on a journey with Kalgor, whose world is shattered with his father's murder in front of his eyes. Forged in the crucible of battle, betrayal and deception, his fate sparks with glory and tragedy.

(Intermediate level, 9 scenarios.)

This single-player campaign features unique level 4 advancements for all playable units.

The campaign offers 3 difficulties:
Beginner: Designed for bloody beginners or very lazy people, who want to focus on the story primarily.
Veteran: Intended for the average player who understands the game's basics and knows how to plan ahead.
Expert: Only for the most experienced tryhards. It is recommended to play through the campaign on 'Veteran' first, to know the overall scenario design.

Please DM feature requests, bug reports and other feedback via Discord:
@durmoth / @Durmoth#0695

You may open a pull request on this add-on's github repository:
Forum topic Download Deception
Version: 0.2.0
Author: Durmoth / Roland Peter Schilffarth
24.06 MiB 983 down
1 up
Aug 18 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Dawn of Thunder
It is 1171 YW. Wesnoth rises in power and evil turns upon other targets. Follow the story of Fiannon and Naia in their desperate tries to protect the whole of Irdya. 18 scenarios, 2 talking only, unfinished. I recommend the latest stable version of Wesnoth, other versions may have bugs.
Forum topic Download Dawn of Thunder
Version: 0.2.4
Author: Paulomat4 (originally), egallager (maintenance)
24.73 MiB 1547 down
5 up
Sep 01 2023 ja
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
Combat Information Theme
A custom theme. Like the default theme, with the following changes:

• Adds a left sidebar
• Shows your unit's statistics and the enemy unit's statistics simultaneously
• Shows the damage calculations (expected battle result, in HP) in the sidebars, without opening any dialog
• Adds two new entries in the Actions menu to speak to all and to speak to allies only to workaround issues on iOS

Themes affect the interface during play only. The menus are not affected.

After installation, go to Preferences/Display/Theme and select this theme from the pop-up dialog. You also have to enable the modification with the same name when creating a game or starting a campaign.

This addon is maintained by josteph. The theme is based on the asymmetric theme by gloccusv (https://r.wesnoth.org/p589619).

GitHub: https://github.com/jostephd/combat-info-theme/
Forum topic Download Combat Information Theme
Version: 0.0.7
Author: gloccusv, josteph
0.01 MiB 1047 down
4 up
Jun 08 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
BonusTile - generate random bonuses on map.

Similar to BonusSpam add-on, but does not have Out-Of-Sync bugs, and is more fair for symmetrical maps.
Download BonusTile
Version: 0.5.2
Author: Vasya N
0.01 MiB 2436 down
8 up
Feb 09 2023
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
dwarftough's Study
Evaluation of units' movements with various methods
Forum topic Download dwarftough's Study
Version: 1
Author: dwarftough
0.00 MiB 540 down
1 up
Jan 30 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Berserk limiter
Limit ''berserk'' duration in game creation dialog.

Slider   1 [-----------] 30

May be useful on maps where berserk units are overpowered.
Download Berserk limiter
Version: 0.5.13
Author: Vasya N
0.00 MiB 744 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Afterlife survival
Afterlife -- survival and race maps.

Your units are copied to enemy part of the map to be controlled by AI.

Playing time: ~ 25 minutes.
Forum topic Download Afterlife survival
Version: 1.9.2
Author: Vasya N
0.01 MiB 2947 down
5 up
Jul 10 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Zombies: Introduction
Who said a zombie cannot be a good soldier? In this campaign you will learn how to use zombies effectively. Play on the side of a young peasant with a plague staff who dreams to become a lich! Collect 6 types of zombies from enemies of different races. A campaign with 5 scenarios in length but with 6 different ways to pass it.
Forum topic Download Zombies: Introduction
Version: 2.0.0fix
Author: Aldarisvet
29.76 MiB 2625 down
1 up
Aug 10 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Zombie Upkeep
Gives the soulless a upkeep of zero and changes its recall cost to 15.
Download Zombie Upkeep
Version: 1.5.1
Author: Cookielord
0.00 MiB 779 down
5 up
Jul 09 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Fifteen 1v1 maps and five 2v2 maps. Classic gameplay, but with multiple keeps.
Forum topic Download Xalzar_Maps
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Xalzar, ported by Atreides
0.03 MiB 95 down
1 up
Jan 23 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
XP Modification
This addon provides rightclick menu that allows you to spend unit experience for upgrades. Costs can be changed during game creation, and by default are:
* 8 xp for 4 health
* 10 xp for 1 movement (for the next turn and all subsequent)
* 16 xp for 1 additional damage (for each weapon)
* 56 xp for 1 additional strikes (for each weapon)
You may locally change slider ranges without any out of sync problems.
XP Modification is continuation of XP Era from wesnoth 1.10, based on work by Dovolente, itota and Nosmos.
Forum topic Download XP Modification
Version: 2.4.0
Author: Ravana
0.01 MiB 9595 down
2 up
Jul 20 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
XP Bank
Need to urgently level up a unit? some high level unit of yours stole the otherwise useful XP? have a lot of units with small amount of exp? a unit with a lot XP is about to die? well, you came to the right place! this mod provides players a rightclick option to store any units' EXP, and then transfer it to any other one through a somewhat bank-like system, negating all the problems listed above.

If you like my mods I would also highly recommend checking out Great Steppe Era


1.6.0 Release
- sending xp to allies is now a toggleable mod setting, now disabled by default (since it is useless in singleplayer but useful in multiplayer)

1.5.1 Release
- added russian translation

1.5.0 Release
- ported to 1.15/1.16

1.4.3 Release
fixed the mod not working

1.4.2 Release
fixed a 1.14-related bug, and added compatibility for an upcoming mod of mine

1.4.1 Release
fixed the advancement filter menu appearing after the advancement selection menu on 1.13

1.4.0 Release
fixed a huge bug in the 1.13 version of the addon, merged the MP/SP version of the mod for 1.13

1.3.2 Release
the xp bank menu won't show up on a unit if there are at least 2 enemy units next to him/her. This way the ability should be a bit less abusable.

1.3.1 Release
made the advancement filter toggling option only affect the side of the player toggling it, and not everyone (why haven't i added that before?!)

1.3.0 Release
added an 'advancement filtering' option in 'XP Bank' menu. If this option is enabled, then if a unit levels up normally (without using the 'Withdraw' option) then the player whose unit it is gets option whether to let the unit level up, or deposit all it's exp. this can help prevent exp accidentally being wasted on something unwanted, and prevent the need to constantly deposit from all units. NOTE: you will still see the advancement choosing option before this option appears, but it only matters if you decide not to deposit exp from the unit.

1.2.3 Release
raised the maximum xp head-start to 100

1.2.2 Release
in mp campaigns, the exp will no longer reset at the start of a non-first scenario

1.2.1 Release
when sending exp to someone, only the sender, and the reciever will see the message about it

1.2.0 Release
added a 'Send XP' option (rightclick menu on allied leaders) hopefully this will enable more teamwork

1.1.1 Release
gave the xp bank menu a portrait (it's the tomb guardian from DM). 'Deposit All' option now uses a repeated version of the sound used by the 'Deposit from this unit' menu. the 'invalid WML' message hopefully shouldn't pop up anymore

added the 'Deposit All' option

1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download XP Bank
Version: 1.6.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.01 MiB 4647 down
7 up
Feb 06 2024 ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
War of Legends Modification Enabler
Enabler add-on which enables a multitude of modifications for use in Single-player campaigns. There are also modifications which can be used in both.
Forum topic Download War of Legends Modification Enabler
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.79 MiB 2671 down
3 up
Jun 25 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Witch Forest
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer co-op and pvp or Singleplayer vs AI.
Recommended settings: 3 vs 3 (player 1,3,5 vs 2,4,6) or 1v1v1v1v1v1.
A Witch houses in these dark Forests, poisoning the minds of whoever comes across her way.
Some say she uses dark magic to bring the dead back to life.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2022
Download Witch Forest
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 731 down
3 up
Jul 05 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Wild Frontiers
Settle a new town north of the Great River.

A town-building Wesnoth campaign, requiring you to balance the building of new villages against the need to defend them.

This campaign is more focused on gold management, strategic construction, and town defenses.

Install the add-on 'Ultimate_Random_Maps' for additional maps.

Wild Frontiers is a fork of 'Cities of the Frontier' v0.6.1 by esci.

Forum topic Download Wild Frontiers
Version: 3.3.1
Author: vghetto
2.48 MiB 2892 down
6 up
Jan 28 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Underness Series - Music Pack
Music tracks for campaign and scenario authors.
Music authors are listed in disclaimer.txt, all music files are under GPL license.
Download Underness Series - Music Pack
Version: 1.2.0
Author: WhiteWolf (packager)
36.01 MiB 1869 down
1 up
Mar 15 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Book I: As Asheviere seizes the throne of Wesnoth, the Wizard's Council meets. They look for magical solutions.... (Book II not ported)
Version 0.0.8x
Forum topic Download Wesvoid
Version: 0.0.8xx
Author: Snarius, Invisible Philosopher (last maintainers for BfW 1.2), Elvish Pillager, Prometheus (original authors), Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^ (ported by)
2.81 MiB 389 down
3 up
Oct 08 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Wesnoth Lua Pack
The idea behind the WLP is to collect bits of Lua written by various people that will help supplement the helper library and WML.
Forum topic Download Wesnoth Lua Pack
Version: 1.9.0
Author: melinath (original author), Elvish_Hunter and Anonymissimus (maintainers)
0.04 MiB 670 down
1 up
Nov 22 2021
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
This add-on contains 3 MOBA-like scenarios (1v1, 2v2 and 3v3).
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Wesmoba
Version: 1.16.230224
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.01 MiB 747 down
5 up
Feb 25 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Wesnoth hack and slash SP campaign.

Weshack is a fork from Wesband by Ken Oh,Exasperation,Dovolente,TL
Forum topic Download Weshack
Version: 0.8.3
Author: vghetto
5.78 MiB 1078 down
8 up
Jan 30 2022
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Wesnoth hack and slash MP or SP campaign.

Ported by vghetto to the BfW 1.14 & 1.16 addon servers.
This release merges the SP Weshack fork by vghetto back into Wesband
Forum topic Download Wesband
Version: 0.9.0
Author: Ken Oh,Exasperation,Dovolente,TL,vghetto,daniel.santos
6.08 MiB 1493 down
11 up
Nov 04 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
WesCraft - construct buildings, recruit an army, defend your city, lay siege and destroy your enemies, research technologies from the Mediaeval to Gunpowder age, use the Forum to pass on comments in the WesCraft thread or PM Gwledig
Forum topic Download WesCraft
Version: 5
Author: Gwledig
0.05 MiB 1040 down
3 up
Dec 13 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Werewolf Era
Werewolves that morph at night. Complete with separate exp/level(e.g. Peasant/L3 Werewolf), percentage-based linked health, and crappy sprites. Was created more or less from the Steelhive Era, but included contributions from the XP Era and Era of Myths. (set-upwise) A gigantic thank you goes to Zookeeper, who showed me the error of my ways and the wonders of WML.

Ported from Wesnoth 1.8 to 1.14/16/18 by Atreides.

NEW & IMPROVED! (What is this? Laundry detergent? Maybe the werewolves got a nice shampooing.) :)
The crappy werewolf sprites have been replaced. (and shampooed)
The night is shorter. (dawn is no longer were-time although it might be Miller-time if you survived the night)
I've worked on this some and the newly added 'Default Werewolf Era' might be balanced. They only get level 0 humans as recruits and a level 1 leader. Costs have been adjusted. Now they are very weak in the day and still monsters at night.
The old era is still there for those with a need to ruthlessly savage some victims, hehehe. Well the victims are now from AoH so they might resist a few seconds longer. <wide grin>
Forum topic Download Werewolf Era
Version: 1.3.2
Author: Larceny, developed by Atreides.
0.05 MiB 1902 down
6 up
Jun 12 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Way of Dragon
The story is about how to become a dragon, when depends on it fate of the world ...

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Way of Dragon
Version: 1.012-2
Author: Zorrki & DrakeDragon
22.39 MiB 1789 down
2 up
Jan 07 2022 ru
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Water Era
Hi! My name is franz. I'd like to introduce my add-on. It's a multiplayer era called Water Era.
Here's a short story of this era. After ages of great wars and collapse of civilization of Wesnoth, a horrifying cataclysm has came. A huge asteroid has fallen on this land and bring an earthquake. After this a great wave has flooded almost the whole continent. Only few survived  and now they must fight for their lifes...
This era has 7 factions: Nagas, Mermans, People, Water Elves, Brungar , Pirates and Sea Monsters.
Download Water Era
Author: franz
6.46 MiB 347 down
1 up
Jan 15 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Warring States China
A large 9p scenario depicting China during the Warring States period.
Download Warring States China
Version: 0.1.1
Author: Transfermium
0.03 MiB 433 down
1 up
Apr 21 2023 zh_CN
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A War of Life and Death
647 YW - The Silver Age of Wesnoth - This tells the tale of the Elvish Lord Ardonath, as he defends the Great Northern Forest in a Grand Alliance as it stands against an invasion of the Dead. (Intermediate level, 17 scenarios, 4 dialogue only, work in progress)

This campaign includes several hundred custom units most of which were taken from (or derived from) the Reign of the Lords Era add-on by The_Gnat and some of the mainline campaigns. A huge thanks goes to The_Gnat for letting me use his fantastic Era for this campaign. I highly recommend trying out the Reign of the Lords add-on for yourself.

This campaign shall see you fight with, and against, a wide variety of factions with changing objectives and use of custom items you can find in certain scenarios. With custom units providing a wide range of choices of advancements for your units, and unique AMLAs for certain heroes, you should not worry about running out of ways to strengthen your army.

This campaign includes repeated references to mainline campaign lore, so it is recommended (although not strictly necessary) to first play Northern Rebirth and Eastern Invasion. There are also some minor references to The Legend of Wesmere, Heir to the Throne, and Delfador's Memoirs.

This is a work in progress released for Pre-Alpha testing.

This campaign is partly translated to Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) up to and including Scenario 11 thanks to the efforts of ERROR1025 (thank you for your contributions).

Note: All future updates will occur on version 1.18 of the Wesnoth add-on server.

Enjoy :)
Forum topic Download A War of Life and Death
Version: (Pre-Alpha)
Author: Mystical_Warlord
67.35 MiB 4095 down
22 up
Mar 24 2024 zh_CN
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
War of Legends
This is a multiplayer era that consists of my favourite factions. Originally, it was an amalgamation of the add-ons Great Legend Era and GLE Extended.

Contains 17 factions: Loyalists, Orcish Union, Aragwaithi, Vampires, Dark Legion, Sylvans, Undead, Outlaws, Drakes, Quenoth Elves, Minotaurs, Knalgan Alliance, Deep Elves, Steel Hive, Dunefolk, Nightmares and the Windsong.

This era can also be used in campaigns as it has an easy-to-use format. Some units are not included in the eras because they are hero units and are meant to be used in single-player campaigns only.

This era also contains a selection of units from Nightmares of Meloen, which can be used in single-player campaigns.

This add-on is required as a dependency for the following add-ons:
Struggle for Freedom, Assault on the Citadel, Sepulchre of Elran, Blades of Steel, Cataclysm, Blackfire, Hero of Irdya I, Mercenary Band, Wandering Warriors, Legends of Idaamub, Saga of James, A Song of Fire, War of the Jewel, Aria of the Dragon-Slayer, A Song of the Winds, and Survivals (WoL)
Forum topic Download War of Legends
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
21.06 MiB 16871 down
38 up
Jun 29 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A War Plan Scarlet
Defend the savannah marches of the halfelven against the first dunefolks to reach the eastern borders of Wesnoth, learning valuable tactics as you do so. A campaign in 3 chapters. 
Forum topic Download A War Plan Scarlet
Version: 17.22.5.e
Author: Treehugger (Bane of Khalifate), Rhombus, et al.
79.28 MiB 7153 down
6 up
Nov 06 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
War of the Jewel
Part IV: City of the Sun - Centuries have passed since the refugees of the Last War, led by Myra of Hiera'Shirsha and the Exodus Heroes, have established a new city for themselves in the faraway Netjer-Ta, the golden Maat'Kare; although they are constantly combatting foes who threaten to conquer them, the Maat'Karians have experienced times of relative comfort. However, this age of peace is soon to end, when the ancient evil that nearly destroyed their ancestors reappears at the very heart of their civilization, attracting upon itself the greedy eyes of darkly neighbours... And, in this brewing storm, the young Akhen Wadjet, Myra's last heir, will be forced to overcome his fears and doubts to protect the legacy his ancestor gave her own life for...
(Part II of the Dragon Trilogy; SP Campaign, parts IV and V done with 28 scenarios, including 1 dialogue-only

Requires War of Legends add-on

Note: the port does not include the ASoF Music add-on yet. Play without it for now.

Note 2: The port is working, but is buggy so feedback is appreciated.

Please send Feedback to the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord server's #content-feedback channel directly. Will be missed/not read otherwise.

This has been ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild because we care.
Download War of the Jewel
Author: revansurik
28.10 MiB 2221 down
5 up
Nov 30 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
War of the Gods
War of the Gods Era ported to 1.16 by quequo
Download War of the Gods
Author: ChaosRider and contributors
68.30 MiB 3697 down
1 up
Nov 23 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Wandering Warriors
Following the creation of an Aragwaithi kingdom in the Northlands, some idiot who can't write good campaigns decided to have another stab at causing their audience to spontaneously combust in frustration, and so a group of soldiers serving the Northern Alliance uncovered the movements of traitorous armies amongst the frozen North.
	Feedback is welcome and necessary. This campaign is very new, and any help in balancing - especially on Hard - would be great.
	If you find the campaign inordinately hard, I recommend that you mostly recruit spearmen and a few archers. Intelligent spearmen become Flagbearers, because they need a lot of XP to get to level 4 leadership bonus, while the others (especially Strong and Resilient ones) become Pikemen. Meanwhile, your archers should become Slayers if strong (they get a good melee attack) or Greatbows if resilient (marksmanship, but fewer HP). Any swordsmen should become Guards, because they are pretty much your only units which can withstand a counterattack. Oh, and the magician heroine can recruit, which is nice because at level 3 she can teleport and move between the frontlines to heal and your keep to get reinforcements almost instantaneously.
	V 0.1: all 8 scenarios done and played through.
	(Intermediate difficulty; 8 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Wandering Warriors
Version: 0.1.2
Author: scio-nullus
0.03 MiB 1085 down
3 up
Apr 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
WML Guide
This simple campaign can be played, but it is not really intended for that. Instead, it is intended to be studied as an example of Wesnoth Markup Language. Almost every line of code is explained in the code files themselves. To find the code, use the blue [ i ] icon on the bottom left of the Wesnoth main screen to open your add-ons folder, then open WML_Guide. The code is in _main.cfg, and three other .cfg files in the scenarios and units folders.

Feel free to use this add-on as the foundation of your own campaign!
Forum topic Download WML Guide
Version: 1.0.1
Author: beetlenaut
0.64 MiB 1086 down
4 up
May 04 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Voyage of a Drake: an RPG
Once there was a small village called Raplice. It was an ordinary village, full of ordinary people with ordinary lives. But when Voadar's life suddenly turned upside down, the young drake was forced to explore the community, unearth its hairy secrets, and rally the citizens to set things right.

Voyage of a Drake is a Wesnoth RPG unlike any other. Instead of focusing on collecting items or leveling skill trees, this campaign is about interacting with complicated NPCs and completing puzzles, mini-games, and boss fights. Come prepared for a few hours of unique gameplay and rich, abundant dialog.

All feedback welcome on the forums.
Forum topic Download Voyage of a Drake: an RPG
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Samonella
3.40 MiB 2051 down
1 up
Aug 14 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Vernum MP scenarios
This map pack contains several WML-scripted maps for various modes of enhanced multiplayer games, but mostly free-for-all and team deathmatch. Contact: Vernum#1357 on Discord
Download Vernum MP scenarios
Version: 0.1.6
Author: Vernum
0.03 MiB 844 down
7 up
Dec 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Vendraxis Prophecy
I created an small saurian campaign with 8 scenarios, based on a prophecy from a saurian soothsayer called Vendraxis. He is known from the campaign, Secret of the Ancients. I also added an Era with deep-saurians as an independent saurian faction for tests.

The main heros got their own advancement tree like the heros of UtBs.
Advancementtree of this campaign (not heros) can be found in the forum.

Version 1.1.6f: Allies in S08 got no more fog.
Version 1.1.6d: Controllable allies and more recruits for allies in S08,
Version 1.1.6c: Bugfix for the Wise Saurian pathing.
Version 1.1.6b: More Typofixes.
Version 1.1.6a: Updating the Typo Bugfixes from the 1.18 Version.
Version 1.1.6: Changed the mainobjective for S01. Made all the undead saurians to undead. Ghost Skirmisher got the same movement_type as her counterparts. Ghostly saurians uses the same audiofiles like the Ghost.
Version 1.1.5: Epilogue fix S09.
Version 1.1.4: Modified S08, now you need to kill the undead, after destroying the objectives.
Version 1.1.3: Vendraxis resistances are now the same as the undead saurian augur. Dialog fix S07 and S08. Added a urn for S07. Adding description for Arnatrax in S08.
Version 1.1.2: Tarex recall for S8. Reshan is called Arnatrax now. Bugfix S07. Arnatrax can now recruit lvl 2 units. More openings in the end of S07. S08 if Anexir finds the first urn, dialog fix. Sorrow animation of Vendraxis is darker now. Death dialog for secondary leaders S08. Vendraxis recruits stronger units, after urn 3 is destroyed, if the player ignores him.
Version 1.1.1: remove Outdated String from main.cfg
Version 1.1.0: Introduction of the Golden Ones a Desert Saurian Tribe who helps Zanza from Scenario 07 to the end. This is a new Version. It will maybe not work with older saves.

Forum topic Download Vendraxis Prophecy
Version: 1.1.6f
Author: Refumee
11.56 MiB 849 down
41 up
May 14 2024
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Unto Others
A research scenario to test an aspect of tension in strategy games. If you'd like to help with that, great! (and thank you!). It's very short - the turn limit is 10 to give an idea of just how short. After the scenario there will be a questionnaire, and if you could answer that I'd be a very happy PhD student indeed.

If you need to give feedback on the scenario itself - for example if there's a bug I've missed - then feel free to let me know via the feedback topic on the Wesnoth forums.

Thank you for your time! And have a wonderful day
Forum topic Download Unto Others
Version: 1.0.4
Author: Dan Gomme
0.16 MiB 624 down
6 up
Jun 27 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
This is a modification for SP/MP which will affect all your campaigns, also mainline ones.

It adds a right-click menu that lets you label special units with different overlays.

Always recognise your important units! Loyal units, hero units and leaders get different sets of overlays.

Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/rsePgjHRPA
Forum topic Download Unitmarker
Version: 1.0.6
Author: Paulomat4, Wesnoth Modders Guild
0.08 MiB 889 down
4 up
Dec 23 2022 ja, es
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Up From Slavery
The year is...
Well, the orcs don't know exactly what year it is. They are captives in the imperial city of Lavinium, gladiators performing for the emperor Optus Maximus. All it will take, however, is one orc to lead his people to freedom. The Samnis called Sparxus may be that orc.

(Intermediate level, 7 scenarios.)
Download Up From Slavery
Version: 0.7.1
Author: turin
0.62 MiB 1618 down
1 up
Aug 18 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Unite the Clans
Unite the clans and try the new, southern orcs faction.
Download Unite the Clans
Version: 5a
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.11 MiB 1386 down
10 up
Nov 16 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Unit Stats
Adds per-unit statistics: how many fights a unit fought, how much damage infliced/received, how many enemies defeated and of which unit types the defeated enemies were. Both for campaigns (SP) and multiplayer.
Forum topic Download Unit Stats
Version: 1.1.1
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 201 down
3 up
May 25 2024
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
Kal-Karthan Purification Force
WARNING: Spoilers to The Hammer of Thursagan campaign ahead!

This faction is the armed wing of Kal-Karthan society following a hypothetical scenario in which Aiglondur's expedition made it to Kal-Kartha but failed to destroy Karrag's secret society, and the latter managed to defeat the orcish siege and establish its own nightmare state, where all so-called dirtgrubbers are systematically enslaved and murdered, only to be raised as undead minions to serve their dwarvish masters, in labor and fray alike.

The army itself is composed of usual dwarvish heavy infantry, with fighter and thunderer line alignment changed from neutral to chaotic, as well as bats, ghosts and skeleton archers to fill the niche of outlaws and gryphons in mainline Knalgan army.
Forum topic Download Kal-Karthan Purification Force
Version: 1.1.0
Author: TeaIntoxicated (faction add-on), The Hammer of Thursagan team (base campaign)
1.36 MiB 1367 down
2 up
May 15 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
  Two players compete on an unbalance map.
The competition has 2 rounds,players exchange their initial keep on the 2nd rounds.
The final winner will be dicided by players' comprehensive performance(each rounds win or lose;the turns used to achive the round's goal;the golds amount sacrificed).
Download Unbalance_Competition_Maps_Pack
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Tancred
0.00 MiB 318 down
4 up
Oct 06 2022 zh_CN
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ultimate Recruits
Ultimate Recruits is an era inspired by Horus's PYR. Instead of having factions, you can customize your own team before each game from the recruit list. The era currently offers standard mode with 49 units, advanced mode with 74 units, extended mode with 87 units and ultimate mode with 101 units in total to choose from, depending on the game mode.
Download Ultimate Recruits
Version: 1.0.9
Author: Hejnewar
4.29 MiB 924 down
10 up
Nov 08 2023
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
Just an older version of UMC Terrain Pack.
Download UMC_Terrain_Pack_Old
Version: 0.1.1
Author: unknown
9.68 MiB 437 down
2 up
Jul 25 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 09
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 09
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
34.42 MiB 947 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 08
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 08
Version: 1.0.1
Author: various
41.98 MiB 1022 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 06
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 06
Version: 1.0.1
Author: various
37.86 MiB 859 down
2 up
Oct 04 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 04
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 04
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
37.42 MiB 873 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 03
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 03
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
40.69 MiB 903 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
War of the Gods Extras
War of the Gods Extras ported to 1.16 by quequo
Download War of the Gods Extras
Author: ChaosRider and contributors
48.19 MiB 3868 down
1 up
Nov 23 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 01
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 01
Version: 1.0.2
Author: various
35.17 MiB 3685 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Tale of Two Brothers With a Third Difficulty
A Tale of Two Brothers only had 2 difficulties when I played it in 1.14. From looking at the code, it looked like the numbers for EASY and HARD all had midpoints between them that would make for a good NORMAL difficulty, so I went and created just such a difficulty. I also went and made some other changes, too: since the mainline tutorial suggests playing A Tale of Two Brothers directly after finishing the tutorial, I went and made the EASY difficulty here more tutorial-like, because as it stood, the mainline A Tale of Two Brothers never felt like as good of a followup to the tutorial as The South Guard or An Orcish Incursion did. Also, the Dark Adept Muff Toras has some new roles to play on all 3 difficulties. There are a few other new surprises to find as well, so be sure to try all 3 difficulties!

(Rookie level, 4 scenarios.)

While the maintainer now has an account on the forums, his preference is still that feedback should be directed to the add-on's source repository on GitHub:


The maintainer may also be contacted as egallager#0504 on Discord.
Forum topic Download A Tale of Two Brothers With a Third Difficulty
Version: 1.0.6
Author: egallager
6.71 MiB 1829 down
3 up
Mar 05 2023 af, ang, ang@latin, ar, ast, bg, ca, ca_ES@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en@shaw, en_GB, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fr, fur_IT, ga, gd, gl, he, hr, hu, id, is, it, ja, ko, la, lt, lv, mk, mr, nb_NO, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, racv, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr@ijekavian, sr@ijekavianlatin, sr@latin, sv, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tunnel Wars
Sapper heroines and heroes who must perform seek and destroy missions in urban areas and hostile underground to defend their nation against a sneaking up fanatical threat from the dark and dank below. Learn valuable tactics in urban warfare. A halfelven campaign.
Forum topic Download Tunnel Wars
Version: 17.22.5.b
Author: Treehugger (Bane of Khalifate), Rhombus, et al.
42.19 MiB 2338 down
3 up
Nov 07 2023 de
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Trial by Fire
After two brothers are faced with an unusual raid, one of them suspects a stronger force at play. Are these just normal drake raids, the mystery is still unanswered...
(Intermediate Level, 5 scenarios)

This is a hybrid SP/MP campaign for 2 players featuring the Northerners MP faction of the Default Era. Players will have to cooperate and play together and accomplish the scenario objectives.

This campaign might be offered for mainline if the reviews/feedback is deemed positive enough.
Forum topic Download Trial by Fire
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.13 MiB 669 down
2 up
Dec 12 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Trapped - Fight for Freedom
This a short, replayable RPG about a streetkid trapped in an underground arena for illegal bloodsport. It contains various rpg elements, different endings and different descriptions, skills, equipable weapons, armors, shields and abilities for each character. Also includes two fractions, a reputation and hiring system, infinite arenarounds, 5 additional, optional scenarios, extended missions for each fraction, more troops to hire and a rightclick helpmenu. Each difficulty reprents a unique character with different endings, different dialogues and abilities.

1.15 fixes concerning kilma and missing graphics, added forest dragon as a boss
1.14 fixes some issues, Bossbattles - each boss will now show the number of times he was defeated and becomes stronger after each defeat, deactivate npc movement, dim torch option
1.13 patch for BoW 1.16, improvements: wording boss arena fights, zombie ending, npc movement, guide and helpmenu options
1.12 fixed free movement for and teleport for Thief and Footpad, repaired extra income skill
Download Trapped - Fight for Freedom
Version: 1.15
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
4.55 MiB 1420 down
4 up
Feb 27 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Strange Legacy - RPG
Strange Legacy: The Orc invasion came without warning and with a brutality that caught the Human Alliance completely off guard and unprepared for. Before the year was over the Orcs controlled half of the Northland. The Winter finally halted their advance. Meh, what's the big deal. I never cared much for politics or policy. But when my uncle was gone, I started into the greatest adventure of my life.

This campaign is a classical rpg that offers a variety of options, you will just control one hero and bring him to fortune. You can trade, pickpocket, be a bard, bounty- or treasurehunter, or working as a craftsman selling your goods. You can also run a building and upgrade it or doing random generated missions. There are a lot of ways to make a fortune. But the world around isn't always friendly and it will react on your character level. You might encounter thieves, orcs, bandits or wild animals and therefore you will need a proper equipment to defend yourself.

Equip your charcter with: helmets, armors, shoes, shields, instruments, rings, amulets, ranged or meleeweapons or learn more than 80 powerful spells to gain an advantage. Hire one of 35 mercs to defend your load and recall them using your warhorn. Try to conquer an enemy town to gain a constant tax income. Encounter all kind of enemies each on changing maps, according to the terrain - even your ship might be attacked by naga warriors or dangerous pirates. Follow the storyline with 34 missions that will force you to explore the world of Strange legacy. A new amla system will allow you to create a character in the way you like him, allowing you to solve the game differently each time you play and the difficulty is increasing with each level up. 
For the most recent changes check the forum thread. Equip your uncles house with furniture allowing you to craft weapons, armors and cook food. If you like to have a classic RPG try out the RPG Mode. Have fun! 
(1.0 decent bug fixes and essential new features
1.01 bugfixes, details see forum
1.02 bandage and junkstore bug fixed)
1.03 spell changes, ability changes, performance upgrades
1.04 repaired outpost scenario, small corrections to the text, you will now not encounter an army, when you are on a mission
1.05 massive performance upgrade, bug fixes: storymission upgrade outpost, snow upgrade of elves can now be found in a workshop, small corrections to the text, embedded encounters and npc movement directly into the scenarios, encounters are now randomevents, intromission changes!
1.06 a slightly more balanced version featuring a dynamic market, a different load upgrade system and a crafting system based on consumables, instead of goods that require space. This update will make trading a little harder and increases the sense of own buildings.
1.07 several bugfixes, randomdungeons integrated, changed starting scenario to reduce redundancy and added a playable tutorial.
1.071 smaller bugfixes concerning helpmenu and loner ability
1.072 bugfixes concerning version 11.7 compatibility
1.08 leaner code of helpmenu, selloption consumables, improved advanced randomdungeons and encounters, heal wound temple option will heal wounded stats, recipes added, seasons added, marketreset repaired)
1.09 smaller bugfixes: fixed several bugs and replacing unnecessary macros for better performance, glas and sand prices repaired, goldgain when ending turn repaired, swampcity added, ratmissions changed, added bridgebuilding mission, added 16 unique mercs, Swampcity Scenario, Infinite Dungeons with Random Places of Interest, higher effect of the level on the game difficulty
1.091 infinite turns in infinite dungeons, tavern upgrade changed, challenges added, randomsummonscroll added, slight text changes, indenting, halos added for loot and points of interest, changes to treasurehunting and randomloot
1.092 repaired: shipencounter bug, sewerage bug, randomspawn id, enemyspellcasting, changes: drunk can be healed by sleeping and by temple curing wounds, added: sage which can identify flask, new graphics for elementals, demon, orcorcunits, spells, added new units: toads from era of magic, Fatalblade, Deathblade, Medusa
1.093 repaired: several bugfixes, changes: cheaper ingredients and improved crafting macro, slight balancing changes, scattered images different obstacles in dungeons and more places of interest, new monsters: mummies,snakes,flies,panther, new consumeables: movementpotions,attackpotions, different new skills requiring exhaustion
1.100 repaired: several bugfixes (last reported see bugfixes), improved cutscences and music, overlay for hero unit (equipped armors,weapons will show - thanks dugi for the better approach), additional storymissions with really hard quests, added consumables: full mana potion, stamina potion, greaterwarhorn, added ability to destroy walls with picks and bombs, added wisp that can have 11 levels and unlocks up to 10 different spells in infinite dungeons, new spells added: Stonebridge, Gap, Earthshaker, Swampcreation, Entrap, Flyswarm, abilities: smash,rangedshot,wound,whirlwind,cripple,netattack
1.101 repaired: several bugfixes, text changes and balancing issues, dynamic market has less effect and it is again a little easier to trade, the level does no longer effect of enemies in an encounter has this caused still winable, but annyoing battles
1.102 repaired: elvenspells in elvencity, capturing towns works again, new spell woodcreation added
1.103 repaired: all transformspell related bugs, swampdungeon and randomdungeon ship bug, boxmission bugs, added: throwaway all goods of a type button
1.104 repaired: several smaller bugs, modified shipupgrades and battles
1.105 new bardspells, changed crafting, changed trading prices, new monsters, repaired: several bugs in all parts of the game
1.1051 repaired stamina related bugs with bards and pickpocket ability, text changes, dogs, price balancing to improve crafting, food and consumables
1.1052 repaired ship menu
1.1053 repaired infinite dungeon issues, improved code and behaviour, grammar fixes
1.11 repaired crafting issues, random dungeon fix, balancing issues, slight performance improvement, new missions and elements
1.12 repaired several issues, balancing, price changes, new elements such as units, negative states, placesofinterest, improvement of cities and maps
1.13 repaired: boarded encounter, armorspecials, pocket thiefing without stamina, projectile animation enemy spellcasting new features: wolffaction, portraits for john and wolf faction, spellcasting
1.13.1 repaired: ranged special, ranged damage, treasure hunting, increased scholar income
1.13.2 repaired: goods mission, bareskin, treasure after encounter, added enemies with hitchance, eliminated moving carts and objects, added magic and marksman attack specials
1.14 bugfixes: global events, famegain, market-balancing, camping, textcorrection added: citywalls, icons and portraits, equip units, unlimited numeric inventory, buildingworkers, additional dungeons events, faction system
1.14.1 bugfixes: dark wisp and wicked wisps will now spawn, darkwood and volcano will now increase in level, number of equipment (rings,amulet,helmet,boots), furniture will now be useable and some furniture can be crafted
1.14.2 bugfixes: reputationgain saurians repaired, added explaintextes to delivering, put reputations into the status, repaired book of crafting
1.14.3 bugfixes: equip/unequip torch will no longer cause problems, repaired orphan options, levelup equipment works now (basic magic)
1.14.4 bugfixes: wispbuying, ghostarmor, ellipse, desk, macro for factiondelivery, upgraded factiondelivery, added factions orcs, khalifate, nomads, game reacts on reputation and fame
1.15.1 bugfixes: damagegain + several others, overworked factions, added RPG difficulty, overworked faction ambushes, added dark temples and options for darksiders, added 5 different chooseable randomevents + chanceincrease...
1.15.2 bugfixes: herorpg changes, leftweapon, double spell bug, waterbased encounters, cast spells will now work on fields again, traps will show and work again.
1.15.3 bugfixes: avoid/damageup armorspecial, scmitar/rapier/armor overlays, new races/heroclasses, new equipment, overworked herographics, overworked inventory hide/show equipment, randomnpcs and randomattacker, castle
1.15.4 bugfixes: repaired various bugs, wording corrections, balancing, increased mission rewards, blood altar, new skills, new missions, infinite dungeon changes: new factions/traps/random encounters based on dungeon ...
1.15.5 bugfixes: Infinite Dungeons lockpick and shovel problem, you can no longer equip a npc two times, strange legacy amla - wardog repair, reduced goldincome by pickpocket and singing, added books and thief/bardequipment
1.15.51 bugfix: repaired fishingground naga catcher spawn
1.15.6 multiple buy, vampirecity and castle scenarios, bugfixes such as becharm, see complete list in the forum
1.15.7 bugfixes, weapons special changes, manageable village, graphic changes, race/class based upgrades
1.16 bank and treasure vault, temple fix, reduced selling prices for consumables
1.16.1 bug fix concering sandcave, corrected some minor typo
1.16.2 seasons, weather effect, three new scenarios and global events, duels, more/upgraded randomevents, npc equipable weapons, complete list in the forum several fixes several fixes
1.16.3 many bugfixes, several new features such as escorts, assassinationmissions, balancing, encounter changes bugfixes, added randompotion effect bugfixes
1.16.4 bugfixes for version 1.14, mapchanges with new terrainelements, overworked randomdungeon with different sizes and new typesofinterest
1.16.5 bugfixed achievements, changed the achievement picture fixed treasurehunt, fixed duel, improved duel fixed transformations, fixed merman/guards, wording corrections/changes, new class paladin and new female hero fixed spellprojectile bug and some minor issues, craft own weapons and create own spells, alchemy and mining skill, collect materials from worldmap
1.16.6 updated performance, improved helpmenu, crafting customizable bows, armors and equipment, new monsternests and scavenging, experience for actions, overworked graphics, halloween content you can place pumpkins via right click, fixed all problems with error messages, wording and portrait correction repaired random dungeons, hindered random missions and nests to be spawned on cities, credited Mik3art bugfixes bugfixes, create unique Summon Spells, added the ascension as random event, drop wintertrees on snow, winter effects more areas and cities, improved movement
1.16.7 bug and glitchfixes, bargaining update, sell/buy all changes, armies, townupgrades, skill spells, sea encounter changes bugfixes reported by Stahlrohr bugfixes / changes pickpocket and thiefguild quest fixed Mr. Caufield Bug (extrastrikes by equipment now work as intended) fixed several wordings and smaller bugs, added bank-robber scenario
1.16.8 added: mounts, disguises, decorations, third sewer level with infinite exploration, fixed + improved infinite dungeons
1.16.9 repaired glitches in overlay, church, overworked miracles, added new mounts, halloween ends, areatraps, randomtraps added Twilight gods, balancing, bugfixes increased performance, RPG Mode Difficulty, simplified trade, prod + global event changes, added hidden temples
1.16.10 less source code, sounds integrated, city markets, faction diplomacy, new spells and equipment, archaelogy, various improvements
1.16.11 bugfixes, illusion and haircuts, new drawbacks for rpg and difficulties
1.16.12 fixed broken saved games in 1.15. BoW version
1.16.13 many fixes such as haggling and carousing, new spells, recipes, carvan concept and balancing changes
1.16.14 basic fixes, new options for wildlifes, monsternest spawn on every worldmap, season changes for all worldmaps
1.16.15 increased number of overlays, fixed several bugs, some 1.15 related bugs, various changes for translation, german translation
1.16.16 fixes, improved options as vampire, poison weapons, crafting changes
1.16.17 improvements to random dungeons,taverns and temples, bombs, fixes, dragonchild perk
1.16.18 improvements, new units and fixes to class selection problem
1.16.19 improvements + bugfixes, options to counter competitors, 4 new scenarios, overhauled event concept, event log
1.16.20 ship events upgrade, random drop repaired improved, new graphics / terrains, titan boss monsters, dog companion, new spells / stores fixed small bug, that caused allies to attack side 1 instead of the enemy of a side
1.16.21 halloween decorations, disguises + haircuts, improvement to titans, haunted house, fixes
1.16.22 bugfixes, improvements, new setting and transform options for companion bugfix: expeditions deleted the mission state, will now be more forgiving
1.16.23 bugfixes, overhaul of cheating and pickpocketing, shadow poi, pirate costume, different exploration mechanics more active terrains and biomes in dungeons small fix to flask store smaller fixes to transport shop, arena and treasurehunt
1.16.24 fishing mechanics, reworked several skills and building options, improved harbourcity fixed typo, smaller bugfixes made some options clearer in the interface, added some new dishes bugfixes, companion overwork: new companions and orders, new decorations and disguises for ascension movement type bugfixes for rpg mode, animal decorations, decorations show ammount
1.16.25 catch pet mechanic, vampire overhaul, skills overhaul, animal pictures as decoration, bugfixes
1.16.26 bugfixes, building reworks, enter buildings and village, additional options bugfixes
Forum topic Download Strange Legacy - RPG
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
53.73 MiB 7569 down
21 up
Feb 20 2024 de
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Tower defense
tower defense map and mod
Download Tower defense
Version: 1.0.0
Author: hay207
0.08 MiB 184 down
1 up
Nov 05 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
To Lands Unknown - Resources pt. 2
This is the part 2 of the required resources module for To Lands Unknown

If you have problems with downloading this add-on, try using add-on server web interface:
Forum topic Download To Lands Unknown - Resources pt. 2
Version: 2.3
Author: inferno8
90.92 MiB 14473 down
11 up
Jan 19 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Female Orcish Shamans
Provides brand-new unit sprite artwork for female variants of the 'Orcish Shamans'.

This add-on is a resource to be used for other add-ons. This add-on does *NOT* provide a modification package or unit configuration files.

Please write feedback via Discord: @orcsteve
Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/rsePgjHRPA
Download Female Orcish Shamans
Version: 0.1.2
Author: Mechanical
0.05 MiB 1080 down
3 up
Aug 05 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Criminal of the Authourities
Cota is a single scenario where the goal is to escape a prison and free other prisoners along the way. This is my first addon so there are likely balance issues that may have to be addressed.

V1.0.0, Scenario release

V2.0.0, Added custom art+animations for the cutpurse as well as an advancement line, toned down difficulty by making enemies mainly recruit-based instead of generated.

V2.0.1, Fixed apprentice paladin sprite error

V2.1.0, Fixed difficulty icons not appearing, Jarred was a apprentice paladin and made a few dialogue changes
Download Criminal of the Authourities
Version: 2.1.0
Author: Viminyr
0.87 MiB 685 down
4 up
Jun 22 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
To Lands Unknown - Resources pt. 1
This is the part 1 of the required resources module for To Lands Unknown

If you have problems with downloading this add-on, try using add-on server web interface:
Forum topic Download To Lands Unknown - Resources pt. 1
Version: 2.3
Author: inferno8
90.44 MiB 14717 down
13 up
Jan 19 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
To Lands Unknown
Hear the story of Mehir, a young city guard from al-Kamija - an isolated city in the middle of the Great Desert, where people and jinn live together. Reveal Mehir's destiny, visit many exotic places, encounter strange nations and learn about their intentions.

This is the most visually sophisticated add-on ever created for the Battle for Wesnoth. It has the following features:
- multihex terrain visuals (images covering entire maps to simulate height for example)
- animated cutscenes (video clips)
- more than 200 unique animated units (all from the Era of Magic add-on)
- a completely different universe, not BfW-related
- an innovative map screen which keeps track of player's achievements
- a special gameplay mode offering an alternative story progression
- custom music

(25 scenarios, some of which are dialog-only - Requires 'Era of Magic' add-on)

If you encounter any bugs, please notify the campaign author, so the patch can be delivered.

If you have problems with downloading this add-on, try using add-on server web interface:

If you enjoy the add-on and wish to support its development further, you can now do so at:
Forum topic Download To Lands Unknown
Version: 3.9
Author: inferno8
50.14 MiB 15019 down
21 up
Jan 19 2024 pl, hu, it, de, es, fr, ru, zh_CN
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Through the Dwarven Roots
General Dulotmos of Garhme learns that his city has been attacked, with the only cause assumed to be trolls. Join him and his companions on an epic battle through Dwarven lands and history with themes of nuance, prejudice and moral ambiguity.

Former Working Titles: Dwarvish Kingdom, Journey Into the Dwarven Roots

This campaign may be more text-heavy than you are used to.

(Intermediate level,  10/13 scenarios finished. 3 are dialogue-only, and there are multiple scenario 9s and 10s.)

GreenScarab: Made the maps for S0-S7, made the portraits for Dulotmos, Arolmar, Semas, Garug, Veknor
Jeremias: Helped with coding and playtesting
Patience_Reloaded: Helped with feedback and playtesting
Mechanical: Helped with feedback for playtesting and units and updating the Mage sprite.
Kat: Revised my dialogue and greatly improved the quality.
Konrad2: Feedback and playtesting
Mirion: Feedback and playtesting

The Earth's Gut: Alchemist line and portrait, Troll Apprentice Shaman unit line
Sceptre of Fire: Jeman's portrait, Mardon's portrait
Return From the Abyss: Dwarvish King unit image
Obscured Folklore Era: Dwarvish Spearman sprite
Extended Era: Flamethrower sprite

(I am in the Wesnoth discord server - contact me there or on the forums.)
Forum topic Download Through the Dwarven Roots
Version: 0.0.6
Author: Myrian/Ashmyr
2.89 MiB 108 down
1 up
Jul 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Thelien Attack
It is said the Elvish Invasion of the Far North had been crushed by the might of Great Chief Kapou’e, Son of the Black-Eye. Little known was the part played by the Saurians of the Black Marshes. This is their yarn, perhaps the most significant in the downfall of the last of Landar's Elves.  
(Hard level, 6 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download The Thelien Attack
Version: 1.3.1
Author: Gweddeoran
4.42 MiB 875 down
2 up
Jan 04 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The South Guard Nightmare
This is the regular, mainline South Guard campaign with a fourth difficulty level added. Choose the “General” difficulty to try TSG on nightmare!
Forum topic Download The South Guard Nightmare
Version: 0.9.0
Author: beetlenaut
7.06 MiB 592 down
1 up
Sep 30 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Rootless
Lich-Lord Jevyan is defeated, and the orcs are left in disarray. With the magical gates from the far East sealed, the warlords resort to their traditional ways—seeking to overcome adversity with blood and razor-sharp steel. Amid this chaos, a cunning assassin named Arshag embarks on a quest to secure a new homeland for his people.

NOTE: This campaign is no longer maintained for Wesnoth 1.16. Switch to Wesnoth 1.18 for new features, an improved story and a number of major bugfixes.
(Rookie level, 7 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download The Rootless
Version: 1.0.5-legacy
Author: Anekron
7.66 MiB 541 down
6 up
Apr 13 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Revival of Halstead
This is the tale of Blenry, son of Sir Gerrick of Westin. Aspiring to be more than merely an aristocratic member of the Royal Court, he is called upon to perform a great task, one that shall prove to be far more crucial than any would have presumed. Join him in his battles as he thwarts the nefarious plans of the enemies of Wesnoth. 
(Intermediate level, 11 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download The Revival of Halstead
Version: 1.2.2
Author: Gweddeoran
4.63 MiB 1269 down
1 up
Jan 02 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Return of the Sea Hag
A Nagas centered campaign.

Hoping that no one will feel offended, hurted, wounded or distraught by the 'nostalgic' exhumation of some old units, I wish you all a lot of fun.

(Intermediate level, 13-14 scenarios.)

P.S. I have no intention of opening, on the forum, a thread which could be closed arbitrarily for unforeseeable reasons, so if anyone encounters problems with the campaign, he can write an email to argesilao2019@yahoo.com, or open a forum thread related to the campaign under his own responsibility.
Download The Return of the Sea Hag
Version: 1.0.8
Author: Argesilao
68.21 MiB 2989 down
4 up
Aug 14 2023 it
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Return of the Darks
The Darks are an ancient species with a great knowledge of magic. Long ago in the past they lived in Wesnoth together with the other races. But after a horrible fight against a strong enemy they decided to leave Wesnoth. With their great knowledge they created islands floating in the sky. Since then they lived there and never came back to Wesnoth. But now the islands are falling down and a great amount of their knowledge got lost. So they send their last adventurer to Wesnoth to handle this problem.

This Campaing follows the adventure of Rumion the last adventurer of the Darks.

The Campaing is still ongoing. Currently there are 15 scenarios and 2 of them are story only.
Forum topic Download The Return of the Darks
Version: 0.8.4[ongoing]
Author: T. Hans(thvk)
2.95 MiB 1180 down
21 up
Jul 24 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Ravagers
One night, a shadowy stranger entered the Midnight Boozer in Weldyn, calling himself Nightranger. While passing time in the inn and enjoying a few good drinks, his quick paced tale will take you to the cruel Northlands, where orcish warchiefs rise and fall, and the people are kept as slaves or worse. Witness the descructive power of the savagest alliance ever forged between orcs and dark elves, and learn of his damnation by having brought justice to those with unforgivable sins.

The Ravagers, revised and grander than ever, is now available for Wesnoth version 1.16.0 or newer.
Duration: 25 main scenarios, 12 (optional) sidequest scenarios
Forum topic Download The Ravagers
Version: 1.4.2
Author: WhiteWolf
63.30 MiB 2006 down
3 up
Apr 06 2023 de, hu
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Pool of Ek
In this 5-scenario campaign, you are the respected Leader of the frogfolk tribe. A malignant pool of green slime threatens the entire swamp, and it is up to you to get somehow rid of it.

The powerful army at your command consists entirely of frogs, mushrooms, and bugs. All custom-made units are thoroughly animated with attack animations, death animations, and more. 

The small maps are almost puzzle-like, and present a multitude of exciting tactical challenges.

A casual player will probably win on Easy. A pretty good player will enjoy a nice challenge on Normal. Hard is winnable, but definitely hard.

NOTE 1: This is a small campaign with a deep story. Players who skip the dialogue may become confused about what they need to accomplish.

NOTE 2: The hefty file size is due to a special animated title, which is totally worth the several extra seconds of download time, in my opinion.

(Intermediate level, 5 scenarios)
Forum topic Download The Pool of Ek
Version: 1.1.7
Author: Helmet
28.86 MiB 1308 down
5 up
Jan 28 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Nameless Fellowship Saga
A dunefolk centered campaign with some strange issue, set in the Sandy Wastes, and surroundings, during the time of the Mal-Ravanal invasion.

It's advisable to read all the dialogues carefully to understand the game and the story.

The campaign is complete, and it's even fully tested, at least at normal difficulty, but there is always the Murphy's law.

(Intermediate level, 36 scenarios.)

Fixed incorrect description about isawati's special ability to cure allied units
Fixed Troll Shaman - Troll Sorcerer issue in scenario 16

Fixed surians counter's issue in scenario 23 (The Convoy)

Fixed the error that prevented some important events in scenario 26 (the Battle for Qalaba) from taking place

Fixed the error in scenario 34 (The Hidden valley): replaced passive_leader=yes with max_moves=0 so orc leaders don't leave their keep, and therefore they can't be killed outside their keep; when this happened Dundrain the dwarf was not released, and it was not possible to finish the scenario.
Fixed minor issue in the same scenario

Added the Italian Translation
fixed a lot of minor typos

Minor change in dialogues and fixed some typos in Italian translation
fixed the skeleton archer typos in scenario 09 (The Canyon of the Undead)
fixed the error which make not appears the Troll Chief in scenario 16 when playing in Italian
fixed the possible error in the FRAB Sorcerer advancement

Fixed two errors which appears in scenario 2 when selected the HARD difficulty

Fixed the error in scenario 27 (Sumir Last Stand) which prevented Clitus and/or Gerbal from being saved if they were killed and couldn't move

Fixed a bug in the rats' respawn in scenario 12 (Maqadash Underground)

scenario 26: Sumir is now a passive leader even in HARD difficulty; Kycilia has a limitated mobility to avoid suicidal behavior
			 Deprecated the drawbridge's option
			 Changes in Sumir's side behavior and composition
scenario 27: Fixed three falcon->Falcon bugs in HARD difficulty
			 no more used Hell Bat
Fixed various weird aggression's values
units: higher castle's defense for Wallkeeper and Gatekeeper (50%->60%)
	   lower HP for Undead Catapult (50->40)

scenario 31: More castle tiles for undead's side
scenario 35: More cautious behavior for the enemy leaders
			 new income for enemies side
units: Higher HP and doubled attaks for Smoking Tower

The author has no intention of participating in a forum in which the moderators deem admissible a campaign like Russia Conquests,
and the same moderators deem inadmissible a harmless discussion about green trolls.
Therefore any error reports must be sent directly to the email argesilao2019@yahoo.com
Download The Nameless Fellowship Saga
Version: 1.4.1
Author: Argesilao
19.36 MiB 1434 down
12 up
Mar 29 2023 it
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Hidden Kingdom
The Tale of the fall of the Hidden Kingdom of the Elves: Of its discovery, resistance, and destruction by the Dark Lord. Set during the Silver Age of Wesnoth, we learn of that a nation of Elves have made a Hidden Kingdom to the escape from the Chaos of the Age of Fear. Now, they are about to be discovered. (4 scenarios / incomplete)

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Hidden Kingdom
Version: 0.4.4-1
Author: Aaron Grahn
0.28 MiB 885 down
1 up
Jan 09 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Harvest
Unmodified Wesnoth we all love and enjoy incorporated into a new campaign.

This is a low-power campaign. The gold is going to be scarce, the bulk of your units will be level 0 and the enemy AI will strategize against you.

I draw my inspiration from games like Myth: The Fallen Lords, Homeworld and Sunless Sea. Undead are the main antagonist, while your unit roster grows more varied over time.

Currently there are two levels. Third level is going to comprise some kind of early ending.

I invite potential collaborators. Characters still use placeholder names and portraits, while some plot details are still missing. My ideas are mostly for level design and puzzles.

If you are interested, please send me an email.


There are several ways to finish each level. I am curious of everyone's unique approach and solution. If you want to show me how YOU beat my challenge, please send email to this forum thread:

Forum topic Download The Harvest
Version: 1.2.10
Author: Map and WML me. Some sprites (e.g. female peasant) taken from the White Wolf's Ravagers Era campaign.
12.17 MiB 694 down
12 up
Apr 07 2023
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Greatest Quest
Journey across the land to find a new home after an invading force fouls your water supply collecting powerful artifacts on your way.

A 6-scenario WC-like campaign for three players, with short-medium length skirmishes and theme-designed moderately randomised maps.

LotI adaptation of The Great Quest from 1.14, with all LotI items, advancements and extra content from Invincibles Conquest available.
Forum topic Download The Greatest Quest
Version: 3.0.1
Author: Coffee (original), dwarftough (LotI remake)
0.10 MiB 661 down
2 up
Feb 25 2024 en_GB, es, pl
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Garardine Ascendancy
In the 417 YW, ending years of strife and division, Garard I seizes the throne and becomes king of Wesnoth, beginning the Garardine Dynasty.

A concise phrase that hides a lot of events, as well as the long and difficult road that the young Garard, born count of Dan'Tonk, had to travel to reach the throne of Wesnoth.
If you want to travel that long road, here is its beginning.

(Hard Level, 28 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download The Garardine Ascendancy
Version: 3.1.2
Author: Argesilao
15.57 MiB 5072 down
11 up
May 30 2023 it
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Flight of Drakes
Legends of the Emerald Forest, chapter I: The Flight of Drakes.

Follow drake king Klader on his quest to find the Crown of Light, a legendary artifact from pre-historic times.

This campaign is the first chapter of a trilogy; the second chapter is an Undead campaign and it's called 'Only Death Behind'.

(Intermediate level, 7 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download The Flight of Drakes
Version: 1.1.4
Author: NoQ, ported by Adamant14
1.00 MiB 1040 down
1 up
Nov 29 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Desert war
Operation desert storm and battle of Earth on landen

you can play a historic battle in Iraq (desert storm operation) or you can
 play a battle between the forces of Earth and the forces of the First Natural Galactic Empire.

examples of units are:
m-1 abrams, m-2 bradley, t-14 armata, t-15 armata


planes, tank, ifv

0.1.5 is version with var east
0.1.11 new campaing
0.1.16 tank destroyers cannon, aatank, anti rocket
0.2.1 add TR-85 and Gepard
Forum topic Download Desert war
Version: 0.2.4
Author: darkator
4.28 MiB 1522 down
2 up
Feb 19 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Fall of Wesnoth
As the beloved human empire of Wesnoth becomes lazy and arrogant in it's peaceful state of happiness, Emperor Dantair demands the creation of another sun in a desperate hope for the destruction of evil. Or is it all for a different purpose? A man named Alitar sees it that way, and now he must survive the most evil inhabited lands if he is to stop chaos from rising, and Wesnoth from falling...

This is the story of The Fall of Wesnoth.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Fall of Wesnoth
Version: 1.0.8-2
Author: Pewskeepski
38.18 MiB 3588 down
2 up
Jan 12 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
test test_gui
test for different GUIs. Use Debug Mode for better experience.
Forum topic Download test test_gui
Version: 0.8.9
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
37.57 MiB 81 down
3 up
Mar 13 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Failing Line of Farheidt
Once reknowned as a house of great Wesnothian knights, the line of Farheidt has been forced into exile. Lead Bazil Farheidt and his family on a journey through perils east of the Estmark Hills in hopes of finding a new land for them and their people.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Failing Line of Farheidt
Version: 0.1.1a
Author: Dronal-D
5.55 MiB 1050 down
2 up
Dec 17 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Eight of Cembulad
Join Sel and Taan as they reunite the Eight of Cembulad and overthrow the evil king of Cirithin.
(24 scenarios)

Please note: that the porting of this UMC is ongoing and more follow up patches will be done in due time.

I ported this from the 1.8.x add-ons server since I liked how these campaigns by WYRMY stick quite close to good/decent quality and take some references from IftU for its gameplay and mechanics.

Anyways, the port works from start to end but there are some non-breakage bugs here and there. Might need a new forum topic ID as well as the previous thread is over 12 years old

To provide feedback:
1. Forums
2. Wesnoth Modders Discord (https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm)
3. Wesnoth Official Discord (https://discord.gg/battleforwesnoth)
Forum topic Download The Eight of Cembulad
Version: 1.1.3
Author: WYRMY & Lintana~
4.98 MiB 1218 down
2 up
Nov 30 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Earth's Gut
It is 515YW and you are Hamel, a young dwarven leader. Your tribe resides in the Knalga caverns near the Dwarven Doors and is constantly under threat of attack. Resources are also becoming scarce in your area, so you must guide your people on a quest for more minerals. With the new minerals you will be able to forge new weapons and armor to push back your enemies.
The campaign focuses on 'dwarvish dungeon crawling', and the developer intention is to make it playable for newbies on easy while also keeping it challenging for experienced players on hard. (Beginner level, 23 scenarios <small>(nearly finished, but not quite)</small>)
Requires BfW 1.16 or greater. Requires 'The Hammer of Thursagan' to be installed <small>(which is part of mainline now, so it should already be there unless you've deleted it or are using one of those distros that packages the campaigns as separate packages or something)</small>.
Former working title: 'Dwarven Kingdom' <small>(which is now the title of a separate campaign by Ashmyr/Myrian)</small>.
Forum topic Download The Earth's Gut
Version: 0.6.0
Author: Anonymissimus (originally), egallager (maintenance)
11.59 MiB 1045 down
7 up
Nov 27 2023 cs, ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Dark Master Project (pack of 17 campaigns in this add-on)
<big>There was a time when all the inhabitants of Wesnoth knew the name of Argan, the servant of Ragan, and passed his story among them from fathers to sons.
However, despite the habits of Alduin's wizards of digging up and recording every notable historical event, the story of the beginning of his baffling rise remained unknown and marred until Elynia, his heroic wife - and then his greatest enemy -, decided to risk publishing some passages from his diaries that he wrote to overcome the amnesia that afflicts those who wander between dimensional gates or Shassangoth the Immortal.
This is a story of Argan, who the light of his great accomplishments, and his heroic followers, lit up the skies of the realm of Irdya just as the darkness of his black robe threatened every living being and nearly destroyed all hope of escaping from his might.</big>
The story of the rise of a hero among heroes and a monster among monsters...
Inspired by many works from BfW 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4
finished, playable, tested on normal, 17 campaigns (more may be added later), new units. 10 scenarios + 12 scenarios + 13 scenarios + 08 scenarios + 06 scenarios + 05 scenarios + 16 scenarios + 08 scenarios + 07 scenarios + 07 scenarios + 12 scenarios + 10 scenarios + 8 scenarios + 09 scenarios + 30 scenarios + 30 scenarios + 08 scenarios. Each campaign can be played separately (but the story can be confusing in this case). Another campaign is under construction.
Forum topic Download The Dark Master Project (pack of 17 campaigns in this add-on)
Version: 1.0.4ax
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
121.85 MiB 1774 down
44 up
Oct 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Dark Hordes
Lead fugitive dark sorcerer Gwiti Ha’atel to mastery of the undead hordes.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Dark Hordes
Version: 0.7.1a-2
Author: various
0.99 MiB 2014 down
2 up
Jan 11 2022 af, bg, ca, ca_ES@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en_GB, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fr, ga, he, hu, id, it, ja, ko, la, nb_NO, nl, pl, pt_BR, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr@ijekavian, sr@ijekavianlatin, sv, tr, zh_CN
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 07
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 07
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
41.36 MiB 861 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Dark Elves: The Return
Lead Varish'na through the caves to find the truth about the Dark Elves. And while you're at it, defeat the Dwarvish scum.
Version 0.9.3x
13 scenarios- playable
Inspired by campaign named 'DarkElves' from BfW 1.9
Forum topic Download The Dark Elves: The Return
Version: 0.9.3x
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
0.06 MiB 1029 down
6 up
Oct 08 2024 ru, sv, tr
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Draconian Era
Alternate gameplay era with extended damage types, resistances based on terrain, non standard movement costs, original time of day schedule with original graphics and custom effects, many special weapon vs target interactions, minimal level up gains, etc.

Fully equipped with semi-custom sound effects I've developed. Originally it was completely silent. The graphics are a mix of some original art and placeholders plus other placeholders I've put in.

The two optional factions had been disabled but I've recreated them and added them as choices in an extended era. Due to the unique nature of the combat/move/etc mechanics I don't believe any of these factions will work well with the default era and can't recommend its use in any scenarios with default mainline units (such as survivals). However just in case I've modified it to handle the new damage types.

Includes a couple of 2 player symmetrical maps: Gloom River and Rockhold.

Ported to 1.16/14. 1.12 version updated.

== siddh's original description (edited) ==
Multiplayer ERA with 8 factions. Some graphics.

(Optional) Bagorian Horde (Barbarian Faction)
(Optional) Chadzin Creed (Indian, Roman, Military, Pirate themed Faction)
Cabal (Vampire Faction I)
Styx (Vampire Faction II)
Ranger's Cove (Nature Faction)
Emberforge (Dwarf Faction)
Sublime Cabinet (Mage faction of tricks)
Inoueclan (Samurai Faction)
Forum topic Download Draconian Era
Version: 1.1.5
Author: siddh, developed by Atreides
1.33 MiB 506 down
7 up
Jan 06 2024 de
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
The Harvest scenario no2
Unmodified Wesnoth we all love and enjoy incorporated into a new campaign.

This is the second level of The Harvest campaign. It's separate for testing purposes.

You are defending a hill against a well-organized enemy. The level is heavily scripted and the AI plays like a human.

Let me know how the scenario worked out for you:


Fixed the directory path.
Forum topic Download The Harvest scenario no2
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Map and WML me. Some sprites (e.g. female peasant) taken from the White Wolf's Ravagers Era campaign.
6.38 MiB 237 down
4 up
Aug 04 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Bees Journey New Edition
That summer, the hornets invasion destroyed the Kingdom of Bees. You, the princess, must lead the bees on their journey to rebuild the homeland.

(Unfinished, 8 scenarios completed.)

TBJ is the first campaign in the history of Wesnoth to feature bees.
This edition is an all-new rewriting code for of TBJ. We hope you will experience the reborn game.
Forum topic Download The Bees Journey New Edition
Version: 24.03.17
Author: KameRamen
16.14 MiB 265 down
6 up
Mar 17 2024 ja
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Altaz Mariners
A non-linear two-player campaign following the swashbuckling adventures of two brothers on the open sea. Players can navigate their own path through the story - trading goods, boarding ships, solving puzzles and completing subquests. Combat ranges from RPG-style fights and squad skirmishes to full-scale battles. It can either be played as a multiplayer or a single player campaign.
35 islands to investigate, conquer and loot - many consisting of several mini scenarios or alternate endings
34 inventory items to find and use to solve puzzles and unlock subquests
30 subquests to complete - all of which are recorded in your ship's log along with clues and reminders
27 random encounters to discover as you sail the seas - including ghost ships, boarding parties and rare easter eggs
12 custom portraits made by Bear/bera especially for this campaign
10 special attacks for your leaders which improve the more you use them
9 figureheads to collect which offer a range of upgrades for your recruits
8 cutscenes with unique story art and audio narration courtesy of jb
8 followers with distinctive dialogue which can be recalled for free
8 trainers which allow your leaders and followers to acquire extra abilities
6 ship types for naval battles, from longboats and frigates to galleons with incendiary mortars
2 brothers seeking revenge for a ruthless family betrayal
1 long year spent on the prison island of Altaz
Forum topic Download The Altaz Mariners
Version: 3.6
Author: Bob_The_Mighty & jb
28.99 MiB 3706 down
3 up
Dec 27 2021 fr
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Warfare of far lands
An era that contains 2 entirely new factions, filled with new units and abilities, and with new ones to come. This add-on also contains a few custom sprites that were animated by yours truly.

The current factions contains :
The ruald kingdome : A human faction filled with lawful soldiers, similar in some aspects to loyalist but with numerous twists. Play with cheap militia and more costly soldiers.
The dark cult : A faction of undeads, humans and monsters, all serving darker gods. Cultists are strong and fairly fast, creatures are fairly tanky, and undeads are agile and spread the plague.

This era is fairly balanced, but could use your help to balance out things and find bugs, so feel free to contact me on the Wesnoth forums.

Credit crew :
Archaic era for some sprites, that I later edited and animated, as well as some projectiles.
Era of magic, mostly for projectiles sprites, as well as the bleed weapon special
Mechanical art thread on the forum for a few units

Sounds from various UMC contents, as well as mainline Wesnoth.
If anyone still need to be credited, feel free to send me a message.

Current update changes :
-Introduction of the bleed weapon special (Credit to EoMa)
-Rebalance of some units stats
-Introduction of the Imp and Dread imp as scouts for the Dark Cult faction (The dread Imp lacks animations unfortunately)
-Militia melee damage reduced by 1 point
-Militia ranged damage reduced by 1 point
-Militia, Regular and Royal Authority can now all get access to the fearless and healthy trait
-Various other balance changes
-Addition of default+WOFL and AoH+WOFL for those who wish to pit default factions against this Era
-Bug fixes (0.3.1 and 0.3.2)
Forum topic Download Warfare of far lands
Version: 0.3.2
Author: Tezereth
5.86 MiB 369 down
6 up
Apr 16 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Tech Tree Mod
The Tech Tree mod uses Wesnoth's progression system to establish a simple tech tree, which is compatible with having AI players. Two different tech tree mechanisms are available in the custom options.  The tech tree is based on unit advancements, but you can accelerate this process ('research a technology') by buying experience for individual units. Since AI is too stupid to buy experience, AI players can be allowed to gain quadruple killing xp. All aspects of the mod can be turned on or off individually by accessing custom options while setting up a game.
I'm grateful for feedback, regardless whether it concerns balancing, fun factor, or bugs.
Forum topic Download Tech Tree Mod
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Hammerfritz
0.01 MiB 437 down
1 up
Jul 08 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Tamanegi Jukebox
(NOT a MOD) A simple jukebox for SP campaigns.

In addition to core musics, the following addons will be used if installed.
- UMC Music Books 1-12
- West's Chronicle I
- West's Chronicle II
- Archaic Sounds

If you add your own tracks in music folder of this addon, they will be available from jukebox menu.
Download Tamanegi Jukebox
Version: 0.1.8d
Author: tamanegi
0.03 MiB 10815 down
3 up
Apr 16 2023 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tale of Vaniyera
115-116 SI

The expansionist Lavinian Legion, led by the Imperator himself, has invaded the northern forests of the Sidhe. It is up to the young Vaniyera to push its armies back from the border...

(Easy level appropriate for imperial era beginners; Hard is a challenge. 5 scenarios.)
Download Tale of Vaniyera
Version: 0.11.9
Author: oreb/turin
1.79 MiB 1469 down
2 up
Mar 06 2022 en_GB, ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tactics Puzzles
A collection of Wesnoth tactics puzzles, inspired by the ones in chess. In these puzzles, everyone is given a 100% chance to hit, and you have to achieve some goal like killing an enemy leader without losing any of your own units. In order to do that you'll have to make optimal use of hexes, leadership or illuminates, etc.

Has 7 puzzles so far, will add more later!
Forum topic Download Tactics Puzzles
Version: 0.3.6
Author: Inky
0.32 MiB 692 down
1 up
Feb 13 2022 it, ja
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.

Fight the first galactic empire by being the empire of the European Union and defend Earth. Or, being the first galactic empire, conquer Earths.

The raise is done by air, so the units are space fighters, fighters, cruiser parts, ships and military bases.

examples of units are:
f-35,f-22a,j-20 shendugu,j-31 shenjang and su-57

tie figther, tie advanced, tie defender, tie phantom, tie stricker

Warning: AI dedication long time for selection unit recruit.(repaired)

Addon have modification which add Fuel and radar mechanics to plains
Forum topic Download TOP GUN
Version: 0.2.6
Author: darkator
1.07 MiB 663 down
8 up
Nov 12 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Amaranthine Stone Music
Contains music for FaeLord authored campaigns. It is included as a separate download due to Wesnoth server file size limits. One new song added as of version 1.1.2.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Amaranthine Stone Music
Version: 1.1.3-1
Author: FaeLord
83.94 MiB 4411 down
1 up
Jan 07 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Switch Leader
Allows players assign another unit they own as leader, instead of the previous leader. Mainly intended for survival games. Requires wesnoth 1.15.2+.
Forum topic Download Switch Leader
Version: 1.1.1
Author: lipk, Ravana (maintainer)
0.00 MiB 2612 down
1 up
Jul 18 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Swamplings (stock 1.12)
Warning: The official 'Swamplings' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.


Banished by orcs, a tribe of lowly swamp goblins endure in the deadly mire of Pogo Bog. Situated before the founding of Wesnoth, this is the story of the goblins' struggle against the intrigues and betrayals of the greater races, and the rise of the first wolf rider.

14 scenarios. Complete. Contains French, German and Russian translations.

Only the 'default' difficulty level is available for selection.

NB: to play this campaign, you have to load the core 'Chào mừng' available after the dependency add-on is installed. You'll be ready to select the 'Swamplings' scenario through the 'Campaign' menu and activate the modification 'The wayback WML machine (1.12)'.

The needed 'core' can be loaded following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Chào mừng (Wesnoth 1.12 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback thread for 'Swamplings'.
Forum topic Download Swamplings (stock 1.12)
Version: 1.2.0d-i18n.3
Author: Boru
19.14 MiB 3341 down
4 up
Apr 05 2023 de, fr, ru, en_US
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Swamp Witch Curse
A Faerie Tale for the Era of Four Moons, complete at 9 scenarios long. 

Protect a cursed princess as she works her way through a small adventure.
Download Swamp Witch Curse
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Velensk
0.05 MiB 1023 down
1 up
Mar 05 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Survivals (War of Legends)
Contains War of Legends Era variants for the current survival scenarios in mainline. Requires War of Legends as a dependency.

For feedback, you are requested to head to the forum topic provided or leave the feedback in the #modding channel of the official BfW discord server with preferably pinging the add-on author, knyghtmare#8753.
Forum topic Download Survivals (War of Legends)
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.03 MiB 1745 down
2 up
Jul 03 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
SX RPG ADDON is a stand-alone multiplayer ADD ON for Battle of Wesnoth.

What does SX mean:

Originally SX meant --Survival Extreme-- which became throughout the history of wesnoth-add-ons a synomyn
for maps that feature stand-alone-Heroes, that can be upgraded in so-called --shops--, fighting against an army of creeps, 
which constantly increase in strengh while the game proceed. For killing creeps players are granted with gold, that
is used on their side to upgrade their heroes as well, to keep up with stonger creeps and to finally kill the ai leaders.
Gold from killing creeps will be generally given to ALL players. So no matter who kills the creeps, its always a good thing.

A major fun factor is that players gain additional temporary moves and attacks from killing enemy units,
so they are able to perform well planned killing streaks that bring even more gold to the players.

In order to win, players had to kill all enemy leaders, which were boosted in strengh greatly. 
Players need to grow stronger from killing creeps and/or find gold from other sources to achieve this goal. 
All 10ish turn ai als release a batch of bosses, exceptional strong units, which need some teamplay to win against,
or a very well developed single hero.


Featuring SXgameplay with RPG elements.

While SX is a basic hack-n-slay rpg-like approach, which attracted many players, 
SXRPG features elaborated maps, adding adventure and dungeon-exploring gameplay to it.

On Top of the already existing differences among the different units,
SXRPG adds 6 classes of Warriors, Clerics, Rangers, Mages,
Rogues and Roguemages all with different strenghs and weaknesses.

It contains so far 6 elaborated Maps/Scenarios which need 80 to 120 turn to finish in average. 
Each scenerio in this ADD ON is an adventure for 1 - 5 players. Any number of Players is welcome.

Less players means more Gold for each player to get started with. While less players get more gold at start,
but it is obvious that more players means more total income, since all players get the gold for killing creeps.

As a special Feature you can define the -Starting Level- in -advanced Options- in Game-Creation-Menu,
default is 0, but for more elaborated starting-Heroes you can chose higher Starting Levels.
The higher the starting Level, the higher the starting gold, but all enemies also rise accordingly
to the Level. I.E.: on lvl-0-start mobs start also at lvl 0, at lvl-4-start mobs start at lvl 4.
(Level is NOT the default level of wesnoth units, instead a sx-dependent measure for stat multipliers)
Starting at different Levels may change the Gaming Expierience and Gameplay.
This Map-Pack also features new units, new terrain, theres an additional soundfile.
The stuff included was mostly done by parts of the wesnoth-community and hopefully put to good use here.
Credits goes out to all who find their work here implemented. Thx to all contributors.
Big thx to all playtesters and people who gave suggestions. Many things implemented were suggested by
players and without these ideas SXRPG would be a lot different. :)
Have Fun.
Give Feedback in SXRPG Thread in Wesnoth.org Forums
Forum topic Download SX RPG ADDON
Version: 6.0.5a
Author: Mabuse
27.95 MiB 2318 down
33 up
Aug 29 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Resources for 1.8-1.14 cores
Images from BFW 1.8/1.10/1.12/1.14 removed in BFW 1.16.

If resources are not installed, some images used in stock campaigns may be missing.
While not mandatory at this time, the cores will use these resources if installed.
Forum topic Download Resources for 1.8-1.14 cores
Version: 1.0.2
Author: demario
45.26 MiB 313 down
2 up
Nov 17 2023
Core/Total Conversion
Cores enable total conversion of The Battle for Wesnoth. A core can replace all the content in Wesnoth: when a different core is loaded, the regular units, terrains and the like do not exist. This can be used to provide a completely different game experience.
Support 1.8-1.14 cores
The cores to run the campaigns from past versions:
-   core 'Selamat (1.10)' to support running 'Selamat Datang di Wesnoth!' add-on
-   core 'Selamat (1.10)' to support running 'Gobowars' stock add-on 1.10
-   core 'Chào mừng (1.12)' to support running 'Chào mừng đến với Wesnoth!' add-on
-   core 'Chào mừng (1.12)' to support running 'Swamplings', 'Girl unDead' stock add-ons 1.12
-   core 'Bienvenue (1.14)' to support running 'Bienvenue à Wesnoth !' add-on
-   core 'Bienvenue (1.14)' to support running 'Half Civ', 'Pax Romana' or 'Napoleonic Wars' stock add-ons 1.14
-   core 'Bienvenue (1.14)' to play 'any' UMC campaign from version 1.14 (see below).

The 'core' can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select core 'Wesnoth 1.10', 'Wesnoth 1.12' or 'Wesnoth 1.14' based on the campaigns you're interested in.
-   Select core 'Wesnoth 1.10' for playing *and observing* 'Gobowars (stock 1.10)' in multiplayer.
-   Select core 'Wesnoth 1.14' for playing *and observing* 'Half Civ (stock 1.14)' in multiplayer.

With this add-on, you are able to run campaigns from 1.14 in BFW 1.16 by loading the core 'Bienvenue (1.14)'.
If your favorite 1.14 add-on is missing on the current add-on server, you can play it locally by following these straightful steps:
    -   download the campaign of your choice from BFW 1.14 add-on server (with the 1.14 client or the web browser to https://addons.wesnoth.org/1.14)
    -   move the directory to the user directory for the version 1.16 of wesnoth
    -   edit the _info.cfg file to add the following line inside the [info] section:    core=core_1_14
    -   That's all! No script, no further edit.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the core 'Wesnoth (Default)'.
Forum topic Download Support 1.8-1.14 cores
Version: 1.5.4
Author: demario
19.89 MiB 6040 down
66 up
Feb 25 2024 ca, cs, de, et, fr, gl, hu, id, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, sk, vi, my, sr, zh_CN
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Stranger in Wesnoth
Intermediate-level campaign featuring the adventures of a bemused spy who landed in Wesnoth from a completely different universe.  15 scenarios.
Download Stranger in Wesnoth
Version: 1.3.2
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
8.55 MiB 870 down
1 up
Aug 31 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Strange Legacy Light - RPG
Strange Legacy Light: 
<i>This is the light version of Strange Legacy, with a smaller size, but no portraits, story images and sounds. 
For a better experience with portraits and included sounds, you can download the full version.</i>

The Orc invasion came without warning and with a brutality that caught the Human Alliance completely off guard and unprepared for. Before the year was over the Orcs controlled half of the Northland. The Winter finally halted their advance. Meh, what's the big deal. I never cared much for politics or policy. But when my uncle was gone, I started into the greatest adventure of my life.

This campaign is a classical rpg that offers a variety of options, you will just control one hero and bring him to fortune. You can trade, pickpocket, be a bard, bounty- or treasurehunter, or working as a craftsman selling your goods. You can also run a building and upgrade it or doing random generated missions. There are a lot of ways to make a fortune. But the world around isn't always friendly and it will react on your character level. You might encounter thieves, orcs, bandits or wild animals and therefore you will need a proper equipment to defend yourself.

Equip your charcter with: helmets, armors, shoes, shields, instruments, rings, amulets, ranged or meleeweapons or learn more than 80 powerful spells to gain an advantage. Hire one of 35 mercs to defend your load and recall them using your warhorn. Try to conquer an enemy town to gain a constant tax income. Encounter all kind of enemies each on changing maps, according to the terrain - even your ship might be attacked by naga warriors or dangerous pirates. Follow the storyline with 34 missions that will force you to explore the world of Strange legacy. A new amla system will allow you to create a character in the way you like him, allowing you to solve the game differently each time you play and the difficulty is increasing with each level up. 
For the most recent changes check the forum thread. Equip your uncles house with furniture allowing you to craft weapons, armors and cook food. If you like to have a classic RPG try out the RPG Mode. Have fun! 

( 23/04/01: light version of Strange Legacy with a way smaller size smaller fixes
1.16.24 new fishing and skill mechanics, graphic improvement, fishmarket smaller fixes minor changes, dishes added bugfixes, companions upgrade bugfixes concerning rpg mode, animal decorations
1.16.25 bugfixes, animal pet options, better stamina abilities
Forum topic Download Strange Legacy Light - RPG
Version: 1.16.25
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
14.45 MiB 596 down
8 up
Feb 01 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Strange Alliance
Humans are getting more powerful every day. To better combat their foes, they need more lumber and metals to craft their homes and weapons. Protect your homeland against them and find allies to help you, so a strange alliance can begin. 3 scenarios, medium difficulty.
Download Strange Alliance
Version: 0.6
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.01 MiB 1127 down
1 up
Oct 26 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Story of the Wose
The trees are not always what they seem.
Forum topic Download Story of the Wose
Version: 0.10.0
Author: Joshua
0.93 MiB 711 down
1 up
Feb 04 2023 cs, fr, ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The story of a freshly recruited, cowardly Stormtrooper trying to make his name in the Land of Close Combat.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Stormtrooper
Version: 0.5beta-2
Author: Szturmowiec
1.52 MiB 973 down
2 up
Jan 20 2022 de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Steppe Afterlife Random
Afterlife Random adapted for the Great Steppe Era
Download Steppe Afterlife Random
Version: 1.0.1a
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 696 down
4 up
Nov 04 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Squad-Scale Units Modpack
A pack of five simple multiplayer modifications, which can be turned on or off individually:

1. Squads mod reduces weapon accuracy according to the percentage of hitpoints a unit has. Furthermore, it allows fusing and splitting of units in order to heal and rescue experience of low-hp units, or to concentrate fire power to fewer hexes.

2. No Heal on Advance Mod removes full healing for advancing units.

3. Defined Army Mod disables recruitment after first turn, but allows units to leave castle hexes directly after being recruited. Effectively, an army must be recruited in first turn, and sticked with afterwards.

4. Better Castles Mod increases defense on castles and keeps by 10% for all units.

5. Killing XP-Tweaks mod either splits killing experience among nearby units or sets killing experience to 1 (as if the units had merely fought).

6. Old Squads Mod is a legacy version of Squads mod that works substantially different: It adds swarm special to all attacks, doubles HP, but also attack number. Furthermore, it allows fusing and splitting of units in order to heal and rescue experience of low-hp units. The mod comes with a few balancing tweaks to counter these changes. This version of squads mod will probably be replaced by the new default version in one of the next versions of this modpack, since Ruvaak's Advanced Wesnoth Wars mod pretty much does what this mod does, but better. If you prefer this version, just let me know in the forum and I'll provide it in the future as well.

Killing XP-Tweaks mod is now compatible with Eagle11's Advance on Kill mod.

The mods are meant to be used in conjunction with the Advance on Kill-mod by Eagle 11 and my own Proper Flying-mod, but also work completely on their own. Also, they should be compatible with several non-default eras. Feel free to leave feedback in the forums, I am especially curious about which of these mods are actually played, since I consider splitting the pack.
Forum topic Download Squad-Scale Units Modpack
Version: 1.9.2
Author: Hammerfritz
0.01 MiB 305 down
1 up
Jul 08 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Undead Rising
This campaign is currently being developed and is incomplete, feedback is appreciated. Humans have lived in harmony for far too long, guide Mal Keshar through the complete conquest of Wesnoth.
Download The Undead Rising
Version: 0.0.3
Author: Descacharrado
0.65 MiB 922 down
1 up
Dec 13 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Speak Mod+
An improved version version of Speak Mod, originally made by Nikitaw99 on 1.12. This mod allows you to make units speak like in campaigns, via a rightclick menu. Useful when you want to roleplay a bit during matches.

If you like my mods I would also highly recommend checking out Great Steppe Era


- added russian translation

- ported to 1.15/1.16

Forum topic Download Speak Mod+
Version: 1.2.0c
Author: ForestDragon
0.01 MiB 1530 down
4 up
Nov 15 2021 ru
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Southern Nations
Southern Nations. Currently these are present:
Southern Elves
Southern Orcs
Southern Drakes
Southern Dwarves
Southern Mages
Southern Swamplords
Southern Mercenaries
Download Southern Nations
Version: 7.1b (sprites with halos)
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.10 MiB 521 down
25 up
Nov 04 2022
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
The Soul's Order
Adding a new faction of mages: The Soul's Order. These mages no matter the cost do everything to reach immortality. In a WIP but playable state.
Forum topic Download The Soul's Order
Version: 0.6.1
Author: Devotation, ported by Atreides
0.84 MiB 590 down
2 up
Jan 12 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Son of the Black-Eye Easy Edition
Son of the Black Eye was originally designed as an expert-level campaign. In that state, it was too hard for me. While I respect the designers' decisions to make it hard, I also think players deserve an easier campaign of mainline quality where they get to play as orcs. This is my attempt to make it easy enough for even beginners to be able to handle. Note that my edits are primarily designed only to make the main objectives easier; optional objectives (such as killing enemy leaders in survival missions) still ought to be difficult. 

(18 scenarios.)

While the maintainer now has an account on the forums, his preference is still that feedback should be directed to the add-on's source repository on GitHub:


The maintainer may also be contacted as egallager on Discord.
Forum topic Download Son of the Black-Eye Easy Edition
Version: 1.4.1
Author: egallager
14.64 MiB 906 down
2 up
Jan 16 2024 af, ang, ang@latin, ar, ast, bg, ca, ca_ES@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en@shaw, en_GB, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fr, fur_IT, ga, gd, gl, he, hr, hu, id, is, it, ja, ko, la, lt, lv, mk, mr, nb_NO, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, racv, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr@ijekavian, sr@ijekavianlatin, sr@latin, sv, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Small Healing Halo
An edit of the White Mage's healing halo frames with their elements slightly repositioned to be closer together, as in 1.0-era Wesnoth's healer sprites.  Likely not a perfect 1:1 to how the old halos looked, but I don't have the original project files, and the effects are an irremovable part of the older units' sprites, so this is as close as I can get them.

Might be useful for UMC devs making smaller units that can't spread their hands and/or staffs wide enough to look good with the current mainline halos!  Whether you want a little dwarf or goblin to have this white bright healing animation, or you just balk at creeping biggerism and want to keep your units small in stature, I hope somebody out there can find this useful.

Contains six (6) .png files.
Download Small Healing Halo
Version: 1.0
Author: Shield, various
0.02 MiB 321 down
1 up
Mar 26 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Sleuth Sisters
Devyan and Dallyra are sisters, but other than that they are very different; Devyan is a rat-catcher, while Dallyra has just finished training to be a mage.  However, when they overhear a plot to assassinate the local general, they show just how well they are able to work together.

Novice level, 12 scenarios.  Optional strategy hints are available for each scenario.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Sleuth Sisters
Version: 1.1.0-1
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
1.69 MiB 1073 down
1 up
Jan 16 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 11
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 11
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
44.90 MiB 997 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Sleep Walker
Setting: 6 Player Multiplayer co-op/vs or Singleplayer vs AI.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2023
Download Sleep Walker
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Frost Blade
0.02 MiB 267 down
2 up
Apr 10 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Skele Survivals
A classic collection of survivals.
* Prison Break Survivals.
* Kill the Virgins!
* High Sourcery Fun.
Download Skele Survivals
Version: 3.0.3
Author: skele and others
0.03 MiB 857 down
4 up
Feb 10 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tales of the Rubies
It doesn't matter how powerful a magical artifact can be, or how precious a jewel can be; they are useless and worthless as long as they remains hidden in a hole in the ground.
In 25 YW king Haldric II decides it's time for the Ruby of Fire to cease to be useless and worthless.

(Intermediate level - 13 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Tales of the Rubies
Version: 2.1.4
Author: Argesilao
3.94 MiB 1634 down
3 up
Apr 19 2023 it
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Sire's Scenarios
A collection of two standalone scenarios created by Sire. It has been ported over from the 1.4 branch.

Woodcutters - Play as a band of Northerners against Loyalist and Elvish forces as you attempt to cut down forests for the war effort. Intermediate Level
The Night Watch - Play as a small garrison of soldiers and the local populace to fend off overwhelming outlaw and undead forces. Intermediate Level

Version 1.2.1b
- Ported to Wesnoth the 1.6 branch.
Forum topic Download Sire's Scenarios
Version: 1.2.1b
Author: Sire
0.03 MiB 562 down
1 up
Apr 11 2022 de
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Silent Grave
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer co-op and pvp or Singleplayer vs AI.

It is recommended not to change any settings regarding gold and +gold.
Map size: 43x18
Players:  6
Uh, what's that? Did you hear that? They are crawling out of their graves...

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2022
Download Silent Grave
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 500 down
3 up
Apr 06 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Siddh's Multiplayer Maps
4 maps by Siddh. Two are new and two are similar to the ones included with the Draconian Era.
Download Siddh's Multiplayer Maps
Version: 0.2.5
Author: Siddh, ported by Atreides
0.01 MiB 82 down
1 up
Jan 23 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Shards Era
Shards Era makes unit advancement more flexible.
Download Shards Era
Version: 0.2.8
Author: Morath
47.42 MiB 978 down
5 up
Aug 02 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Shakespeare's Ghost (Undead Campaign)
A ghost makes enemies through a quest for domination.

This is a campaign with all text taken from Shakespeare, with occasional minor modification. It's designed to gain familiarity with the standard undead faction, and features match-ups with all 7 factions.  9 scenarios including Epilogue. Allows Ancient Lich and Death Knight advancements.
Forum topic Download Shakespeare's Ghost (Undead Campaign)
Version: 1.0
Author: Mathbrush
0.02 MiB 1192 down
3 up
Mar 30 2022
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Shadow of the Abyss
This map is designed for 2 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
An intense Battleground is waiting for you.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Shadow of the Abyss
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 695 down
3 up
Dec 27 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Season Changer Mod
This mod causes the map to adopt a different look every couple of turns, creating the effect of changing seasons.
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Season Changer Mod
Version: 1.16.230205
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.01 MiB 1456 down
2 up
Feb 05 2023
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
SeaFire2: Lords of Fire
Continuation of the Seafire story. Set 95 years after Sea Fire: Returnation. Seafire has become an official federation, but a new foe attacks it.
Cooperative campaign for 4 players. Has custom mechanics, such as gold sharing, unit transfers, and more.
Forum topic Download SeaFire2: Lords of Fire
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Mathel
2.68 MiB 267 down
18 up
Aug 10 2024
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Sea Fire Training
Training promotions in SeaFire Era.
Download Sea Fire Training
Version: 1.2.3
Author: Wes_Mar, Mathel
0.07 MiB 221 down
4 up
Aug 12 2023
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Two campaigns using the SeaFire era.
SeaFire: Returnation is about the warlords of SeaFire alliance getting abducted by an elven lord and fighting to get back.
Complete, mostly debugged.

SeaFire: Origins is about how the SeaFire alliance came to be.
Complete, mostly debugged.

Both campaigns are designed for 4 cooperative players.
Forum topic Download SeaFire
Version: 2.2.5
Author: Mathel, Wes_Mar
27.98 MiB 558 down
4 up
Oct 19 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
West's Chronicles I
Tracks by Matthias Westlund (West).  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download West's Chronicles I
Version: 1.0.0
Author: West
34.04 MiB 870 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The second Strife
The unknown story of the group of heroes who saved the central region of the Great Continent from falling into utter chaos and created hope for lasting peace.
A story about courage and intelligence, about patience and defiance, about sacrifice.
The story of The Second great Strife
Version 0.0.11
(IMPORTANT: for now only 11 scenarios for testing purposes.)
Forum topic Download The second Strife
Version: 0.0.11bx
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
0.06 MiB 623 down
13 up
Oct 08 2024
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Scenario With Robots
You play with robots you can assemble from several components, 1 scenario. Now also contains an mp era Era with robots that allows you to play with robots faction against other humans playing robot faction
Forum topic Download Scenario With Robots
Version: 1.3.5
Author: gfgtdf
0.97 MiB 136 down
8 up
Dec 21 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Saving Elensefar Redux
Elensefar has been overrun by orcs, now you had to gather an army to sucessfull retake it.

Non-linear seafaring campaign — small armies, tiny maps and refreshing new game mechanics.

Saving Elensefar was orginally by turin and trewe. Saving Elensefar Redux is a fork from the latest available version by trewe.
Forum topic Download Saving Elensefar Redux
Version: 1.1.1
Author: vghetto
1.18 MiB 1104 down
13 up
Jan 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Saving Elensefar
Meneldur, elvish mariner of Elensefar, is driven to sea by the same orcs who attacked the city. He must gather an army willing to fight for him to regain Elensefar, his adopted homeland.

(Expert level, 4 - 22 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Saving Elensefar
Version: 2.3.2
Author: turin
0.60 MiB 4393 down
5 up
Nov 14 2021 ca, cs, da, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, pl, pt_BR, pt, ru, sv
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Saurian Pack
A modification that adds additional upgrades for selected Saurian units. All added units feature complete sets of animations. This modification is compatible with the official eras, as well as all campaigns that use the mainline Saurian units.

The add-on also contains predefined resources, which can be included in custom campaigns and eras.

Additional units include:
- Saurian Spearwoman: Saurian Skirmisher alternative upgrade.
- Saurian Warden: Saurian Spearwoman upgrade.
- Saurian Seer: Saurian Soothsayer upgrade.
- Saurian Prophet: Saurian Oracle upgrade.
Forum topic Download Saurian Pack
Version: 4.1.4
Author: MJ
0.27 MiB 1907 down
9 up
Jun 03 2022 pl
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Salt Wars
A short easy campaign for the Era ofFour Moons
Download Salt Wars
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Velensk
0.03 MiB 880 down
1 up
Feb 22 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.

pieces from west's chronicles
pieces from Nickolay (wesnoth music forum)
Have Fun.
Forum topic Download SX RPG MUSIC ADD ON
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Mabuse
38.41 MiB 2378 down
1 up
Sep 03 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Collection of SurvivalXtreme maps. In SurvivalXtreme you don't recruit, but can enhance your leader during the game. You get gold, extra moves and an extra attack for every enemy you kill. Up to five players can play cooperatively against the AI.

Many of these maps are balanced for play with characters from the SXC Default Low-Level Era. Some maps require all players to have Ageless Era installed, as the AI will use units from that era even if the players' units are from the default era.

This pack also contains some abandoned scenarios in the 'unbalanced' directory, the aim of this is to collect the maps which could be turned back in to playable scenarios. To enable these maps, you need to edit the add-on.

Addon moved to Wesnoth v1.12 by ChaosRider, and currently uploaded by Octalot. If you find bugs, please comment in the forum thread, or pm Octalot.
Forum topic Download SXCollection
Author: SXC_team
0.57 MiB 2794 down
4 up
May 13 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Silly Simple Color Changer
Does what it says on the tin. Launch a scenario / campaign with the modification enabled and change any side's color to the one you want via right click menu. Now with optional persistence, so the side will keep the color through the rest of the campaign.

Thanks to Lord Knightmare, Forest Dragon and Mirion147 for improvement suggestions.
Download Silly Simple Color Changer
Version: 1.0.4
Author: Anekron
0.01 MiB 150 down
4 up
Jan 09 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tale of Thunedain
480 YW, dwarves an' humans used to live side by side in tha Dwarven Doors for a long time, it was a relatively peaceful time indeed... but that peace was threathened once more by tha orcs. I now tell thee how our greatest hero, Thunedain held tha line an' guaranteed for us a chance to fight another day.(Normal difficulty,7 scenarios,2 talk only.)
Forum topic Download Tale of Thunedain
Version: 1.1.0
Author: SexyPringles
13.21 MiB 812 down
2 up
Jun 22 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ruins of the Ancients
Play ball!

Wesbowl is a special scenario that resembles the Superbowl. Each side tries to carry or pass its ball (each side has its own that only it can pick up) to reach the opposing endzone and score. The units you get are determined by which leader you choose.

Tackles can get pretty brutal. Death is not final however as players get patched up and sent back onto the field. But not at 100%. The units have been revised and updated for 1.16.

Scenario was originally created by the founder of Wesnoth.

A collection of maps that were either removed from mainline since 1.0 or changed basically.
This version includes:
  -Charge (2p)
  -Blitz (2p)
  -Across the River (2p)
  -Wesbowl (2p)
  -An Island (4p)
  -King of the Hill (4p)
  -Forest of Fear (5p)
Download Ruins of the Ancients
Version: 0.6.0
Author: Ceres, developed by Atreides
0.02 MiB 99 down
4 up
Feb 06 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Royal Rumble
Royal Rumble maps. Includes 6p ffa and 8p tournament scenarios.

Includes content from SpoOkyMagician, Frezycus, norbert
Forum topic Download Royal Rumble
Version: 2.0.4c
Author: Ravana
0.05 MiB 232 down
4 up
May 19 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Rough Desert
This map is designed for 2 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
Explore a huge Desert controlled by deadly Forces and Beasts, can you defeat them?

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Rough Desert
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Frost Blade
0.02 MiB 755 down
4 up
Dec 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rogue Order
After the Age of Fear, a rogue mage steals the secrets of his former order to forge a new path in the north. Feiren's theft of the Silver Tomes launches him and his wife into the midst of Elensefarian intrigue, as their possession of the secret arts now hinders the political aspirations of the last remaining silver mage.

On the run, this new, rogue order must overturn a plot to monopolize the silver arts, deceive Lord Konrad II, and steal the Sceptre of Fire.

A campaign focusing on exploration and stealth tactics.

(Intermediate level, 8 scenarios.)
Download Rogue Order
Version: 0.1.3
Author: aaronwright
38.29 MiB 1109 down
4 up
Mar 17 2023 de, fr, uk
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Roar of the Woses
Fight to save a swamp as the saurian Kylix, gathering allies along the way. 11 playable scenarios + 1 dialog.
Forum topic Download The Roar of the Woses
Version: 1.2.14
Author: Alarantalara
0.40 MiB 1358 down
2 up
May 28 2022 de, es, fr, hu, ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Three Elves
three elves have just begun their adventure in the northern swampland. Will they become heroes or will they be responsible for another undead expansion?

(Novice level, 8 scenarios)
Download The Three Elves
Version: 1.2.0
Author: various
0.39 MiB 1670 down
1 up
Nov 30 2021 ru, pt, de
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Road Movement Bonus
Are you annoyed at seeing roads on the map and not being able to move faster on them? Perhaps you're a wargamer who is used to a road movement bonus. Well fret no longer! This little modification will give your units a speed boost as they march along those fine roads. How much, I hear you cry, well that's up to you. Choose your speed boost but my advice would be not to overdo it and keep it at a moderate 20%. Or go nuts. Up to 100% is available.

Version 2 is a complete remake that squashes a rare incompatibility with some add-on abilities. Better yet the dots over their heads have migrated to the status bar where they are less distracting and even offer a tool-tip to explain themselves.

Version 3 is an update that fixes a rare incompatibility that 2 had with some other add-on abilities.
Download Road Movement Bonus
Version: 3.0.0
Author: Atreides
0.01 MiB 1646 down
6 up
Nov 17 2023 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rise of the Elementalist
Part 1: Tragedy and loss leads a young mage down a unique path to explore the magic of the world.
Part 2: The demon awakes from his imprisonment with revenge on his mind. Can you conquer the world?
Part 3: Kil'rathacar is gaining strength and immortal, is there any way to stop him?

Intermidiate difficulty

17 scenarios in part 1, 8 scenarios in part 2, 15 scenarios in part 3.

Forum: http://forum.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=30509
Forum topic Download Rise of the Elementalist
Version: 5.1.2
Author: Drew
8.88 MiB 2741 down
2 up
Nov 08 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rise of the Dunefolk
Rise an empire from few villages in the deserts. Defeat your enemies and find allies in the hostile environment. Travel through difficult terrains only to get home and confront your worst enemy.
Download Rise of the Dunefolk
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.06 MiB 1851 down
2 up
Oct 26 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Non-mainline music for the SP campaign 'Return from the Abyss', by skeptical_troll
Download RftA_Music
Version: 1.0
Author: various
20.51 MiB 3068 down
1 up
Jul 20 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Four brothers attempt to escape slavery but end up leading the rebels in the 2nd civil war of Wesnoth.  Not yet finshed.  If you find any problems please email me at caleb.elkevizth@gmail.com *note* Dying Slaves turn back into Slaves once at full health.  Recent updates : Massive changes to story, this now fits in with the official Wesnoth timeline; Fixed tons bugs in the first 4 scenarios thanks to white_haired_uncle; Fixed some balancing issues and made dialogue more believable. Fixed MAJOR issues in the 10th scenario which made it nearly unplayabe 
Download Revolution
Version: 0.11.5
Author: CleebMeister
0.17 MiB 924 down
3 up
Feb 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Final exam
Young mage Erinna must find a magic book to become a true mage. But will it really be her final exam?

(4 scenarios, for beginners and WML coders)

This campaign is aimed to be:
- easy to play
- easy to modify
- easy to learn basics of WML 
- easy to translate
Download Final exam
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.17 MiB 1590 down
2 up
Oct 26 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Return of the Monster
A naga campaign, involving with some monsters, 16 game-play and 2 dialogue scenarios, and playable all.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Return of the Monster
Version: 0.10.0-2
Author: SkyOne, Sneezy
5.88 MiB 1189 down
2 up
Jan 07 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Return of Sir Charles
An inquisitive young man starts messing around with his sister's grimoires and tries to summon a wyvern; instead, he gets Sir Charles Davenport, who then has to be returned to his own world.  Intermediate level, 15 scenarios.
Download Return of Sir Charles
Version: 1.2.1
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
0.95 MiB 831 down
1 up
Sep 03 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Reign of The Lords
The Reign of the Lords is an era where you play as 9 factions of ultimate lords reigning over a division of wesnoth - yet you are not satisfied. Fight as the greatest heroes, villains, and warriors of The Loyal Human army, The Orcish wartribe, The Dwarvish alliance, The Drake Stormfront, The Wizards of the Land, The Dark Legion, The Outcasts, The High Elves, and The Desert Kingdoms. Fight in the most epic of battles where every unit has the power to determine the outcome. 

This Era includes a MP and SP modification option which when enabled allows ALL THE BASE WESNOTH units to advance to nearly two hundred new 3rd,4th, and 5th level units. Are you up for the challenge of the Lords?

(VERSION 9.2.10) - A few different bug fixes for typos or incorrectly named units. (Outcasts can now recruit again, Dune Luminary can now advance, fixes to a few unit images)
(VERSION 9.2.9) - Minor bug fix for Dunefolk faction.
(VERSION 9.2.8) - Added Quenoth Elves.

If you have any suggestions or ideas please post any comments on the wesnoth forum about the Reign of The Lords era!
Forum topic Download Reign of The Lords
Version: 9.2.10
Author: The Gnat
18.30 MiB 9133 down
4 up
Sep 17 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Adds reflections to Wesnoth.
Forum topic Download Reflections
Version: 1.2.8
Author: Pipapopinguin
5.28 MiB 1095 down
13 up
Mar 16 2024 de, sv
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Red Winter Reborn
501 – Years Wesnoth – Season of Winter
The Turmoil of Asheviere…

The isolated populace of the Estmark Mountains are known for their warrior prowess and for their military academy at Estlyn. Asheviere, desiring to use these warriors to strengthen her hold on the throne, sent emissaries in an attempt to gain their aid. The proud people of the Estmarks declined to join Asheviere, and the Dark Queen would soon respond with an answer of her own...

Play as these proud Humans from the Estmarks, resist against Queen Asheviere, and discover the legacy of the Esterian people. All the while, as mortal forces clash in combat, an unseen force seeks release from her prison...

-- A Planned 7 Scenario Loyalist campaign, with story interludes. (2 Scenarios Ready)
-- Emphasis on Story and Characters, with custom traits to make the characters more unique!
-- Custom music from the UMC Music Books.
-- A focus on higher level units. All of the player's units are level 2 or higher!
-- Limited forces. You cannot recruit new units for this campaign, only recall!
-- 3 Planned Massive Battle Engagements (Scenario One, Four, and Seven)

Note: This addon includes some UMC music, which is included in this campaign. This is why the file size is relatively large.

Version 0.16.1
- Public Release, Two Scenarios Ready
Forum topic Download Red Winter Reborn
Version: 0.16.1
Author: Sire
41.62 MiB 1488 down
1 up
May 30 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Red Winter (Abandoned)
This is the original version of Red Winter, created back in the 1.12 days. It has been looked over to work with 1.16, but remains incomplete.
-- Scenarios 1-4 should be polished enough for regular play.
-- Scenario 5 should function, but may not be polished.
-- Scenario 6 is incomplete, but is playable. The rest of the campaign remains unfinished.
-- This add-on has been uploaded for archival purposes, and to those curious what the original version of Red Winter was like.

Red Winter is replaced by Red Winter Reborn, which remakes the entirity of this campaign from the ground up. You can find it on this Add-On server.

Note: This addon includes some UMC music, which is included in this campaign. This is why the file size is relatively large.

Version 0.16.a
- Ported to Wesnoth the 1.16 branch.
Forum topic Download Red Winter (Abandoned)
Version: 0.16.a
Author: Sire
62.21 MiB 664 down
1 up
May 29 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Red MP Maps
3 People have been mapping for Red MP Maps until now:

12 Maps have been published so far:

War 4 Hexcastle - 2vs2 by RedMoonK
Gibble Mountain - 1vs1vs1 by RedMoonK
Isars Benz - 1vs1vs1 by RedMoonK
Gibble vs Gimple - 1vs1 by RedMoonK
3 Bridges - 1vs1 by RedMoonK
Mountain Pass - by 1vs1 RedKlabauter
Hoehlenolm - 1vs1vs1 by Redsheep
Donnergipfel - 1vs1vs1 by RedMoonK
Ronjas Burg - 1vs1 by RedMoonK
Borderland - 1vs1 by RedKlabauter
Mount_Vulverest - 1vs1 by RedMoonK
Fire in the hole - 1vs1vs1 by RedMoonK

We would be very happy to read your feedback in the forums!

Now compatible with the Civil War and Revolution mod.

Fully updated for 1.16 using new terrain graphics.

Version 3 upgrades the three maps that had teleport points with tunnels instead.

German Translation by Atreides.
Forum topic Download Red MP Maps
Version: 3.1.2
Author: RedMoonK, RedKlabauter, RedSheep, developed by Atreides
0.03 MiB 933 down
14 up
Mar 16 2024 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rebellion in the North
A great orcish uprising tends to destabilise the Northlands. As the future Lord Protector of the Northern Alliance can you crush the rebellion and establish peace again?

(Intermediate level, 29 scenarios, all complete and balanced.)

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Rebellion in the North
Version: 1.1.12-1
Author: chak_abhi
3.21 MiB 2245 down
1 up
Jan 15 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Plunder and Raze Mod
Allows plundering and razing of villages. Plundering a village grants a configurable amount of gold, but plundered villages cannot be captured until they are repaired. Razing a village destroys it, preventing it from being rebuilt.

To plunder a village, right-click on village with a level 1 or higher unit with full movement points and no adjacent enemies. Plunderng, razing and rebuilding costs half of the unit's movement points.

Use the custom options to configure the mod.

Intended for use with Age of Lords, but can be used in with any Era. Compatible with Revolution and Civil War (Generals do not prevent rebellions). 
Original mod by Eagly 11.
Download Plunder and Raze Mod
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Nyanyanyan
0.01 MiB 801 down
2 up
Mar 07 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Vyncyn Rashy Era
15 playable Factions with a high amount of selfmade sprites:
Aquana, Trarashy, Marashy, Elyser(Elves), Vixen Amazones, Darkelves, Regis, Chevalier, Dardo, Luz, Mountaintribes, Forestfolk, Dwarves, Gnomes and Necromancers
Extra Assassin(Darkelf) faction for AoH.

List of changes:
-New unit: Regis Castellan
some bugfixes
some image updates

old changes from 1.6 to 1.6.12:
New units for some factions
Bugfixes and code upgrades
New Graphics for some units
Balancing for lots of units & factions
added new mechanic, where some untis can apply status conditions to others (drunk,blurred,injured,corroded...)

Huge thanks to IPS for helping me balance this.
It's been so many add-ons over the years that I lost track of all my ressources and their authors,
but I still want to thank the countless artists and coders from other add-ons for giving me a base to work with.
Forum topic Download Vyncyn Rashy Era
Version: 1.6.14f
Author: Vyncyn
1.57 MiB 936 down
103 up
Feb 07 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Random Units
Instead of the normal recruit list, you recruit randomly chosen units. Includes options to change the selection algorithm.
Download Random Units
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Luther Thompson
0.01 MiB 875 down
2 up
Sep 28 2021 eo
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Random Campaign
A one player multiplayer campaign.
Select an era, choose your faction, and lead it to victory against random factions over a series of random maps.
(Intermediate level, 7 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Random Campaign
Version: 1.4.1
Author: SigurdFireDragon
5.11 MiB 2238 down
2 up
Nov 10 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ultimate Wesnoth Survival Pack
More advanced version of the classical TSW Survival known simply as The Scrolling Survival.
Choose from the multitude of options available to tailor your game to your mood. To get the most of it you should enable the xp mod, otherwise the game may prove to be simply impossible to beat. You can also experiment with other mods available although my personal recommendation would be xp mod and xp mod only.
For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of a scrolling survival - basically you get to kill a lot of bad guys :)
Good luck and have fun!
Download Ultimate Wesnoth Survival Pack
Version: 2.4.12
Author: quequo
3.40 MiB 1967 down
136 up
Jan 21 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Arena Survival
Fight waves of enemies to challenge Arena Gods
Download Arena Survival
Version: 2.6.5
Author: quequo
1.89 MiB 3972 down
122 up
Jan 26 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Punic Wars
This is an early version of what might come later if their are enough downloads of this mod soon I will do more work on it like a campaign, maps, and etc. I hope your experience is fun. Updates will come out every once in a while, to post feedback go to this site. https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=XX&t=58282 Soon coming to wesnoth 1.18
Forum topic Download The Punic Wars
Version: 1.6.1
Author: The Last Jagur
0.10 MiB 52 down
3 up
May 23 2024 de, it
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Expendable Leaders 2
Allows leaders to promote level 3 and 4 units to the rank of general. Generals can recruit, but cannot appoint other generals. 
Also allows leaders to appoint messengers. Messengers can promote units to generals in the leader's stead. Only one messenger may be appointed per unit that has reached level 3 and only one general may be promoted per messenger.
Upon being promoted to general, the unit loses all MP for that turn. 
Messengers are marked with a loyal icon, while generals are marked with a silver crown.

It is also possible to always promote the first recruited unit to a general, if it is the only unit you control or if you do not already have a general. For this, check Create Deputy or Recurring Deputy in the Custom Options menu.

Intended for use with Age of Lords, but can be used in with any Era. Compatible with Revolution and Civil War (Generals do not prevent rebellions). 
Original mod by Eagly 11.
Download Expendable Leaders 2
Version: 1.2.0
Author: Nyanyanyan
0.01 MiB 1521 down
2 up
Mar 07 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Project Thursagan Music
This add-on is a resource package providing music for The Hammer of Thursagan with Bosses.
Download Project Thursagan Music
Version: 1.0
Author: kabachuha
40.07 MiB 365 down
1 up
Jan 22 2023
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
Classic Theme
Allows the pre-1.12 classic theme to be loaded for campaigns/scenarios.

Note: This will just LOAD the theme into the campaign/scenario and the theme has to be activated/selected from preferences -> Displays -> Themes

Ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild (https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm)
Download Classic Theme
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Wesnoth Modders Guild
0.00 MiB 652 down
1 up
Jun 07 2022
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
During most of the Golden Age, the humans who inhabited the Great Continent were mostly Wesnothians, divided across various territories such as the Northlands, Elensefar and the kingdom of Wesnoth itself. Among these human peoples, the Steppefolk, horse people from the steppes, survived on the Great Continent.

However, there was once a time of great strife during which the Steppefolk became known more widespread. Originally, they came from the northern steppe and hill regions.  

Eventually, they came to settle to the Great Steppe to the east of Wesnoth. They mostly lived as mercenaries, guards and soldiers in that time until they have formed their own kingdom - the Kingdom of the Steppefolk.
Download Steppefolk
Author: Angelonius
0.17 MiB 1227 down
7 up
Apr 18 2022
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
The Ironriders are a specialized cavalry-based faction within the Kingdom of Wesnoth. As such, they are mounted, mobile and deadly. There's also some special units for the Loyalists.
Download Ironriders
Author: Angelonius
0.07 MiB 1449 down
38 up
Oct 27 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Wesnoth is under assault from horrors from the north and lands beyond.  Sequel (and conclusion) to Bad Moon Rising, though it can be played on its own. 

SP Campaign, complete but there may be some bugs, and some revision may be needed (based on feedback).  The last half has been massively revised from the version available in BfW 1.10; the campaign has been split into two campaigns.  Requires the add-ons Archaic_Era and Archaic_Resources.

Please see the forum post in the link below for more information.
Forum topic Download Trinity
Version: 1.16.5
Author: doofus-01
21.82 MiB 1695 down
3 up
Jun 26 2023 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Devil's Flute
Creona, the well-known assassin, gets a strange job from a strange person. So, in fact, it's no surprise that things take a strange turn...

Level: ranging from easy to nightmare, 10 scenarios (2 text-only)

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Devil's Flute
Version: 0.1.4c-1
Author: lipk
17.79 MiB 1112 down
1 up
Dec 19 2021 hu
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Progressive Mod
Progressive Mod Beta 2

Players are allowed to advance units before the game starts. Icons indicate if a unit has the ability to level up. Advancement options are listed in unit's context menu. Explore new strategies with 2nd and 3rd level units reinforcing your ranks without extra unit cost.

Progressive mod also calculates extra unit statistics, allows the setting of unit advancement and marks fallen units on the map.

There are many settings to adjust the mod. Try different mod settings. Play Progressive Mod against AI.

Unit statistics are available on the side pane as an extra unit trait marked with the ⚔ icon. 

Do not mix Progressive mod with other advancement selecting mods to prevent any interference.
Download Progressive Mod
Version: 0.2.2
Author: wasd
0.15 MiB 1142 down
6 up
Jan 05 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Princess Nilwyn
This campaign is about an elven princess, getting kidnapped. Your task is to liberate her. This campaign is finished and tested. (Medium Difficulty, 7 Scenarios) I'm happy about any feedback: write an email to anagkai_wesnoth@keraunos.de
 -version 1.2.2: fixed some spelling misstakes and gave the scenarios english ids
 -version 1.3.0: superior balancing changes, small storyline changes, some changes on maps

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Princess Nilwyn
Version: 1.3.0-2
Author: Anagkai
0.02 MiB 1487 down
2 up
Jan 07 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Platoon Wars Era
Modern warfare between the army and terrorists.
Forum topic Download Platoon Wars Era
Version: 1.16.211112
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
9.02 MiB 735 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
PlatinumRealm MP Era
Provides each faction with unique leaders, while also getting rid of the unbalanced level 4 units that were added to Wesnoth at past to some of the factions. Best paired with the Soul Crystals Leader Revival mod (do not enable that mod's leader downgrade, as the unique leaders in this era are unrelated to any tree).
Forum topic Download PlatinumRealm MP Era
Version: 0.3.5e
Author: Platinum
0.00 MiB 517 down
6 up
Oct 30 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Peninsula Survival
4-player map with monster spawns
Download Peninsula Survival
Version: 0.5
Author: Roc, Morath
0.01 MiB 922 down
1 up
Nov 24 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Xalzar Quest
After the Saurgrath's desctruction by the elves, a saurian named Xalzar leads what remains of his people in search of a new home

(Intermediate level, 6 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Xalzar Quest
Version: 2.0.7
Author: Argesilao
6.82 MiB 1369 down
8 up
Jan 06 2024 it
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Struggle for Freedom
Follow the Eastern Elves in the time of Asheviere (506 YW). Will they succeed in their struggle for freedom, or will a betrayal at their heart strike them at the brink of victory?
(Intermediate Level, 9 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Struggle for Freedom
Author: WYRMY, Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
3.81 MiB 1904 down
11 up
Nov 17 2022 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Pax Romana (stock 1.14)
Warning: The official 'Pax Romana: The Rise of Vespasian' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

Pax Romana: The Rise of Vespasian

Follow a young Roman plebeian named Vespasian in his rise to the rank of Emperor of Rome. This campaign contains 18 scenarios. Many atwork comes from the Imperial Era (mainly Turin's sprites). I'd like to thank UnwiseOwl for allowing me to use them. The language of the texts is not of high quality since I've always been English-challenged.

Only the 'easy' difficulty level is available for selection.

NB: to play this campaign, you have to load the core 'Bienvenue' available after the dependency add-on is installed. You'll be ready to select the 'Pax Romana' scenario through the 'Campaign' menu.

The needed 'core' can be loaded following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Bienvenue (Wesnoth 1.14 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback thread for 'Pax Romana: The Rise of Vespasian'.
Forum topic Download Pax Romana (stock 1.14)
Version: 0.4.4-i18n.2
Author: Nenau, and lots of artwork from the Orbivm project
2.98 MiB 803 down
3 up
Apr 09 2023 en_US
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Panther Lord
An Era of Four Moons campaign complete at 14 combat scenarios in length. Expert level. An outcast of your people for your unusual companion you find yourself called back into their service to fight off imperialist encroachment.
Download Panther Lord
Version: 1.1.1
Author: Velensk
0.70 MiB 1024 down
3 up
Feb 24 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Plums cave crawl
An easy cave crawl of few characters.  Not much talk, lots of spiders, some skeletons, scarabs, gold, potions and rings.
Forum topic Download Plums cave crawl
Version: 0.4.7
Author: winkr7
1.32 MiB 633 down
18 up
Oct 20 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Terrain Pack
Compilation of Terrain graphics and types from various UMC. Ported to 1.16.
Forum topic Download UMC Terrain Pack
Version: 0.5.0
Author: various
16.58 MiB 1088 down
1 up
Nov 26 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Outrun the Flood
Any side can initiate an unstoppable flood during its own turn. Water will rise and engulf the neighboring lands drowning anyone stuck in its depths. Who will grab that's called a victory first in the doomed land?
Download Outrun the Flood
Version: 1.0.0
Author: kabachuha
0.01 MiB 847 down
1 up
Nov 27 2021 ru
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ooze Mini Campaign
You are an ooze, and you are hungry. Devour the foolish intruders that have entered your domain! Four levels, including an RPG level.

Multiplayer: For network game latest version is recommended!

(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)

Maintainer :Cure
Forum topic Download Ooze Mini Campaign
Version: 1.5.4a
Author: SpenceLack
1.57 MiB 1496 down
1 up
Feb 06 2022 cs, it, ja, pl, ru
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ogre Crusaders
Ogre Crusaders is a hybrid campaign, playable either alone or with 2 players. An exciting crusading adventure (7 scenarios) awaits you. Each scenario will be very different from the previous one and will set different goals for you, which can only be achieved with skilled teamwork. Demonstrate ogrish determination and cunning to defeat the enemy army, go deep into their lands, capture a large city and destroy their holy sites!


2.0.2 Release
-Barkuk's portrait is now shown on the right side of the screen instead of on the left, and flipped (to make him stand out from Shrogg a little more)

2.0.1 Release
-fixed serious bug if you had the old version of the campaign installed

2.0.0 Release
-renamed the campaign from 'Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface' to 'Ogre Crusaders'
-added tutorial scenario
-added 2 more scenarios besides the tutorial
-heavily changed most scenarios
-expanded the lore (story/dialog)
-all scenarios now have a pre-battle map similar to mainline campaigns

1.0.1 Release
-enemies in the first scenario now have less gold/income and can't recruit jousters on easy/normal difficulties

1.0.0 Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Ogre Crusaders
Version: 2.0.2
Author: ForestDragon, Mechanical
9.50 MiB 2075 down
5 up
Jul 23 2022 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tale of Prashnak(WIP)
Work in progress. Only one scenario ready at the moment
Download Tale of Prashnak(WIP)
Version: 0.1
Author: TymC
0.29 MiB 257 down
1 up
Aug 06 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Nuke Mod
Nuclear strategy by kabachuha!

1. Every turn each player decide what locations they will attack with *tactical charges* and which with *nukes*. (attacks cost gold)
2. To launch a nuke the player has to build a *missile silo* (appears as a chasm) beforehand. It can be build only adjancent to player's units and only on empty hexes.
3. In the beginning of the turn the attacks will be commited in the following order:
3.1 Tactical attacks from each side. If the center of the explosion hits a nuclear lauch silo *directly*, it will be disabled.
3.1.1 The blast kills everyone (except for a small list of SP exceptions) in a radius of one hex and destroys the terrain.
3.2 All nukes are lauched from the available sites and will hit their targets with a devastating blast.
3.2* If a nuke hits a lauch site at this stage, it will not prevent the counterattack as it's assumed that the nukes had been lauched almost simultaneously.
3.2.1 The blast kills everyone (except for a small list of SP exceptions) in a radius of 10 hexes and destroys the terrain in a radius of 6 completely, and in a radius of 13 only removes the overlays, such as forests. (these values are customizable)
3.2.2 All units on the map will be slowed and poisoned by radiation.

Also, you'll get an easter egg if you finish Northern Rebirth with this mod on :)
Download Nuke Mod
Version: 1.0
Author: kabachuha
0.02 MiB 973 down
6 up
Sep 15 2022 ru
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
The Dark Master Project Resources II
Resources for The Dark Master Project (related only to the campaigns of the second strife era)
Forum topic Download The Dark Master Project Resources II
Version: 0.3.7x
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
78.13 MiB 5110 down
39 up
Oct 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Northern Rebirth Remake
People of Dwarven Doors are fighting for freedom! While this combat becomes harder there are spreading some dangerous rumors about darkness in their leaders' heart.

Return to Northern Rebirth once more!
Face foes you know, now more deceitful than ever!
Ally with your sworn enemies! Rise against your friends!
Your hero, your journey! It is up to you what weapon do you use, which path do you take! 

This is an unofficial fork of a mainline campaign Northern Rebirth by Taurus. It features complete alternate branch, brings improvements to core scenarios - many of them posted on Northern Rebirth forum - and fixes numerous issues still remaining in version of a campaign shipped with the game. New branch has 12 scenarios (3 first scenarios are the same for both branches).
Forum topic Download Northern Rebirth Remake
Version: 1.2.10a
Author: Wesbane
6.82 MiB 1284 down
1 up
May 14 2022 af, ang, ang@latin, ar, bg, ca, ca_ES@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en@shaw, en_GB, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fr, fur_IT, ga, gd, gl, he, hr, hu, id, is, it, ja, ko, la, lt, lv, mk, mr, nb_NO, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, racv, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr@ijekavian, sr@ijekavianlatin, sr@latin, sv, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Non-Fatal Wounds: maimed edition
This is an extension of the Non-Fatal Wounds add-on by Octalot and Armagedonus that adds lasting injuries to your units whom nearly escaped death. 

Your units can recover from non-permanent injuries instead of progressing to the next level.
permanent injuries can be disabled
permanent injureies include: death, undead-ghost,undead-zombie,non-canonical
fear based wounds have a chance of being healed when you defeat an apponent while affected by them

Non-Fatal Wounds needs to be disabled to prevent it from running twice, but it still neends to be installed for Maimed Edition to work.
Forum topic Download Non-Fatal Wounds: maimed edition
Version: 1.6.1
Author: Cookielord
0.01 MiB 467 down
9 up
Aug 23 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Non-Fatal Wounds Extended
This is an improved version of the Non-Fatal Wounds and Non-Fatal Wounds: Maimed Edition add-ons which acts as a standalone addon with a complete help menu and many new features.

Authors of the previous addons: Octalot and CookieLord (Maimed)
Original idea from: Armagedonus

* When a unit reaches 0 hp, it’s removed for the current scenario and receives an injury instead of dying (except if receives a 'death' wound). This unit go back into the recall list for next mission or next turn (to choose) with the wound received.

* If you activate wounds, most of them are based on fatal attacks received, the type of terrain where the victim is standing on, and other additional conditions. Other wounds and death depend solely on chance. In like manner, all wounds are designed to be applied to units that can suffer or are affected in some way. Magical wounds for magical units, wounds on arms, legs, or wings in races that possess such limbs, mechanical units are immune to fear, ghosts can't receives ghost wound, undeads can't receives the undead wound but can receives the ghost wound, etc.

* There are more than 50 psychological and physical wounds, plus 3 fears (to the race, weapon, and type of the enemy) that can have a virtually infinite variety. Optional wounds are death, undeath, ghosts, elementals and funny wounds. Ghost, undeath, elementals and some funny wounds affect not only the unit's stats, but also its appearance and abilities, and are permanent.

* If a unit is killed by a plague attack and isn't unplagueable, is lost even if you don't choose the death wound as an option, so be careful. You can disable this behavior by also disabling all basic wounds.

* Almost all wounds -except for optional wounds and plagued- can be healed with different methods.

* All wounds info, probabilities, and healing methods can be consulted at any time in the optional help menu, with the possibility of disable the addon for certain scenarios, or change the available wounds and other options.

* This does not protect your heroes or other specific units, you'll still lose if any character who has to survive is wounded. The enemy isn't going to miss the chance of finishing the battle by letting a leader escape. All mainline campaigns and some UMC campaigns has been adapted to change their behavior on certain events depending on the situation, some of them optionals.

* This addon may affects campaign balance, but makes the RNG much less punishing of mistakes, while still being not too lenient since you will lose the opportunity to continue leveling on that scenario, in addition to an important debuff that will be expensive to cure (if possible). With deaths activated, the campaigns will remain balanced in most. The severity of the consequences of injuries has been greatly increased compared to the Maimed version.

NOTE: You don't need to install original or Maimed Non-Fatal Wounds. Read CHANGELOG.md file for more details of the changes.
Forum topic Download Non-Fatal Wounds Extended
Version: 4.3
Author: Toranks
2.39 MiB 686 down
30 up
Jul 12 2023 es, de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Napoleonic Wars (stock 1.14)
Warning: The official 'Napoleonic Wars' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

Napoleonic Wars

11 scenarios and a tutorial following the career of Napoleon Bonaparte. Is about 98% complete and released for beta-testing.

Only the 'easy' difficulty level is available for selection.

NB: to play this campaign, you have to load the core 'Bienvenue' available after the dependency add-on is installed. You'll be ready to select the 'Napoleonic Wars' scenario through the 'Campaign' menu.

The needed 'core' can be loaded following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Bienvenue (Wesnoth 1.14 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback thread for 'Napoleonic Wars'.
Forum topic Download Napoleonic Wars (stock 1.14)
Version: 0.2.0-i18n.1
Author: TorMac
83.87 MiB 1321 down
2 up
Apr 16 2023 en_US
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A new human era
Its my first Era. Containing lvl 0-7 Units. 
	Implements one faction.
	Removed unused code.
	Damage should be more balanced. Modified the resistances.
	Modified the movement types.
	Removed lvl 7 unit form leaderlist.
	Leaders are Lvl 4 units.
	Any compliants please let me know over discord or e-mail  
	-update: new units implemented:
	-all advancements are now up to date
	-90/90 units playable
	-thanks to patience_reloaded for helping me with 
	 balancing the units and creating seduce weapon skill 
	-also thanks to everyone on discord who explained me so 
	 many things
	-ported from v1.14
	-Bug reporting:lightningbold@d-reves.de
	-Report accepted languages:english, german, portuguese
Download A new human era
Version: 1.0.5
Author: lightning
6.72 MiB 687 down
2 up
Oct 14 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Nosmos Survival Maps
Two survival maps, Originally created by Nosmos and maintained by other users over the years.
Download Nosmos Survival Maps
Version: 1.4.12
Author: Nosmos, grrr, Pentarctagon, TuxThePenguin
0.01 MiB 1494 down
2 up
Jan 03 2022 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Mountain Witch
Young witche Hana and dancer Sally helped the last elf survive. There was a surprising fact in the shadow of the elves extinction. To solve the mystery of the extinction of the elves, three people go on a journey to find the treasure of the elves. Please use the new summoning method and medicine preparation to lead the witch to victory.
Forum topic Download Mountain Witch
Version: 1.3.3
28.39 MiB 2579 down
3 up
Jan 11 2022 ja
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Monkey Hill Island
A 6-player king of the hill game, within a hostile environment on this jungle island.
Will you fail while aiming for the top alone, or will you be betrayed while trying to cooperate...

Note: AI is set up to follow the objective of the scenario so it is possible to play with/against AI. However, due to the nature of the objective, do not expect good tactical play from AI.
Playing with human players is therefore preferred.

2020-08-08 v1.1.0: Number of enemies now scales down if there are less players.
Forum topic Download Monkey Hill Island
Version: 1.1.0
Author: GForce0
0.00 MiB 508 down
1 up
Jan 29 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Modern Warfers
a set of  fictional campaigns set in modern wars (there is only one campaign for now, new ones will be added in the future).
Forum topic Download Modern Warfers
Version: 0.1.0
Author: darkator
1.93 MiB 595 down
1 up
Feb 19 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Zombie Variations
Recruited Walking Corpses and Soullesses will have a random variation. Allows to configure which variations you allow (for MP, in the 'Custom Options' tab). Works both for campaigns and multiplayer.
Download Zombie Variations
Version: 1
Author: dwarftough
0.00 MiB 1956 down
1 up
Nov 04 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
2023 Modern Combat Reborn
Work in progress! Join our play group on discord if you want to play this mod with an active community: https://discord.gg/jekZpTub3X

Modern combat, an old mod revised in a new era! Currently in development with additional features, factions, and bug fixes on the way. Enjoy Wesnoth in the current year with tanks, planes, missiles, warships, leader-powers, and research. There's no Geneva Convention here! Please report any issues to the appropriate forum.

Original mod by PsychoticKittens and A Guy. Updated 2023 by Adama, Nanoknight and Gantic.
Forum topic Download 2023 Modern Combat Reborn
Version: 0.2.8
Author: Adama, Nanoknight, Gantic
7.59 MiB 1922 down
42 up
Jun 04 2023
Add-ons which do not fit any other category.
Mod Amla Plus
A modification that gives more AMLA options.
Download Mod Amla Plus
Version: 1.0.0
Author: vghetto
0.01 MiB 1302 down
1 up
Nov 04 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Case of the Missing Scepter
Warlock Homz must locate a missing scepter and stop a plot by his nemesis to over-run the world with an army of undead.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Case of the Missing Scepter
Version: 0.8.1-1
Author: TofuOgre
0.89 MiB 1067 down
1 up
Jan 22 2022
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
4 Player Multiplayer co-op or pvp or Singleplayer against AI.

It is recommended not to change any settings regarding gold and +gold.
Map size: 44x19
Players:  4
In a smal forest landscape, four kings seek to dominate the battlefield, while at the center of their greed a deadly beast has awakened.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon at the very bottom of the Scenarios-List.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2023
Download Miracle
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 240 down
1 up
Jul 07 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Mini Maps Collection
A collection of minimaps from 1.14's Mini Isar and Mini Maps addons. Contains 8 maps for 2 players and 7 maps for 4 players including Mini Isar, Micro Isar, Modified Closed Relation and others
Download Mini Maps Collection
Version: 1
Author: enclave/RedWind/szdik570/Benji/Belbog, ported by dwarftough
0.00 MiB 645 down
1 up
Jan 06 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
MfaW - The Season of the Mist
A multiple character RPG campaign. First chapter completed
Memories from another world
The Season of the Mist

The currents of time flow slowly in the younger lands. However, as the world ages, both those currents and the cycles that follow them begin to accelerate, forcing all the living beings to adapt into a less placed pace. In the eyes of the elven citizens, such rapid changes pose a threat to their lifestyle, and those born in the lower castes are sent into the outside world in hopes of completely avoid unexpected changes or delay them as much as possible.
Download MfaW - The Season of the Mist
Author: Aucrin-Ix-Seis
4.10 MiB 429 down
12 up
Jun 03 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Messenger Mod
Allows leaders to appoint adjacent units as messengers or gold carriers via right-click-menu. Another player can read the message or collect the gold by using the right-click-menu if the messenger is adjacent to their leader.
It is also possible to forge alliances through messeges.
If a unit kills a messenger, that unit becomes a messenger in it's stead and can deliver the message or gold as the original messenger.
Intended for big free for all games in which communication via team-chat is not viable.
Compatible with Expendable Leaders 2, though generals cannot compose or receive messages.
Download Messenger Mod
Version: 1.2.1
Author: Nyanyanyan
0.01 MiB 588 down
3 up
Mar 07 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Merry Christmas
Christmas-Themed Mini-Campaign

Santa's elves have run out of Christmas trees during decorating and must travel to the Lintanir Forest for more. The guardians of the woods are not well pleased with this and will seek to oppose you. Can you gather enough trees to save Christmas in time?

Three difficulty levels based on a time limit. Unlike most campaigns the time limit is for the whole campaign not a single scenario. If you waste too much time on one scenario you may be doomed no matter how quickly you do the others.

Features a unique modify terrain ability. Alter the landscape to favour your side.
Forum topic Download Merry Christmas
Version: 1.5.0
Author: Desert_Shyde and Brilliand, updated by Atreides
5.59 MiB 1078 down
8 up
Jun 12 2024 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Marauding Thieves
Marauding Thieves is a singleplayer campaign that takes a totally different approach to Wesnoth gameplay. Here, stealth and evasion count for more than brute strength. Why charge at a guard when you can sneak past, assassinate him from the shadows or simply plant a bomb behind his back? Combat is for losers!

    The campaign takes place across a series of missions which are selected by the player on a world map of Wesnoth. There are four mission types with a variety of unique objectives (loot the chests, rescue the prisoners, blow the bridge!). With a variety of special stealth options and hiding abilities at your disposal, your ragtag team of thieves must take on the combined might of the royal empire. You will be outnumbered and overpowered, but you have the skillz.

This is a fork of 'Den of Thieves' by Bob_The_Mighty & jb.

To play the original multiplayer version with 2 or 3 players, please download their copy instead.
Marauding Thieves is the Single Player variation. It should be started from the 'Campaigns' button found at the main screen, and not from the Multiplayer setup screens.
Forum topic Download Marauding Thieves
Version: 2.2.0-1
Author: Bob_The_Mighty & jb. vghetto (MT)
0.19 MiB 1080 down
1 up
Jan 04 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Make HttT Anime Again
'The only secret was that it was possible...'

Replaces HttT and Tutorial (also affects add-on 'Nightmare to the Throne') portraits with their previous versions (around Wesnoth 1.8), which are said to be more anime-like.

Note: Lisar's sceptre animations still missing, since they would require quite more work.
Download Make HttT Anime Again
Version: 1.0b
Author: kabachuha
3.44 MiB 780 down
1 up
Dec 31 2022 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Mage of Runes
Aside the normal magic of mages there also exist another type of magic based on magic runes carved into crystals. A few beings become able to use this magic not only for themselves. They also were able to use this magic to support their allies.
This campaign includes a rune spell system. All Rune Mages in this campaign have their own rune inventory which allows them to use spells on themselves or allied units they are linked with. These spells only last or a few turns and should be used with caution.
The campaign is in an early stage of development it includes three level of difficulty which might be not well balanced. So far 30 Scenarios are playable including five story scenario.
Forum topic Download Mage of Runes
Version: 0.4.2
Author: Sledge, most portraits by Fuchspinsel
2.02 MiB 1084 down
2 up
Jan 25 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Random Map Pack
Just some random maps that I modified years ago.
Download Random Map Pack
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Hejnewar
0.00 MiB 641 down
1 up
Jan 15 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Proper Flying and Vision Mods
This is a pack containing two mods of mine:
1. Proper Flying Mod: With this mod enabled, several flying mainline units are unattackable in melee by ground units, and receive the skirmisher ability. In return, they become outstandingly bad at holding villages and other points of interest.
2. Vision Mod: This mod makes vision independent from movement points and movement costs. Instead, it depends on time of day, terrain the unit stands on, and height of overlooked terrain.
Forum topic Download Proper Flying and Vision Mods
Version: 2.1.1
Author: Hammerfritz
0.01 MiB 257 down
1 up
Jul 08 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
LotI Modification
Modification allowing to use everything from Legends of the Invincibles for SP and MP.
Forum topic Download LotI Modification
Version: 2.3
Author: lhybrideur
8.32 MiB 593 down
6 up
Feb 07 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Legend of the Invincibles Units in Mainline Campaign
Enables Units, Items, and Advancements from Legend of the Invincibles by Dugi. Incorporates additional units by dwarftough in Invincibles Conquest II. Specific supported campaigns have additional modules that are available if applicable. Some campaigns do not need a compatibility module. Dead Water is the only unsupported mainline campaign.
Download Legend of the Invincibles Units in Mainline Campaign
Version: 1.2.1
Author: xhh2a
0.04 MiB 738 down
10 up
Jul 19 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
LotI Advancements
Adds LotI advancements for default era units in multiplayer.
Forum topic Download LotI Advancements
Version: 1.0.1
Author: dwarftough
0.00 MiB 1830 down
2 up
Jul 17 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Northern Rebirth Rebirthed
For the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords. Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great events that might restore the Northlands to the glory they had once known.

Now with a new line of units, and more to come!
Forum topic Download Northern Rebirth Rebirthed
Version: 0.1.2
Author: DuncanDill
6.61 MiB 163 down
1 up
Mar 17 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Lonely Era
The Lonely Era is a new collection of six selected superior solitary sides with interesting and unusual abilities, traits and attributes.

It has been extensively expanded, improved, revised, rewritten and rebalanced over the last few years from the original era and the constituent factions.

Included are:

1) Santa's Helpers are his Elves as well as animated pine trees that can grow into Christmas trees. They are a heavily updated faction based on the Merry Christmas Campaign. Beware of Elves bearing gifts though, the presents are very distracting. The Elves are unique in not having standard levels, they each can gain up to 4 special abilities via AMLA but technically always remain at level 1. The AMLA levels are roughly equal to half a standard level thus effectively allowing them to become as powerful as level 3's. Naturally, Flying Reindeer and Christmas Seals have been added to their ranks.

2) Gremlins are an all teleporting race of elusive ethereal creatures. Individually fragile they work together using their tremendous mobility to swarm and overwhelm their enemies. Their mages are perhaps the ultimate glass cannons but if you can somehow keep one alive long enough it might even get to level 5 and become immortal.

3) Vaeringjar are a Viking faction allied with Wolfkin. The vikings eschew ranged weapons as well as sissy ideas like dodging blows but are a very, very hardy lot. They also have a unique herbalist unit that can inspire berserker rage in adjacent vikings for a turn. The Wolfkin are lithe and armed with bows and teeth on the other hand. They are also very agile in contrast to the vikings. As nocturnal hunters they are devastating at night and almost helpless in the day.

4) Avians are cold loving, water hating bipedal birds. Their hollow bones and feathers make them vulnerable to fire and blunt weapons. They are unique in having cheap level 0 healers. Unusually their leaders are not drawn from the ranks but form a separate class only selectable as leaders. Tamed Albatrosses can patrol the awful waters that the regular Avians seek to avoid.

5) The Deep Ones - Slimy, slippery, blasphemous fish-frogs of the nameless design - living and horrible - have now been sighted on the edge of Wesnoth. Mutants who slowly evolve from human to monster these creatures are nothing to be trifled with! A mostly water faction they are quite capable of holding their own against the landlubbers.

6) Jephrifs live far up in the sky, miles above land. Away from even the most basic things most other races take for granted, such as solid ground, their society developed to be quite alien indeed. In recent times, Jephrifs began descending from the skies to participate in combat against other races - apparently for their own amusement, seeing life as a game.

These are challenging factions to master. Each has odd strengths and weaknesses that require some thought to get the best out of.

It can be combined into a larger era with any or all of the Everfell Era, Age of Trials or Dov's Maps 'n Mods if they are installed also.
Forum topic Download Lonely Era
Version: 2.5.1
Author: Atreides, Shield, Desert_Shyde, Brilliand, Stern, Cloud, Grigistian, mikoc5, Stopsignal, The_Gnat, Minnakht.
6.85 MiB 2327 down
26 up
Jun 09 2024 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Liberating Alduin
When undead grow powerful, someone has to stop it, or the undead will simply take over Wesnoth and rule it. This Mage that has to stop it, is just a simple Mage, but with a lot of potential.

(intermediate level, 8 scenarios)

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Liberating Alduin
Version: 1.4.2-1
Author: Dellaedry (originally), Vulpine (mantenance)
0.60 MiB 1248 down
1 up
Dec 30 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Legends of Idaamub
Dark times await Idaamub. After a long period of peace between races, orcs have begun to attack peasant villages. But, in the shadows, a dark presence pulls the strings. Travel through Idaamub to prevent it from falling into chaos. 

Some big maps and long scenarios.

(Not balanced yet, first four chapters complete (34 scenarios))
Forum topic Download Legends of Idaamub
Version: 0.7.2
Author: Lhybrideur
10.63 MiB 1459 down
17 up
Aug 29 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Legend of the Invincibles (beta)
This is a daily build version of Legend of the Invincibles. It contains the latest changes, but also the latest bugs. Use this only for testing or if you have problems with the main version and you know it has been already fixed but not uploaded.
Forum topic Download Legend of the Invincibles (beta)
Author: Dugi
18.50 MiB 2698 down
244 up
Sep 22 2024 ru, es, de, fr
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tale of a Mage
The young boy Dillon only wanted to live his life in peace. After his village is destroyed by bandits however, he is forced to throw his lot with the magi. It is a difficult life, and little does he know that his destiny may lie along side that of Prince Arand II himself.

(Intermediate level, 30 scenarios)

Currently maintained by mathbrush
Forum topic Download Tale of a Mage
Version: 1.1
Author: SkeleRanger
4.98 MiB 3317 down
2 up
Jul 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Legend of the Invincibles
Sometimes, people don't embrace the tempting powers of darkness because of desires to rule, but merely for survival. Can the dark powers be used to fight against dark schemes with no limits or will they eventually corrupt its users?

A massive 200 scenarios long campaign divided into 2 parts, each of them consisting of five substories. The chapters offer a varied character development and changing strategies throughout. Although preserving the traditional Wesnoth gameplay, there are also many powerful items to collect, as well as a level-up system for all units that goes beyond the L3 limit. Your recalls will be all the more unique and fun to use due to the many power-ups obtained throughout this campaign.

Also contains two coop multiplayer scenarios related to the campaign.

The campaign has two spin-offs, 'The Beautiful Child' and 'Affably Evil'. The campaign 'Kill the King' is also related.
Forum topic Download Legend of the Invincibles
Version: 3.2.7d
Author: Dugi
14.45 MiB 19914 down
3 up
Feb 25 2024 de, ru, es
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Mercenary Band
Before the Fall, a new group of humans entered the continent. The mercenary Aragwaithi bands came across the vast sea, and were involved in settling many disputes before the Fall. This is the story of one such band.
	Feedback is welcome and necessary. This campaign is very rough around the edges. It is also practically fractal in its vast quantities of edges, and <sarcasm>definitely not</sarcasm> an excuse for a campaign with the Aragwaith as the main faction. If you find the campaign hard, I recommend that you mostly recruit Guards (level 2/3 swordsmen) and a few leadership units (level 2/3/4 spearmen).
	V 0.9.3: removed some bugs and buglike occurences.
	(Intermediate difficulty; 12 scenarios + 1 epilogue)
Forum topic Download Mercenary Band
Version: 0.9.5
Author: scio-nullus
0.05 MiB 1476 down
6 up
Mar 14 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Tale of Karun the Black Eye, greatest of the orcs, depicting his struggle for orcish unity, his long war with the humans, his successes and his tragic death 
(Intermediate level, 18 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Legend_of_Far_North
Version: 1.1.2
Author: chak_abhi
4.26 MiB 1130 down
2 up
Aug 18 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Elf, the Dwarf and the Mage
A dwarf falls out of the sky!  Novice-level campaign with steampunk elements.
Download The Elf, the Dwarf and the Mage
Version: 1.2.2
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
5.62 MiB 948 down
1 up
Aug 31 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Leader of the Drakes
Leader of the Drakes is killed by assassins. Orcs are coming to the islands, that the drakes call home. Who will be the next leader? Who will save drakes from enemy invasion? 3 scenarios, medium difficulty.
Download Leader of the Drakes
Version: 1.0.2c
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.01 MiB 1111 down
1 up
Oct 26 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Four heroes holding their well-fortified sanctuary against a flood of enemies, four scenarios, each on the same map. In the first scenario, all level 0 and level 1 units can appear as enemies, in the second all level 2 units, in the third all level 3 units, and in the fourth all level 4 and 5 units.

If desired, a custom “Battle Mage” unit with quite a number of AMLAs can be recruited (fully functional, but without any new graphics).

(Intermediate level, 4 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Sanctuary
Version: 1.1.6
Author: walodar
0.02 MiB 2283 down
1 up
Jun 26 2021 de
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Leader Renewal 2
When your leader dies, one of your other units will become your new leader instead. Difference to the original mod by Xinge Callidus is, that this mod uses less resources and only gives a new leader if the side does not already have two leaders. Made for use with Age of Lords, but can be used with any era.
Download Leader Renewal 2
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Nyohoho
0.01 MiB 952 down
1 up
Apr 09 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Lazersquad Based on Laser Squad and Rebelstar
Lazersquad - equip and use your squad of elite space marines to defeat your opponents! Inspired by 'Laser Squad' and 'Rebelstar'.
Forum topic Download Lazersquad Based on Laser Squad and Rebelstar
Version: 5
Author: Gwledig
0.03 MiB 428 down
3 up
Dec 13 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ladder Era
Balanced version of the Default Era for competitive play. May be used only with approved maps. Adds modified versions of Den of Onis, Hamlets, Silverhead Crossing, The Freelands and Fallenstar Lake maps. Provides a map picker for selecting random map from a pool of approved maps.

Changes comparing to the Default Era:
- Leaders with 6 movement points receive slow trait (similar to how 4 mp leaders receive quick trait, which is inherited from the Default Era)
- Pikeman, Red Mage, White Mage, Elvish Sorceress, Trapper and Rogue removed from the leader pools
- Removed leaders from the manual selection pool that are not present in the random selection pool
- Drake Fighter: 30% defense in shallow water
- Drake Burner: -50% cold resistance
Knalgan Alliance
- Dwarves have 3 traits, hardy trait (always rest heal if poisoned) is mandatory, healthy trait is removed.
- Footpad: melee blade 5-2
- Poacher: 32 hitpoints
- Ulfserker: 20 gold
- Thunderer: 16 gold
- Guardsman: ranged attack 6-1
- Spearman: ranged attack 5-1
- Bowman: melee attack 5-2
- Cavalryman: 18 gold
- Heavy Infantryman: -10% cold resistance
- Orcish Archer: ranged pierce attack 5-3
- Elvish Shaman: no dextrous trait, ranged attack 3-2
- Merman Hunter: 32 hitpoints, 60% defense in deep water
- Vampire bat: no intelligent trait
- Skeleton Archer: 15 gold
Forum topic Download Ladder Era
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Cackfiend
0.13 MiB 2743 down
3 up
Dec 20 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Labyrinth of Cornet
A mischievous cat has opened the lid of the 'Demon cauldron' on display at the Cornet Museum!
The magical power of the 'Demon cauldron' turns the museum into a labyrinth, and monsters overflow from the cauldron.
This campaign is one of the quests for the add-on 'Castle of Evil Spirit' that is currently being created, and is an add-on that is almost a roguelike game.
Forum topic Download Labyrinth of Cornet
Version: 0.0.6
19.73 MiB 909 down
6 up
Feb 12 2022 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Leafsea Burning
The first orcs from the far west were far more powerful than later generations.
So why did they not conquer all of the Great Continent?
And how did they lose or forget so much heritage and lore?

Set in the early years of Wesnoth, you command the few denizens of the far north who faced the overwhelming might of the horde.
Why is this story not known?
Did the defenders win?
And if so, how?
This is their story.

Intermediate difficulty classic skirmish style campaign with enhanced recruitment options plus a few surprises.
16 scenarios, 14 playable of which 13 will actually be played depending on choices made.

Complete, playable, only tested on normal difficulty.
Comments/feedback greatly appreciated.

- Various bugfixes and dialogue tweaks.
  (Maintenance release: changes to gameplay are small.)

- Added suggestions, tweaks and bug fixes.
  Thanks to white_haired_uncle and Sandsculpture.
- Scenario 13 redesigned, otherwise gameplay largely unchanged.
! Known issues:
  Scenario 13 has two minor interface glitches but is playable
 (details via link below).
Forum topic Download Leafsea Burning
Version: 1.2.1
Author: Spannerbag
25.46 MiB 469 down
2 up
Feb 17 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Orocia Random Mod
Orocia - survival with custom upgrade sets, weapons, tents of allied units, maps and random waves of Ageless Era units.
Forum topic Download Orocia Random Mod
Version: 4.14.7
Author: Ravana
0.06 MiB 1716 down
10 up
Mar 16 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
LordAwsomeness's RPG Era Resources
Resources for LA_RPG_Era. *required for LA RPG Era*

version 1.0.1 - 08-01-20
Forum topic Download LordAwsomeness's RPG Era Resources
Version: 1.0.1
Author: LordAwsomeness
53.08 MiB 1568 down
1 up
Jan 27 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
War of the Dragon
This campaign is a sequel to Count Kromire.

You start with the Windsong.

Not finished…
Forum topic Download War of the Dragon
Version: 1.4.5
Author: Velensk (uploaded by Shiki)
0.12 MiB 571 down
1 up
Jun 05 2023 de
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
LordAwsomeness's RPG Era
First off hats off to Bob_The_Mighty for his rpg era because many of my ideas and inspirations derived greatly from his creations! Second the heroes are custom units pillaged from 1.8 Wesband that have changing sprites according to the weapons you have equipped. (all credit goes to those who helped work on that legendary addon. Rest in peace Wesband) (Except the drake; that was all me and I take all credit for frakenstining that as it took a full day to complete)

In this addon you able able to build your character from 8 different races across multiple different maps with various gamemodes and objectives. Most maps settings are heavily customizable with Custom Settings offering a vast array of options. The replayablity of scenarios in this addon addon is infinite! 

Choose from humans, dwarves, elves, goblins, orcs, saurians, trolls and now the newest addition: drakes. Create your hero with unique classes, magic abilities and weapons. Weapons and skills are upgradeable, magic is castable from afar, and your heroes can adopt numerous playstyles to fit your preference. Try out the magic system that was reworked in update 0.3.0 and enjoy the mana and magic casting system which has been heavily expanded upon and updated since the start of 2020!

As of version 0.4.0 LA_RPG_Maps is no longer supported as its contents have been merged with LA_MP_Pack and it has been removed from the addons server.

Currently the addon contains 8 multiplayer maps:
LA: 6p Arena Survival - A medium sized Boss based survival map. Kill the bosses or simply survive as long as you can!
LA: 4p The Maze Lite RPG Adventure - A simple Lite RPG that was shipped out with the 0.3.0 release. New larger, story driven RPG adventure maps will be released in the upcoming months!
LA: 6p Rumble - Tiny map for quick action. Players receive a huge amount of hero points and gold to start and battle it out in the middle of the tiny arena for the precious artifacts.
LA: 5p Evolve - Medium map that was released with version 0.3.0. This gamemode is due to get reworked to a 5-7 player PvP map in the future so stay tuned for that update!
LA: Creep Wars - 3 different Creep War maps! Contains a broad set of options and modifactions so you can play it exactly the way you want to!
LA: 7 World Survival - Players jump from world to world trying to survive the oncoming waves and kill all of the other players.

Please make sure that you download LordAwsomeness's RPG Era's Resources for all of the music, images, and sounds. It is necessary to run this addon.

Thank you so much for your support as we continue to develop this mess!

version 0.4.8b - 03-26-20
Known bugs for 0.4.8 (including bugs carried over from previous patches)
	*sometimes there is a bug where spell cast attacks do not kill enemies as they are supposed to even if they have the proper amount of damage for it.
	*damage from fire aura and thornmail doesnt always calculate properly when used offensively resulting in the damage retaliation only being 1 damage. (this usually only happens when your unit is attacking offensively. defensively it works fine.)
	*when heroes are using non-casting magical attacks, the hero's image will swap to other weapon variations
		*(ei: if a human is using fireball while holding a sword, the animation variation will switch to other weapons such as an axe, then a staff, etc.)
		*this isnt a gamebreaking bug and I am working on a way to patch this issue.
	*if you have a javelin equipped and you unequip a spear or another polearm weapon then the javelin will remain.
	*sometimes when you attempt to use your summoning ability as a goblin, the units you have unlocked will not show up.
	*on the 6p Arena Survival Map: stepping on chests dropped from killing towers will not reward the player with the gold they are supposed to receive
	*there is a visual bug where when you kill an enemy with a csting attack, if you have enemy heroes on the other team it will display them receiving the gold and XP from the kill. They do not actually gain the gold and xp so it is a minor bug that is just visual.
		*if this happens on creep wars however, the points will be given to the wrong team.
Update 0.4.8b - 03-26-20
	*fixed a bug where the buffs were being applied to creeps in 7WS on the first wave.
	*added wave number as a label to 7WS.
Update 0.4.8a - 03-26-20
	*minor bugfixes.
Update 0.4.8 - 03-25-20
	*added the new map LA: 7 World Survival.
Update 0.4.7c - 03-24-20
	*another small bugfix.
Update 0.4.7b - 03-24-20
	*small bugfix.
Update 0.4.7a - 03-24-20
	*created a temporary fix for the issues with the tower chests being dropped and players not being able to pick them up.
	*updated modification options and gave players more choices on some of the Creep Wars options.
	*added more clarity to modification option descriptions.
Update 0.4.7 - 03-24-20
	*fixed some bugs where if you used a casting attack and killed a unit, units on the other team would recieve the kill gold as well.
	*seperated the images, sounds, and music to the new resources for this addon: LordAwsomeness's RPG Era Resources.
	*adjusted some of the magic casting attack Hero Point costs.
Update 0.4.6a - 03-23-20
	*fixed a major bug with revives not working properly.
	*added the dry version of the 3v3 Creep Wars map.
Update 0.4.6 - 03-23-20
	*nerfs to the fire avatar and the fire god: reduced damage.
	*huge buffs to all magician classes: drastically reduced the hero point costs of all magical attacks (non-casting attacks for magician classes)
	*major adjustments to magical casting attacks:
		*added upgrades to the casting attack trees.
		*nerfed the base damage to give more value to upgrading the casting attacks.

Update 0.4.5d - 03-22-20
	*minor adjustments to creep wars as well as a bugfix.
Update 0.4.5b - 03-21-20
	*fixed a major bug for the creep wars maps.
Update 0.4.5a - 03-21-20
	*fixed some small bugs.
	*adjusted some scaling properties of creeps in creep wars.
	*reduced the cooldown for almost all magical casting and passive abililties.
	*changed the objective from the bosses dying to the towers dying being the victory condition.
	*fixed the bug where player revives would still give gold to the enemy teams.

Update 0.4.5 - 03-20-20
	*fixed a bug where you could loot an infinite amount of gold from dead bodies.
	*fixed multiple other minor bugs.
	*added new maps: 
		*LA: 2v2v2 Creep Wars - 3 teams facing off against each other to kill the other teams' boss!
			*spend gold in the shops to upgrade your creeps and overcome your opponents!
		*LA: 3v3 Creep Wars - 2 teams facing off against each other to kill the other team's boss!
			*spend gold in the shops to upgrade your creeps and overcome your opponents!
	*added another level for the swift upgrade. (2 upgrades of swift total)
	*added even one more level for the swift upgrade only for trolls (3 upgrades of swift total for trolls)
Update 0.4.4 - 03-19-20
	*added a new map: 
		*6p LA Rumble - PvP arena map
	*changed some descriptions and names of maps and scenarios in multiplayer lobbies to make it easier for players to find scenarios attached to this map pack.
	*reverted hero points to 5 points gained per advancement.
	*removed heroes gaining levels after advancing multiple times (heroes always remain level 1)
	*changed spoils rewards to reflect competitive gamemodes:
		*the changes to this allows the addition of countless PvP projects that we have been imagining for months now! Enjoy as we add new and exciting PvP gamemodes and reimagine some old maps!
	*added a consumables menu inside of the items menu.
	*added melee attacks to all of the towers on the survival map.
	*added some UI clarity as well as an explaination on artifacts when picking them up.
	*added a new drake class: drake burner - fire breath focused class.
	*made several changes to all races:
		*each race now begins with a starting bonus:
			*drakes now all have fire breath (as of patch 0.4.3)
			*dwarves begin with a runic artifact of their choice
			*elves begin with +1 frenzy movement (already been applied from previous updates)
			*goblins: begin with the concealment ability
			*humans: begin with the inspire ability
			*orcs: begin with bloodlust lvl 1
			*saurians: begin with skirmisher
			*trolls: begin with regenerates +2
	*added 3 new artifacts:
		*runic warhammer
		*runic greaves
		*runic chestplate
	*fixed a bug where polearm mastery wasn't giving the Firstrike ability when equipping any polearm weapons.
	*fixed a bug where crystaline scepter wasing giving the additional casting range.
	*fixed a bug where items in the shop applied the increased costs before the gold was subtracted, causing the players to pay double for the items/potions and go into negative numbers.
	*various minor bugfixes, spelling fixes and UI adjustments.
Update 0.4.3a - 03-17-20
	*fixed a major bug with hero points not properly getting applied upon leveling up.
Update 0.4.3 - 03-17-20
	*increased the water elemental, avatar, and god's defense in flat terrain from 30% to 40%.
	*added the magical weapon special to the water elemental, avatar, and god's waterspray attack.
	*fixed a bug where if you pick up socerer's shoes from dead bodies, you will lose the stats that you are supposed to gain.
	*fixed a bug where if you kill an enemy while your hero is holding a stacking artifact, the artifact's bonus resistance or hp would go to the unit that killed the enemy rather than your hero.
	*added 2 more levels of the frenzy upgrade (has a max level of 5 rather than 3 now).
	*fixed a number of animations for the elementals.
	*changed some elementals' hitpoints, damage and xp for some maps.
		*for survival maps massively increased the hp and xp for avatars and gods for each respective elemental.
		*for survival maps, increased damage for avatars and gods for each respective elemental.
	*removed the magical weapon special from the fire elemental lines' melee attack and replaced it with 'ablaze'.
	*replaced the cleave 40% ability on the earth god with a more ally friendly cleave 40% - this ability does not harm or kill ally units.
	*added the cleave 30% ability to the earth avatar on specific maps.
	*removed deprecated armors and clothes from being able to be picked up off of dead heroes' bodies.
	*added the regernerates abilities back to the earth elemental lines.
	*reworked the troll race's regernerates ability
		*trolls now have to upgrade their regenerates: starts at regenerates 2 and can be upgraded up to regenerates 12. (early game nerf, mid/lategame buff.
	*gave the drake race fire breath by default.
	*added upgrades to fire breath.
Update 0.4.2 - 03-16-20
	*fixed a bug where sorcerers shoes would remove the stats instead of give them when picking it up from a chest.
	*fixed a bug where when you give the crystal staff away it would increase your stats instead of decreasing them.
	*changed the trolls from having access to the red magic tree.
	*gave all magician classes magical attacks.
		*restricted all classes except for magician classes from accessing standard magical attacks.
		*added upgrades for magical attacks for magician classes.
	*nerfs to the fire avatar: max hp 55 to 50, cold resistance from -25% to -50%
	*nerfs to the fire god: max hp 75 to 65, cold resistance from -20% to -50%
	*nerfed the fire elemental: cold resistance from -30% to -50%
	*changed the towers resistances and damage types.
	*changed the towers max hp from 100 to 120 (except for the dwarf tower).
	*reduced the cooldowns for all attack casting spells.
Update 0.4.1a - 03-15-20
	*fixed a bug where the unit wouldnt hold the weapon equipped after the initial weapon swap.
	*fixed a bug where the prices for potions, lily and some other items were not displaying in the shop.
	*other minor bugfixes.
Update 0.4.1 - 03-15-20
	*updated original race selection lore.
	*created a new UI menu for the artifacts.
	*added the first set of artifacts as well as incorperated them into the scenarios.
		*Tears of the goddess
		*Golden Armlet
		*Silver Armlet
		*Haldric's Helmet
		*Scepter of Fire
		*Frozen Heart
		*Crystaline Staff
		*Yrumry's Lightning Rod
		*Socerer's Shoes
		*Magic Boots
	*added a couple of traps to the maps.
Update 0.4.0 - 03-14-20
	*major performance fixes.
	*merged the addon LA_RPG_Maps back into one full addon.
		*this has solved many of the issues previously plaguing the two addons as now the preprocessor will no longer load both of the addons multiple times.
Update 0.3.5d - 03-14-20
	*added updated damage calculations to the new weapon UI (it will actually display the correct adjusted equipped damage).
	*updated the lore for the races.
Update 0.3.5c - 03-14-20
	*added a confirmation message for salvaging weapons.
	*major buxfix with the issues with weapons equipping with 0 damage.
Update 0.3.5b - 03-13-20
	*fixed some major bugs.
	*fixed some performance issues.
	*changed the weapon UI to allow more interactions in the future.
Update 0.3.5a - 03-11-20
	*quick bugfix
Update 0.3.5 - 03-11-20
	*fixed a minor bug with hero levels getting reset when they equip and unequip weapons.
	*fixed a major bug with tier 5 weapons not appearing in the shop.
	*major nerfs to the earth elemental line as it proved to be far too strong in just about every situation. - removed the regeneration ability at all levels, changed fire and cold resistances to negative values at all levels. (the rock dude is now weak to fire same as most rock and mud type monsters are in wesnoth)
	*fixed a minor bug where the human backstab ability would get removed when equipping daggers when it was supposed to remain.
	*adjusted the cost of Heroic Potion from 40g to 50g for the first purchase and the price increases by 25g everytime the player buys another.
	*adjusted the cost of Haste Potion from 20g to 30g for the first purchase and the price increases by 15g everytime the player buys another.
	*adjusted the cost of Max Mana Potion from 15g to 25g for the first purchase and the price increases by 25g everytime the player buys another.
	*added new casting abilities:
		*brute magic tree:
			*exposing curse
		*decay magic tree:
			*temporal winds
	*adjusted casting abilities:
		*brute magic tree:
				*changed the debuff from a flat rate to a percentage rate (ie: level 1: changed from -1 damage to -10% damage).
				*changed mana costs from 8 to 7.
				*added 2 more levels of intimidation: totaling up to 5 levels of the spell.
				*changed the mana costs from 10 to 6.
				*changed the max cooldown from 7 to 5.
		*runic magic tree:
			*runic forge:
				*added a percentage rate on top of the existing flat rate (ie: level 1: changed from +1 damage to +1 + 10% damage)
				*added 1 more level of runic forge: totaling up to 4 levels of the spell.
	*nerfed the ability despair's effect from being 15% to 10%
		*added the bloodlust ability to the orcs race tree.
	*buffed vigor to give an additional +1 max hitpoints on upgrades 1-3 and +2 max hitpoints on upgrades 4-6.
Update 0.3.4a - 03-10-20
	*minor bugfix with the tomes 'Purification' and 'Gust' not appearing in the consumables menu.
	*adjusted some menus to display the weapon type as to avoid confusion for newer players or people who just are not sure of what type of damage a weapon does.
	*fixed a minor bug where your summoned units would lose the upkeep=loyal modification as soon as it leveled up above level 1.
Update 0.3.4 - 03-10-20
	*thoroughly went through and patched in remove overlays onto all of the times players will spend their hero points
	*minor bugfixes
	*several changes to the difficulty of the Arena Survival map
	*new tomes added:
		*minor tome of healing
		*major tome of healing
		*magical tome of the gust
		*magical tome of purification
	*added new casting spells for the decay magic line
		*ice blast (casting attack)
		*null magic scales
	*adjusted the costs of summoning tomes from 30g to 45g.
	*adjusted the cost of Heroic Potion from 25g to 40g.
	*adjusted the cost of Huge Health Potion from 35g to 40g
	*adjusted several weapons:
		*prices for all weapons have been changed (including the weapons listed below, all prices for tier 3-5 have increased)
		*heavy sling tiers 1-5 damage and price increased
		*heavy sling tier 5 deftness and dexterity req increased
		*thunderstick tiers 3-5 damage and price increased
		*repeater tiers 3-5 damage and price greatly increased
		*halberd tiers 3-5 damage and price increased
		*pike tiers 3-5 damage and price increased
		*crossbow tiers 3-4 damage and price increased
		*crossbow tier 5 damage and attacks adjusted from 16-3 to 24-2
		*guinsoos rageblade damage and price decreased
		*guinsoos rageblade deft, dexterity and magic requirements increased by 1 each
		*guinsoos rageblade damage type changed from 'fire' to 'blade'
		*mace tiers 1-5 damage and attacks adjusted from having 2 strikes to 1 and increased damage
		*light sword tiers 4-5 damage and price decreased
		*orcish sword tiers 4-5 damage and price greatly increased
		*orcish sword tiers 4-5 strength requirement increased
		*hatchet tier 2 damage and price increased
		*hatchet tiers 3-5 damage and price greatly increased
		*fire bow tiers 3-5 price greatly increased
		*fire sword tiers 3-5 price greatly increased
Update 0.3.3 - 03-09-20 - MASSIVE UPDATE!!
		*drakes have access to Red Magic and also have exclusive access to the warblade weapon in the shop and in their inventory. Very fun new hero race to play so try it out!
	*added the new map: Arena Survival
	*modified a minor bug where heroes who chose the Ritesh bloodline would receive +2 extra gold instead of +1 per enemy unit kill. Now +2 is the standard (as this line needed a buff anyways).
	*added multiple new magical passive and casting abilities.
		*arcane shield: recovers a certain amount of damage recieved from combat.
		*fire aura: Any unit that strikes the unit with fire aura in melee suffers fire damage equal to 1/4 the damage dealt (damage amount is slightly buggy when the player is the attacker. working on a fix).
		*thornmail: Any unit that strikes the unit with thornmail in melee suffers pierce damage equal to 1/4 the damage dealt (damage amount is slightly buggy when the player is the attacker. working on a fix).
		*second skin: At your last breath instead of dying, remain at 1 hp until the begining of your next turn.
		*undershirt: At your last breath instead of dying, remain at 1 hp until the begining of your next turn.
		*from the ashes: revives your hero with 34% of your max hp.
		*mana surge: When the targeted is hit, they will gain +1 mana for each hit until they have full mana again.
		*added a ton of new castable attacks! Attack your enemies from several tiles away!
			*Ice blast, Hail Strike, Flaming Stones, and several more! (some are locked away in tomes that you can buy, or must find on a map).
	*heavily buffed all existing healing spells.
	*adjusted the mana and cooldowns of several magical casting abilities.
	*minor UI changes for better clarity and understanding for the players in several menus.
		*when you select an option that you lack the proper core stats (strength, magic, etc.), you now get an option that asks if you would like to be taken to the proper menu to make those upgrades.
	*nerfs to hero amla:
		*heroes now gain 10% max xp upon leveling up instead of 5%.
		*heroes now only heal for 10 HP + 20% of their max hp upon leveling up.
			*this can be upgraded in the hero races upgrades
	*fixed a bug were if you cast a spell, multiple options in red would pop up saying 'you cannot cast a spell on a target that already has this spell cast on them'
	*fixed a bug where the wrong variable numbers were input and made the tier 3,4 and 5 crossbows far more cost effective than they should have been (not to mention their damage output was obscene because of this bug)
	*major consumable items rework (potions and such):
		*heavily reduced the cost of all potions.
		*heavily increased the heal power of all potions (more bang for your buck. potions are actually worth purchasing now).
		*added a hero point potion
		*added a movement reset potion
		*added multiple new consumables:
				*Potion of Heroic Power - gives 5 hero points
				*Potion of Haste - resets moves to max 
				*Arcane Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) arcane for a turn)
				*Blade Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) blade for a turn)
				*Cold Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) cold for a turn)
				*Fire Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) fire for a turn)
				*Impact Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) impact for a turn)
				*Pierce Tome - makes all of the hero's weapons (not magical attacks) pierce for a turn)
				*Lawful Tome - makes your hero's alignment lawful
				*Neutral Tome - makes your hero's alignment neutral
				*Chaotic Tome - makes your hero's alignment choatic
	*added reduced costs for weapon upgrades on races specialties. (ie: elves get reduced hero point costs with light melee weapons and standard ranged weapons).
	*added better descriptions for magic trees and what specifically they bring to the table.
	*fixed a bug where if a player stepped on a chest the chest would split between dead and alive players.
	*added a new weapon lines:
		*Repeater Rifle
		*hatchet (thrown)
	*heavily reduced the thunderstick weapon tree's damage for the first 3 tiers, and slightly reduced the damage on tier 4 and 5.
Update 0.3.2 - 01-31-20
	*more minor bugfixes
	*fixed a longtime bug where the label on shops wasn't appearing
	*fixed a major bug where when the spoils xp procs, the dungeon master and other playable oppossing players' leaders would also gain the xp.
	*fixed a major bug: when an ally kills an enemy unit and the spoils xp procs, if the xp was enough to level up an ally unit it would level them up 3 times giving them unfair Hero Point gains as well as level advantages. This fixed a major balancing issue. the level up animation may still go off multiple times but the bonuses will not be applied (so rest assured that the bug itself is fixed, just the multiple level up animation is all that remains).
	*added more nonplayable animals into upcoming gamemodes.
Update 0.3.1
	*lots of minor bugfixes
	*lots of major bugfixes including fixing a gamebreaking bug where when you equipped a new weapon, your hero regains full HP.
	*added bonus upgradeable hp in the races menu
	*disabled the debug mode by default
	*added a new setup option that allows players to start with an allotted amount of hero points after creating their character (ranges from 0-25)
	*removed the dungeon master gamemode from this add-on (may be replaced with an updated version in LordAwsomeness's RPG Map Pack)
Forum topic Download LordAwsomeness's RPG Era
Version: 0.4.8b
Author: LordAwsomeness
0.33 MiB 1352 down
1 up
Jan 27 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Start of the War
Witness, firsthand, the beginning of the endless war between dwarves and trolls. (Expert Level, 6 scenarios)

This campaign was ported from 1.10 as part of the ongoing porting project.
Download Start of the War
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid
0.03 MiB 1050 down
4 up
Dec 23 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Count Kromire
A vampire campaign!
Forum topic Download Count Kromire
Version: 1.4.5
Author: Velensk
0.24 MiB 1007 down
1 up
Jun 05 2023 de, ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Wesnoth Terraforming
Multiplayer add-on that allows players modifying terrain during gameplay. Contains some special maps and many configurable options.
Download Wesnoth Terraforming
Version: 2.1.0
Author: Jarom, White Dragon
0.02 MiB 1122 down
3 up
Feb 19 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Mabee Maps
Three maps for 1v1 games against humans or AI. Includes interconnected islands in Boardwalk, two neighboring kingdoms in Feud, and the winter-themed From Rumyr with Love. Feel free to PM me on the forums with any aesthetic or balance suggestions.

Ported from 1.8 to 1.12-16.
Download Mabee Maps
Version: 1.1.2
Author: mabeenot, maintained by Atreides
0.01 MiB 230 down
1 up
Mar 27 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Realm of the Dark (Survival)
Realm of the Dark is a survival scenario for 1p/2p which comes in three modes (cooperative/solitaire/competitive) and four levels of difficulty (Normal/Challenging/Difficult/Nightmare). Cooperative mode is 2 players teaming up to resist and conquer the enemy waves. Competitive is a PvP mode which lets the players compete against each other as in who can survive the longest without being conquered by the enemy waves. Solitaire mode is the one player mode of the survival scenario. Players can pick either slot two or slot three in solitaire mode.

For feedback, you are requested to head to the forum topic provided or leave the feedback in the #modding channel of the official BfW discord server with preferably pinging the add-on author, knyghtmare#8753.
Forum topic Download Realm of the Dark (Survival)
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.03 MiB 1370 down
6 up
Mar 07 2023 es
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer co-op and pvp or Singleplayer vs AI.

It is recommended not to change any settings regarding gold and +gold.
Map size: 60x60
Players:  6
Player 1 and 2 should be AI controlled and within the same alliance.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2022
Download Knightmare
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 485 down
2 up
Sep 27 2022
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The War for Illiria
a lot of work for two levels
Download The War for Illiria
Version: 1.1
Author: Leonardo Sorrentino, Vinayak Babu Rao
0.01 MiB 700 down
2 up
Apr 04 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Kingdom Builder Mod
KBM allows units to build keeps, castles, villages and roads. Leaders may promote other units. 
This add-on works in any sort of map, premade or randomly generated, and AI controlled-sides work with it.
A 4p scenario comes included with it.
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Kingdom Builder Mod
Version: 1.16.230121
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.01 MiB 2193 down
4 up
Jan 21 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Kill the King
The current situation in the kingdom is not exactly the best, mainly because the king's incompetence. Lead a troupe of bards on their quest to rouse a rebellion to remove the king and replace him with somebody more suitable.

This is a very short campaign that should not be taken seriously in any case. Many elements of the story are quite far fetched just to keep it funny. I hold no responsibility for any offences taken.

Sorry for the size of the download, but this story seriously needed some rock music :D
Forum topic Download Kill the King
Version: 1.0.0c
Author: Dugi
17.62 MiB 1814 down
1 up
Feb 21 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Lands of Karatan
The First Karatans landscapes 6p Map

Play very well with 2x3p
3v3 (P1+P2+P6 / P3+P4+P5)
Large sized map (70x70)
Have Fun and Good Fights
Forum topic Download The Lands of Karatan
Version: 0.2.7
Author: TheRatteSan, Swiss
0.29 MiB 1060 down
33 up
Jun 06 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Hammer of Thursagan with Bosses
Pretty much the same campaign you are used to... Wait, is that a Mechanical Goliath?!

Original premise:
In the first years of the Northern Alliance, an expedition from Knalga seeks out their kin at Kal Kartha and to learn the fate of the legendary Hammer of Thursagan. The perils of their journey through the wild Northern Lands, though great, pale beside the evil they will face at its end.

(Upper-intermediate level, 11 scenarios.)

Fight the overpowerered enemies with overpowerered allies, overcome the overwhelming boss battles and expect the nastiest things at the most unexpected moments.

Plot and dialogue is mostly unchanged, you can play this campaign if you haven't played the original one, but, naturally, there are obvious deviations from the mainline lore. Translations for the most part of the campaign are used from the mainline.

Heavily influenced by the addons “Invasion from the Unknown” and “After the Storm”.

Music addon “Project Thursagan Music” is recommended for a better atmosphere of epicness.

Have fun and good luck, you will need it A LOT! ;)

Bugreports and feature requests: https://github.com/kabachuha/The_Hammer_of_Thursagan_with_Bosses. If you want to contact me, find me on Wesnoth's Discord server under nickname kabachuha#6934
Download The Hammer of Thursagan with Bosses
Version: 1.3.0
Author: kabachuha
6.96 MiB 1278 down
7 up
Feb 13 2023 ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Isar's Competition Mod
For Isar's Competition (part of Blasphemy Survivals). Spend gold on petrified AI units. Based on XP mod.
Download Isar's Competition Mod
Version: 1.2.2
Author: many others and amir
0.00 MiB 556 down
16 up
Feb 10 2022
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
Add Ironriders Mod
Add the Ironriders faction units to your recruit list in any campaign. Requires the Ironriders. This mod also adds in the Steppefolk. Requires the Steppefolk. Finally, this mod also allows Heavy Infantrymen to advance into Mounted Shock Troopers.
Download Add Ironriders Mod
Author: Angelonius
0.01 MiB 608 down
1 up
Jul 10 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
A dragon unit for Elvish Dynasty RPG.
Download Irdya_Dragon
Version: 0.0.2
Author: SpenceLack
4.80 MiB 4252 down
1 up
Feb 08 2022
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Invincibles Conquest II
A hybrid of the renowned randomized MP campaign World Conquest II (WC II) with the inventory system of Legend of the Invincibles. The add-on glues together LotI and WC II to provide LotI drops and items in WC II scenarios. Also several unit lines have been given new LotI-style advancements. The WC II item system isn't touched and works in parallel with LotI's one. 
NOTE 1: beware of mods, they might be incompatible with LotI!
NOTE 2: new LotI-style advancements have been added for most recruitable default era unit lines. Maybe will add anything more in the future
NOTE 3: Some bugs of mainline World Conquest are fixed in this mod
Forum topic Download Invincibles Conquest II
Version: 1.1.1
Author: dwarftough
1.87 MiB 3374 down
5 up
Feb 25 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Invasion from the Unknown
Long after the Fall, the last forest elves on the Great Continent are forced to abandon their secluded home and forge an unprecedented alliance in hopes of retaliating against the great evil that has befallen Irdya. But even then, they will require more than one ancient power to aid them in their quest...

(Intermediate level, 24 scenarios.)

Although not strictly required, players are advised to become familiar with the stories, characters, and historical events presented in Descent into Darkness and Under the Burning Suns before playing this campaign.

Requires Wesnoth 1.14.3 or later (on 1.14.x), or Wesnoth 1.15.12 or later (on 1.15.x).

NOTE: Support for Wesnoth 1.15.x is experimental, and you MUST report all issues in the campaign’s discussion thread.

Discussion threads in the Wesnoth.org forums:

 • Main discussion thread: ‹https://r.wesnoth.org/t43309›
 • Feedback thread: ‹https://r.wesnoth.org/t43307›
Forum topic Download Invasion from the Unknown
Author: Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)
8.63 MiB 21291 down
3 up
Nov 13 2021 ru, fr
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A 3-player co-op game to save the world, or not...

2020-08-08 v1.1.0: 
	Improved portal graphics.
	Reduced starting gold from 500 to 300, as it was too easy.
Forum topic Download Invasion
Version: 1.1.0
Author: GForce0
0.00 MiB 1105 down
1 up
Jan 29 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Into the Wilds
Amidst a harsh zoo, young lion Korlan, with loyal pig Eamon, dares to dream of life beyond captivity. Their escape sparks hope, setting an altering journey. United by a quest for freedom, they brave challenges to find an untouched wilderness—a whispered refuge. 'Into the Wilds' follows their resolute spirit as they confront the unexpected, embracing the untamed to reclaim their birthright.

(Rating: Normal, 8 Scenarios)
Download Into the Wilds
Version: 1.16.1
Author: Jolek Zwicky
23.54 MiB 322 down
2 up
Dec 11 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Order of Oerbrae
When a young cleric discovers corruption in the high offices of Vaerya, she must flee her home in the city and seek the protection of a secretive community of smugglers.

Will she elude the Warden's soldiers and find the answers she wants? Her quest will take her to the far coast, beyond the Roaen Wood, as she uncovers the truth about the Order and, maybe, what really happened to her father.

This is a sequal to Betrayal of Thaeylan.

(Intermediate level, 8 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Order of Oerbrae
Version: 1.0.3
Author: H-Hour
6.69 MiB 1545 down
4 up
Jul 22 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The reign of Emperor Delvhar II of Wesnoth. The banished elvish necromancer Hiroc seeks opportunities to exact revenge against the Ka'lian who had wronged him. In the meantime mysterious fears had begun to grow in the north under the name of Mal Aquram. Their struggle was by no means without meaning.

(Intermediate level, 10 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Innocence
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Ishichan
17.24 MiB 390 down
1 up
Feb 23 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Infection Era
Once the world was bright, on the endless ascent of learning and knowledge. We threw off the old ways of magic and sorcery and gave ourselves over to science and technology, throwing back the dark and stealing the power of the everlasting dragons for humanity. The bloodied peace at dawn heralded in a new age of Pax Wesnoth. But our hubris was our undoing. We thought we could improve the human form, to imbue ourselves with the might of the Everlasting Dragon by gene editing and viral vectors , to serve as demigods in our ascendance beyond mortality. But we were wrong. The clouds of viral particles which were to be our salvation only revealed the true darkness latent in the human form. Overnight, what we knew was cast down, and those who survive struggle endlessly over that which remains. But our foes number among the living and the dead.

Infection Era contains 6 new custom multiplayer factions, with each faction including 6 full unit trees and combat animations. Future updates will further improve art, unit balance, and potentially include additional units.

v0.8.1 includes additional bugfixes and balance patches.
Download Infection Era
Version: 0.8.1
Author: T_BaneBlade
11.45 MiB 842 down
7 up
Nov 19 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Income Augmented Mod
This multiplayer modification allows setting additional increase of income over time. Useful if 50 turns of banking bores you to death.
Download Income Augmented Mod
Version: 1.0.0
Author: White Dragon
0.01 MiB 999 down
1 up
Jul 15 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
West's Chronicles II
Tracks by Matthias Westlund (West).  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download West's Chronicles II
Version: 1.0.0
Author: West
24.25 MiB 832 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
In Hearth of Durn-Turum
The ancient dwarf kingdom of Durn-Turum was destroyed by the elves many years ago, but according to legends, its ruins still hide many secrets and treasures. For the dwarf Yabim, these legends have become a lifelong goal. Embark on an expedition, overcome challenges and light a fire in the hearth of Durn-Turum!

(Hard level, 6 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download In Hearth of Durn-Turum
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Mechanical, dwarftough
0.76 MiB 270 down
6 up
Jan 29 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
In Defense of Kharos
The peaceful lands of Kharos are in grave danger of mysterious invaders from the east. Stem yourself against the tide of darkness that wants to consume the land of sun and light! Requires the Era of Magic add-on. 9 scenarios (1 dialogue-only)
Download In Defense of Kharos
Version: 0.2.2
Author: Tarcil
4.40 MiB 1143 down
26 up
Mar 25 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Improved The Wilderlands
This is an update to The Wilderlands aimed at replacing the existing mainline version for the BfW 1.18 release.


    - Many New Monsters by doofus-01
    - Monster Respawning
    - Monster vs Monster Conflicts
    - Rare Tameable Monsters
    - New Objective - Retrieve and Escape with the Magic Relic
Forum topic Download Improved The Wilderlands
Version: 1.0.0
Author: name
0.01 MiB 375 down
1 up
Feb 09 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Wolves' Last Path
What's the secret of immortal power and glory? What does it take to become a hero, a legend, or at least a reputable man? Dysagrest has never woken up early enough in the morning to find it out, nor has his boss, a wealthy and unpredictable merchant dwarf, ever encouraged him in this direction. However, chance can forge fate just as well as the strongest will, and may surprise the unwary sailors even in the most quiet waters. The cold and harsh north is certainly not what a traveler would call calm waters, yet it is there, hundreds of miles away from any place he used to call home, that Dysagrest will have to come to terms with his past... 

Incomplete (10 playable scenarios)
Forum topic Download The Wolves' Last Path
Version: 0.1.3
Author: skeptical_troll
3.84 MiB 1083 down
1 up
Nov 22 2021 ja
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Improved King of the Hill
This is an update to King of the Hill aimed at replacing the existing mainline version for the BfW 1.18 release.

Adds a powerful perk to make the hill worth fighting over. When a leader takes the hill keep, all other castles collapse into ruins. Only if this leader (the king) is assassinated or abdicates his hilltop throne will the other castles be restored.

The map is also slightly tweaked to give the northern castles more equal water access.
Forum topic Download Improved King of the Hill
Version: 1.0.0
Author: name
0.01 MiB 212 down
1 up
Jan 31 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Imperial Era
The Imperial Era, one of Wesnoth's oldest and most beloved eras - Featuring the Lavinian Legion, Marauders, Sidhe Elves, Gladiator Orcs, Frost Elves, Cavernei Dwarves and Arendians.
Download Imperial Era
Version: 0.25.5
Author: Orbivm Project
3.76 MiB 4001 down
4 up
Mar 09 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Invasion from the Unknown Music
This add-on is a resource package providing music for the Invasion from the Unknown campaign. It is NOT intended for installation without the campaign.

Installation of this add-on is optional for players with limited download rates or quotas, or who don't play with music or sounds enabled.
Download Invasion from the Unknown Music
Version: 0.3.2
Author: Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)
15.88 MiB 20556 down
1 up
Jun 18 2021 ru
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Hordes of the Other World
This is a remake of a multiplayer scenario designed to be a multiplayer version of the Legend of the Invincibles campaign.

After closing the portal into the world of the dead and defeating the uprising of dragons, a new thread has arisen. While the barrier between the worlds was still faint, a spirit of unimaginable power, known only as Shadowlord, opened a portal from the world of the dead into Irdya, and started threatening every living soul with his immense power. As the darkness spread into the known world, five heroes (well known from chapter 3) and their brave soldiers came to stop this danger.

Difficulty is adjustable, for 5 players. Uses regular units (side 1 is always Efraim and undead, side 2 Lethalia and elves, side 3 Argan and humans, side 4 Stormrider and other humans and side 5 is always Delly and outlaws).

(5 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Hordes of the Other World
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Dugi (original idea), dwarftough (this remake)
8.96 MiB 130 down
1 up
Mar 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Dark Rising
Story of vicious dark sorcerer Syrus and his rise to power in far north. Intermediate level, 13 scenarios. Completed, and somewhat balanced).
Forum topic Download The Dark Rising
Version: 1.0.1c
Author: Paskovski
5.87 MiB 1188 down
5 up
Jun 15 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Heroes The Iron Bulwark

Maintainer : Cure

All were fixed and tested.

Single Scenario, no Multiplayer.
This scenario was from Heroes add-on in 1.14. In 1.15, this scenario was gone.
This is separated version from developing version of add-ons Heroes by Kwandulin
Forum topic Download Heroes The Iron Bulwark
Version: 1.2.4
Author: Kwandulin
7.29 MiB 743 down
1 up
May 15 2022
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
The Halfelven are a unique faction from the south-western parts of the Great Continent (Irdya), beyond the Black River. Among them are male and female paramedics, marines, lanciers, and male and female leaders, phoenix scouting birds, and protective robot-like golems.

This faction features 3 multiplayer eras:
 * Halfelven + Age of Braves [♕lvl1 ♙lvl0]
 * Halfelven + Default [♕lvl2 ♙lvl1]
 * Halfelven + Age of Heroes [♕lvl3 ♙lvl2 + ♙lvl1]

Halfelven units are relatively cheap and rather weak but ready to survive in competitive selection. They generally level up quickly due to their superior intelligence and sophistication. They feature liminal units that strategically coordinate attacks at dawn or dusk around leaders and tactically use terrain fatures and strategy to prevail in fights.
Forum topic Download Halfelven
Version: 17.22.5.a
Author: Treehugger (Bane of Khalifate), Rhombus, et al.
17.99 MiB 8326 down
11 up
Nov 06 2023 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Hair to the Throne
A short, humorous campaign centered around Konrad after the events of Heir to the Throne.
Forum topic Download Hair to the Throne
Version: 0.2.0
Author: 14flash
0.35 MiB 1545 down
3 up
Sep 09 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Gui Debug Tools
Provides debug tools in Wesnoth through a graphical user interface. The tools are available in the right-click menu when debug mode is active. 

Based on code from the Wesnoth Lua Pack.
Forum topic Download Gui Debug Tools
Version: 0.10.5
Author: SigurdFireDragon
0.03 MiB 1527 down
6 up
Oct 21 2023 es
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Seafire
A set of eras designed for prolonged campaings. Based on the default era. All units get AMLA's, which also raise their level. If used for a campaign, read campaigns.txt.
Inspired by Dugi's RPG AMLA era.
Forum topic Download Era of Seafire
Version: 1.3.0
Author: Mathel
0.30 MiB 1385 down
7 up
Oct 19 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
i help CL4p-Tp make wml,CL4p-Tp make unit data.all english use google translate,maybe have more bugs,you can pm me on forums get new english txt
Download GrandCathay(GC)(deving)
Version: 0.0.23
Author: ERROR1025
0.03 MiB 215 down
3 up
Jan 09 2023 zh_CN
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Good vs Evil Era
This Era will contain 4 Factions 
	- Angels(Angelic) (Lawful you know?)
	- Demons (Sort of not so lawful...)
	- Dragons (they are kind of neutral)
	- Undead (They are also neutral... no brains to be evil)
	The Factions will be implemented as i am finished with 
	them. As for now im Just trying to implement all pictures.
    This is an early alpha version (no anims,
	wrong atacks for angel-Faction)	
	Reworked the movement types for before existing units.
	-Working on Angels and Undead Factions
	 Units playable (undone, just for showing purposes):
	 Holy Executor     
	 Holy Fighter      
	 Holy Zealot       
	 Life Elemental    
	 Light Bringer
	 Light Elemental
	 Master Zealot
	 Monk Aprentice
	 Skeleton Warrior
	 Skeleton Axe Thrower
	 Skeleton Axe Master
	 Skeleton Axe Champion
	 Skeleton Axe Mage
	 Bone Dragon
	 Bone Rider 
	 Red Rider
	 Black Rider 
	 Hell Rider
	 Death Rider
	 Special Thanks to patience_reloaded for the help
	 with unit design.

	-Bug reporting:lightningbold@d-reves.de
	-Report languages:english, german, portuguese
Download Good vs Evil Era
Version: 0.3.0alpha
Author: lightning
0.59 MiB 246 down
9 up
Oct 14 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Winds of Fate
The story of how the drakes first arrived on the Great Continent.
(Hard level, 11 scenarios.)

This campaign requires BfW 1.16.0 or greater
Forum topic Download Winds of Fate
Version: 3.0.10
Author: name & SigurdFireDragon
4.30 MiB 2639 down
9 up
Aug 22 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Noob Trainer
A trainer for basic units, uses XP as in the XP Modification mod (spend XP to upgrade units damage/strikes/health/movement), but adds a free upgrade to +100 hp, +10 movement and +2 strikes.
Forum topic Download Noob Trainer
Version: 2.3.3
Author: Ilssear, based on work by Ravana, vn971, Dovolente, itota and Nosmos
0.00 MiB 699 down
2 up
Jun 28 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Half Civ (stock 1.14)
Warning: The official 'Half Civ' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16.

This is for testing only.

To load this add-on, you have to load the core 'Bienvenue' and activate the modification
'The wayback WML machine (1.14)' available after the core is loaded. You'll be ready to
select your 'Half Civ' scenario.

The needed 'core' can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Bienvenue (Wesnoth 1.14 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.
Forum topic Download Half Civ (stock 1.14)
Version: 0.6.2
Author: enclave
0.11 MiB 220 down
1 up
Dec 28 2022
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
2p MP campaign. You are bounty hunters killing for gold. Seven scenarios.

This version is ported as an MP campaign and doesn't require any dependency addon to work
Download Gobowars+
Version: 1
Author: jb, ported by dwarftough
0.03 MiB 132 down
1 up
Jan 07 2024
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Gobowars (stock 1.10)
Warning: The official 'Gobowars' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

This is for testing only.


2p MP campaign. You are bounty hunters killing for gold. Seven scenarios.

To load this add-on, you have to load the core 'Selamat' and activate the modification
'The wayback WML machine (1.10)' available after the core is loaded. You'll be ready to
select your 'Gobowars' scenario.

The needed 'core' can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Selamat (Wesnoth 1.10 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.
Forum topic Download Gobowars (stock 1.10)
Version: 2.1
Author: jb
0.03 MiB 241 down
1 up
Aug 10 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Goblin's Glory (Northeners Campaign)
In his dreams, the goblin Shlag is called to glory! But who is this figure in his visions, and what does this glory entail?

This is a campaign designed to give experience with the entire Northeners faction. It includes two bonus scenarios: an opening dream sequence where you play as an Armageddon Imp, and a later survival games scenario where six small teams face off in an arena with magical weapons.

9 scenarios.
Forum topic Download Goblin's Glory (Northeners Campaign)
Version: 1.0
Author: Mathbrush
0.12 MiB 1687 down
4 up
Oct 10 2021
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Goblin Football
If you are either a football or BfW enthusiast, this add-on will be perfect for you.

Kick the ball with your units until you score a goal, or kill enemy goalkeeper with goblin mob, as you fancy. The choice is yours.
Download Goblin Football
Version: 1.0.1
Author: White Dragon
0.01 MiB 634 down
1 up
Jul 15 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Ghostly Calls
A slightly humorous undead campaign. Lead Ahab through his adventures in necromancy Novice-Intermediate levels. 13 scenarios. Complete.
1.4: WML fixes
1.3: AI bug fixes and a continuity problem with John Dee’s death
1.2: Fixed an error with drake unit types.
1.1: Fixed an objectives error.
Please give feedback at the Wesnoth forums (Add-on Feedback).

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Ghostly Calls
Version: 1.4.3-1
Author: Suukorak
0.09 MiB 1677 down
1 up
Nov 29 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Genesis Resources
In the cycle before our own, the civilization of the First Gods was eradicated by a cataclysmic force that was beyond their control. On the brink of utter destruction, the few survivors harnessed the ten aspects of creation to end their cycle and shape the development of a new universe. In the process, however, many errors were introduced into the fabric of the new worlds, which would eventually resurface when the Guardians of the new universe began to unveil the secrets of their creation.

(Expert level, part 1 - 23 scenarios.)

Wesnoth 1.14.0 or later required.

Discussion thread in the Wesnoth.org forums: http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=43023
Forum topic Download Genesis Resources
Version: 0.0.9
Author: nemaara
37.28 MiB 7117 down
1 up
Oct 23 2021
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Gambling Arena
(Incomplete, I still plan to add more rounds/features in the future) Nice Alternative to Standard Gameplay!,
 Make your bets in a series of 10 rounds(only 5 now) and choose which gladiator will win each round.,
 Earn units and gold! Use these earned units in the final round to fight your foes!
 UPDATE: AI can bet on their own without Host input.Rounds6-10 Added, Large Improvments made
Download Gambling Arena
Version: 0.048
Author: Glen, The_Gnat
1.44 MiB 690 down
1 up
Aug 22 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Sepulchre of Elran
Elran was the first King of the Lintair Elves and a renowned hero among them. Now, reports of undead sightings near his sarcophagus have caused the High Council of Elves to send a detachment of soldiers under the command of an aspiring sorceress in order to investigate. What shall they find inside?
(Intermediate Level, 1 Scenario)
Forum topic Download Sepulchre of Elran
Version: 1.0.14
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.09 MiB 1111 down
4 up
Jan 04 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Galuldur's First Journey (stock 1.14)
Warning: The official 'Galuldur's First Journey' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

Galuldur's First Journey

While the belligerence of orcs is nothing new, their intensifying attacks on a fledgling colony of elves in Pindir Forest begin to show signs of a deeper malice, forcing Galuldur, the young son of the colony's adventurous founder Galur, to venture out of his forest's friendly trees in search of help. His simple errand quickly turns into a frantic quest to unearth the roots of the mysterious evil threatening his people. As you lead him through unknown lands, Galuldur, forced to match wits with unexpected adversaries at nearly every turn in a desperate attempt to save his world, quickly learns that the world is neither a friendly nor a simple place.

Intermediate level. 8 or 9 scenarios depending on choices made in game. Complete.

(Original version: 1.3.0; last updated on Mar 31 2018)

NB: to play this campaign, you have to load the core 'Bienvenue' available after the dependency add-on is installed. You'll be ready to select the 'Galuldur's First Journey' scenario through the 'Campaign' menu.

The needed 'core' can be loaded following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Bienvenue (Wesnoth 1.14 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback thread for 'Galuldur's First Journey'.
Forum topic Download Galuldur's First Journey (stock 1.14)
Version: 1.3.0
Author: mattsc
1.14 MiB 255 down
1 up
Jan 25 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Galactic Empires AI
Galactic Empires AI: provides an AI modification for playing Galactic Empires sci-fi multiplayer maps.

***Deprecated***: This AI is now included directly in Galactic Empires (as of version 5.4). This modification can therefore not be used with GE any more and will eventually be removed.
Forum topic Download Galactic Empires AI
Version: 0.5.1
Author: mattsc
0.06 MiB 964 down
9 up
Jan 17 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Galactic Empires
Explore the galaxy, colonise planets and research futuristic technologies in this 4X-style multiplayer sci-fi game from Bob_The_Mighty. Galactic Empires is a total conversion mod which adds a new strategic dimension to Wesnoth's core gameplay mechanics, allowing you to wage war in space and on the surface of planets at the same time.

Grow your economy by placing workers and founding new colonies. Send away teams to fight hostile aliens and seek out rare scientific artifacts. Launch and upgrade ships to crush your opponents' fleets and destroy their homeworlds. Fight tactical battles, capture planets and build a galactic empire.

* 150 custom units, including robots, vehicles, space ships and troops
* Five factions, each with unique units and technology bonuses
* Countless special abilities such as scanners, stasis fields and tractor beams
* 13 scenarios, including a tutorial mission and a co-op survival map
* A bespoke AI capable of using every feature of the game
Forum topic Download Galactic Empires
Version: 5.7
Author: Bob_The_Mighty
39.58 MiB 2212 down
16 up
Feb 13 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Frozen Expedition
After a divisive civil war the Templar Order of the Light is tasked to protect and control the northern border regions from insurrections or any alien threat. You are captain in charge of a small expedition north beyond the kingdom, to find the cause of recent disturbances.

It is not related to any Wesnoth region/history. 

There are some special hero units and I plan to add more new unit types. Some scenarios have mechanics, which will allow you to play in a different way than usual, but it is mostly the classic tBfW experience. At first you have a limited unit variety, but it will be diversified later on. 

I would be happy for any feedback (Balancing, grammar/spelling, bugs, plot holes, etc.) on the forum.

Ca. two thirds done (15/22 Scenarios).
Forum topic Download Frozen Expedition
Version: 0.7.0
Author: Schwefelfeuer
8.94 MiB 734 down
8 up
Sep 16 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Reign of the Lords Portraits
The Reign of the Lords is an awesome era which adds hundreds of new 4th and 5th level units. This add-on is the portraits for that era. 

NOTE: THIS ADD-ON REQUIRES the Reign of the Lords to be INSTALLED to run the era.
Forum topic Download Reign of the Lords Portraits
Version: 1.2.0
Author: The Gnat
41.87 MiB 9080 down
1 up
Oct 31 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Journey of a Frost Mage
Magic takes turns in unexpected ways. Meet the Frost Mage as she takes her first step into the big world and the great challenges that appear in her path. Let the story unfold! (9 scenarios done out of 12+ planned, part-I done.)
Forum topic Download Journey of a Frost Mage
Version: 0.11.4
Author: bssarkar
1.94 MiB 751 down
39 up
Mar 21 2024 bn
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Sand in the Wind
A new colony threatens the way of life for a group of Windriders. The young rider Musa must fight for the survival of his people.

A four-scenario Dunefolk campaign.
Forum topic Download Sand in the Wind
Version: 1.1
Author: Mathbrush
5.75 MiB 1041 down
2 up
Jan 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
From Rocks And Blood
Campaign occuring in UTBS universe. 
You will be leading a troll clan striving to survive in the Dar Naal mountains

23 scenarios campaign (including 5 scenarios dialog-only).
New troll units and more to discover.

Some units and portraits are coming from other addons/authors, credit details in first post in FRAB thread forum and in campaign generic (thank you!) 

Please be free to leave feedback to improve this campaign !
Forum topic Download From Rocks And Blood
Author: Graziani
11.58 MiB 1404 down
20 up
Feb 03 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Free Cities
From slavery to liberation, four heroes emerged. They founded the Free-cities, defying the chains that bound them. This is their story.  under further developpement. For now, 12/? scenarios. Requires The Great Steppe Era
Forum topic Download Free Cities
Version: 0.0.8x
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
0.83 MiB 231 down
2 up
Oct 02 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Forgotten Kingdom
Help Orlog, a troll chieftan, lead his people to safety in the underground and discover an ancient power long forgotten.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Forgotten Kingdom
Version: 0.1.8-1
Author: Limabean
1.13 MiB 1729 down
1 up
Jan 13 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Forgotten Conflicts
These are tales long lost in the shadows of the past. Some of valor, others of loss and betrayal. Knitting together fragments of the past, the battles shall reveal the strife of ones disregarded by the keepers of our lore.
(Expert level, 12 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Forgotten Conflicts
Version: 1.3.2
Author: Gweddeoran, Lord-Knightmare, octalot, skeptical_troll, Glowing Fish, chak_abhi
24.55 MiB 1612 down
2 up
Jan 04 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
For the gods
Map pack, contains four maps for 4 players at 1vs1vs1vs1 or 2vs2
Download For the gods
Version: 1.16.3
Author: Drago96
0.01 MiB 677 down
4 up
Jun 13 2022 en_GB, ru, es, ja, cs, it, zh_CN
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
The Dark Master Project beta: Music files
Music files for The Dark Master campaigns (beta)
Forum topic Download The Dark Master Project beta: Music files
Version: 0.0.1
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
29.11 MiB 1604 down
1 up
Mar 25 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
For Power
Sometimes the fate has a quite interesting sense of humor. Some people wish to be good but it has something different prepared for them. It was also the case of a young mage Clare from the Northlands.
She only wanted to protect her home village from the still more aggressive orcs but just one event completely changed her whole life. It has become very thrilling and much longer but everything has its price. She had to do many a thing what she did not like. Watch with your own eyes what happened and how she dealt with it. Watch her path to power but also her descent.
work in progress (chapters 1 to 5 are completed, some scenarios from chapter 6 are present)
git repository: https://github.com/irdyansages/For_Power
Forum topic Download For Power
Author: James_The_Invisible
1.33 MiB 1321 down
2 up
Apr 23 2022 cs
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Flight to Freedom
Flight to Freedom chronicles the story of the drake hero Malakar, and his desperate cross-country flight out of slavery. This classic campaign is back for BFW 1.16!
(Expert level, 20 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Flight to Freedom
Version: 5.4.2 (BFW 1.16.0+)
Author: MadMax & Nova (former), egallager (current)
26.36 MiB 1523 down
3 up
Jan 27 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 02
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 02
Version: 1.0.0
Author: p1
38.72 MiB 948 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Soul Crystals:Tweaks is an expansion of Drankof's (and Platinum's) Soul Crystals: Leader Revival addon created in order to provide the option to limit crystals to human sides.
Download SoulCrystals:Tweaks
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Ion
0.23 MiB 96 down
2 up
Dec 04 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Flexalex's multiplayer maps
Beautiful multiplayer maps I designed to play with my drinking buddy vs 3 computers !
Download Flexalex's multiplayer maps
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Flexalex, ported by Atreides
0.01 MiB 270 down
1 up
Mar 24 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Breeze Modification
Gives tiles a idyllic look by giving it some wind, which blows over it.
This is done for all grass tiles including farmlands and practically all forests. The icon does NOT represent the breeze animation, that I made.
Forum topic Download Breeze Modification
Version: 1.1.1
Author: Pipapopinguin
1.14 MiB 1579 down
7 up
Dec 27 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Fencing Fencer
Allows fencers to build fences anywhere they can stand on.

... Please do not use for serious play.

(Original idea by Coggleton on Discord.)
Download Fencing Fencer
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)
0.01 MiB 703 down
1 up
Oct 29 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Fate of a Princess
This is a two-part campaign with 26-29 scenarios depending on the path chosen. Some scenarios are dialogue-only. The game is playable all scenarios.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Fate of a Princess
Version: 1.5.0-4
Author: Sky1 mich Simons MithFaeLord
16.38 MiB 4933 down
4 up
Oct 28 2022 de, fr, hu, it, ja, ru
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
A large 9p scenario depicting the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Download Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Version: 0.1.1
Author: Transfermium
0.01 MiB 783 down
1 up
Mar 03 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Faction-themed Flags
Assigns the correct/immersive flag for each faction. Supports all War of Legends eras, core multiplayer eras (Default/AoH/Dunefolk), Era of Magic and Great Steppe Era
Forum topic Download Faction-themed Flags
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.05 MiB 1075 down
3 up
Feb 19 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
This addon provides multiple options that when ticked on, each enables an extra unit type to be recruited in
addition to the faction's recruit list. Works for all eras which include the default factions.
-Loyalists: Young Ogre, Merman Hunter, Thief
-Rebels: Elvish Hunter, Elvish Noble, Elvish Spearman, Merman Fighter
- Northerners: Orcish Leader, Orcish Shaman, Wolf Cavalry, Naga Guardian
-Knalgans: Dwarvish Rune Adept, Dwarvish Scout, Dwarvish Witness, Thug
- Undead: Shambling Thrall, Skeletal Rider, Skeleton Spearman
-Dunefolk: Genie
By default all options are ON, however feel free to mix and match to your heart's content.
from 1.14
Forum topic Download Extra_Recruits_for_Default
Version: 0.1
Author: Eagle_11, nanasina8
1.38 MiB 1099 down
1 up
Dec 10 2022 ja
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Extra_Advancements_for_Default from 1.14
Forum topic Download Extra_Advancements_for_Default
Version: 0.1
Author: Eagle_11, nanasina8
2.23 MiB 1308 down
1 up
Dec 10 2022 ja
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Evil Faith
Era contains three new factions. Playable with or without default factions. 
Download Evil Faith
Version: 0.10.0
Author: Derkej
0.36 MiB 464 down
1 up
Aug 11 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Crystal Queen's Regret
A (hopefully) fun sidequest carried out by the NPC's of a D&D campaign.
Download The Crystal Queen's Regret
Version: 0.1.3
Author: MatteoDaBergamo, open source art
7.95 MiB 537 down
3 up
Mar 19 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Everfell Era
Introducing the Everfell and Werewolfpelt factions for MP; heavy emphasis on magic users with split Everfell male/female growth for variety, and a bulk of the melee forces as werewolves. Werewolfpelts are staunch opponents of the Everfell, donning werewolf fur and allied with faeries and wolves. Comes packed with default+Khalifate eras. See changelog and faction unit reference list!

For any comments, questions or such, post on the Everfell & Werewolfpelt Faction thread or PM Atreides on the forums. Thanks!

As of 3.0.0 now fully balanced (all levels) against the default faction. Every unit has had its cost and XP adjusted. Races have had their traits adjusted.
Both the standard as well as heroes era can be considered as balanced as the mainlines and Lonely Era are.

If both Everfell and Lonely Era are installed the two can be combined into one era with up to 16 factions.
Forum topic Download Everfell Era
Version: 3.1.5
Author: Kiech, developed by Atreides.
1.75 MiB 2214 down
16 up
Feb 28 2023 de
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Service Branches
This era just takes (mostly human) mainline units and rearranges them into infantry, cavalry, shock troops, skirmishers, orcish infantry, and navy. As you probably guessed, this is a non-traditional era meant mostly for team mirror games. Hence, the factions are far from being balanced (although I did my best in making each faction fun to play). Feel free to leave feedback in the forums!
Forum topic Download Era of Service Branches
Version: 0.3
Author: Hammerfritz
0.01 MiB 187 down
1 up
Jul 08 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Second Chances
Two new factions as well as extensions to most default factions by fmac81. The Ogre and Outlaw factions are original with some interesting tweaks. The era is complete.

--- Original description by fmac81
A conglomeration of Ogres, Outlaw humans, and other units from campaigns that I never finished. Includes custom traits, unique recruitment lists, and largely completed unit animations. EoSC includes an Ogre faction, Outlaw faction, and slightly-modified Undead faction, each available as standalones, or along with default eras. The majority of these units are UMC, but I also borrowed occasional images, effects, or units from a couple other eras. See changelog for more details.

Ported to 1.14 and 1.16.
1.12 version also updated and thoroughly debugged by me, Atreides. Available on request.
Forum topic Download Era of Second Chances
Version: 1.4.11
Author: fmac81, maintained by Atreides
2.07 MiB 1622 down
12 up
Mar 17 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Myths
Uploaders note: This is the official Era of Myths 1.16 update by Shiki. I was asked to upload it on their behalf. Enjoy!

Oh, I fixed typos and spelling errors in the descriptions.

This is an MP era which contains seven factions not found in default. Featuring Vampires, Devlings, Celestials, Elementals, The Warg, Therians and Windsongs. Can be played alongside the default factions.

With Count Kromire and War of the Dragon (separate add-ons) exist two single player stories.

There exists also a mappack.
Forum topic Download Era of Myths
Version: 6.1.0
Author: several, uploaded by Atreides
5.14 MiB 2079 down
2 up
Jul 04 2023 la, de
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Era of Magic - Resources
This is the required resources module for Era of Magic

If you have problems with downloading this add-on, try using add-on server web interface:
Forum topic Download Era of Magic - Resources
Version: 2.6
Author: inferno8
58.15 MiB 38149 down
25 up
Jan 19 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Orc Might
Play as a young orcish chief, that has to prove himself. Experience his story as he goes for the biggest prize of them all Wesnoth. Learn how the history of the kingdom of Wesnoth is changed forever by the orcish tribe of bloodthorns.

Currently in development, 5/5 scenarios can be played. Intended: five scenarios with medium difficulty level.
Forum topic Download Orc Might
Version: 0.5.9
Author: Numero
6.58 MiB 474 down
28 up
Mar 11 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Age of Lords
Level 4 Leaders, Level 1 recruits.
Download Age of Lords
Version: 1.24.10
Author: Nyanyanyan
9.31 MiB 2109 down
4 up
Mar 15 2024
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
add creature pack
This is a collection of unit data resources that support campaign production. The animals and monster units are classified and collected into several categories.
Forum topic Download add creature pack
Version: 0.1.11
15.68 MiB 3593 down
2 up
Nov 25 2021 ja
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Legends
Age of Heroes, one step higher. An era with higher level units: level four leaders, with level one, two, and three units available for recruit. Not considered balanced.
Forum topic Download Era of Legends
Version: 1.2.10
Author: SigurdFireDragon
0.03 MiB 3973 down
2 up
Aug 17 2022 pl, ru
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Horrors
Era consisting of six of my personal factions, including custom art, traits, abilities and more. Play as the Neko for a challenging pack hunters game play, Weedlings for cheap but effective swarming tactics, Kolbolts if stealthy hit and run is your game, Icadon if you want strong reliable units at a cost, the Toy Box for versatility and adaptability, or the Lycans for a simple but solid faction with many advancement branches.

Please report any problems or suggestions on the Wesnoth forums here: https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37432
Download Era of Horrors
Version: 1.3.0
Author: Deciton_Reven
1.93 MiB 891 down
2 up
Apr 06 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of High Sorcery
Era of High Sorcery (EoHS) is an era where your leader is a powerful wizard whose spells can alter the nature of the entire battlefield (sometimes literally!). EoHS features:
- Three realms of magic, each with more than a dozen unique spells
- Pick your recruits from one or more factions
- Ability to customize your wizard's appearance, changing their hairstyle and recoloring their robes and equipment – plus several hats you can earn by performing in-game feats
- No download required for non-host players: anyone can join or observe an EoHS game
Forum topic Download Era of High Sorcery
Author: Elvish Pillager
0.28 MiB 2227 down
5 up
Jul 02 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Era of Empires
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
6 Castles for all 6 Races in Wesnoth, additionally the 7th and 8th Player are Beasts located in the very middle of the Map.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Era of Empires
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 1265 down
6 up
Dec 27 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Era of Chaos
A multiplayer era containing 10 post-fall factions, known from campaigns such as ‘Under the Burning Suns’, ‘Invasion from the Unknown’ and ‘After the Storm’.

Ported from 1.12 to 1.16 (1.14 has too many id conflicts with other eras but 1.16 solves that problem).
Forum topic Download The Era of Chaos
Version: 1.9.0
Author: bumbadadabum, vultraz, Espreon developed by Atreides
5.15 MiB 2688 down
16 up
Dec 17 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Epic music
Epic Music: Contains several epic soundtracks, that could be found in the so called Open Bundle.
Unforunately the open bundle is no longer available and if you open the old links you are transfered to some strange websites -,-.
However the idea was amazing and you can look up this up here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cv2SCVoY4g
The composer of this soundtracks is HalcyonicFalconX aka Phyrnna. https://music.phyrnna.com/
Twitter: @Phyrnna

1.1 patch for Wesnoth version 1.16. 
This HQ version has increased quality, but result in a way higher size of the tracks.

Thousand kisses :p 
Your Heindal
Twitter: @ur_heindal
Download Epic music
Version: 1.1
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
68.88 MiB 610 down
1 up
Sep 03 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Epical is a Science Fiction / Cyberpunk Campaign in a near future of the real world. The young hacker Dimitri makes a discovery, that will change his life forever. It features two fully animated factions.
Download Epical
Version: 1.13
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
5.03 MiB 1255 down
1 up
Dec 23 2021 de
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Magic + Reign of Lord
Era of Magic + Reign of Lord reunited in an era

source code at https://github.com/EmileXVIII/wml-EoMa_x_RotL
Download Era of Magic + Reign of Lord
Version: 0.0.8
Author: EmileXVIII
0.02 MiB 633 down
8 up
Apr 23 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Myths – Mappack
Maps designed for the Era of Myths, but they work fine with default, too.

Contains the Maps:
 2p — Devils Plate
 2p — Emperors Garden
 2p — Shrine of the Moon
 4p — Broken Legacy (a teamgame)
 4p — Lunatics Fringe (free for all)
Forum topic Download Era of Myths – Mappack
Version: 2.1.2
Author: Velensk (uploaded by Shiki)
0.01 MiB 1253 down
1 up
Oct 24 2021 de
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Enable Optional Unit Advancements
Allows you to enable the exsisting optional unit advancements from a checklist.
Note: have not test campaigns that allready enable optional unit advancements.
Download Enable Optional Unit Advancements
Version: 1.1.1
Author: Cookielord
0.00 MiB 1017 down
4 up
Jul 11 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Elvish Dynasty RPG
You are the new ruler of an elvish kingdom! Can you lead your people to glory? This campaign is highly randomized so it will be different every time you play!

(Intermediate level, 10 scenarios.)

Maintainer: Cure

Reuploaded since somehow the maintainance campaign was gone.

There should be text file known bugs and issues (old file) inside

This is reuploaded from 1.162. If you found any bug, please post in forum.
Forum topic Download Elvish Dynasty RPG
Author: SpenceLack
1.58 MiB 2753 down
4 up
Jul 16 2022 ja, pl
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
There are 11 scenarios based on the journey of a company of elves who fight ennemies attacking their southpart settlements. They try to reach their main city in the Lantanir forest . During the trip, Captain Elethiel will meet various companions that he will include in his troop. The difficulty is rather intermediate.

          (NOTE : In the scenario 5, Elethiel will encounter new companions including dark elves and dunefolks. Even if several of the new soldiers can be killed, it's strongly recommended to preserve their life and to keep them alive for the next scenarios)
Download Elethiel
Version: 0.1.4
Author: JLG
22.07 MiB 310 down
1 up
Feb 05 2024 fr
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
17th Century Eastern Europe at War (EEaW)
Eastern Europe at War (EEaW)
Play the biggest historical add-on ever created for the Battle for Wesnoth! Go back in time to the XVII century where 8 European states fight for wealth, territory and survival!
Lead them to victory or die trying!

- 8 states from the past each with their own tactics and unique playstyle: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Cossack Hetmanate, Kingdom of Sweden, Ottoman Empire, Crimean Khanate, Tsardom of Russia, Habsburg Monarchy (Austria), Brandenburg-Prussia.
- 239 units varying from dirty peasants and troops of all kinds to devastating cannons and majestic ships)
- 30+ new abilities and weapon specials
- 3 multiplayer maps
- many gameplay customization options
Forum topic Download 17th Century Eastern Europe at War (EEaW)
Version: 3.0
Author: wesnoth.com.pl
0.98 MiB 11967 down
2 up
Aug 13 2022 pl
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Thick Blood
This map is designed for 2 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
A smal world designed for a short but brutal war.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Thick Blood
Version: 1.0.4
Author: Frost Blade
0.00 MiB 874 down
5 up
Dec 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Dwarves Never Get Lost
This is the story of Runecrank the dwarf and his son, also named Runecrank.  It all started when they opened a new tunnel in their mine; neither of them could ever have imagined the adventures it would lead to.  Novice level, 11 scenarios.
Download Dwarves Never Get Lost
Version: 1.0
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
8.22 MiB 1032 down
1 up
Aug 24 2022
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Dwarven Fortress
Trapped in the unknown territory and hunted by speachless human armies, several elves have only one choice - to defend themselves in an abandoned dwarven fortress.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Dwarven Fortress
Version: 0.3-1
Author: Stanislav Hoferek
0.01 MiB 908 down
1 up
Dec 04 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
Play as a dwarven miner and mine ore and gold. Upgrade your equipment in a city and mine even more ore in procedual generated levels. This add-on is part of the WML Code Advent Calendar II and every part of the development is documented so other user can use parts and piece of code this campaign.

Playable Beta.

0.61 smaller changes, additional amla pathes, ai is more aggressive, greater variabilty in berserker dungeons 
0.6 new biomes, 2 new dungeontypes, new enemies, bombs, traps, improved upgrading, storage of ore, bugfixes 
0.5 biomes and dungeontypes, storyline, scaling upgrades, new infinite upgrades such as fireball improvement 
0.4 digging walls, random levels, unique encounters, improved stores, tutorial, general improvements and fixes
0.3 headquarter and processing ore, infinite gameplay, spells
0.2 city npcs, dialogues, store
0.1 base version
Download Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
Version: 0.61
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
5.77 MiB 1338 down
6 up
Dec 29 2022 de
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Forward They Cried
You are the leader of an advanced detachment that has been tasked with capturing a bridgehead while the main army prepares to attack. It should be a simple enough assignment. (Intermediate Level)
Forum topic Download Forward They Cried
Author: Glowing Fish; Maintained by: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.03 MiB 1436 down
4 up
Dec 26 2023 pl, ja, de, ar
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Dusan maps
Interesting and atypical maps for multiplayer games

Ported from 1.8 to 1.14/1.16.

Upgraded to be compatible with the Civil War and Revolution mod.

6 maps enclosed.
Download Dusan maps
Version: 1.2.1
Author: dusankrehel, updated by Atreides
0.01 MiB 617 down
4 up
Jan 03 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Feudal Era
The Fourth Age of Orbivm; the Feudal Age, features the Aragwaithi, Kedari, Ceresians, High Elves, Clockwork Dwarves and Steppe Orcs.

Thoroughly debugged 1.12, ported to 1.14/16, incorporated into Neverending Era.
Forum topic Download Feudal Era
Version: 0.5.1
Author: Orbivm Project, maintained by Atreides
1.75 MiB 1162 down
5 up
Jan 01 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Dungeons of Wesnoth
A heavily wounded lich discovers the magic to build an own dungeon lair and different dungeons rooms which will allow him to call new units, to place traps and to research spells. His new opponent is a overmotivated paladin, who can build a village with different buildings which will unlock new units and abilities. Guide them on their way. This is Parody Dungeon Defence Game, in the style of Dungeon Keeper and preform of a multiplayer campaign. This is a very fast paced campaign, and needs some balancing as well as overwork of techtrees and buildingtrees. 4 Scenarios.

0.6 - added two, :p, new dungeon levels and a little bit of storyline, as well as some fixes and funny descriptions.
0.61 - added some options, when you jump to a new level, added cheat mode and additional dialogues, design improvements
Download Dungeons of Wesnoth
Version: 0.61 Beta
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
1.32 MiB 1578 down
1 up
Dec 23 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Drunks, Dwarves and Doubloons (Knalgan Campaign)
A criminal mastermind gathers a team to pull off a heist in the richest part of wesnoth: the tax-collecting city state of Elsenfar.

This is a campaign designed to give players experience in the Knalgan faction, with the same units as in the multiplayer faction introduced a couple at a time. Dwarvish Runesmith and Dwarvish Arcanister are unlocked, but you can choose not to use them for a more authentic experience.

10 scenarios.
Forum topic Download Drunks, Dwarves and Doubloons (Knalgan Campaign)
Version: 1.2
Author: Mathbrush
0.02 MiB 2159 down
4 up
Jan 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Drums of War
For five years the kingdom of Anduria has been at war.
The orc warlord, Sreng, has pushed the realm to its limits.
King Ethylin-Mor gathers the heroes of Anduria for one last effort to rid the land of this plague once and for all.
If Anduria is to survive, Sreng must die.
(6 scenarios: Beginner - Intermediate Level)

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download The Drums of War
Version: 2.0.3-3
Author: FaeLord
22.18 MiB 1649 down
3 up
Dec 22 2021 ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Soul Crystals: Leader Revival
When you start a game, the mod replaces your leader with a unit-recruiting Soul Crystal.
Your former leader becomes a loyal hero. (Optional: He gets demoted down a level, too.)
When your hero dies, if your soul crystal has at least 61 HP (customizable), your hero will be revived, otherwise, your crystal will die and you will lose.
Special thanks to Pentarctagon for WML assistance.
Forum topic Download Soul Crystals: Leader Revival
Version: 0.7.8a
Author: DranKof (creator), Platinum (maintainer)
0.23 MiB 718 down
1 up
Oct 29 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Drake Rescue
Stand-alone scenario for single player. You command a group of drakes attempting to rescue their chiefs, captured by the soldiers of Queen Asheviere.
Forum topic Download Drake Rescue
Version: 1.0.2c
Author: skeptical_troll
0.01 MiB 830 down
1 up
Nov 03 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Dov's Maps 'n Mods
A variety of multiplayer scenarios, including survival scenarios such as the original Orocia and Deep Shrine, and MP mods such as the XP era (buy stats for XP), Shops era (buy enhancements at keeps) and Settlers era.

Ported from 1.11 to 1.14/16.

Other maps are:
2p Despair - Two team mates must hold off two bigger computer sides coming from all sides
2p Elf Chess - Elves as Chess pieces only 2 moves per turn
3p Cut Throat - Three competitors must survive computer enemies while also fighting (or temporarily co-operating with) the others
3p Erdynok - Under construction (but kinda playable), it was supposed to be a survival where a gold filled cart must be escorted through the mines but currently the cart doesn't exist yet
6p Rumble 3D - A vicious brawl on a small map with 3 levels and extra computer attackers thrown in

There is also a Drops mod era which causes killed enemies to drop a weapon.

Has been incorporated into both the Lonely Era and A Neverending Era and can be used with all factions in either of them.
Forum topic Download Dov's Maps 'n Mods
Version: 2.4.2
Author: Dovolente, developed by Atreides
0.05 MiB 2203 down
6 up
Mar 02 2024 de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Diamond Map Pack
Diamond Map Pack version 1.17.6 including 66 multiplayer maps.

See full list of maps below. Check out the latest maps added to the map pack:
✪ Evil Factory ✪ Muddy Water ✪ Dead Marshes ✪ One against Two ✪

After years of development started with Battle for Wesnoth 1.14, thousands of downloads and countless hours of game-testing, the latest version of the map pack presents a wide variety of multiplayer maps. Producing new maps, improvement of map structure and gameplay are subject to active development.

Most of the included maps are plain Wesnoth maps, others have an alternative gameplay manipulated by WML scripting. Plain maps should favour the original game rules and ensure balance between the factions associated with the Default Era.

Some of the addon's maps were inspired by other people's work who deserve credit for the genuine concept. In such cases acknowledgement is included in map description.

Constructive criticism is always welcome. In fact, many modifications were already done by considering other players opinion. Write your comments as you play, replays will be reviewed and suggested changes will be considered.

Diamond Map Pack includes maps with different status of advancement. Some of them are under development, probably requiring a lot of changes and testing for a good result, other maps are complete. Several experimental maps and drafts are also included which cannot be accessed from the multiplay map-list selection, but from the addon's filesystem directory: {WesnothAddonDirectory}/Diamond_Map_Pack/maps.

Previous versions of a certain map are included, map changes can be examined. Also there is a changelog published below.

Out of the addon's maps, Diamond Island was the first acknowledged by other players. So the name of the addon become Diamond Map Pack.

♦ ♦ ♦

~ Map List ~

Alternative game play Maps
2p — Looting					45x35 70xp 26⌂ v3 1v1
3p — Siege of Coldstone C.		41x25 70xp 16⌂ v1 2v1

6p — March Battalion			41x34 70xp 17⌂ v1 3v3 2v2 1v1
6p — Battle of Ironhill			38x28 70xp 24⌂ v1 3v3 2v2 1v1

Experimental Maps
3p — One against Two			41x25 70xp 14⌂ v1 2v1
3p — Two against One			31x23 70xp 22⌂ v1 2v1
4p — Headwaters Experimental	23x18 70xp 12⌂ v1 2v2

Fungame Maps
2p — Crossing the Frozen R.		33x23 70xp 18⌂ v4 1v1
2p — Evil Factory				37x16 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1 2v1
2p — Fire and Ice				39x18 70xp 10⌂ v1 1v1 only compatible with Default era
2p — Mudcrawlers				35x31 70xp 14⌂ v1 1v1 1&1 only compatible with Default era
3p — Dead Marshes				33x20 70xp 14⌂ v1 1v2 only compatible with Default era
4p — Battle of the Titans			37x32 70xp 17⌂ v1 1v1 2v2 only compatible with Default era
4p — Death Valley				47x31 70xp 27⌂ v1 1v1 2v2 FFA
4p — Outlanders					31x29 70xp 18⌂ v1 2v2 FFA
2p — Unreal Arena				27x18 70xp 8⌂ v1 2v1 only compatible with Default era
4p — Wose Grove				29x26 70xp 18⌂ v1 2v2
4p — Mushroom Minefiled		45x25 70xp 12⌂ v1 2v2 FFA only compatible with Default era

Standard Maps
2p — Black Forest				38x26 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Border Fortress			34x24 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Cape Pearls				28x20 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Caveless Delta				21x28 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1 based on Sablestone Delta
2p — Desert Island				31x18 70xp 14⌂ v3 1v1
2p — Desert Patch				24x17 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Dorfchen					29x30 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1 based on Hamlets
2p — Greenland					33x19 70xp 14⌂ v2 1v1
2p — Grey Canyon				40x25 70xp 15⌂ v2 1v1
2p — Headwaters				22x15 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Herophilos Isle				22x25 70xp 14⌂ v1 1v1 based on Ruphus Isle
2p — Highlands					22x24 70xp 16⌂ v1 1v1 based on The Freelands
2p — Hollow of the Basinet		41x25 70xp 14⌂ v1 1v1 based on Cave of the Basilisk
2p — Inselberg					22x15 70xp 10⌂ v2 1v1
2p — King of the Hill				26x19 70xp 14⌂ v5 1v1
2p — Landslide Lakes				42x35 70xp 20⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Mind the Gryphon			19x12 70xp 10⌂ v2 1v1
2p — Mountain Clash				40x24 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Muddy Water				28x18 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — North Shore				41x19 70xp 19⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Over the Hills				24x20 70xp 16⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Random Swamp			38x26 70xp 20⌂ v1 1v1
2p — River Floodplain			38x19 70xp 14⌂ v2 1v1
2p — River Island				38x26 70xp 18⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Slough Routes				30x22 70xp 16⌂ v2 1v1
2p — Shortcut					24x17 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Snowcone					20x20 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Tangled Thicket				30x22 70xp 12⌂ v1 1v1
2p — The Impassable Jungle		37x26 70xp 14⌂ v2 1v1
2p — Upperpondians				27x22 70xp 14⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Vasty Mountain Range		51x38 70xp 26⌂ v1 1v1
2p — Watercourse				46x32 70xp 22⌂ v1 1v1
2p — White Pine Passage			43x29 70xp 20⌂ v1 1v1
4p — Almost like Cynsaun B.		37x32 70xp 26⌂ v5 2v2 based on Cynsaun Battlefield
4p — Cool Water Province		35x25 70xp 22⌂ v2 1v1 2v2 based on Blue Water Province
4p — Creeks						26x19 70xp 14⌂ v1 2v2
4p — Crossing Bridges			25x17 70xp 16⌂ v2 2v2
4p — Diamond Island				21x19 70xp 20⌂ v7 2v2
4p — Green Valley				29x22 70xp 14⌂ v3 1v1 2v2
4p — Lakeland					30x24 70xp 14⌂ v1 2v2
4p — Mountain Cross			35x25 70xp 18⌂ v2 2v2
4p — Mountain Pass				39x31 70xp 22⌂ v3 1v1 2v2
4p — Oasis						28x22 70xp 18⌂ v3 1v1 2v2
4p — Oxbow Lakes				29x21 70xp 24⌂ v1 2v2
4p — Spring Lake				35x29 70xp 20⌂ v1 1v1 2v2
4p — The Unknown Map			29x18 70xp 16⌂ v1 2v2 based on a user-map with unknown origin
4p — Villeinage					27x27 70xp 26⌂ v1 2v2
4p — War and Peace				23x19 70xp 18⌂ v1 2v2

~ Change log ~

3p — One against Two — new map

2p — Evil Factory — disabled shuffle
2p — Fire and Ice — disabled shuffle
2p — Looting — disabled shuffle
2p — Mudcrawlers — disabled shuffle
3p — Dead Marshes — disabled shuffle
3p — Siege of Coldstone C. — disabled shuffle
4p — Battle of the Titans — disabled shuffle
4p — Death Valley — disabled shuffle
4p — Outlanders — disabled shuffle
4p — Mushroom Minefiled — disabled shuffle
6p — Battle of Ironhill — disabled shuffle
6p — March Battalion — disabled shuffle

3p — Two against One — new map

Added leader_goal to scenarios to improve ai game control
3p — Dead Marshes — map balancing
2p — King of the Hill — map balancing

3p — Dead Marshes — new map

Migrated from 1.16 to 1.17
Compatibility testing in progress

Fixed random_start_time typo for all scenarios
3p — Siege of Coldstone C. — fixed reinforcement malfunction in case of unhandled faction
4p — Almost like Cynsaun B. — added castles to middle of the map
4p — Lakeland — fixed team numbers
4p — Oxbow Lakes — map balancing

4p — Oxbow Lakes — map balancing

4p — Oxbow Lakes — map balancing

2p — Inselberg — map balancing
4p — Oxbow Lakes — decreased map size and optimized terrain patches

2p — Muddy Water — changed map structure to block cavalry a bit more
3p — Siege of Coldstone C. — added some instructions to guide new players
4p — Oasis — fixed obsolete terrains

Changed addon's version numbering system
2p — Muddy Water — new map
2p — Evil Factory — gameplay balancing
2p — Mind the Gryphon — changed map structure
3p — Siege of Coldstone C. — ai tuning
4p — Outlanders — added shroud

2p — Evil Factory — new map

6p — Battle of Ironhill — changed map structure to ease central unit movement

6p — Battle of Ironhill — new map

2p — Fire and Ice — updated wml to match latest standard
2p — North Shore — player two owns one village at game start

2p — Snowcone — new map

2p — Crossing the Frozen R. — fixed wml
3p — Siege of Coldstone C. — changes in map structure
4p — Diamond Island — changes in map structure

3p — Siege of Coldstone Castle — new map

4p — War and Peace — new map

2p — Cape Pearls — changes in map structure
2p — Greenland — fixed faulty WML
2p — Over the Hills — changes in map structure
2p — The Impassable Jungle — increased start gold to 125

4p — Death Valley — fixed victory conditions malfunction
2p — Headwaters — increased vertical map size
2p — Slough Routes — changes in map structure
2p — Tangled Thicket — changes in map structure
2p — Upperpondians — changes in map structure

2p — Slough Routes — changes in map structure
2p — Tangled Thicket — changes in map structure

2p — Mind the Gryphon — new map

4p — Outlanders — fixed unit color overlay

2p — Shortcut — fixed scenario wml
2p — Tangled Thicket — removed some patches of forest

Migrated from 1.14 to 1.16
Compatibility testing in progress

2p — Shortcut — new map
2p — Random Swamp — new map

2p — Black Forest — new map
2p — Caveless Delta — new map

Including 8 additional maps:
2p — Desert Patch
2p — Dorfchen
2p — Tangled Thicket
2p — Watercourse
2p — White Pine Passage
4p — Outlanders
4p — The Unknown Map
6p — March Battalion

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — Inselberg
2p — River Island
2p — Upperpondians
4p — Mushroom Minefiled

4p — Almost like Cynsaun Battlefield — general changes in map structure and castle placement
4p — Death Valley — changed monster's attack modes for better game balance

2p — Landslide Lakes — new map
2p — Vasty Mountain Range — new map

2p — Highlands — new map
4p — Death Valley — new map

2p — River Floodplain — general changes in map structure
4p — Headwaters Experimental — experimental 4p alternative of Headwaters added

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — Border Fortress
2p — Cape Pearls
2p — Herophilos Isle
2p — Over the Hills

2p — Greenland — village and castle placement changed
2p — Grey Canyon — village placement changed
2p — Slough Routes — castle placement changed

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — Greenland
2p — Hollow of the Basinet
2p — Slough Routes
4p — Oasis

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — Headwaters
2p — Mountain Clash
2p — North Shore
4p — Battle of the Titans

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — Grey Canyon
2p — Mudcrawlers
4p — Creeks
4p — Lakeland

2p — Looting — new map
2p — River Floodplain — new map

2p — King of the Hill — central village placement changed

2p — Fire and Ice — new map
2p — Desert Island — new map

Including 4 additional maps:
2p — King of the Hill
4p — Cool Water Province
4p — Mountain Cross
4p — Villeinage

Initial version including 10 multiplayer maps:
2p — Crossing the Frozen River
2p — The Impassable Jungle
4p — Almost like Cynsaun Battlefield
4p — Crossing Bridges
4p — Diamond Island
4p — Green Valley
4p — Mountain Pass
4p — Oxbow Lakes
4p — Spring Lake
4p — Wose Grove
Download Diamond Map Pack
Version: 1.17.6
Author: wasd
0.22 MiB 2022 down
24 up
Feb 25 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Up the River Bork
In the times of my ancestors such as Rualsha and Brubar, the orcs knew greatness and might. After they were defeated by the elves the orcs knew nothing great, only wars and distrust which coursed through the clans. The army of Kalenz, which responded to threats of orcish presence in the north, pressed north and threatened even more chaos amongst the orcs. In this time greatness, found its way to Tirzag. I will tell his story.

To provide more detailed feedback feel free to do so 
here: https://forms.gle/Exb4SUcQhy5KMkAZ7
Forum topic Download Up the River Bork
Version: 0.3.8
Author: Mirion147
4.86 MiB 806 down
16 up
Nov 07 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Desert Map Pack
This map-pack gives you standard multi-player maps in a southern desert style.
Download Desert Map Pack
Version: 17.22.5.a
Author: Treehugger (Bane of Khalifate), Rhombus, et al.
1.78 MiB 7988 down
5 up
Nov 06 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Murky Weathercast
This is the same as Murky Weathercast updated for 1.16
Download Murky Weathercast
Version: 0.0.3
Author: JeanLucSkywalker
0.03 MiB 382 down
1 up
Apr 17 2022
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves is a multiplayer campaign for 2-3 players that takes a totally different approach to Wesnoth gameplay. Here, stealth and evasion count for more than brute strength. Why charge at a guard when you can sneak past, assassinate him from the shadows or simply plant a bomb behind his back? Combat is for losers!
The campaign takes place across a series of missions which are selected by the player on a world map of Wesnoth. There are four mission types with a variety of unique objectives (loot the chests, rescue the prisoners, blow the bridge!). With a variety of special stealth options and hiding abilities at your disposal, your ragtag team of thieves must take on the combined might of the royal empire. You will be outnumbered and overpowered, but you have the skillz.
Forum topic Download Den of Thieves
Version: 2.2
Author: Bob_The_Mighty & jb
0.18 MiB 1634 down
1 up
Dec 27 2021
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
Default Rats
Rajovites are rat-like creatures that have extreme regenerative abilities. The Rajovites infect other beings with their own blood. The healing agents in it see the new hosts foreign anatomy as wrong or injured. It dismantles and rebuilds the new hosts flesh, bone, and organs into a newborn Rajovite. The consciousness and personality of the being is preserved, as the bacteria cannot reanimate dead flesh. However all Rajovites are forced to serve their overlords by pheromones, unable to fight it, a prisoner inside its own body...   feedback wanted, help me balance the new faction!
Forum topic Download Default Rats
Version: 0.7.0
Author: VerminLord, ported by Atreides
0.71 MiB 705 down
1 up
Mar 12 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Sucky Sevens
Based off of old Lucky Sevens. 1-4p team survival.
Download Sucky Sevens
Version: 0.1.6
Author: JeanLucSkywalker
0.01 MiB 411 down
5 up
Apr 25 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Deeds of Sir Swine
Oh, those chivalric stories! The hero in them is always so noble, brave, fights evil, makes friends with elves, wins. Ugh! These stories aren't worth a damn, mate. And now I'll show you why...

(Pig level of difficulty, 9 scenarios)

This campaign was made with the support of the Wesnoth Modders Guild. Discord: https://discord.gg/rsePgjHRPA
Forum topic Download Deeds of Sir Swine
Version: 2.0
Author: Mechanical, dwarftough, ForestDragon
28.12 MiB 2019 down
6 up
Mar 11 2023 ru
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Dead Whispers
This is a Singleplayer map.
You are on your own against 4 hostile kings, will you survive?

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Dead Whispers
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 848 down
3 up
Dec 27 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Corpse Mod
Allows dead units to drop onto the ground and rot for a while, before they vanish.  
The effect is purely visual and does not do anything gameplay related.
This add-on includes custom textures for units from the Default Era and uses scripts to generate dead bodies for any non-Default units. 
Additionally, blood will spill upon a unit's death, as long as the attack would cause wounds (i.e. no blood from cold) and fire will instead cause the unit to trun into ash. 
This add-on also gives the host the ability to customise variables such as the time for a corpse to vanish, if ever, or to disable blood effects.
In addition to that, the host is able to turn on an option to make decayed corpses to be bury in a grave, so that the player can inspect them.
Please install Corpse Mod Blood-In-Water to make blood in water work, however use it at your own risk.

Latest change: Removed bug at editor
Forum topic Download Corpse Mod
Version: 1.3.5
Author: Pipapopinguin
1.82 MiB 4595 down
14 up
Dec 25 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Darkness Falls
You are Taldas, a young and academy-fresh low-ranking officer who received the task to govern a small city in the northeast region of Wesnoth. While life on land seems to flow normally, darkness is about to swallow the entire Wesnoth with the ascension to the throne of Queen Ashenviere. Despite being your first leadership experience, you'll have to face waves of orcs, bandits and even darker threats during your path. 
Your journey to contribute a better future to Wesnoth is about to start...
(Intermediate level, 5 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Darkness Falls
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Alopex95
0.02 MiB 779 down
3 up
Jan 02 2024
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Dark Siege
Take the castle or defend it!

A 2 vs 2 team battle for a moated castle over 15 turns. The Warlords (Northerners and Undead) have only 15 turns to capture the castle from the Barons (the other 4 factions) before their supplies run out.

Both sides have custom recruit lists as well as receiving free reinforcements at specified intervals. There are gatehouses with lowerable drawbridges.

It has been carefully balanced for multiplayer and should provide a close fight. It can also be played as a survival vs the AI which has been tuned to both attack and defend the castle for each side. To play as a survival choose the Barons and change the gold for the Warlords to 100 and the income for the Barons to 0. These should of course be set to whatever suits your skill level.

Ported from 1.4 to 1.14/16.
Download Dark Siege
Version: 2.0.1
Author: Author: Stern - Programming, Avenger - Playtesting, Atreides - Development
0.01 MiB 1256 down
2 up
Feb 03 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Beautiful Child
Brothers of Light, an order of White Mages, spreads good news that a superior being was born to bring everyone into a greater society and demands additional tithes to raise the child in a way suitable for such a being. However, the news of the supreme child look like a pretty lie to justify the increase in tithing, so that they could peculate more. Help start a rebellion against this corrupted order and its fanaticised allies and learn the truth behind it.

Consists of 8 classical scenarios, a free roam mode where 15 quests have to be completed and 2 talk-only scenarios. Experimentally changed the role of recalls, separating them from the usual recruits and giving them an RPG-like progression. Dialogues have options. Uses Legend of the Invincibles as resources and will not run without having it installed (minimal version is 3.1.20, otherwise some bugs will appear).
Forum topic Download The Beautiful Child
Version: 1.0.1f
Author: Dugi
0.72 MiB 1943 down
1 up
Aug 18 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
DIY Campaign
Create your own 4-scenario campaign without typing any complicated code! There are only 3 steps. 

Step 1: locate the "DIY Campaign" folder in the "add-ons" folder, open it and get a basic understanding of how the contents are organized. 
Step 2: open the Map Editor and load the map called "01_location.map," located in the "maps" folder. Add villages, mountains, and so forth to the map, then save it to record the changes. Repeat this process with the other 3 maps. Be sure to use Save Map to record the changes, not Save Scenario - that's something different. 
Step 3: open the scenario file called "01_scenario.cfg" using a basic Text Editor. Find the lines where "Ogre" and other unit types are written, then replace those units with units of your choosing. Do this for sides 1 and 2. You must use a unit's offical name, including capitalization. For example, don't type "orc," type "Orcish Grunt." Do this with all 4 scenario files, and save each file to record the changes. That's it! 
The scenarios were written in WML, a coding language which uses regular words, such as "turns" and "gold," making it easy to modify the scenarios by simply changing numbers. Do you want more gold in a particular scenario? Increase the number! Making a campaign has never been easier!

(Novice Programmer, 4 scenarios)
Forum topic Download DIY Campaign
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Helmet
1.22 MiB 568 down
1 up
Dec 05 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A mappack that will be a collection of crossroad maps. 

What's new in this update:
One New Map

Ported from 1.10 to 1.14/16.

2p - A Crossing
2p - Assault on Wesmere
3p - Isle of the Elves
4p - The Grey Isle
4p - Wesmere Border Assault
Download Crossroads
Version: 1.5.0
Author: Ferox, ported by Atreides
0.01 MiB 704 down
1 up
Jan 15 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Now Wesnoth(NW)(deving)
now wesnoth era:if wesnoth have 21century tech,have what war?my mail is ERROR1025@protonmail.com,if you hope help translate
,or give other suggest,send mail.the era is deving.
Forum topic Download Now Wesnoth(NW)(deving)
Version: 0.0.21
Author: ERROR1025
0.03 MiB 231 down
3 up
Nov 13 2022 zh_CN
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Crin of Crenlyn
Dark forces pursue a young man during the reign of Queen Asheviere.  Nineteen battle and five dialog scenarios. Difficult level has not been tested.
Download Crin of Crenlyn
Version: 1.4
Author: RM Johannessen
2.18 MiB 1891 down
2 up
Apr 05 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Leader Magic Mod
Allows the leader of each player side to use a wide variety of spells, with a simple mana system that controls the cooldown. Usable both in MP and singleplayer campaigns

Ported to 1.16 by ForestDragon as part of the Wesnoth Modders Guild project.
link to our discord server: https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm

Changes from the original 1.14 version:

v1.2.1 (update made by ForestDragon)
-ported to 1.18
-cuttlefish summon now costs 12 mana instead of 14
-updated Book of Necromancy text to match how it actually works now
-fixed Blessing of Wolf spell not working

v1.2.0 (update made by ForestDragon)
-added new mod option: if enabled, mana regen depends on leader level instead of always being 2
-new utility spell: Wind Sprint (+2 MP and [skirmisher] to caster for one turn, costs 1 mana)
-new healing spell: Focused Heal: restore 50% HP of one unit in a 3-tile radius, costs 6 mana
-new curse spell: Curse of Spirits: Pick a damage type and give enemy units in your vision -20 resistance to it till the end of the scenario. (basically Blessing of Spirits but reversed)
-new summon spell: Summon Wose Shaman (costs 12 mana)
-new astrological spells:
 -Astral Curse: change alignment of enemies in a 7-tile radius (costs 10 mana)
 -Radiance: Tiles in a 5-tile radius from the caster now have 33% lawful ToD bonus regardless of global ToD. (costs 20 mana)
 -Tenebris: Tiles in a 5-tile radius from the caster now have 33% chaotic ToD bonus regardless of global ToD. (costs 20 mana)
 -Equilibrium: Tiles in a 9-tile radius from the caster now have 0% ToD bonus regardless of global ToD. (costs 20 mana)
-Healing Rune rework: instead of being an instant heal when stepped on, the rune now heals 8 HP per turn, which stacks with village/ability healing
 -to compensate, it now costs 10 mana instead of 6
-Astrological Spell category rework:
 -all whisper/chant spells have been merged into 'Astral Whisper' and 'Astral Chant', alignment is now chosen in a submenu 
-Curing Hand rework: Curing Hand spells have been merged into one spell that costs 8 mana
 -if the caster is lvl2 or below, the spell gives heal +8 and unpoison. if the caster is lvl3 or above it gives heal +12 and unpoison
-Landwalk rework: most of the different landwalk spells were merged into one Landwalk spell, but it now costs 10 mana to compensate
-'Landwalk - water' has been renamed to Waterwalk, and now also gives 1 movecost on reef terrain too
-Alchemy rework:
 -Alchemy 1/2 have been merged into one Alchemy spell, costing 12 mana like Alchemy 2 used to cost
 -the random gold amount is now between 30 and 80 instead of 17 and 83, to make the spell more consistent
-Stimulate Mind spell rework:
 -Stimulate Mind 2 has been removed
 -Stimulate Mind damage now gains 50% damage bonus per unit level (7 at lvl0, 11 at lvl1)
 -to compensate, Stimulate Mind now costs 8 mana instead of 5 (it is still more cost-efficient than the old Stimulate Mind 2 in most cases)
 -casting stimulating mind on the same units no longer gives duplicate mind attack attacks
-enchanted weapon adjustments:
 -runeblade/arcane missiles price increased from 6 to 8 since it's a pretty powerful permanent buff, also to make it same as sniping bow
 -runeblade gains 3 strikes earlier, damage progression is adjusted accordingly
-vision 1/2 have been removed, vision 3 has been renamed to vision
-rebalanced some summon spell costs:
 -vampire bat: 6 to 5
 -young ogre: 8 to 7
 -ice skeletons: 9 to 8
 -augur: 10 to 8
 -dwarvish scout: 11 to 9
 -ghost: 12 to 9
 -swamp lizard: 16 to 14
-summon spell tweaks:
 -summoned merman fighter now has firststrike to make him more unique
 -random summons now includes Naga Guard
-mass illuminate/mass darkness cost reduced from 5 to 4 mana, to better compete with Radiance/Tenebris
-improved some text (such as the Arrows of Wind/Fire Beam descriptions which is now clearer)

v1.1.6b (update made by ForestDragon)
-fixed the annoying 'xmm_reborn' unstore bug filling up the chat whenever any unit dies with this mod enabled

v1.1.6 (update made by ForestDragon)
-new summon spells: summon swamp lizard, summon sea serpent, summon death knight
-new curse spell: curse of hydra (blessing of hydra but reversed)
-buffed Book of Necromancy - now it turns the unit into an undead 1 level higher than the taker (lvl0 becomes skeleton, lvl1 becomes revenant, lvl2 becomes lich, lvl3 and above becomes Ancient Lich), as previously it wasn't worth the 20 mana cost

v1.1.5c (update made by ForestDragon)
-fixed damage spells not triggering death events

v1.1.5 (update made by ForestDragon)
-ported to 1.16
-new crafting spell: Explosive Rune: creates a rune that deals fire damage to the first enemy that steps on it. scales with caster level
-new crafting spell: Healing Rune: creates a rune that heals the first enemy that steps on it. scales with caster level
-new crafting spell: Holy Water: creates a bottle of holy water which gives arcane on melee attacks until the end of the scenario
-new utility spell: Instant Fortress: creates a castle with a keep around the caster
-new curse spell: Curse of the Serpent: each turn, all living enemies have a 15% chance to be poisoned
-new curse spell: Curse of Yechnagoth: Enemy units currently in your vision gain -1 MP,-1 damage, and -6 HP till the end of this scenario (basically Blessing of Eloh but reversed)
-added mod options to Leader Magic Mod:
 -players can choose starting mana, ranging from 0 to 20
-Book of Necromancy now turns lvl4 and above units into Ancient Liches, and lvl2 units into Revenants
-Bless of spells have been renamed to Blessing of
-Bless to the Selected Ones has been renamed to Blessing to the Chosen Ones
-added animations to fire beam and ice beam
-improved lightning bolt's animation, now it is properly positioned
-fixed ice beam/fire beam not using cold/fire damage
-fixed random summon using outdated unit ids
-fixed damaging spells being able to target petrified units
Forum topic Download Leader Magic Mod
Version: 1.2.1
Author: Xara,ForestDragon,Wesnoth Modders Guild
0.04 MiB 1486 down
7 up
Mar 01 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Just some funny maps.
Forum topic Download Katzenspiele
Version: 0.1.3
Author: Katze
0.01 MiB 330 down
4 up
Jul 25 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Counter Strike
4 vs 4. Terrorists must place a bomb in one of two locations inside a mine. Counter-terror units must stop the terrorists. Find your way through the mine shafts, take ladders to upper and lower levels, the enemies may appear anywhere...

2022-01-30 v1.3.1
- Bug fix: Bomb timer mode selection had no effect, would always be default bomb timer, and show an error message on planting of bomb.

2020-09-26 v1.3
- At the start of the game, player 1 can select game mode:
-- Bomb timer starts after bomb is planted
-- Bomb timer active from the start, so there is always the same fixed number of turns

2020-09-25 v1.2
- Complete overhaul of ladder mechanism, now you go all the way through the ladder, while still not being able to see through to the next level.
- Changed tunnel system so that bombspot B is more accessible for CT.
- Changed tunnels towards ladders so you cannot attack someone that is halfway on the ladder, while you are still inside a tunnel.
- Improved explosion 
- Ladders are now called Ladders

2020-09-13 v1.1
- Change movement cost of mountains and hills also to 1 for all units
- Added trapdoor for bombspot B
- Changed space between two ladder ends into unwalkable terrain, and made movement cost for that 5.
This way, when one end of a ladder is blocked, you can still move up to the enemy and attack. 
This is the slow route, and normally you would still use the original mechanics of the ladders.
- Changed defence value for all units on unwalkable to 0%. So everyone is vulnerable on ladders.
Forum topic Download Counter Strike
Version: 1.3.1
Author: GForce0
0.01 MiB 566 down
2 up
Jan 30 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Conquest Plus Diplo
An adaptation for Conquest plus to work with the Alliance mod, allowing for deeper diplomacy interactions, works for all maps, Update 1.0.3: New USA and Agartha maps with 2 brand new factions. An Old sage has made an appareance across the world of Conquest... Troll Rickshaw rebalanced
Forum topic Download Conquest Plus Diplo
Author: Nanoknight
0.89 MiB 406 down
29 up
Mar 03 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Conquest+ is updated often including any fixes on par with similar mods (see game thread). Conquest+ is based on RISK where you must capture all villas in a 'region' or 'country' for bonus gold income, Conquest+ includes transports such as ships to transport units and expand across territory and many fun features such as new races and builder units to create structures such as fortifications. This pack includes classic Conquest maps such as 'Conquest Wesnoth'. Read the Scenario Objectives for full instructions. Use the Forum to pass on comments in the Conquest+ thread or PM Gwledig
Forum topic Download Conquest+
Version: 5
Author: Gwledig
0.23 MiB 1023 down
4 up
Dec 13 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Unnamed
Die Geschichte beschreibt die Reise von Prinz Arthur, der sich aufmachte, um die lägendere Gruppe der Unbenannten wieder zu vereinen. Wird er es rechtzeitig schaffen, bevor seine Heimat von Untoten ganz zerstört wurde.

Hinweise: Die Kampange wurde noch nicht oft getestet und könnte daher noch etwas unausbalanciert sein. 

Nur in Deutsch verfügbar.
Download The Unnamed
Version: 1.16.01
Author: Drizzl
6.66 MiB 352 down
2 up
Dec 11 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Conquest (Original gameplay)
Conquest (Original gameplay) is updated often including any fixes on par with similar mods (see game thread). Conquest (Original gameplay) attempts to reconstruct the original Conquest multiplater mod exactly as it was played in around 2009. It does not contain non-balanced experiments such as random spawn, entrench etc. but preserves the exact original game from that period. Conquest is based on RISK where you must capture all villas in a 'region' or 'country' for bonus gold income, You can use also ships to transport units and expand across territory. This pack includes the original Conquest maps such as 'Conquest Wesnoth' and a few maps developed for the original version back around 2010. You do not need to download the pack to join a game in the multiplayer lobby. Read the Scenario Objectives for full instructions. Use the Forum to pass on comments in the Conquest (Original Gameplay) thread or PM Gwledig
Forum topic Download Conquest (Original gameplay)
Version: 5
Author: Gwledig
0.10 MiB 733 down
4 up
Dec 13 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Non-mainline music for the SP campaign 'The Wolves last Path', by skeptical_troll
Download TWLP_Music
Version: 1.0
Author: various
21.51 MiB 1118 down
1 up
Nov 22 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Shards Era Resources
Non-essential resources (currently portraits) for Shards Era.
Download Shards Era Resources
Version: 0.0.8
Author: Morath
64.07 MiB 1141 down
5 up
Aug 02 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Conquest is a game mode for multiplayer matches.

It uses simplified combat and shifts the focus more on the big picture: conquering regions.

RPG elements are removed, instead new strategy elements are added:
* You need to control regions to get bonus gold. Regions are a group of villages you need to own.
* Recruiting units happens in the villages you control, not with leaders or keeps.
* Naval combat is added.
* Diplomacy with other players plays a role.

Conquest Asterisk is a modification of Gwledig’s Conquest Original Gameplay.
It has the same units and many maps in common, but additionally:
* A random map generator.
* AI support for maps which use only the human faction.
* Options to change minimum distance of players and to increase the strength of neutral units.

To join your game, it is not required that other players download the add-on.
Maps can be played with up to 6 players. You can start the game while leaving slots empty.
Forum topic Download Conquest*
Author: enclave, Shiki
0.29 MiB 66 down
1 up
Mar 23 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Four Moons
An era with four working factions and four in testing based on the nations of a world created by the author L. Shelby. Art by the same.
Download Era of Four Moons
Version: 0.5.6b
Author: Velensk
1.91 MiB 1893 down
4 up
Jan 29 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Connect 6 is a tic-tac-toe-like tabletop game where each player puts 2 units per turn on the board (the first turn of the first player is placing just one unit) and tries to get 6 or more units placed in a row.
Forum topic Download Connect6
Version: 1
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 253 down
1 up
Feb 23 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Apple Sauce
A humorous and short multiplayer scenario about an argument between to town guards
Download Apple Sauce
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Viminyr
0.00 MiB 460 down
1 up
Jul 09 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Comrades in Arms
The adventures of Bronna, a human brought up by elves, and her best friend Trithsil, a dwarf.  Intermediate level, 15 scenarios.
Download Comrades in Arms
Version: 1.1
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
2.16 MiB 1713 down
2 up
Aug 24 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Several gladiators fight together and try to defeat all enemies in an arena, in order to be freed from captivity.

Check the »Custom Options« of the scenario when creating a game!

Contains scenarios for 2-3 and 5-6 players.

 About Colosseum:
The code in this add-on is structured in a way that one can easily create other Colosseum style scenarios with it. Have a look at the files.
Forum topic Download Colosseum
Version: 1.9.3
Author: Shiki
0.06 MiB 4326 down
4 up
Jul 31 2024 de
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Color Changer
The addon that aims to improve playing experience by replacing uncomfortable and dark colors with brighter ones.
I would appreciate feedback about what other colors to add.
Forum topic Download Color Changer
Version: 1.2.3b
Author: Ravana
0.01 MiB 5743 down
5 up
Jul 20 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
This campaign is the prequel to Invasion from the Unknown and After the Storm.

In the cycle before our own, the civilization of the First Gods was eradicated by a cataclysmic force that was beyond their control. On the brink of utter destruction, the few survivors harnessed the ten aspects of creation to end their cycle and shape the development of a new universe. In the process, however, many errors were introduced into the fabric of the new worlds, which would eventually resurface when the Guardians of the new universe began to unveil the secrets of their creation.

(Expert level, Episode 1 - 23 scenarios)

Wesnoth 1.14.0 or later required.

Discussion thread in the Wesnoth.org forums: http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=43023
Forum topic Download Genesis
Version: 0.2.12
Author: nemaara
3.41 MiB 7036 down
1 up
Oct 23 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Cold Dark
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer co-op and pvp or Singleplayer vs AI.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2022
Download Cold Dark
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.02 MiB 732 down
3 up
Jul 05 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Clash of Heroes
A 4p Last Man Standing PvP scenario where four parties composed of four heroes each fight to death for an ancient treasure.
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Clash of Heroes
Version: 1.16.211129
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.02 MiB 801 down
3 up
Nov 29 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
American Civil War
The American Civil War has long been an interest of our team and we have often fanaticized over someday finding or building a mod for The Battle For Wesnoth. That day has come. Importantly this mod is built to make the Civil War a lifelike experience for players, bringing to light many characters, units, plans, strategy, and motives home to the Wesnoth community. Our players can expect to find realistic units, weapons, classes, and abilities. Players can (and should) further enhance their experience through unit descriptions and additional content. All of our abilities and playstyles are designed to highlight period tactics and practices, with some influence from previous mods. The art is 100% original. We have used as many historic sources as possible, including actual portraits of participants in the war, and music that was popular in this transformative and confrontational period. As it is currently designed, it favors a PvP or multiplayer playstyle.

This Mod Features
	-A distinct playstyle to represent formations artillery, and other related battle practices.
	-A shift away from the common RPG function, using AMLA's to help put emphasis on the strategy element of the game.
	-Unique leadership abilities to help represent famous units or people.
	-As-accurate-as-possible content and enjoyable historic unit descriptions.
	-Original artwork.
	-Advanced multiplayer gameplay
What to look forward to as this mod continues to be developed
	-Highly involved campaigns and custom maps
	-Additional terrain features
	-Multi-hex shooting artillery
	-Mounting and dismounting cavalry
	-Intense naval engagements
We hope that this mod will help you all love Wesnoth more, and satisfy players who have been looking for a Civil War based game. It has been a lot of fun to build and we hope to be able to develop it to be as accurate and fun as possible.
Forum topic Download American Civil War
Version: 1.0.6
Author: Bilbo_Sacket
23.28 MiB 1388 down
7 up
Mar 13 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Cities of the Frontier
Settle a new town north of the Great River. This campaign makes numerous changes to standard Wesnoth gameplay, adding new strategic elements and replayability. Focuses on gold management, strategic construction, and city defense. 
This campaign was developed several years ago and has been extended with help from esci, Seivn, gnombat, vghetto, enclave, and finally me (Argothair). It is currently optimized for Wesnoth v1.15. I am responsible for adding the most recent gameplay changes, such as iron, diplomacy, rebalanced building costs, and more naturalistic animal behavior. 

It's possible that these changes have thrown off the game balance or otherwise created some bugs! Please feel free to send complaints to jasongreenlowe@gmail.com; if the bug is serious enough or easy enough to fix, I will likely take care of it.

Very interesting project if you like to build (ANL, A new land, Undead Empire, New Settlers, Civ)
Playable from main Wesnoth menu, through the Campaigns. Single player only.
Forum topic Download Cities of the Frontier
Version: 0.7.1
Author: esci
2.50 MiB 2517 down
3 up
Apr 23 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Revolution and Civil War
It's treason, then!
After a leader dies, a struggle for power will commence within their faction. All units, villages and gold of the faction will be split between the player's side and the rebel faction and one unit on each side will be made into a new leader. 
Rebel leaders can recruit all units their previous side was able to recruit.
Upon  a rebelling leader's death, all their assets will be turned over to their previous faction. 
Multiple rebellions can be going on at the same time and even in the same faction!

Compatible with Expendable Leaders 2. Made for use with Age of Lords, but can be used with any era. Made possible by the generous help of Ravana.

Use the slider in Custom Options during map select to decide which side will be reserved for the rebels. 
Do not use Shuffle Sides unless you're playing on a custom map made for use with this mod, such as those in the great Dominus Map Pack by Karlus Magnus.
Download Revolution and Civil War
Version: 1.2.0
Author: Nyanyanyan
0.01 MiB 770 down
2 up
Mar 07 2024
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Citadel of Drand
This is a Player-versus-Player Multiplayer Campaign with the Siege/Assault gameplay mode. Play as either the Attacker or Defender. Attacking Team(s) have to take out the Defending Team(s) objective while the Defending Team(s) have to resist or try for the Attacking Team(s) objective. Available in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 Modes. After the end of the first scenario, a second scenario begins on the same map, but the roles are reversed. That is, attacking team(s) are now defending team(s) and vice versa.
(2 Scenarios)
Supports any Era used.

There are three levels of difficulty which determine attacker/defender strengths as well duration of the rounds. That is, Novice rounds are brief and Nightmare rounds are longer.

Village gold is set to zero for both attackers and defenders. Instead a fixed income is given which varies with difficulty level. Capturing villages only suppresses upkeep and does not allow income to exceed the fixed defined value. To earn addition gold, you have to kill units of the opposing team. AI-controlled units are not considered for this.

Both teams can check the faction of AI waves by a right-click menu option.

The second scenario allows recalling of units of the first one, but recall lists have been adjusted for the sake of balancing.

To deliver Feedback/bug reports:
1. Post on the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord server https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm
2. Post on this add-on's forum thread. https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=55593
3. use the #modding channel of the official Battle for Wesnoth discord server.
Forum topic Download Citadel of Drand
Version: 1.0.8
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.05 MiB 941 down
9 up
May 07 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Sixty years after a natural cataclysm put an end to the Wesnoth Kingdom, small human settlements face an unprecedented threath: a horrific army composed of various artificially created monsters starts raiding the land in search of flesh for the enigmatic Chyrospital.

Lead Aegir, a lone dwarf who is appointed chief of the villagers as he attempts to resist the clutches of the Chyrospital. Travel through the remains of the Wesnoth Kingdom, seek help from unexcepted allies, experience hope, deceit and revenge as you face some of the strongest antagonists in the history of Wesnoth.

(Intermediate level, 17 scenarios)

Note: This campaign is designed for those who are tired of fighting orcish warchiefs or ancient liches. Instead you will mostly fight a well balanced completely new faction. Soft difficulty should fit novicer players, while challenging is really meant for players who have played Wesnoth a lot.
Forum topic Download Chyrospitals
Author: jaeslin, Beer
25.81 MiB 2508 down
11 up
Aug 17 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Five Fates
Five unique heroes try to recover a mysterious artifact. On their way they have to defeat five guardians with great powers. Each hero has an unique amla path allowing you to develop 20 unique skills and spells. On the way you can find random loot and make decisions that influence the dungeons. After your quest you can optionally continue your journey in the world of wesnoth and maximising your character.

You can buy or find a variety of Weapons, Shields, Helmets, Armors, Rings, Shoes and Amulets. Those can be equipped in the rightclick Heromenu, that allows you to equip and unequip items, review your Skilltree and have access on consumables such as healing herbs, potions, unidentified flasks and portalscrolls.

Beside the recruiting of units you can hire mercenaries. Those are expensive, but offer to summon unique and loyal units. Each character can develop up to four different right click spells allowing you to summon units, damaging, slowing or poisoning your enemies, or to teleport yourself. 

Different traps and will endanger you, while secret passages allow you to take an alternative way or to discover a variety of secrets. Enemies will now cast spells. Cheat Mode, Tutorial and Skip Story Buttons are available. 

0.23 'Shadows over Elensefar': This update contains a lot of wording changes. Typos and some words almost everywhere have been corrected - there is still alot to be done. Thanks to the helpers in the Wesnoth Forum. Why calling this update 'Shadows over Elensefar'? Yes Elensefar in the Worldmap is in Danger, the orcs are up for something! Right! I created 7 Random missions that can be done for the cityguards of different cities in the Worldmap. Deliver Parcels, Scout Areas, Destroy Orcish Outposts/Watchtowers, Take out random generated Banditcamps and Monsternests and finally destroy the secret superweapon of the orcs! You can now buy 'true' teleport scrolls and use them from your menu. Dwarven Bombs have to be used from the Consumables Menu as well.
0.231 Bugfix repairing a pick and lockpick bug, portalscroll will now work as intended and allows you to teleport back, from where you came. Teleport Scroll light price reduce.
0.24 Added a variety of spells. Each character will now be able to cast at least 6 spells and can transform into one being of great power. Bugs Missions solved, changing maps for encounters, monsternests and banditcamps. Added more items and equipment. Bosses spawn a randomloot when defeated. Details see forum.
0.241 Avoidgiving Objects repaired, Werhare spell added to spellshop as well as repairing graphics and little phonetic-notmothertongue-related mistakes. Randomencounters now work on every terrain.
0.242 Small Bugfix: Repaired Maps within the Banditcamp and Monsternest
0.99 A big jump, but the story and development of Five Fates will finally come to an end: bugfixes,enemy spellcasting,randomgenerated dungeons in 6 different side mission, new powerful enemies, negative stats, new items with the opportunity to use items on allies, two additional endings (bossfight and worldconquer), new equipment with specials and abilites, improved worldmap and encounters
1.00 Bugfixes: enchanted spell concept that will now work with animations and fires last breath events, repaired picturepathes - dwarvish machine, Path to Trader replaced (required Trader to be installed), bandage repaired, enemy will just attack your side with spells
1.01 Bugfixes and Performance Upgrade: Repaired Skillpath of Bowmaid, Repaired Pictures, Reduced Save File Size
1.02 Bugfixes: Portal Animation added, fixed scavenger bug which blocked the airship entrance, world conquer image and text changes, manaconsumption of arrowrain and other massiveeffectspells fixed
1.03 Bugfixes: Randomdungeon macro upgraded, Harmspell1 Spells have been repaired, Added Ford to the Worldmap.
1.04 Bugfix: repaired Detect Hidden spell in the hope of getting rid of save game corruptions, thanks to herlaziness
1.05 Ported to 12.0, small changes to make it work, there might be issues with graphics
1.06 Ported to 14.1, added tutorial and hints, smaller text corrections repaired graphics
1.07 Ported to 14.1, smaller grammar and wording changes, improved portrait graphics and decisions
1.08 various bugfixes, added smaller skilltree option for smaller devices, repaired random dungeons
1.09 port to 1.16, smaller text changes.
1.10 'Dark Ones': various changes and improvements, optimized worldmap and worldconquer scenario
1.11 fixes problems with saved games
1.12 fixed and improved Bossloot
1.13 various fixes and map improvements
1.14 fixes, new units, abilities, characterbased options and portraits
1.14.1 fixes, fix for death elf guardian, added missing animation
1.14.2 bugfix for bad ending, swamp resistance and improved enemy spells
Download Five Fates
Version: 1.14.2
Author: Heindal aka Mathias Lang
17.25 MiB 2311 down
8 up
Feb 22 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Choose your flag
Allows players to choose their flag for a game.
Download Choose your flag
Version: 0.2.1
Author: Smatna
0.02 MiB 342 down
1 up
Sep 01 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Wesnoth Chess
2p mini-scenario - Chess.

A mixture of Wesnoth gameplay and chess, this scenario is simply meant to be a fun mini game.
Download Wesnoth Chess
Version: 1.0.7
Author: Coffee (uploaded by Shiki)
0.01 MiB 345 down
1 up
Nov 22 2022 de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Chaoz Battle of the Wizards (Based on Chaos)
Chaoz Battle of the Wizards - Right-click your magician to summon monsters & defeat other wizards in this 'Chaos' inspired game.
Forum topic Download Chaoz Battle of the Wizards (Based on Chaos)
Version: 5
Author: Gwledig
0.04 MiB 665 down
3 up
Dec 13 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Castle of Evil Spirit
There is a crumbling castle abandoned long ago. Rumor says that a evil spirits appears in the castle and eats the soul of the approaching person.
Campaign concept: A game that mixes Roguelike game and treasure hunts (item collection).
This campaign is a test version, and the gimmicks implemented can give incomplete results. You can play it, but the game balance is undangelmed.
Forum topic Download Castle of Evil Spirit
Version: 0.7.15d
23.33 MiB 1544 down
4 up
Nov 22 2021 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Bienvenue à Wesnoth !
Warning: The official updated campaigns are distributed as part of mainline.

This is an attempt to recover translations for four 1.14 campaigns before overhaul. This is brought to you with no warranty.

The goal of this add-on is to make these campaigns available again to play in fully translated version.
This is done by using outdated scenarios, so there may be playability and balance issues and shortcomings in the plot.

Available translations: German (de), French (fr), Catalan (ca), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Dutch (nl).
Experimental translation: Sardinian (srd; you have to select the Burmese (mranmabhasa) language to see Sardinian instead).

The campaigns are released as part of a 'core', they can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select 'Wesnoth (1.14)' core.
-   The 1.14 campaigns are now available in the 'Campaigns' menu.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback threads for mainline campaigns.

Available campaigns:
-   Descent into Darkness (1.14)
-   Liberty (1.14)
-   The Sceptre of Fire (1.14)
-   The Hammer of Thursagan (1.14)
Forum topic Download Bienvenue à Wesnoth !
Version: 0.2.1
Author: Wesnoth contributors (1.16 port - demario)
1.17 MiB 919 down
2 up
Jun 01 2023 it, nl, pl, pt, ca, de, fr, my
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Chào mừng đến với Wesnoth!
Warning: The official updated campaigns are distributed as part of mainline.

This is an attempt to recover translations for all 1.12 campaigns before overhaul. This is brought to you with no warranty.

The goal of this add-on is to make these campaigns available again to play in fully translated version.
This is done by using outdated scenarios, so there may be playability and balance issues and shortcomings in the plot.

Current available translations: Vietnamese (vi), Slovak (sk), Galician (gl).

The campaigns are released as part of a 'core', they can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select 'Wesnoth (1.12)' core.
-   The 1.12 campaigns are now available in the 'Campaigns' menu.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback threads for mainline campaigns.

Available campaigns:
-   Tutorial (1.12)
-   An Orcish Incursion (1.12)
-   Dead Water (1.12)
-   Delfador’s Memoirs (1.12)
-   Descent into Darkness (1.12)
-   The Eastern Invasion (1.12)
-   Heir to the Throne (1.12)
-   Liberty (1.12)
-   Northern Rebirth (1.12)
-   The Sceptre of Fire (1.12)
-   Son of the Black-Eye (1.12)
-   The Hammer of Thursagan (1.12)
-   The Rise of Wesnoth (1.12)
-   The South Guard (1.12)
-   A Tale of Two Brothers (1.12)
-   Under the Burning Suns (1.12)
Forum topic Download Chào mừng đến với Wesnoth!
Version: 0.7.2
Author: Wesnoth contributors (1.16 port - demario)
11.91 MiB 565 down
11 up
Apr 05 2023 vi, gl, sk
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
War and Home
A tale of a rookie wesnothian officer and the part he, along with those he meets on his way, plays in a war against a new orcish onslaught.

Intermediate level.
38 out of 45-something scenarios playable.
1 or 2 players (balanced and tested only in singleplayer on normal difficulty).

Please give feedback on the forums, it would be greatly appreciated.

    0.9.1 : Added updated Japanese translation and fixed a bunch of stuff
    0.9.0 : Added 5 scenarios (3 battles) and modified scenarios 11 and 19 to require players remain near their docks
    0.8.1 : Added updated Japanese translation
    0.8.0 : 2 new levels (all battles) and a few changes in portraits
    0.7.0 : 5 new levels (but only 2 battles), a way to see the credits and some rebalancing on scenarios 22 through 26
    0.6.1 : Fixed misnamed japanese translation files and enemy gold on easy on scenario 26
    0.6.0 : 6 new levels (4 battles), Japanese translation (though not for the newest levels)
    0.5.2 : French translation, music, miscellaneous
    0.5.1 : Fixed missing translation marks and objective
    0.5.0 : Added 3 scenarios (2 battles) after the existing ones
    0.4.0 : Added 4 scenarios (3 battles) after the existing ones
    0.3.6 : Fixed a mistake leftover from testing...
    0.3.5 : Added 3 scenarios (3 battles) after the existing ones
    0.3.0 : Added 4 scenarios (3 battles, 1 talk-only) after the existing ones
    0.2.0 : Added 3 scenarios (one at the start, two at the end) and a little flourish to ex-scenario 2 (now 3)
    0.1.3 : Added scenario files to help the transition with the fact that I changed scenarios id
        (if it crashed before when opening a new scenario or saying next scenario missing this should fix it... normally)
    0.1.2 : Fixed carryover problems with the 'waiting' scenarios (the end of current content ones)
    0.1.1 : Rebalanced scenarios 1 and 3 (and thus 2 as well)

If you have a save from an older version (pre 0.2.0) then some things might not work (I added a new 'first' scenario and I had messed up a few things), but it should be obvious if that's the case (the 'your heroes all being level 1 with no xp' kind of obvious). It should be fixable by reloading a save before the 'waiting' scenario but I'm not sure, sorry...
Added note: this is the last version where they might work.
Forum topic Download War and Home
Version: 0.9.1
Author: hopelight
7.02 MiB 3987 down
19 up
Dec 25 2023 fr, ja
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ambush Rework
Having a unit standing still for one turn with refreshed MP in a forest makes them invisible for the enemy, as long as it is standing still. This is Regardless of thier abilities, but the host can give units with the ambush-ability a buff as compensation.
Works for campaigns aswell.
Download Ambush Rework
Version: 1.0
Author: Pipapopinguin
0.00 MiB 1073 down
1 up
Apr 09 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Selamat Datang di Wesnoth!
Warning: The official updated campaigns are distributed as part of mainline.

This is an attempt to recover translations for all 1.10 campaigns before overhaul. This is brought to you with no warranty.

The goal of this add-on is to make these campaigns available again to play in fully translated version.
This is done by using outdated scenarios, so there may be playability and balance issues and shortcomings in the plot.

Current available translations: Indonesian (id), Estonian (et), Hungarian (hu).

The campaigns are released as part of a 'core', they can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select 'Wesnoth (1.10)' core.
-   The 1.10 campaigns are now available in the 'Campaigns' menu.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback threads for mainline campaigns.

Available campaigns:
-   Tutorial (1.10)
-   An Orcish Incursion (1.10)
-   Dead Water (1.10)
-   Delfador’s Memoirs (1.10)
-   Descent into Darkness (1.10)
-   The Eastern Invasion (1.10)
-   Heir to the Throne (1.10)
-   Liberty (1.10)
-   Northern Rebirth (1.10)
-   The Sceptre of Fire (1.10)
-   Son of the Black-Eye (1.10)
-   The Hammer of Thursagan (1.10)
-   The Rise of Wesnoth (1.10)
-   The South Guard (1.10)
-   A Tale of Two Brothers (1.10)
-   Under the Burning Suns (1.10)
Forum topic Download Selamat Datang di Wesnoth!
Version: 0.4.2
Author: Wesnoth contributors (1.16 port - demario)
9.94 MiB 493 down
6 up
Apr 05 2023 id, et, hu
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Return from the Abyss
After taking part to a disastrous expedition, Khafir and his men are lost and isolated from their people, thousands of miles away from home, bound by a pact sealed with a powerful dwarvish king. Help him escape from the depth of Irdya and finding his way back, in an adventure across two worlds during the rise of a sinister force in the Great Continent. 
Expert level, finished (19 playable scenarios).
Forum topic Download Return from the Abyss
Version: 1.1.13
Author: skeptical_troll
3.42 MiB 3117 down
4 up
Jan 15 2022 ja, it
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Migration of Aragwaithi
Co-op Aragwaithi focused campaign: Three scenarios. This campaign is freshly made so if you encounter issues or have balancing ideas please let me know Portraits used from base wesnoth and extended era and war of legends era. Boar warrior by Jin Woo Bae. Archer by Eric Belisle. Farstrider uploaded to pinterest by Fantasy Pics Inc
Forum topic Download Migration of Aragwaithi
Version: 1.1.4b
Author: Ryan Secrest
19.84 MiB 1054 down
26 up
Sep 22 2022 English, cs, it, ja
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Campaign Steppeifier
This singleplayer modification allows you to recruit units from factions from Great Steppe Era in any singleplayer campaign.

WARNING: the mod may break campaigns. The more complex/different from mainline the campaign, the more likely it will be to break!

It is strongly recommended to use this on mainline or mainline-like campaigns.

The mod creator, Great Steppe Era creators, or campaign creator are NOT responsible if a campaign breaks due to using this mod. Use caution and common sense when choosing what campaigns to play with the mod. If you get stuck on a scenario, just use debug.


1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Campaign Steppeifier
Version: 1.0.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.01 MiB 140 down
1 up
Jan 15 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Campaign Multiplayerifier
Makes campaigns multiplayer by giving the abilty to give unit to other player.
Units return to original player at the end of the scenario

For now only campaigns with one human side are supported
For now only one side can be added.

After giving the 1st unit you should save and reload to asign a controller to the new side.

source code at https://github.com/EmileXVIII/wml-Campaign_Multiplayerifier
Download Campaign Multiplayerifier
Version: 0.0.2
Author: EmileXVIII
0.02 MiB 37 down
2 up
May 17 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Campaign Hardcoreifier
Are you an experienced player? Do you want to play with other mods while still keeping the gameplay challenging? Do you want to turn one of your favorite beginner campaigns into an expert campaign? Do you want to fight lvl5 orc grunts? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this mod is just what you need!

This mod makes campaigns harder by making enemies stronger (more HP, damage and/or movement), and get stronger after every scenario (except non-combat or cutscene sceanario). When their stat bonuses are high enough, their level also increases to reflect their increased stats.

The mod is highly configurable, you can control how strong the enemies are at start, and how quickly they get stronger. You can even have only some random enemies get stronger and most enemies stay at normal strength (the default settings are pretty tame, but higher values are much more brutal)

Intended to be used alongside mods that make the game easier (stuff like leader magic mod, xp mod, etc.)

WARNING: Depending on your settings, may make campaigns impossible to beat. It is up to you to configure your modlist and mod settings to make the campaigns still doable.


1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Campaign Hardcoreifier
Version: 1.0.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.02 MiB 96 down
1 up
Mar 19 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Extended Armies Era
The purpose of this add-on is to extend each faction with units they don't have in the standard eras; for example, dwarves don't have a mage or healer in the standard eras, now they have in these extended eras. Basically, they are the default Wesnoth armies, but with additions, and a very small number of edits, to keep them balanced.

Also, in this add-on are additional maps for hours of gaming fun.

More information can be found on http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37358

Ported to 1.12, 1.14, 1.16 and 1.18.

The 4 included scenarios all use this era's units in scripted battles. One of them is a fully scripted survival pitting the new and original Monster Horde faction vs 8 AI opponents attacking from all sides. In another you take on the role of 3 Orc (extended armies era faction) commanders besieged by 6 AI attackers. The other two scenarios also pit you vs the AI survival style as you play the Monster Horde.

Nine other maps originally included with the era have been split off into their own add-on called BomSite Maps. They work with any era.
Forum topic Download Extended Armies Era
Version: 1.6.0
Author: BomSite, maintained by Atreides
3.30 MiB 2272 down
11 up
Feb 28 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Campaign Era
I created an Era with Mainline Campaign Factions like Outlaws and Quenoth elves. I also added Units and Advances for Units from the Mainline Campaigns. Enjoy.
Version 1.0.1: Added Missing Tauroch Animation from UtBS Campaign
Forum topic Download Campaign Era
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Refumee
13.97 MiB 424 down
2 up
Feb 13 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Northern Forces
This is a human / bone soldier campaign, – 19 scenarios (2 story-only), all playable.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Northern Forces
Version: 0.5.0-2
Author: SkyOne
10.08 MiB 1817 down
1 up
Jan 13 2022 de
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 2
This add-on is Battle #2 in the Big Battle series. In this 1-scenario campaign, the player will be pitted against the two most frightening armies of the default era: Northerners (orcs) and the Undead (eww). 

The unique swamp-themed units are thoroughly animated with attack animations, death animations, and more.

A casual player will probably win on Easy. A pretty good player will enjoy a nice challenge on Normal. Hard is winnable, but definitely hard.

The tactical skills of the AI have been modified to show the player no mercy. You've been warned!

This battle has been thoroughly play-tested with zero scum-saving, so there's no need to panic whenever a unit gets killed. If you let dead units stay dead, you can still win! That being said, feel free to scum-save as much as you want. Have fun!

Pro-tip: Don't underestimate the brutal power of the Conglodon. On the beach, they're hard to hit!

(Intermediate level, 1 scenario)
Forum topic Download Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 2
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Helmet
2.36 MiB 486 down
3 up
Nov 20 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Conquest+ Space/Ranged
NOTE - MULTIPLAYER MEMBERS JOINING A GAME NOW REQUIRE THE SPACE ADDON INSTALLED DUE TO SPECIAL GRAPHICS. Conquest+ Space is updated often including any fixes on par with similar mods (see game thread). Conquest is based on RISK where you must capture all villas in a 'region' or 'country' for bonus gold income, Conquest+ includes transports such as starships and boats to transport units and expand across territory and many fun features such as  builder units to create structures such as fortifications, ranged weapons, nukes (area damage) and other futuristic features. This pack includes Conquest+ Space maps with true ranged combat. Read the Scenario Objectives for full instructions. Use the Forum to pass on comments in the Conquest+ thread or PM Gwledig
Forum topic Download Conquest+ Space/Ranged
Version: 6
Author: Gwledig
17.55 MiB 910 down
4 up
Dec 13 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 1
In this 1-scenario campaign, the player leads an army of sentient frogs, mushrooms, and bugs into battle. All units are thoroughly animated with attack animations, death animations, and more.

The player must defend the swamp against two default factions: Loyalists (humans) and the Knalgan Alliance (dwarves). 

The large map was designed to allow brilliant attacks and retreats in battle. Impassible mountains and deep water prevent non-flying units from beelining across the map.

A casual player will probably win on Easy. A pretty good player will enjoy a nice challenge on Normal. Hard is winnable, but definitely hard.

Updated to improve the tactical skills of the AI. Warning: this AI may be the most formidable AI you have ever faced!

(Intermediate level, 1 scenario)
Forum topic Download Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 1
Version: 1.0.7
Author: Helmet
2.33 MiB 795 down
8 up
Nov 11 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Burning Souls
All hope for the island of Bilheld seems to be slipping away from its inhabitants. But an unsuspecting drake is about to lead his people on a journey for peace, and a life without war. However, the journey will be difficult...

(Expert level, 15 scenarios.)

There's a thread on the forums where you can witness the development of this campaign.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Burning Souls
Version: 1.4.8-1
Author: Pewskeepski
2.54 MiB 1391 down
1 up
Dec 18 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Brave Wings
A Drake Campaign, intermediate level, 14 playable scenarios and Epilogue.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Brave Wings
Version: 1.1.6-2
Author: SkyOne
8.74 MiB 2247 down
2 up
Jan 07 2022 de, ja, ru
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
BomSite Maps
A new add-on split off from the Extended Armies Era. Nine maps originally included with the EAE that don't require it to work and thus deserve to be independently available.

The maps are:

- fight your way through a narrow spiral, large map

- a brawl in the sandy waste between two fortresses, small map, symmetrical

- a large map roughly wheel with spokes shaped, each spoke has different terrain, focus is at the hub

- a bit similar to arena but terrain is more homogenous, in a cave
- mountain version of cave

- symmetrical 6 spoked map, medium sized, lots of villages, 6 starting in towns at end of spokes, centre contains another town
- forest version
- desert version
- unlike the other colosseum maps has a normal number of villages

Custom support for Revolution and Civil War mod added to all 6-player maps.

Ported from 1.12 to 1.14/16.
1.12 version available upon request.
Download BomSite Maps
Version: 1.1.1
Author: BomSite, updated by Atreides
0.03 MiB 853 down
3 up
Nov 26 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Pick your recruits. No preparation turn
Lets players choose their recruits freely at game start. All players pick their recruits immediately after the game begins so no preperation turn is needed. This makes it compatible with scenarios and campaigns that use turn based events. Also offers random options.
Forum topic Download Pick your recruits. No preparation turn
Version: 1.5
Author: gfgtdf
0.02 MiB 159 down
1 up
Dec 20 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Bloody Mod
This mod causes units to sometimes bleed when hit and leave a pool of blood upon death, or other appropriate remains.
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Bloody Mod
Version: 1.16.211112
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.02 MiB 4317 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Welcome to a world ruled with god-like living weapons!
Our hero will learn the existence of these weapons, and make an alliance with one of the most powerful of them, to start an adventure that will lead to many surprises.

(Advanced level, 5 scenarios that can played many times, second part to come...)
Forum topic Download BloodLust
Version: 0.6.6
Author: Ptitboul
1.43 MiB 2630 down
24 up
Aug 11 2024 fr
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together World Map. (6p) 
By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download Valeria
Version: 1.16.211112
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.01 MiB 569 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Black Water Swamp
This map is designed for 4 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
A rotten Swamp rising from the dead.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Black Water Swamp
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 862 down
3 up
Jul 05 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Black Magic
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer coop/vs, or Singleplayer against AI.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2023
Download Black Magic
Version: 1.0.8
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 1398 down
9 up
Apr 10 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Children of Dragons
Once the most feared creatures in the land of the living, the dragons are all but extinct. But their descendants are just about to make their mark on the world. Lead the Drakes as they search for a new homeland. All scenarios complete.
Forum topic Download Children of Dragons
Version: 1.2.0
Author: MarkP, Elvish_Hunter (maintainer)
0.87 MiB 1652 down
1 up
Jan 02 2022 da, es, fr, it, zh_CN
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Betrayal of Thaeylan
When the king's foolish pact with Orcish mercenaries goes wrong, the commander of his forces, Field Marshal Muhryim, must seek an alliance with his former enemies beyond the realm.

He will journey into the lawless frontier with his closest advisor, Synn, a pathfinder with a history in the outlands. To restore the Thaeylan kingdom, Muhyrim must rely on the very bandits he once opposed.

(Intermediate Level, 2 chapters, 5 scenarios each.)
Forum topic Download Betrayal of Thaeylan
Version: 2.1
Author: H-Hour
7.54 MiB 3763 down
3 up
Jul 30 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Battleground Europe
WWII total conversion realism era with army, navy, and airforce. 160 dollars per gold. Accurate costs and K/D. Every stat determined by putting actual values into formula. AI able to play.
Forum topic Download Battleground Europe
Version: 2.1.4
Author: Kharn
54.04 MiB 1138 down
13 up
Oct 12 2023
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Battle of Kingdoms
This map is designed for 4 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
In a massive Landscape full of Beasts it must be your goal to conquer and defend as many Villages as you can.
Defeat the Beasts while you battle each other.
Recommended Settings: 1v1v1v1 or 2v2

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Battle of Kingdoms
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 1657 down
6 up
Dec 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Inky's Quest
The Cuttlefish Campaign
Are the cuttlefish mere beasts or something more? What stories would they tell if they could speak? This story provides one possible answer.The easiest difficulty provides hints for novice players.
(Beginner level, 12 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Inky's Quest
Version: 1.6.3
Author: Telchin
4.11 MiB 1933 down
4 up
Jul 07 2023 de, ja, ru, cs
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Default L0 Era
An era featuring level one leaders with level zero recruits. Consists of Loyalists, Rebels, Knalgans and Undead. Not considered balanced.
Forum topic Download Default L0 Era
Version: 1.5.1
Author: MoonyDragon
0.38 MiB 26 down
2 up
Aug 23 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Battle for Meridia
A new land is discovered, far to the south of Wesnoth, when the Dunefolk arrive on Wesnoth's shores. Learn about its peoples, and make them fight! Currently in playable alpha - all base frames complete, but next to no animations yet, and still highly unbalanced and missing abilities.
Download Battle for Meridia
Version: 0.1.10
Author: thespaceinvader
0.85 MiB 521 down
3 up
Jul 23 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Bandits from Brown Hills
Yeah, you brave adventurer...
This is campaing is made for audience that knows Wesnoth for a while and are at least bit familiar with it.
... Why you ask?
    Becouse this campaing is REALLY HARD
    It's made in a way you won't have army of lvl3 units, not becouse It's impossible...
    Becouse you'll LOSE THEM ALL ...
    BEHOLD THE DUMB AI (as allways)
    Also I bring some interesting concepts/mechanics to the table, so feel free to inspire


    What are you still doing here?
    You should jump to the game!
    (Or you can read the credits here... I wonder if anyone ever does that!?)
    Happy gold hoarding ^^ >Stonks<

    Hladky Jakub [Me], beetlenaut [for creating WML Guide], LuminiousE [huge dialog improvement]

(Nightmare level in progress, balanced only Challenging difficulty, 2/4-6 scenarios finished(count depends on new ideas for new mechanics))
(I'm at the Wesnoth discord server and at Wesnoth forum.)
Forum topic Download Bandits from Brown Hills
Version: 0.0.12
Author: Hladky Jakub (ZombieKnightCZ)
37.85 MiB 673 down
12 up
May 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Bad Moon Rising
An expedition to gather treasure from the cold north sets off compounding disaster.  Follow a prisoner of the undead in his quest for revenge, then join a rebellion, learn to get along with the natives, and save the world.

SP Campaign in three parts, though Part 1 is very quick and is an introduction to the inventory/equipment system.  
Long campaign, design is a bit more like old JRPGs in Parts 2 and 3.  Requires 'Archaic Era', 'Archaic Resources', and 'Archaic Sounds' add-ons

Known problems:  
 - Has some issues with GUI widget size and scrollbars at smaller resolutions  
 - The state of some translations is questionable.

If you have any comments, either good or bad, please leave a note at the forums.wesnoth.org link.
Forum topic Download Bad Moon Rising
Version: 1.16.4
Author: doofus-01
22.02 MiB 4080 down
5 up
Mar 06 2022 fr, hu, it, tr
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Hellish Demons
An addon faction of demons to default and aoh. In testing stage.
Download Hellish Demons
Version: 1.0.3
Author: battlestar
0.21 MiB 493 down
1 up
Feb 04 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Children of the Dust
In the aftermath of the Fall, the millennary civilization of the dwarves is on its knees. Strongholds who resisted entire eras have vanished together with their inhabitants, the very same mountains and caves that protected them for so long finally collapsed and became their grave. The few survivors are scattered around the continent and in disarray, hunted by old and new enemies and abandoned by their old allies.

But dwarves are no folk to give up easily, nor to wallow in self-pity. Help Walhort and his fellows escape destruction, reclaim their spot in this new, hostile, world, and lay the foundation on which dwarves could build their future and, one day, flourish again. (10 playable scenarios)
Forum topic Download Children of the Dust
Version: 1.0.5
Author: skeptical_troll
2.87 MiB 2983 down
4 up
Nov 23 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Beyond Southern Hells
Far south beyond the wesnothian gaze thrive civilizations unheard of. Will you seek allies among them... or throw them a challenge of your own?
Multiplayer era combining some unique lonely factions and filling the holes with default ones. Be sure to visit the wesnothian forums and let us know what you think of it.
Faction authors so far: StDrake, Rozard, Ceres, Reepurr (faction in development phase)

Updated from Wesnoth 1.10 to 1.14/16 by Atreides.

There are 6 main factions: the Felinians (Very Silly Cats with a serious love for heavy artillery - yes that's ranged fire with multi-hex damage), The Azgar Empire (A mean bunch with delusions of Empire & a desire to hunt witches), the A.N.O. (Mysterious cloaked mages that have the unsettling tendency to randomly turn into mutants unless controlled), the Sandfolk (A simple desert folk), the Eregath (A rival desert folk who wrap themselves mummy-like and can control the sand via magic to create walls, mirages and large sandstorms) and the Dragservion (Dragon leaders and their fanatically devoted followers who gain special abilities next to their leaders).

There are also 2 somewhat unfinished (I've finished them up a fair bit - let's say they're under construction now) factions that one can try out: The Wretched (Entities from the void that can pass through walls & have bizarre ultra berserk units with 1 hp) and the Kerlathi Dwarves (A southern branch of Dwarvenkind with a nutso ranged berserker wielding a multi barrel thunderstick).
Forum topic Download Beyond Southern Hells
Version: 1.2.2
Author: StDrake and others, developed by Atreides.
3.68 MiB 1781 down
23 up
Jun 12 2024
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Axis of Evil (stock 1.8)
Warning: The official 'Axis of Evil' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

This is for testing only.

Axis of Evil

The allied forces are scattered across the land, while the Axis powers are preparing their war machine. 3 humans vs. 2 AI sides. Play length: about 3-4 hours.

To load this add-on, you have to load the core 'Macabre' and activate the modification
'The wayback WML machine (1.8)' available after the core is loaded. You'll be ready to
select your 'Axis of Evil' scenario.

The needed 'core' can be selected following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Macabre (Wesnoth 1.8 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.
Forum topic Download Axis of Evil (stock 1.8)
Version: 0.9.4
Author: jb
0.01 MiB 87 down
1 up
Jan 19 2024
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Uprising
Will The Uprising succeed, with the people reclaiming what was once theirs, or will the Slavemasters cement their tyranny once and for all?  You decide!

This is a work in progress, currently with only one unpolished scenario.

When launched from the Campaigns menu, you play as P1 and the other sides are AI controlled.  When launched from the Multiplayer menu, you can configure the sides as you wish.

(Variable level, 1 scenario.)
Forum topic Download The Uprising
Version: 0.0.1
Author: custardlongjohn
0.20 MiB 107 down
1 up
Feb 28 2024
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Atz' Maps
A variety of maps, mostly 1v1 or 2v2.

Ported from 1.10 to 1.14/1.16.

Upgraded to be compatible with the Civil War and Revolution mod.

2p - Keryn Gorge
2p - Lone Caldera
2p - Long March
2p - River Rapids
3p - Hill Shore - 1 vs 2
4p - Back To Back
4p - Caedd Ridge Alternate
4p - Caedd Ridge
4p - Lake Delta
4p - Lone Caldera
4p - Long March
4p - Spiral Court - 2 vs 2, teams are layered between each other
4p - Triple Threat - 1 vs 3, triangle map, centre vs corners
4p - Upriver - 1 vs 3
6p - Triple Threat - 3 vs 3, triangle map, 3 in centre vs 3 corners
Forum topic Download Atz' Maps
Version: 2.2.2
Author: Atz, updated by Atreides
0.02 MiB 1059 down
5 up
Nov 26 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Monster Hunt
Asymmetric 1v1. Control the zombie horde, or defeat it using powerful heroes
Forum topic Download Monster Hunt
Version: 2.19
Author: Limabean
0.03 MiB 239 down
20 up
Mar 17 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Lifetime of Stones
After the Second Great War, the life of trolls changed forever. The echoes of the defeat at Durn-Turum have traveled through the centuries and reached even the little troll Grump, who was recently born in the Heat Caves. Grump has no idea what adventures the legacy of gray antiquity will lead him into. 

(Intermediate level, 11 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Lifetime of Stones
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Mechanical
0.06 MiB 335 down
1 up
Feb 27 2024 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Attack of the Undead
Play as a mage to protect your city from the undead.

(Novice level, 4 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Attack of the Undead
Version: 1.3.6
Author: wsultzbach
0.04 MiB 4366 down
3 up
Nov 18 2021 cs, da, de, es, fi, fr, hu, it, nl, pl, sk, tr, zh_CN, zh_TW
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
RPS Units
Includes brand-new, custom unit configurations, unit sprite artwork, weapon special and ability macros.

This add-on is a resource to be used in combination with other add-ons. This add-on was originally designed alongside the single-player campaign Deception, which can also be found on the official add-on server.

Check out the single-player campaign add-on Deception to see this add-on's resources in action.

Please write feedback via Discord: @durmoth
Download RPS Units
Version: 0.1.2
Author: Durmoth / Roland Peter Schilffarth
0.91 MiB 1059 down
3 up
Aug 17 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
After the Storm Music
This add-on is a resource package providing music for the After the Storm campaign. It is NOT intended for installation without the After the Storm campaign.

Installation of this add-on is optional for players with limited download rates or quotas, or who don't play with music or sounds enabled.
Download After the Storm Music
Version: 0.3.2
Author: Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)
21.96 MiB 12002 down
1 up
Jun 18 2021 ru
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Assault on the Citadel
Aid the Windsong in vanquishing a source of evil. (Intermediate Level)

For feedback:
  (i) Email to knyghtmare1995@gmail.com
 (ii) Send a PM to Lord-Knightmare on the Wesnoth forums
(iii) Or, send a DM to knyghtmare#8753 on Discord.
(iv) leave feedback at the #modding channel of the BfW discord server.
Download Assault on the Citadel
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Tahsin Jahin Khalid (Lord-Knightmare)
0.02 MiB 1715 down
3 up
Jan 04 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Thrugbad the Good
Thrugbad the goblin is fed up with the way the orcs treat him, so he starts trying to build a better life.  He could not possibly predict how things would turn out.

15 scenarios, novice level.
Download Thrugbad the Good
Version: 1.2
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
8.13 MiB 1285 down
2 up
Aug 24 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Creep Wars
== About
Creep Wars is a Human-vs-Human map. Each team consists of 3 human leaders and a minor AI side.

To start the game, buy upgrades in Shop, then go fighting in center.

Return to Shop to heal and buy more upgrades.

To win the game, kill one of the enemy guards.
Forum topic Download Creep Wars
Version: 1.9.0
Author: Vasya N
0.03 MiB 1180 down
10 up
Jan 14 2024
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Assassin in the Forest
Play as a lone, but highly-skilled, assassin. Lurk in the shadows and wait until the best moment to strike presents itself.

(1 Scenario)
Download Assassin in the Forest
Version: 3.9.0
Author: Ken Oh, Exasperation, Elvish Pillager, Shiki
0.01 MiB 2257 down
1 up
Oct 24 2021 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Asheviere's Shadow (Dunefolk Campaign)
Even in the deserts far to the south of Wesnoth, Queen Asheviere's shadow darkens the land.

This is a campaign designed to give players experience in the Dunefolk faction, with the same units as in the multiplayer faction, with new units introduced a few at a time. Dune Paragon is enabled, and Jinn and Wyvern Riders are included as enemies.

7 scenarios.
Forum topic Download Asheviere's Shadow (Dunefolk Campaign)
Version: 1.4
Author: Mathbrush
1.04 MiB 4088 down
6 up
Jan 10 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Ashen Hearts
In the ancient Heartfang mountains, a once powerful population of drakes has begun to weaken due to a mysterious force dimming their inner fire. Guide Herkarth, the heir of the Menor kings, and his companion Uluthur on a journey to delve into drakes' past and reignite the flames of their ashen hearts.
(Expert difficulty, 8 scenarios)

Maintainer: Cure

Fixed almost all. Completed.

If there is any bug, gameplay problems or suggestions, feel free to post on forum.
Forum topic Download Ashen Hearts
Author: Kwandulin
5.38 MiB 2013 down
3 up
May 05 2022 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Follow the orc Brurbar as he leads the invasion of the north, unites his allies under the orcish banner, and brings terror to those who would oppose orcish ascension.
Download Ascension
Version: 1.2.3
Author: redbeard2
16.93 MiB 539 down
10 up
Mar 10 2024
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Corpse Mod Blood-In-Water
Makes Corpse Mod able to change terrain.

Don't install this if you aren't ready to get your terrain f*** up in some specific maps, that do the same.
Forum topic Download Corpse Mod Blood-In-Water
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Pipapopinguin
0.00 MiB 1105 down
3 up
Apr 03 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Around the World
3-player world domination on a map of planet Earth.
Special features:
- Going around the world
- Seasonal changes in environment
- Boats

Note: This map is not suitable for AI due to the special features.

2020-08-08 v1.1.0: 
	Units that can go in/over deep water can now also disembark there.
	Swapped around building styles of the continents.
	Pirate ships named Pirate now.
Forum topic Download Around the World
Version: 1.1.0
Author: GForce0
0.01 MiB 931 down
1 up
Jan 29 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Armory Mod
Sort through your units' weapons, re-distributing them freely! Arm your swordsman with a javelin, or capture an enemy's battle-axe so your dark adept can defend herself. A complete weapon inventory system that works with all default factions, and many add-on units as well. Works in both multiplayer and campaigns--just right-click a unit to get started!

Note: This mod will force all AI sides to use the 1.14 AI. The newer versions do not perform well.

Please report bugs or suggest features at the website linked below.
Forum topic Download Armory Mod
Version: 1.3.3
Author: Samonella
0.03 MiB 4111 down
4 up
Sep 12 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Sanguine Game
Decades after Wesnoth fell, scattered groups of refuges struggled to survive in the scorched land under two suns. Follow the Cossack, last of the Green Magi, as he unites six races and leads them to safety in the Northern Highlands.
Forum topic Download A Sanguine Game
Version: 0.1.2
Author: We, artwork by our team
3.05 MiB 63 down
1 up
Sep 19 2024 ru
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Isar's Blasphemy, Competition and Training Survivals
* Isar's Blasphemy:
    Survivals designed to be almost unwinnable, but winnable they are!

* Isar's Competition:
    2p survivals that turn into 1vs1 after all waves are done.
    There are different difficulties.

* Isar's Training:
    1p survival that prepares you for Isar's Competition.
Download Isar's Blasphemy, Competition and Training Survivals
Version: 5.6.4
Author: amir and others
0.03 MiB 710 down
56 up
Mar 29 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Armies of Amberan
Fight for supremacy on the continent of Amberan ! Take control of a late middle-age/renaissance army (for the moment, most are european style, but more exotic factions will come in the future)
*Update : added Rovahrian wood elves*
*0.3.1 hotfix age of heroes leader and recruitement*
The factions consist of :
- Farengarian kingdoms - Nobles leading mighty knights, wizards and well rounded infantry (mostly lawful)
- Finn's Empire - Very profesional and disciplined army who destroy their ennemies with the power of steel and gunpowder (lawful)
- Mauve Islands Federation - Union of the brave clans warriors (lawful) and the powerful wizards of the cities (neutral)
- Norse Jarldoms - An army consisting of competant but expensive soldiers (neutral) and cheap raiders units (chaotic)
- Kingdoms of Rovahr - lead holy warriors and their men at arms to victory on their cusade against evil (lawful)
- Galianos Imperium - Defend the empire with their well rounded cavalry, infantry and specialists (lawful and neutral)
- Farengarian dwarve's Counties - Dwarves living alongside the mens of farengar. Use their solid infantry and artillery to achieve victory (mostly neutral)
- Dwarven Kingdoms of Morkenost and Darfenlend - Alliance of the dwarves of Morkenost, the militarist kigndom keeping the dwarven realms, and the dwarves of Darfenlend, snow-dwelling griffin riders and sorcerers (neutral)
- Mountain Goblins - An unending horde of litle green raiders from the mountains swarming their ennemies (chaotic)
- Rovahrian Elves - Elves from the grand forest of Rovahr. A mobile force taking advantage of the forest (neutral)
Plus some default factions (used as placeholders for future factions) : dunefolk and undeads

Future factions will be added and replace default factions (work in progress)
Forum topic Download Armies of Amberan
Version: 0.3.1
Author: AlbinLePaladin
5.16 MiB 1181 down
4 up
Nov 06 2022 armies_of_amberan, fr
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Valley of the Ancients
A collection of competive scenarios.

 * Valley of the Ancients: MP competive campaign for 2 players. (6 scenarios)
 * Outbreak: a 3 player survival against an onslaught of ever mutating zombies
 * Kill the Virgins: survival for 1-4 players
 * Pits of Despair: 3p competive survival
 * Rotating War: 3 and 6 player versions of a map which rotates counter-clockwise
 * Reversi: the classical board game for one or two players
 * Race for Dimaga Beach: competive racing scenario for two players
 * Temple of the Nagas: 4 player survival
Download Valley of the Ancients
Version: 2.10.0
Author: trewe
0.14 MiB 1866 down
4 up
Jan 02 2022 pt, de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Arena Maps
Arena maps, where you have to survive with your leader longer than the others.
The maps are small and staring gold is low, games don’t take long.

 Clash in Cave (6p)
A small map, with many bonuses, such as healing potions, a second chance for defeated players and Orocia style upgrades around a little ring in the inner map.

 ArenaZ (3p/6p)
A map where one can recruit to any hex. Incoming Yetis give additional time pressure.
Forum topic Download Arena Maps
Version: 2.0.0
Author: Zat,Ravana,Uesmae,Shiki
0.02 MiB 529 down
1 up
Mar 04 2023 de
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Ardunynn Resources
Images and sound files for the campaigns, scenarios and factions of Ardunynn, the land where Betrayal of Thaeylan and Order of Oerbrae are set.
Download Ardunynn Resources
Version: 1.0.2
Author: H-Hour
8.06 MiB 3468 down
3 up
Jul 30 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
An era with factions from Ardunnyn, the land where the campaigns Betrayal of Thaeylan and Order of Oerbrae are set. Includes the Pycts, the Mirefolk, and the Thaeylan kingdom.
Forum topic Download Ardunynn
Version: 1.0.3
Author: H-Hour
0.01 MiB 3344 down
4 up
Jul 25 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Archives
As a Khalifate scholar, you have always been engrossed in history. You have heard of the land of Wesnoth, and you yearn to learn more. From asking around town to searching through the library, you have cobbled together these tales. What could you possibly imagine to find inside?

Each tale is a single-player mini campaign, between 1-3 scenarios. You can access these tales from the campaign menu.
(Contains 4 Tales)

Atreides ported from 1.12 to 1.14/16. Completely debugged. Any bugs you find are only in your head. Kidding of course, please report them to me or on the forum and they will be squashed.
Forum topic Download The Archives
Version: 1.0.3
Author: DeCoolest_Cat, updated by Atreides
1.12 MiB 990 down
4 up
Feb 02 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Archaic Sounds
Sound and Music resources used in Archaic_Era, Bad_Moon_Rising, and Trinity
Forum topic Download Archaic Sounds
Version: 1.16.0
Author: doofus-01
26.87 MiB 4661 down
1 up
Dec 20 2021
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
2-player Battleships. 
Adaptation from the famous game where you need to target each other's ships. Fight on land over control of the cannon tower to be able to destroy the ships of the opponent.

2020-09-27 v1.3.0:
	Now only lose on land when all units killed, not just the leader.
2020-08-15 v1.2.0: 
	Reduced size of sea
	Added mushroom
	Both players must now have the add-on installed.
2020-08-08 v1.1.0: Increased gold
Forum topic Download Battleships
Version: 1.3.0
Author: GForce0
0.10 MiB 773 down
1 up
Jan 29 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Archaic Resources
Various resources used in SP campaigns Bad_Moon_Rising and Trinity
Forum topic Download Archaic Resources
Version: 1.16.4
Author: doofus-01
18.56 MiB 4886 down
5 up
Apr 10 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Archaic Era
The central factions of this era consist of:
 - Northern Orcs - an expansion of the mainline Orcs/Northerners
 - Despair - Medieval Euorpean Ghost faction
 - Khthon - Animals under the control of some sort of puppet-masters-like spirits
 - Ukians - Human faction, offshoot of Loyalists but they have dogs
 - the default Undead and default Loyalists

The extended version has more factions, but they are less balanced.  It includes:
 - Primeval - Racist Olympian superhumans with odd coloration
 - South-Seas - Sailor faction
 - Menagerie - Hodge-podge of units, mostly Sci-Fi inspired
 - Phantom - Ancient Egyptian Ghosts (sort of)

Partially animated, somewhat balanced, at least for the central factions.  The similar factions in Ageless Era are taken from here (this is not just a subset of Ageless Era), but these are independent projects so there are some differences:  this era will have more up-to-date artwork; the Ageless versions will have adjustments to make these factions play well with all the other collected factions.

Needed for BMR & Trinity campaigns, for which these factions play the dominant role.
Forum topic Download Archaic Era
Version: 1.16.4
Author: doofus-01
23.63 MiB 7213 down
5 up
Apr 10 2023 fr, hu, it, ja
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Isar's Cross Original
Isar's Cross map as it was in the older versions of Wesnoth.
Download Isar's Cross Original
Version: 1
Author: redrawn back by dwarftough
0.00 MiB 434 down
1 up
Jul 04 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Evolves Era and Maps
While your armies procure fame and glory on the battlefield, watch as new allies rally to your cause.

Starting with a peasant army you must evolve your recruit list into something greater.

Maps are now independent and can be played with any era. Likewise the Era can be played on any map, not just the included ones.
Download Evolves Era and Maps
Version: 0.4.0
Author: Stern - Programming, Avenger - Playtesting, maintained by Atreides
0.01 MiB 1074 down
5 up
Dec 19 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A sandbox campaign.  No recruiting.  No Text, no talking, no narration. 

        Legend of the Invincibles dependency, if you don't like LotI item system and AMLAs, you won't like this.

        8-33 scenarios, exploration based.

        Special Thanks to:Dugi for LotI and the rest of the Wesnoth community for massive amounts of code and art to pick from, if I used something you made and want specific credit, please PM me.

        May still be buggy, haven't tested a ton.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Anthalia
Version: 1.1.1-1
Author: Rodil
1.30 MiB 1562 down
1 up
Jan 15 2022 de, fr, uk
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rescue Mission
A short, two scenario campaign about an elvish-human alliance rescuing their commander
Download Rescue Mission
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Viminyr
0.02 MiB 813 down
1 up
Mar 01 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
An Orcish Incursion
Defend the forests of the elves against the first orcs to reach the Great Continent, learning valuable tactics as you do so. (Novice level, 7 scenarios)
Forum topic Download An Orcish Incursion
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Authors: Josh Parsons, Eric S. Raymond, Piotr Cychowski Maintainer: Lord-Knightmare
7.28 MiB 5004 down
1 up
Jun 30 2021 af, ang, ang@latin, ar, ast, bg, ca, ca_ES@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en@shaw, en_GB, eo, es, et, eu, fi, fr, fur_IT, ga, gd, gl, he, hr, hu, id, is, it, ja, ko, la, lt, lv, mk, mr, nb_NO, nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, racv, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sr@ijekavian, sr@ijekavianlatin, sr@latin, sv, tl, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
An Innocent Man
Owercyn is accused of theft and sent into temporary exile. This is the story of his struggle to return home and clear his name, and the unexpected adventures he has in the process.

Intermediate level, 12 scenarios.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download An Innocent Man
Version: 1.1-1
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
2.59 MiB 3118 down
1 up
Jan 17 2022
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
(Good old) World Conquest II
Warning: The official World conquest is now added to the game as a mainline campaign.

This is an attempt to port the BFW1.14 version of World Conquest to 1.16 as originally designed. This is brought to you with no warranty.

In this version, the following elements were brought back from 1.14 version:
-   map one can be generated and previewed before starting the game
-   the number of bonus on the map is equal to number of players
-   restore original 1.14 Dune Herbalist as hero and recruit for The Cult
-   AI sides are not playing dunefolks
-   restore pick advance available by default.
Download (Good old) World Conquest II
Version: 0.8.14
Author: TL, Natasiel, tekelili and more (1.16 port - demario)
0.82 MiB 6021 down
31 up
Jun 07 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
An Independence War
Fight against the world to save your people.
This is a sequel to A Group in a War campaign.

Intermediate to Expert level (containing very strange features).
The game system is completely different from the standard of BfW.
Main units in this campaign are troops which consist of multiple units.

Tamanegi Jukebox addon is required.
UMC Music Books (1-12) and West's Chronicles (I and II) are not required but recommended to install.
Forum topic Download An Independence War
Version: 0.3.3b
Author: tamanegi
0.56 MiB 4265 down
2 up
Dec 20 2021 ja, pt_BR
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Golden Age of Kylandra
A carefully balanced MP Era designed to enhance the default experience with new units and abilities.

The Golden Age of Kylandra includes 9 new fully balanced factions with new units and abilities along with 11 other 'just for fun' factions to be used in SP or MP games.  With dozens, possibly hundreds of new units and multiple new, unique abilities, the Golden Age of Kylandra offers an expanded and balanced experience of the default game.  The models have been carefully selected and created to blend seamlessly with the default artwork and the abilities have also been designed with balance in mind; the 10 core factions in the Golden Age of Kylandra are all balanced against each other and the default factions.

This is a complete Add-On with no major updates planned.  Minor updates may be made, with additional minor factions, maps, scenarios, and possibly some sound and unit model tweaks.

Version 1.0.0 for Wesnoth 1.14 had no known bugs, but some updates were required due to deprecated macros for 1.16 as well as updated unit models and paths.  There are no known bugs, but please report if you find any while playing.

Version 1.0.4 removed Draeglan Dynasty from the Golden Age era and added another minor faction.

Version 1.0.3 is an updated version for Wesnoth 1.16.  Updated to remove conflicts between my Ramah Sultanate faction and the updated Wesnoth 1.16 Dunefolk faction.
Forum topic Download Golden Age of Kylandra
Version: 1.0.4
Author: TT
20.86 MiB 1120 down
4 up
Apr 14 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Amaranthine Stone
(11 scenarios: Beginner - Intermediate): It has been a thousand years since the elves have withdrawn from the world. Returning to the birthplace of their race, Aranaathe, they have dwelt in seclusion. Now, the drakes have launched a surprise attack and stolen the elves' most sacred artifact, the Amaranthine Stone. Imbued with the light of creation itself, if it is not returned the world will fall into darkness and Aranaathe shall perish.

11 playable scenarios plus three story

Note: The Amaranthine Stone add-on contains additional UMC music and is not required for the campaign to function. It is recommended for those whose gaming experience is enhanced by the music of Wesnoth.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Amaranthine Stone
Version: 1.0.9-2
Author: FaeLord
83.80 MiB 4582 down
1 up
Jan 07 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
'We the sons and daughters of our blessed land Doreldos hereby tell our long story of struggle against the foreigners who came in the guise of merchants and tried to enslave us, but were ultimately driven out from here by virtue of our united stand. We document our tale in the hope that our children, and the children of their children after them can derive inspiration and guidance from this...'
(Intermediate level, 47 scenarios divided into 3 episodes)
Forum topic Download Doreldos_Fight_to_Liberty
Version: 1.0.16
Author: chak_abhi
4.83 MiB 1182 down
2 up
Aug 18 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Altered Era/Ruleset
This is development version of ''Altera'' era
It contains latest changes and additions but may also contain some extra bugs

This add-on aims to redesign and enrich all aspects of multiplayer mode on random maps for variety and evenly distributed challenge from both AI and human opponents.

It may be release-ready but more playtesting is desired before calling it 'v1.0'.

- ''altered'' era with single-race factions and custom rules (no healing on advancement, killed units go to recall lists, recruiting in villages at extra cost, gold subsidy to losing players etc, see forum topic or in-game help in right-click menu for full list)
- UI additions as part of ''altered'' era (warnings about villages lost since last turn, trait icons near units' health bars etc)
- ''altered'' random map generators that use most terrain types in abundance and add special locations for 'healing hamlets' custom rule
- ''altered'' UI themes: one with 1.5x larger fonts, another one is redesigned default theme from BfW 1.10.7

Tested mostly in Wesnoth 1.10.7 on included ''Altered Vast Random map'' (100x100 hexes) with fog of war enabled, shroud disabled, experience modifier 100%, village income 1 gold per turn, 8 RCA-AI opponents.

Forum topic for feedback, changelogs and detailed description:

Supports Wesnoth 1.10.7, 1.12.6, 1.14.x and 1.16.x
Add-on servers for Wesnoth 1.10 and 1.12 do not accept uploads anymore but this add-on still supports them - download it from 1.14 or 1.16 add-on server and manually copy it to ''add-ons'' folder of older Wesnoth
Forum topic Download Altered Era/Ruleset
Version: 0.8.0
Author: lea
36.83 MiB 1101 down
5 up
Jun 04 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Altera is development version of ''Altered era/ruleset''
It contains latest changes and additions but may also contain some extra bugs

This add-on aims to redesign and expand multiplayer mode (especially with AI opponents) on random maps for variety, reduced influence of blind luck and sustained challenge from both AI and human opponents.

It may be release-ready but more playtesting is desired before calling it 'v1.0'.

- ''Altera'' era with single-race factions and custom rules many of which can be disabled via era options (no healing on advancement, killed units go to recall lists, recruiting in villages at extra cost, gold subsidy to losing players etc, see forum topic or in-game help in right-click menu for full list)
- quality-of-life extras as part of ''Altera'' era (warnings about villages lost since last turn, trait icons near units' health bars, extra info in tooltips of some UI elements etc)
- ''Altera'' random map generators that use most terrain types in abundance and add special locations for 'healing hamlets' custom rule
- ''Altera'' UI themes: one with 1.5x larger fonts, another one is redesigned default theme from BfW 1.10.7

Tested mostly in Wesnoth 1.10.7 on included ''Altera Vast Random map'' (100x100 hexes) with fog of war enabled, shroud disabled, experience modifier 100%, village income 1 gold per turn, 8 RCA-AI opponents.

Forum topic for feedback, changelogs and detailed description:

Supports Wesnoth 1.10.7, 1.12.6, 1.14.x and 1.16.x
Add-on servers for Wesnoth 1.10 and 1.12 do not accept uploads anymore but this add-on still supports them - download it from Wesnoth 1.14 or 1.16 add-on server and manually copy it to ''add-ons'' folder of older Wesnoth
Forum topic Download Altera
Version: 0.8.8
Author: lea
40.82 MiB 1043 down
10 up
Feb 07 2024
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
This add-on features a new, innovative faction consisting of 17 units total. Playable both as an expansion of default and as a standalone faction.

Warning: Units in this add-on use several unusual abilities, therefore I wouldn't recommed it to beginners.
Download Shadowborn
Version: 1.1.8
Author: White Dragon
0.05 MiB 2433 down
2 up
Jul 18 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Dirty Blood
Being a half-breed, since his very birth Moog was an outcast in the Cold Blood clan. But shamans knew that spirits were relentlessly asserting: He shall rule! However, nobody could ever imagine what it would mean for the orcs of the Cold Blood and even for the whole of the orcish country...

(Intermediate level, 12 scenarios.)
Download Dirty Blood
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Mechanical, dwarftough
10.80 MiB 377 down
1 up
Mar 10 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Alphabet Era
Era where each faction's units start with a specific letter (note: this applies to the english names of units, NOT translated ones.). Some units are skipped if the faction already has enough. Some letters are skipped or merged together because there are not enough units to make a faction out of them by themselves. Some less popular (not enough units) letters are combined into one faction. Includes units from mainline campaigns

Warning: not balanced.

If you want to try a genuinely high-quality era instead of just a meme-y one, check out Great Steppe Era.


1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Download Alphabet Era
Version: 1.0.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.01 MiB 651 down
1 up
Nov 30 2021
MP Campaign
Multiplayer campaign
After install the first scenario of the campaign will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Return from Captivity
A multiplayer campaign (11 scenarios) for 2 cooperative players.

Bring home the elves and dwarves from Aeternum, the famous troll prison.
Forum topic Download Return from Captivity
Version: 1.7.0
Author: Csab, maintained by trewe
1.21 MiB 2494 down
1 up
Nov 30 2021 pt, fr, de, la
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ally Village Modification
This addon provides rightclick menu to return/take allied village when moving on it. Intended for survivals, especially for Orocia Random Mod. Has setting to choose if default behaviour when moving to allied village would be capturing it or not.
Forum topic Download Ally Village Modification
Version: 1.0.5
Author: Ravana
0.01 MiB 2961 down
3 up
Nov 23 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Allegiance Changer
Allows giving control of units to another player.
Download Allegiance Changer
Version: 1.1
Author: Nyanyanyan
0.01 MiB 240 down
1 up
Dec 23 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Aldur The Great
Story about Aldur.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Aldur The Great
Version: 1.12.01-2
Author: Csaba Pintér
0.09 MiB 2616 down
2 up
Jan 12 2022 hu
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Era of Magic
Era of Magic (EoMa) is widely regarded as one of the greatest add-ons ever made for Battle for Wesnoth. Since its inception in 2007, EoMa has been meticulously crafted to provide an unparalleled visual experience, featuring 8 distinct factions boasting over 290 fully animated units, each with their own unique abilities and special effects. With a focus on creating the most visually stunning and enjoyable UMC era, EoMa sets itself apart from other add-ons, providing hours of engaging gameplay and endless opportunities for exploration and strategy.

This era is required to play To Lands Unknown campaign (TLU).

If you enjoy the add-on and wish to support its development further, you can now do so at:
Forum topic Download Era of Magic
Version: 4.6.2
Author: inferno8
0.68 MiB 26827 down
51 up
Feb 16 2024 pl, ga, ru, de, hu, it, ja, es, zh_CN
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Alariel's Journey Music
Contains music for Alariel's Journey.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Alariel's Journey Music
Version: 1.0.0-1
Author: FaeLord
80.01 MiB 2920 down
1 up
Dec 11 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
WL Era
The tournament era of the WesnothLife community. Contains slightly altered default era with a modified leader pool and WL + Dunefolk variation. Changes:
Thief 25 hp instead of 24 hp;
Horseman costs 24 gold.
Forum topic Download WL Era
Version: 1.0.0b
Author: dwarftough, igorbat99, ReNoM with the help of Elder, Hejne and others
0.00 MiB 508 down
3 up
Jan 02 2022
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Dark Waters
This map is designed for 2 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
Wild Beasts have invaded your Territory, will you allow them to take over you land and feed on your Corpse?

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download Dark Waters
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 942 down
3 up
Dec 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Alariel's Journey: A Faerie Tale
(14 scenarios: Beginner - Intermediate): Alariel, last of the ellyllon, must obtain the light of a fallen star from the Land of Eternal night to save the Enchanted Forest.

Part Princess Bride, part Stardust, and all Wesnoth. You don't gotta like it, you just gotta play it!

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Alariel's Journey: A Faerie Tale
Version: 1.0.2-2
Author: FaeLord
21.11 MiB 2843 down
1 up
Dec 11 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Custom Campaign
This mp modification saves your faction and units on victory so they can be used in future scenarios.
Forum topic Download Custom Campaign
Version: 2.1.0
Author: SigurdFireDragon
0.03 MiB 2150 down
1 up
Oct 21 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Aria of the Dragonslayer
Part VII: Awakening from Legend - In ancient times, the fate of Irdya was changed in a great war against the dragons; and, in that war, the heroines Maat and Myra of Hiera'Shirsha stopped the Sky Dragon Svarballi and, unable to destroy him, locked him in a mighty prison. Now, five millennia after that war, as humans rule Irdya and two suns shine in the sky, the one with the power to finally slay the Sky Dragon may have been born as a peasant girl in the outskirts of civilization... Follow Tenma Yozora through the last days of Irdya's Golden Age and through the path to becoming the prophesied Dragon-Slayer...

(Part III of the Dragon Trilogy, SP Campaign with 51 scenarios, including 3 dialogue-only.)

Requires War of Legends add-on

Note: the port does not include the ASoF Music add-on yet. Play without it for now.

Note 2: The port is working, but is buggy so feedback is appreciated.

Please send Feedback to the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord server's #content-feedback channel directly. Will be missed/not read otherwise.

This has been ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild because we care.
Download Aria of the Dragonslayer
Author: revansurik
48.21 MiB 3065 down
5 up
Nov 20 2022
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Akladian Music
This is a resource package, containing music for the campaign A New Order.
Forum topic Download Akladian Music
Version: 1.0.1
Author: szopen
48.27 MiB 8148 down
1 up
Apr 23 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ageless World Conquest 2
  -WorldConquest2, redone with Ageless Era spliced factions and transformed AI. 
  -Difficulty may be stronger than default WC2, AI has stronger factions now, Nightmare is truly a nightmare now. Original difficulty settings for gold etc were not changed from original forum post.
  -Seperate thanks to Original WC content creators, WC2 editors, maintainers, and to Ravana. Enjoy!
Download Ageless World Conquest 2
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Duuuude
0.85 MiB 736 down
1 up
Aug 05 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ageless World Conquest 2
  -WorldConquest2, redone with Ageless Era spliced factions and transformed AI. 
  -Difficulty may be stronger than default WC2, AI has stronger factions now, Nightmare is truly a nightmare now. Original difficulty settings for gold etc were not changed from original forum post.
  -Seperate thanks to Original WC content creators, WC2 editors, maintainers, and to Ravana. Enjoy!
Download Ageless World Conquest 2
Version: 1.4.1
Author: Duuuude
0.85 MiB 1592 down
1 up
Aug 05 2022
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ageless Scrolling Survival
More advanced version of the classical TSW Survival known simply as The Scrolling Survival.
Choose from the multitude of options available to tailor your game to your mood. To get the most of it you should enable the xp mod, otherwise the game may prove to be simply impossible to beat. You can also experiment with other mods available although my personal recommendation would be xp mod and xp mod only.
For those of you who are not familiar with the concept of a scrolling survival - basically you get to kill a lot of bad guys :)
Good luck and have fun!
Forum topic Download Ageless Scrolling Survival
Version: 2.19.3
Author: quequo
0.24 MiB 2980 down
4 up
Apr 18 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Santa Must Die (Rebels Campaign)
For his crimes against humanity, Santa must die.

This is a campaign designed to give experience with the entire Rebels multiplayer faction. It does not introduce new units (outside of Santa himself) and features battles against the standard factions including Dunefolk. This is in no way related to standard Wesnoth continuity.

9 scenarios (1 dialogue only).
Forum topic Download Santa Must Die (Rebels Campaign)
Version: 1.1
Author: Mathbrush
0.22 MiB 729 down
3 up
Mar 21 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Marbus's Escape
Many years passed, since orcs incited fear in hearts of elves, humans and dwarves. Many, since they dared to set foot on lands of Wesnoth. Many, since they were rolling in wealth. Among surviving orcish clans, there was also a certain Marbus's clan, too small to have a name, history or future. Will he successfully lead orcs through wild North, controlled by blood-thirsty, dark powers?

15 scenarios of intermediate difficulty.

Created by members of wesnoth.com.pl community and some friends.
Download Marbus's Escape
Version: 1.4.0
Author: Senile Conclave
3.82 MiB 2606 down
7 up
Jan 12 2022 pl
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
Ageless Resources
Resources (images) used by Ageless Era
Forum topic Download Ageless Resources
Version: 4.33
Author: Ravana, Mnewton1, various
58.20 MiB 23099 down
2 up
Mar 16 2024
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ageless Era
The largest era ever made featuring Default Era with the Dunefolk faction, Extended Era, Archaic Era, the Era of the Future, Eternal Era, BEEM, the Era of Four Moons, the Yokai faction, the Deep Elves, Millennium Era, the Dark Legion, the Desert Elves, the Steelhive faction, the Era of Myths, Feudal Era, Imperial Era, the Era of Strife, the Era of Magic, the Era of Chaos, Rashy Era, Forgotten Legends and Mercenaries Era.

All of these eras were made by other authors. I am simply compiling them. All credit goes to them and I highly suggest you download their era if you like it.
Forum topic Download Ageless Era
Version: 4.33
Author: Ravana, Mnewton1, various
3.24 MiB 22706 down
6 up
Mar 16 2024 de, es, fr, ga, hu, it, ja, la, pl, ru, zh_CN
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
Age of Tentacles
This addon adds 10 units and one faction, it's working, but it might contain some bugs and is not balanced
Forum topic Download Age of Tentacles
Version: 0.9.3
Author: Wayirr, Saurrian
1.93 MiB 98 down
2 up
Mar 22 2024 ru
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Age of Space
This is the Space Age…

     A grand tale of the Terran race in a conflict that spans the stars, there are currently three factions that vie for galactic control. The democratic and strategically advanced Dorklandonian peoples, prioritizing speed, mobility, and skill over raw attacking power. The slow and steady Zemi nobles, maintaining a focus on defense and health above all else. Finally, the corporate dominion of Creepy Inc., focusing on expensive equipment and quick promotions to gain dominance. Which nation will you guide to victory?

Note: There are other factions planned for the future, and the current factions are also up for change still. This era is still in development.
Download Age of Space
Version: 0.5.11
Author: Art by Golden Tale and Dorkus, code by Golden Tale
0.28 MiB 1303 down
13 up
Sep 02 2022 pl
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Age of Trials
MP era with six new factions, mostly new units. Fully playable with new abilities, traits and specials all working. Feedback welcome, see the forum thread under Faction and Era Development.

Updated to 1.16 by Atreides. All units now have either a semi-custom attack sound based on weapon name or one or more of 12 types of generic sounds based on type and range.

Can be combined with the Lonely Era now! Both must be installed of course. Together with the default it comes to 20 factions to play with or against. Up to 54 as part of the Neverending Era if that is installed.
Forum topic Download Age of Trials
Version: 1.1.3
Author: Atz, developed by Atreides.
0.62 MiB 3244 down
22 up
Nov 17 2023 de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Afterlife Random
A random picker of two Afterlife maps: classical Afterlife, AfterAlpha. Does not require to download itself to play (in v. 1.1.0)! Reload bug fixed in 1.1.1
Forum topic Download Afterlife Random
Version: 1.1.2b
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 1741 down
4 up
Jan 01 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Girl unDead (stock 1.12)
Warning: The official 'Girl unDead' add-on is not available for BFW-1.16. This add-on was not uploaded by its author.

Girl unDead

Malica, a daughter of a magi, has become to undead.  She fights against the Kingdom.  (Now rewriting some scenarios, so there may be some bugs.  If you find bugs, please feedback to Girl unDead topic in forums.)

(Original version: 1.4.0; last updated on Jan 24 2018)

Only the 'default' difficulty level is available for selection.

NB: to play this campaign, you have to load the core 'Chào mừng' available after the dependency add-on is installed. You'll be ready to select the 'Girl unDead' scenario through the 'Campaign' menu and activate the modification 'The wayback WML machine (1.12)'.

The needed 'core' can be loaded following these steps:
-   Start wesnoth and go to -> 'Preferences' -> 'Hotkeys' 
-   In 'Search' box, enter 'core'
-   Press 'Add Hotkey' then press CTRL+SHIFT+k, and close dialog.

-   In main 'Title Screen', press CTRL+SHIFT+k to open 'core' selection dialog.
-   Select item 'Chào mừng (Wesnoth 1.12 core)'.

The next time you start Battle for Wesnoth, it will start with the last active core.
To go back to 1.16: you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+k and select the 'Wesnoth (Default)' core.

Please do not report any problem with this add-on in the official feedback thread for 'Girl unDead'.
Forum topic Download Girl unDead (stock 1.12)
Version: 1.4.0-i18n.2
Author: tapaboy
2.24 MiB 864 down
2 up
Feb 15 2024 ja, cs, ru, en_US
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
AfterLife 1v1v1
Afterlife for three players (FFA). Each player faces copies of two opponents.
Forum topic Download AfterLife 1v1v1
Version: 1.0.1
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 420 down
2 up
Sep 12 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
After the Storm
This campaign is the immediate sequel to Invasion from the Unknown (IftU).

After the Emperor of Chaos was defeated, the free civilizations of the Great Continent hoped that his followers would abandon the ongoing war. Meanwhile, Galas and his unlikely band of heroes head back to the northern lands to request aid for their next journey.

(Intermediate level, three separate episodes with 13 scenarios each.)

Requires Wesnoth 1.14.3 or later (on 1.14.x), or Wesnoth 1.15.12 or later (on 1.15.x).

NOTE: Support for Wesnoth 1.15.x is experimental, and you MUST report all issues in the campaign’s discussion thread.

Discussion threads in the Wesnoth.org forums:

 • Main discussion thread: ‹https://r.wesnoth.org/t32091›
 • Feedback thread: ‹https://r.wesnoth.org/t39495›
Forum topic Download After the Storm
Author: Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)
15.38 MiB 12683 down
4 up
Nov 13 2021 ru, fr
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Three Sisters Saga
For fifty years the life of the settlers of the islands called -the Three Sisters- has passed peaceful; the descendants of those who rebelled to the Queen Ashviere, and were forced to flee from the Mainland, have now completely colonized the island of Wessild, and begin to turn their attention to the other two sisters, Ansaldid and Boresild, but also someone else began to be interested in the three islands.

(Intermediate level, 12 scenarios.)
Download The Three Sisters Saga
Version: 4.0.0
Author: Argesilao
8.24 MiB 2249 down
5 up
May 01 2023 it
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
AfterBot Balance Patches for Orcs
Balance patches applied on AfterBot, the bot of rated Afterlife. Currently includes following changes:
Enables the advancement Orcish Slayer -> Orcish Nightblade (50 xp);
The Orcish Crossbowman to Slurbow advancement cost reduced to 50 xp (was 80 xp).
Forum topic Download AfterBot Balance Patches for Orcs
Version: 1
Author: dwarftough
0.00 MiB 1273 down
1 up
May 09 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Affably Evil
Follow the story of Krux, an evil nobleman's son. He is a nice guy, but he is not a good guy. He hates killing (dead men are bad servants), high taxes (poor men die easily and pay no taxes then) and injustice (as long as it has not concern himself or his allies). He works for his family, a deceitful and fraudulent noble house, fighting bandits (who are actually resistance), cruel despots (who are actually nobles who oppose him), false conspiracy stories (that contain too much truth) and prefers to have his enemies survive the combat (for slave work).

Consists of 9 classical scenarios and a free roam mode where 12 quests have to be completed. Experimentally changed the role of recalls (received through story), separating them from the usual recruits (that cannot be recalled), giving them an RPG-like progression. Uses Legend of the Invincibles as resources and will not run without having it installed (minimal version is 3.1.14, otherwise it will not run). The campaign is a prequel to Legend of the Invincibles, but the order in which they are played does not really matter.
Forum topic Download Affably Evil
Version: 1.0.0h
Author: Dugi
3.00 MiB 3579 down
1 up
Aug 18 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Unstoppable Legion
Epic horseback campaign. The land of Suveran is falling to the invincible armies of Zharagorn. Only Viktor, a patrol guard, and Deuterus, last of the great druids, can stop them.

Currently 21 playable scenarios, full campaign will have 22.


- Command a force primarily on horseback. Use your speed and mobility to outflank and defeat enemies.
- New unit line of Bowrider (derived from Imperial Era). Archer unit on horseback, ideal for hit-and-run.
- New alternate advancements for Cavalryman: Holibars, highly-mobile unit with enhanced defence in villages; and Cataphracts, heavily armoured units that can withstand high damage.
- Secondary force of dwarves joining later in the campaign, featuring alternate advancements for Dwarvish Fighter and Dwarvish Thunderer.
- New hero units of Mounted Noble, Great Druid and Dwarvish Prince, all with custom advancements after reaching maximum level
- Switch between mounted force and dwarven force as the terrain dictates, including dismounting and remounting your main characters.
- Fight the dark legion: a new fanatical force (derived from Chaos units in extended era) of humans corrupted by the darkest of magic, served an equally fanatical legion of undead.
- Alternate paths that affect the whole campaign: an early decision on which path to take may have repercussions later.
- Ever-changing alliances and enemies: fight alongside outlaws, merfolk, loyalists, woses, orcs, elves, villagers and more; fight against nearly as many.
- Ever-changing scopes of battles, from tactical small-scale skirmishes to full-blown sieges.
- Plus ... the twist you never saw coming.

This upload was part of the vghetto port project and is now back under development of the original author.
Forum topic Download The Unstoppable Legion
Version: 0.9.13
Author: Chris NS
16.12 MiB 2869 down
13 up
Apr 03 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Aethaeryn's Maps
* 2p Gladiator Arena (0.5)
* 2p Twin Rivers (0.5)
* 3p Fortress Defense (0.7)
* 3p Hide and Seek (0.1)
* 4p Chambers (0.5)
* 4p Fortress Assault (1.1)
* 4p Four Bases (0.4)
* 5p Aethaeryn's Empires (0.2)
* 5p Dwarven Fortress (0.2)
* 5p Master of Dungeons (0.3)
* 6p Random Rumble (0.3)

Ported from 1.8 to 1.14/16.
Forum topic Download Aethaeryn's Maps
Version: 0.7.4
Author: Aethaeryn, updated by Atreides
0.04 MiB 2601 down
5 up
Mar 02 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Frogfolk Delivery Service
This 2-scenario campaign features fun, original units based on frogs, mushrooms, and bugs. All units are thoroughly animated! The map was carefully designed to allow brilliant attacks and retreats in battle. The main character is Ziffid, a frogman. Victory is attained only when Ziffid completes his delivery mission. Use your army of sentient frogs, mushrooms and bugs to keep Ziffid safe while he travels from place to place.

(Intermediate level, 2 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Frogfolk Delivery Service
Version: 1.0.6
Author: Helmet
2.55 MiB 680 down
6 up
Nov 04 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Advanced Wesnoth Wars (fork)
Last Wesnoth version tested: 1.17.16 (Read CHANGELOG.md or the forum link for more details)

A collection of the most-requested options to make the mechanics more realistic and tactic, for people curious to experiment a new gameplay.
All theses features works for mainline Campaigns & Scenarios, Single or Multiplayer, for all sides including AI (except for special cases).

- No Random Combats: attacks never miss, terrain bonus is instead used as damage reducer. You will be able to change the base damage by a percentage to balance if necessary.
- Squad Mode (HP-related strikes): Units do proportionally less attack strikes the less HP they have (or less damage for single-strike attacks). Swarm is a worse ratio (-1 strike if you miss just 1 HP), than native, but taken in account by AI. In both cases, minimum strikes will be 1, and will not apply for berserk.
- Level-Up : Floating Notifications: Floating text on the unit currently leveling-up.
- Level-Up : Relative Healing: When an unit advance a level, instead of a full healing and being cured, it keep the missing HP, but statuses are cured.
- Level-Up After Max Level Advancement : Increase Level Number: The unit level will continue growing with the AMLA level-ups. This affect to some abilities as leadership, upkeep cost, and experience the enemies get fighting or killing the unit. You can change the maximum level of leadership and inspire abilities with this feature active.
- *Updated* Level-Up After Max Level Advancement : Manual or Random Bonuses: Units already AMLA (purple XP bar) gain an extra ability or increased stat each time they level-up again. To identify them, they will have a new bracelet icon. Possible rewards: Melee damage +3, Melee strikes +1, Ranged damage +2, Ranged strikes +1, Movement points +1, First strike, Poison, Leadership, Distract, Regenerates, Adrenaline, Backstab, Marskman, Loyal, Fearless, Slows or Camouflage.
- Level-Up After Max Level Advancement : Promoted Leaders: Standard units reaching their first AMLA level-up will be able to recruit the same units as the original leader, recall, and will receive a bronze crown icon (keeping the Loyal icon in case). You can set the minimum level to be promoted. Excluded for special Heroes.
- Epic Heroes: The Leaders and Heroes (gold & silver crowns) gain an increase of 20% of their attributes, and an optional small regeneration ability, making them harder to kill. They also get optionally the distraction ability, that excludes Zone of Control around for allies, but not for themselves. Excluded for Promoted Leaders.
- *Updated* Learning from battlefield (Passive XP): Extra XP for all units each turn (except for the ones not recalled). You can choose Passive XP for low level units, for AI and for AI leaders separately.
- Learning from healing (Max XP/turn for Healing): Each turn, Healers will earn 1 XP for each adjacent wounded or poisoned ally, but you can limit the max/turn.
- Berserk tweak : Fury: Replace 'berserk' by a new 'Fury' weapon special, way more interesting. A warcry related to the fury level with also be displayed. You can gain ability 'Bloodthirsty' by killing a certain number of enemies.
- *New* Berserk rounds: Change the combat rounds of standard berserk ability, making it less risky.
- *Updated* Ambushed tweak - Surprise Attacks : An ambush will trigger a quick combat in which the ambushed unit can't counter-attack. A new eye icon indicates if the surprise attack is prepared. To avoid free exploration, undo can be disabled for some actions all the time, or when there is at least one unit alive and in play with the ability to hide.
- Ninja Wars! (Stealthy units): Most of units will get melee back-stabs, poison arrows, diversion, skirmisher, be faster and invisible/ambushers in villages, forests, deep water, or everywhere at night. For funny PvP with fog-of-war focused on ambushes / hide&seek.
- *New* Villages line of sight: Villages can have a line of sight for the owner side, with configurable distance.
- *New* Recall cost of units: Choose the cost to recall units with chosen level or lower. Cost of higher level units remains unchanged. You can select free cost, half, recruit cost + 1, percentage of recruit cost, or no changes.
- *New* Back to reserve: Allows you to send normal units back to the recall list with right click on keeps. Also set the cost for performing this action.
- *New* Desertions: One unit desertion will occur per turn when a human player side has less gold than a value you can specify.
- *New* Help menu: Contextual help accesible with right-click anywhere, with detailed explanation of the features, and the status or configured value for each, with options to activate, deactivate, or change values.
- *New* Tools : Utility to setup an AI controller for sides, leaders, and individual units, change controller of any side to human or AI, activate Fast AI, change any side color, create labels with custom color, category and tooltip, recolor units randomly to add variety, change poison HP damage, HP recovered by resting, default recall cost, base gold income, village income, village support, experience multiplier and experience gained fighting or killing units.
- *New* Import and export units anywhere: Contextual menu accesible with right-click, with capability of import and export units from and to any campaign or scenario.
- Guaranteed compatibility with: All mainline campaigns, To Lands Unknown, A New Order, Legends of the Invincibles, Non-Fatal Wounds Extended, and most of the existing campaigns, eras and modifications.
- Also includes a PvPvE scenario: '4p - Ruvaak Mirage Atoll' optimized to be combined with all features.

Feel free to contribute! If you experiment a bug, please report it to me on the forum or the discord server (Toranks), and try to modify or disable the feature with the Help Menu.
Forum topic Download Advanced Wesnoth Wars (fork)
Author: Toranks
1.33 MiB 2769 down
37 up
Jul 12 2023 es, fr
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
Harpies live in their small towns, high in mountains, forests and cliffs, and seldom interact with grounded folk. 
They form a quick and rather frail faction of 24 units (from 6 level 1). 
Playable in default and age of heroes alongside mainline factions and dunefolk.

For any feedback or comment you can find me on Wesnoth's official discord server
Download Harpies
Version: 1.1.1
Author: Asmybelle
3.59 MiB 36 down
3 up
Oct 09 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The War of Terrador
A small colony on the outer rim of the Gamma Quadrant has cut all communications with the Core Worlds. Central Command, headed by Admiral Joseph Flameslash Gerinian, has sent a young Captain by the name of Ryter Millinski to investigate.

Follow Ryter's tale of how the Great War began and ended, and the horrors during it.

(Intermediate level, 16 scenarios, 1 of which is dialogue only.)

The new maintainer's preference is that feedback should be directed to the add-on's source repository on GitHub:


The maintainer may also be contacted as egallager#0504 on Discord.
Forum topic Download The War of Terrador
Version: 1.4.5
Author: Dragonchampion (originally), egallager (BfW 1.16 port)
32.30 MiB 1384 down
4 up
Oct 22 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Move Units Between Campaigns
Have you ever been so fond of a veteran that you felt like taking him from a finished campaign into another campaign? You can do exactly that with this modification enabled.

Use with caution. You are responsible for all the game errors and balance issues you cause with this. Irresponsible moving of units may make a campaign ridiculously easy and it may be a cause of various problems. If you use this, don't report any bugs or balance issues because it was most likely caused by inappropriate usage of this tool. Merely having it installed should not cause any issues. If you come to some issues with the action of importing and exporting of units, report it to me.

Right click on a unit and select the export unit option to save the unit. Right click on the ground and select the import unit option to add the unit into the campaign. Mainly intended for singleplayer, but should work also in multiplayer.
Forum topic Download Move Units Between Campaigns
Version: 1.5
Author: Dugi
0.00 MiB 1157 down
1 up
Nov 17 2022
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Blood Castle
This map is designed for 6 Player Multiplayer co-op and pvp or Singleplayer vs AI.

It is recommended not to change any settings regarding gold and +gold.
Player 1 are Beasts and should always be set to AI controlled.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer, then start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
You will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2022
Download Blood Castle
Version: 1.0.3
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 1047 down
4 up
Jul 05 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Advance Wesnoth Wars
Last Wesnoth version tested compatibility : 1.14.14

A collection of the most-requested options to make the mechanics more realistic and tactic, for people curious to experiment a new gameplay.
It changes the combat approach, making it easier for good tacticians, harder for the others.
All theses features works for mainline Campaigns & Scenarios, Single or Multiplayer, for all sides (including AI)
It also includes some options to give interest to level-up units after max advancement.

The features which keep the Campaigns kinda balanced are enabled by default. The others features are more aimed for PvP multiplayer, or being played on campaign in a lesser difficulty.

Features (can be enabled/disabled individually) :

- No Random Combats : attacks never miss, terrain bonus is instead used as damage reducer.

- Increased Damage : To compensate the high terrains defenses. Only applies for 'No Random Combats'.

- Squad Mode (HP-related strikes) : Units lacking lot of HP do proportionally less attack strikes (or less damage for single-strike attacks). Swarm is a worse ratio (-1 strike if you miss just 1 HP), than native, but taken in account by AI. In both cases, minimum strikes will be 1, and will not apply for berserk.

- Level-Up : Relative Healing : When an unit advance a level, instead of a full healing and being cured, it keep the missing HP, but statuses are cured. The special case when post-advancement Max-HP is smaller than pre-advanced is also handled.

- Level-Up : Random Bonuses After Max Level Advancement : Units already AMLA (purple XP bar) gain an extra random ability or increased stat each time they level-up again.

- Level-Up : Promoted Leaders After Max Level Advancement : Post-level 3 standard units reaching their first AMLA level-up will be able to recruit the same units as the original leader, recall, and be prefixed 'Chief' with a bronze crown icon (keeping the Loyal icon in case). Excluded for special Heroes.

-  *Updated* Epic Heroes : The Leaders and Heroes (gold & silver crowns) gain an increase of 20% of their attributes and a small regeneration ability, making them harder to kill. Excluded for Promoted Leaders.

-  Learning from battlefield (Passive XP) : Extra XP for all units each turn (except for the ones not recalled).

-  Learning from healing (Max XP/turn for Healing) : Each turn, Healers will earn 1 XP for each adjacent wounded (but not-poisoned) ally, but you can limit the max/turn.

-  *Updated* Berserk tweak - Fury + Drain : Replace 'berserk' by a new 'Fury' weapon special, way more interesting.  A warcry related to the fury level with also be displayed.

-  *Updated* Ambushed tweak - Surprise Attacks : An ambush will trigger a quick combat in which the ambushed unit can't counter-attack. Awesome combined with NINJA WARS!

-  *NEW* Ninja Wars (Stealthy units) : Most of units will melee back-stabs, poison arrows, distract from ZoC, be faster and invisible/ambushers in villages, forests, deep water, or everywhere at night. For funny PvP with fog-of-war focused on ambushes / hide&seek.

- *NEW* Level-Up After Max Level Advancement : Increase Level Number (The unit level will continue growing with the AMLA level-ups)

- Also includes a PvPvE scenario : '4p - Ruvaak Mirage Atoll' optimized to be combined with all features.

Feel free to contribute !
If you experiment a bug, please report it to me on the forum, then try to disable the feature (see next section).

Recent changes
- See details on http://t.bondois.info/awwchangelog
- : Damage table when depending of terrain (No Random Combats), hit chance on special attack (magic etc) will be the minimum and not the absolute
- : Fixed some minor issues related with features RandomCombats / Squad Mode
- : improved disable/enable mods in game, others small fixes/balancing.

How To Enable/Disable Mod Options during a Scenario/Campaign

Before starting a campaign or a scenario, you can choose which features to enable.
But if you want to change a features during a game, you will have to do it with the console.
When you disable an option, *MOST* of the changes made on units by the features are removed. But it's experimental.

1) During a game, type (except if you launched the game with --debug argument) : 
2) Then open Lua Console(default : `, but you can see it in Menu > Settings > Shortcuts > Display lua console)
3) Copy/paste/execute one of the following lines related to mod features. 
    - Change the number in parentheses : 0 (zero) means disabled, 1 enabled.
    - When specified, you can replace it by another number. (like in feature 02, 04, 05, 08...)
    - Most of the changes will be operational immediately, or next turn, or next scenario. But units already modified will keep theirs changes.
The commands to edit each feature and remove/re-enable changes on units :

aww_status.update_feature_01(0) -- NoRandomCombats
aww_status.update_feature_02(0) -- Squad Mode 1 = custom, 2 = swarm
aww_status.update_feature_03(0) -- L-Up AMLA Promoted Leader
aww_status.update_feature_04(0) -- passive xp, 0 to 6
aww_status.update_feature_05(0) -- healing xp 0 to 6
aww_status.update_feature_06(0) -- L-Up  relative healing
aww_status.update_feature_07(0) -- verbose
aww_status.update_feature_08(0) -- NoRandomCombats Damages Adjustment, to -20 to 40
aww_status.update_feature_09(0) -- AMLA Random Bonuses
aww_status.update_feature_10(0) -- Epic Leaders
aww_status.update_feature_11(0) -- Ninja Wars
aww_status.update_feature_12(0) -- Berserk tweak
aww_status.update_feature_13(0) -- Ambush tweak
aww_status.update_feature_14(0) -- L-Up Notif
aww_status.update_feature_15(0) -- L-Up AMLA number

If you want to display all currently enabled features (and the associated number), copy/paste/execute this line the lua console :
Forum topic Download Advance Wesnoth Wars
Author: Ruvaak
0.08 MiB 10051 down
1 up
Nov 07 2021 fr
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
United Journey
This map is designed for 2 Player Multiplayer or Singleplayer against AI.
Only together you have a chance to survive what is comming towards you.

After downloading this Addon open Multiplayer start a Local-Game or connect to a Server.
Then you will find this Addon under the Scenarios-List at the very bottom.

~ You can find all my Content by typing frost into the Addon-Search.
~ Created by FrostBlade 2021
Download United Journey
Version: 1.0.7
Author: Frost Blade
0.01 MiB 713 down
8 up
Dec 27 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Trials of Tyco
In the waters off the coast of the Green Isle, the Merfolk are undergoing retribution from their old enemies, while their leader, Lord Typhon, is off accompaning Prince Haldric to the new land of Wesnoth.
He will be the son of Typhon, Tyco, who will have to face the threats looming over his people.

(Easy/Intermediate Level, 11 scenarios.)

This is an old campaign ported from the 1.6 version of Battle for Wesnoth with some little changes and improvements.
Bugs can be reported to argesilao2019@yahoo.com
Download Trials of Tyco
Version: 2.0.0
Author: Shrike ported by Argesilao
2.02 MiB 717 down
1 up
Feb 01 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Add's Army
Add, a wounded paladin, is posted to the quiet and remote province of Cormell to recover.  But when undead creatures start appearing, it's up to Add to do something about it... with whatever motley forces he can muster.  Novice level, 8 scenarios. This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Add's Army
Version: 1.1-1
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
0.88 MiB 3852 down
1 up
Dec 26 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Knalgan Alliance + Dwarvish Scout
Adds the Dwarvish Scout to the Knalgan Alliance's multiplayer roster.
Download Knalgan Alliance + Dwarvish Scout
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Jamo18
0.00 MiB 479 down
1 up
Sep 25 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Non-Fatal Wounds
Non-Fatal Wounds

When a unit reaches 0 hp, instead of dying, it’s merely removed for the current scenario. The wounded units go back into the “recall” pool for next mission!

This will affect campaign balance, but makes the RNG much less punishing of mistakes, while still being not too lenient (losing a unit still stings because you lose the opportunity to level them up). It also doesn’t affect units that the scenario objectives require you to keep alive.

This does not protect your heroes — you’ll still lose if any character who has to survive is wounded. The enemy isn’t going to miss the chance of finishing the battle by letting a leader escape.
Forum topic Download Non-Fatal Wounds
Version: 0.4.0
Author: Octalot, Armagedonus
0.01 MiB 1961 down
2 up
Dec 03 2021 de
Singleplayer scenario
After install the scenario will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu. (Basically it is just a campaign with only one scenario.)
Desert Traders
Stand-alone scenario for single player. You are a governor of a Dunefolk district at the frontier, and you need to open and protect trade routes through the desert.
Forum topic Download Desert Traders
Version: 1.6.1
Author: skeptical_troll
0.03 MiB 1143 down
2 up
Nov 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Across the Ocean
A campaign of Saurian adventures, 17 playable scenarios and a few others, playable all.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Across the Ocean
Version: 0.5.3-2
Author: SkyOne, Inky
5.94 MiB 4546 down
2 up
Jan 07 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Colosseumm 2p
Colosseum but only for two players. Edited version of the original 3p one.
Download Colosseumm 2p
Version: 1.0
Author: unterwassermann
0.04 MiB 367 down
1 up
Aug 16 2023 de
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Accurate Dragonguards
Grants dragonguards marksman. Dwarven thunderers and thunderguards are left unchanged
Download Accurate Dragonguards
Version: 1.0
Author: Cookielord
0.00 MiB 1793 down
1 up
Jul 19 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Winter's Tale
Lady Quenethea didn't ask for much - just the chance to heal a few people now and again, and a nice peaceful environment in which she could teach magic to the young shamans who came to her school.  The first of those things was easy enough, but as for the second... thereby hangs this particular tale.

Novice level, 11 scenarios.
Download A Winter's Tale
Version: 1.0
Author: Makepeace McEvoy
9.18 MiB 1919 down
1 up
Aug 30 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Whim of Fate
There are 3 main things in this campaign: zombies, teleportations and a love story. A complete campaign in 3 independent chapters: 3,5 and 8 scenarios in each chapter. This expert-level campaign will require much of creativity from your tactical skills. Many heroes to advance and a deep storyline with dramatic twists.
Forum topic Download A Whim of Fate
Version: 1.0.2fix
Author: Aldarisvet
37.50 MiB 5317 down
2 up
Sep 10 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A War of Fools
A war between the human kingdoms is ongoing. In the meantime, the inner provinces are left unprotected and an old threat takes the opportunity. Follow Aldridge on his quest to stop the war and the undead from devastating the region.

This campaign might be story-heavy but also filled with interactive choices to make. 2 out of 10 scenarios and 2 cutscenes are finished.
Not necessarily set in the Wesnoth universe, it is set on a feudal continent where war, betrayal and death are commonplace.

- Fixed story map compression.
- Fixed and improved story map slightly.
- Improved Act III Prologue dialogues slightly.
- Added some leftout details for Act III Prologue.
- Added some missing variables for Act III Prologue.
Current known issues:
- In Act I undead can get corpses twice from the same village if it gets captured and recaptured. Unintended but shouldn't affect gameplay in a significant way.
- In Act I first undead boss might some times jump to fight you very unprotected making it easy to surround him and kill him.
- In Act II on easy difficulty AI might recruit more ruffians and very few thugs. This is unintended but it helps ease the difficulty.
- Both Koedem and Robin are footpads, this is temporary.
- Hard difficulty is considered unbalanced/untested.

- Added Act II and Act III-pre (This is a new cutscene in preparation for Act III Variation A, B and C, which are not added yet).
- Added map for story journey.
- Improved Prologue and Act I dialogues.
- Improved Act I choices.
- Improved Prologue movements.
- Improved Story writing.
- Added changelog here.

- Fixed one bug

- Initial release including Prologue and Act I.
Forum topic Download A War of Fools
Version: 0.0.2c
Author: Skayland
1.24 MiB 1095 down
5 up
Feb 08 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Walk in The Woods
A small campaign in which a young druid ventures into orcish territory to rescue her brother. Further feedback welcome. This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download A Walk in The Woods
Version: 1.1-1
Author: Justin Morgan and Ben Pennington
0.27 MiB 2235 down
1 up
Dec 25 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Nightmare to the Throne
This is the regular, mainline Heir to the Throne campaign with a fourth difficulty level added. Choose the “Ruler” difficulty to try HttT on nightmare!

0.9.0: first release version
0.9.1: increases reward for Cliffs of Thoria
0.9.2: slightly increases difficulty of the first scenario
0.9.3: increases difficulty of Snow Plains, Cliffs of Thoria, and Underground Channels
Forum topic Download Nightmare to the Throne
Version: 0.9.3
Author: beetlenaut
10.87 MiB 1205 down
4 up
Dec 04 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Vision Blinded
Defend the northern forest against what appeared like a routine orcish raid, and unravel the greater conspiracies that lie below its waves.
You fight with Elfes against Dwarves, Orcs, Humans and Undead.
Later in the campaign you can recruit Trolls, Humans and Woses.
14 scenarios total.
1 of them is dialogue only.

You can find (or share your) replays of this campaign here: 
Forum topic Download A Vision Blinded
Version: 1.0.26
Author: LemonTea, portet by Adamant14
4.19 MiB 6475 down
2 up
Nov 03 2021 fr, ja, ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rally For Roanic
Follow Commander Roanic as he aids in thwarting the collapse of a vulnerable nation. Play as loyalists battling mostly orcs and outlaws.  This campaign is mostly skirmish type scenarios played on smaller scaled maps.  All scenarios are working and playable.  14 scenarios total (11 playable and 3 dialog only).

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Rally For Roanic
Version: 0.4.1-2
Author: Chief_Chasso
0.78 MiB 1034 down
2 up
Jan 16 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Song of the Winds
Every era has its heroes and heroines. Before the song of Myra, the odyssey of Akhen Wadjet and the aria of Tenma Yozora, there was the song of the winds that echoed in the mountains and halls at the heart of the Great Continent. Follow young Maat of Hiera'Shirsha and Prince Abhai of Garet-Desh in the war that set the stage for one of the greatest upheavals Irdya has ever witnessed. (Prequel to the Dragon Trilogy; SP campaign, 43 scenarios, including some dialogue-only)

Requires War of Legends add-on

Note: the port does not include the ASoF Music add-on yet. Play without it for now.

Note 2: The port is working, but is buggy so feedback is appreciated.

Please send Feedback to the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord server's #content-feedback channel directly. Will be missed/not read otherwise.

This has been ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild because we care.
Download A Song of the Winds
Author: revansurik
36.67 MiB 3421 down
4 up
Jan 24 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Song of Fire
In a long-forgotten era, at the heart of the Great Continent, an ancestral evil is awakened, threatening to destroy the whole world. Follow young Myra in the war that will alter the future of Irdya and its peoples forever. (Part I of the Dragon Trilogy
SP Campaign, (36 scenarios +  5 dialog-only)
Requires War of Legends add-on

Note: the port does not include the ASoF Music add-on yet. Play without it for now.

Note 2: The port is working, but is slightly buggy so feedback is appreciated.

Please send Feedback to the Wesnoth Modders Guild Discord server's #content-feedback channel directly. Will be missed/not read otherwise.

This has been ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild because we care.
Download A Song of Fire
Author: revansurik
20.97 MiB 4178 down
7 up
Nov 12 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Campaign-How-To (A Simple Campaign)
This is a stub of a campaign, intended to make life easier in creating a campaign. Contains about the bare minimum that's needed for a campaign and some helpful comments.

This upload is part of vghetto port project.
Forum topic Download Campaign-How-To (A Simple Campaign)
Version: 0.2.9-1
Author: Anonymissimus, opensourcejunkie
0.50 MiB 1030 down
1 up
Dec 05 2021 de, fr, uk
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ageless Era Units Loader
add ageless era's units in scenario so you can use an other era while playing

tested on local with Ageless Scrolling Survival
Download Ageless Era Units Loader
Version: 0.0.1
Author: EmileXVIII
0.01 MiB 1345 down
1 up
Nov 13 2022
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Rough Life
A young thief dreams of greatness and finds himself plunged into an unwitting adventure that takes him far from home and all he knew.
Forum topic Download A Rough Life
Version: 1.2.9
Author: Jacques_Fol with help (full credits at campaign end), Elvish_Hunter (maintainer)
5.09 MiB 4082 down
1 up
Jan 05 2022 it, ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Campaign EoMaifier
This singleplayer modification allows you to recruit units from factions from Era of Magic in any singleplayer campaign.

Requires Era of Magic version 4.6 or above!

WARNING: the mod may break campaigns. The more complex/different from mainline the campaign, the more likely it will be to break!

It is strongly recommended to use this on mainline or mainline-like campaigns.

The mod creator, Era of Magic creator, or campaign creator are NOT responsible if a campaign breaks due to using this mod. Use caution and common sense when choosing what campaigns to play with the mod.


1.1.0  Release
rewrote some code to match 4.6 resource system. Now requires EoMa 4.6 or higher!

1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Campaign EoMaifier
Version: 1.1.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.01 MiB 222 down
3 up
Jan 21 2024
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A Random RPG Adventure
ARRPGA is an add-on with two modes of gameplay.

The first gameplay mode is a single RPG scenario known as AI DM, which pits a party of heroes controlled by 1 to 4 human players against an AI-controlled Dungeon Master who plays enemy units and NPCs. This mode of gameplay features premade quests, random battles, random events, skills, an alignment system, among other features.

In the second mode of gameplay, known as Human DM, a human player takes on the role of the Dungeon Master (DM), creating the adventure and challenges for the party of heroes, who are controlled by up to 4 human players. The Dungeon Master has a variety of tools at their disposal, which allow them to narrate the story, manipulate units, manage the party inventory, control the scenario map, among others. The Premade Adventure Human DM mode is a combination of both modes, allowing for a more casual experience of the Dungeon Master role.

It is possible to play custom maps using the Human DM mode. The instructions to do so are included within the add-on files.

By PapaSmurfReloaded.
Forum topic Download A Random RPG Adventure
Version: 1.16.230607
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.18 MiB 4326 down
36 up
Jun 07 2023
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A New Order
The old kingdom of Wesnoth has fallen before barbarian hordes. The occupying barbarians are on the brink of civil war, the seeds of Wesnothian rebellion are kept alive by old legends, while bandits and Dunefolk mercenaries roam the land. Can Gawen Hagarthen unite these disparate factions against a common foe?

Discussion thread (development) in the Wesnoth.org forums: https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=6486
Report issues to the add-on's GitHub repository: https://github.com/cooljeanius/A_New_Order
More information is available in the readme.txt file in the campaign directory.
Forum topic Download A New Order
Version: 1.7.0
Author: szopen (original), egallager (current)
33.73 MiB 7389 down
4 up
Aug 25 2024 ca, cs, da, de, en_GB, es, fr, hu, it, pl, ru, sv, tr
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Undead Empire
This ANL-alike scenario will put you on offense against the puny mortals and their irrational hate for you. For those who like A New Land but find it too easy, this add-on will present the challenge you desire.

In Undead Empire there are 4 playable sides, each side having a unique role. Some sides may be more difficult than others, some more defensive, some more offensive, etc. They key to victory is still teamwork.

Gameplay takes about 3 to 4 hours.

Please note: A difficulty selection is available in the »Custom Options« tab when creating the game.

Originally created by jb, ported to 1.14 by enclave. Currently maintained by Shiki.
Forum topic Download Undead Empire
Version: 1.0.3h
Author: jb,enclave,Shiki
0.04 MiB 1197 down
4 up
Jan 05 2024 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A New Heir
It’s 123BW. In the early days of the Blackmoore kingdom, on the Green Isle, a rebellion started. 
Has it something to do with the Wesfolk? Follow the story of prince Eldaric and his men.
Forum topic Download A New Heir
Version: 1.1.0
Author: LightFighter, Rework by Descacharrado
14.04 MiB 4180 down
4 up
Jan 15 2022 es
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A Neverending Era
60 factions from 10 Eras! All in one! If you like the idea of the Ageless Era then you will like this too.

It works slightly differently from the Ageless though. That Era has copied many great eras into itself while the Neverending Era sets 9 great eras as dependencies. If you didn't already have them it will download them. You don't need to have them all however! If for some reason you prefer to uninstall any of the addons, The Neverending Era will continue to work just fine. Customize it to your hearts content! Even better more eras can be added as I port them (or as others wish to have their era added) to the current Wesnoth.

But wait, there's more! 8-D I've added Dovs Maps and Mods to the Neverending Era also. That means you can choose to play the XP or the Shops mod with all the factions!

Once upon a time there was an Era that was all alone. It was known as the Lonely Era. It was a collection of 6 great factions that had previously been separated. But as time passed more and more eras started to join it. The Everfell Factions. The Age of Trials. The Era of Chaos. The Extended Armies Era. The Era of Second Chances. The Beyond Southern Hells Era. The Werewolf Era. The Feudal Era. Now they have come together in a glorious union as A Neverending Era.
Download A Neverending Era
Version: 2.0.0
Author: Atreides
0.01 MiB 1520 down
4 up
Apr 04 2023 de
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Magicians Tale
A campaign in which the protagonists are an unusual group of magicians, of any race, with unusual abilities.
The magical special abilities of the magician's can be activated by opening the Item menu (right-click on the character's tile).
In this campaign, it is not possible to recruit supporters in the usual way, but they can be selected, hired, summoned and/or met in many different ways.
Since the entire campaign is set for winter, a twelve-shift day is used, with a low prevalence of night shifts.

(Difficult level, 10 battle scenarios, 5 dialogue and others things scenarios.)
Forum topic Download A Magicians Tale
Version: 3.16.9
Author: Argesilao
5.88 MiB 6983 down
3 up
May 20 2023 it
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Only Death Behind
Legends of the Emerald Forest, chapter II: Only Death Behind.

Three ghosts have escaped from the land of the dead. Yet they don't remember anything about their past.

This is an Undead campaign that references certain characters and events from 'The Flight of Drakes', yet it can be played separately.

(Intermediate level, 7 scenarios.)
Forum topic Download Only Death Behind
Version: 1.0.4
Author: NoQ, portet by Adamant14
1.37 MiB 1763 down
1 up
Nov 19 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Little Adventure
As the title says, this is just a little adventure in the wild lands east of the town of Amoran: the rebirth of the Amber Road. You don't know what the Amber Road is? Uhm... well, it's time to learn about it!
(easy level - 6 scenarios plus one epilogue)

A little note: the original author no longer has an account for the wesnoth.org forum, so any feedback should be directed to the issues section of the GitHub repo for it:


The new maintainer may also be contacted as egallager on Discord.
Forum topic Download A Little Adventure
Version: 4.1.9
Author: Argesilao (originally), egallager (maintenance)
3.39 MiB 4927 down
8 up
Jan 16 2024 cs, it, ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The Sojournings of Grog
Campaign describing what happens to Grog after UTBS. (21 scenarios, of which 18 are playable and 3 are dialogue only). Installation of UMC Music Book 01 is not mandatory, but recommended.
Forum topic Download The Sojournings of Grog
Version: 3.6.1
Author: Elvish_Hunter, Peter Christopher (Eros) and Thomas Hockings (Mars)
11.06 MiB 2972 down
2 up
May 09 2022 it, ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Hidden War
Book I: The peace between the High-Elves and Drakes is over.
Lead the High-Elves to victory or die trying.
Inspired by campaign named 'ElfWar' from BfW 1.0
Book II: The peace with Drakes succeded..
But, another threat raised..
Inspired by campaign named 'ElfWar' from BfW 1.0
Book III: The Dark War ended long ago.
But, a long forgetten threat returned..
Inspired by campaign named 'ElfWar' from BfW 1.0
Version 0.8.5c
Book I: 8 scenarios. Book II: 10 scenarios. Book III: 16 scenarios
Forum topic Download A Hidden War
Version: 0.8.5cx
Author: Mejri Ziad ^Hermestrismi^
1.89 MiB 3144 down
34 up
Oct 08 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Group in a War
You are the leader of a small troop. Lead your troop to finish the war. 

A simple RPG style campaign. There are some strange features in the gameplay, so the first time players should not choose Hard level.
UMC Music Books (especially 1 and 8-11) are not required but recommended.
Forum topic Download A Group in a War
Version: 0.2.1k
Author: tamanegi
0.37 MiB 10699 down
4 up
Jan 29 2024 ja, pt_BR, zh_CN
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Goblin Adventure
All your wolves are gone, and you have to find them back ! 

Short campaign - 5 levels (1 dialog-only)

3 new goblin units are evolving in this campaign alongside the mainline ones.

The campaign may need some balance, I'm still working on it.

Except the Goblin Archer and the portraits wich are from some different campaigns and eras, Artwork is from myself.
Forum topic Download A Goblin Adventure
Version: 1.8.1
Author: Graziani
0.54 MiB 3760 down
4 up
Jan 01 2024
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Fiery Birth (Drake Campaign)
A scholar of the Great Academy journeys to the land of the Drakes to discover their secret origins.

This is a campaign designed to give players experience in the Drake/Saurian faction. The first level is a bonus level with a fire dragon. 9 scenarios.
Forum topic Download A Fiery Birth (Drake Campaign)
Version: 1.3
Author: Mathbrush
1.06 MiB 9833 down
6 up
Nov 13 2022 ja
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
A Sanguine Tale
In the chaos after Wesnoth fell, scattered refugees fought for resources and preyed upon one another.  The last of the Green Magi, Ani Essu, led an exodus of a dozen races to a fertile ground, the Northern Highlands.  Betrayed and murdered by those she saved, her work collapses as the refugees war with one another once again.  Two generations later, the heir to Ani's legacy, Princess Anea, is prophesied to complete the legacy or destroy it.  Is she a hero or a villain?  Only you can decide. 

Ani's Legacy - The main campaign, a non-linear campaign with eighteen different endings reachable by different user choices.  A playthrough can be from seven to twenty-six scenarios, and there are a total of 144 reachable scenarios.  After beating the campaign the first time, starting the campaign again will show you a map of the story arcs as hints about how to reach other endings.

Ani's Quest - The prequel campaign.  Despite their flaws, Ani and her band of anti-heroes lead Wesnoth refugees to the Northern Highlands.  This campaign is meant to be played after Ani's Legacy, to avoid spoilers at the end.  This is a mostly-linear campaign with an 18 scenario playthrough, and has a total of 22 reachable scenarios.

Xenoi - a multiplayer faction, which shows up as an enemy or ally in Ani's Legacy depending on user choices.  They are also briefly seen in Ani's Quest.

Both campaigns are complete and playable.

Ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild (https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm)
Download A Sanguine Tale
Author: A3ther1c, Wesnoth Modders Guild
25.76 MiB 5849 down
3 up
Apr 20 2022
SP/MP Campaign
Single/multiplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up both in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
An Orcish Incursion: The Rework
Being a drop of rain among few in the vanishing distance, I was looking for a way that would lead me to the fallen happiness … But I failed … I left those who I love without a chance for a new beginning … For a chance on my return and being one with her … I failed but … I chose … I chose to stand along those who can't fight alone … I decided to be a sun beam … Small fading beam forming a spherical golden shell of hope … I chose to be the Sun of Hope. - Erlornas, Prince of Wesmere.
4 scenarios (Intermediate Level).
Forum topic Download An Orcish Incursion: The Rework
Author: Fable_Lake,Lord-Knightmare
7.08 MiB 2136 down
6 up
Mar 03 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Default Magical Noob
This era add-on was made to give players more advancement options, with a number of units added to each of the default factions. All of the new units were made with a consistent art style to ensure that they blend in with the existing units of the default factions. Additionally, 2 new factions were also added, the Empire and Zombai. The Zombai faction was made to be used for Zombie AI survival mode on any map you wish, this faction will progressively unlock stronger units as turns passes. This add-on also includes a dismount mod, ensure it is enabled to mount and dismount your cavalry units. 

Visit the official forum thread for more information about the Era, the new units and new features.
Forum topic Download Default Magical Noob
Version: 0.0.14
Author: Magical_Noob
0.45 MiB 931 down
14 up
Jul 30 2022
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
A New Land Era
An add-on based of the mainline scenario »A New Land, https://github.com/Robertdebrus/ANLEra«.

Level 0 units can construct buildings and terraform the landscape, scholars may unlock new units while leaders can either help other players or unlock units of other factions.
AI-Enemies get over time new recruits too, and they might destroy your buildings.

This add-on is formed around an era, with which this mechanisms can be applied to any map.

Also included are several custom scenarios, for 2 to 5 players.

Original idea and implementation was done by Bob_the_Mighty.
Forum topic Download A New Land Era
Version: 3.3.0
Author: Robertdebrus, Shiki, Hay207
3.27 MiB 4461 down
5 up
Mar 18 2024 de
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
ANL for 3 players, with different difficulties,
ported to 1.16
Download ANL_3p
Version: 1.3.6
Author: hay207
0.03 MiB 333 down
2 up
Feb 08 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 12
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 12
Version: 1.0.1
Author: various
40.96 MiB 873 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
MP Faction
Multiplayer faction
Usually comes with an era or is a dependency of another add-on.
The Deep Elves
The Deep Elves are a multiplayer faction designed to be played with the default era. They feature high mobility units with a high damage output and a small pool of hitpoints. The faction has lawful, neutral and chaotic units. Features 24 units.
Forum topic Download The Deep Elves
Version: 1.6.1
Author: Kwandulin, ported by Atreides
2.86 MiB 890 down
2 up
Nov 17 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
AI Settings Tool
GUI for modifying AI parameters of the Default and Experimental AIs, as well as the Fast and Hang Out Micro AIs without having to change scenario code
Download AI Settings Tool
Version: 0.2
Author: mattsc
0.02 MiB 1174 down
2 up
Dec 28 2022
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Make recruits fully random!
Download RandomRecruits
Version: 1.0.6
Author: Vasya N
0.00 MiB 1217 down
3 up
Dec 25 2021
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
AI Ragequit
AI players will quit the game early when they are significantly behind. Only tested with coop vs AI multiplayer games. WIP.
Download AI Ragequit
Version: 0.0.25
Author: Wesnoth223
0.01 MiB 304 down
7 up
May 14 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 10
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 10
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
34.67 MiB 949 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The life story of the dreaded lich Malifor,his struggle as a mage outcast, the orcish conquest of the northlands and his transformation to quench the thirst for revenge
(Intermediate level, 14 scenarios)
Forum topic Download Birth_of_a_Lich
Version: 1.1.0
Author: chak_abhi
3.84 MiB 1732 down
1 up
Jun 24 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
7 Worlds Survival
Survival Gamemode where players can teleport around various locations using runes
Download 7 Worlds Survival
Version: 0.1
Author: DDB, redone by Glen
0.01 MiB 1014 down
1 up
Mar 29 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
4 Elements Survival
I've remade the old 5 worlds survival from 1.8. It is almost completely new but the skeleton of the old can still be seen poking out here and there. : )

It is now 4 players and the central world has been completely changed. The keeps now have gates that only open on the players turn thus protecting the keep and leader from instant attack. There is a back entrance to all the keeps however that can be reached.

The outer world maps have been heavily changed as well. For one thing monoliths have replaced two of the keeps and allow one to move between them (like in 7 worlds survival). The desert, water, cave and forest worlds are still based on those terrains but much has been shuffled or modified.

The AI spawns every 3 turns now, only in the outer worlds and has been sorted to arrive in order of cost. They will avoid the runes and monoliths to avoid blocking them and if a spawn should stay there it takes damage.

The runes and monoliths are now 'tunnels' which means computer sides know how to use them. If a player chooses to block one (to protect a world for example) other players can bypass that using a teleport function that only operates when a player has blocked a tunnel.

The old version could not be played properly with the computer controlling any of the central sides, but now it can play a moderately good game. Humans will do a lot better though.
Download 4 Elements Survival
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Atreides, based on LordPraslea's 5 worlds survival
0.01 MiB 451 down
2 up
Dec 12 2023
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Less Random
Reduce randomness by having more HP and more strikes.

Poison, healing and village effect is increased as well. Game should mostly feel the same -- with a few tactics changed, however.
Download Less Random
Version: 0.5.2
Author: Vasya N
0.00 MiB 888 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
UMC Music Book 05
Various UMC music tracks collected from the forums and other add-ons.  Uploaded by Pentarctagon.
Download UMC Music Book 05
Version: 1.0.0
Author: various
41.28 MiB 865 down
1 up
Jul 03 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Forgotten Legends
This add-on is a multiplayer era set in hot tropical climates, featuring 5 completely new factions:
- Pirates - hardened adventurers, sailors and enchanters. Having fared from across the sea, all they seek is booze, murder and rest.
- Tribal Men - shamanistic people, unmatched hunters and restless fighters, everyone finds a role in the caste society. Being fond of deadly poisons and cursed rituals, it's better to let their secrets stay hidden from curious eye.
- Amazons - unfrightened warriors, inhabitating tropical wilderness. Living in harmony with nature, every treeline marks the border of their kingdom and all intruders will be met with death.
- Blood Elves - driven by bloodlust and fury, their army consists of the most deadly fighters in the archipelago. Dwelling inside volcanic caves, they can be applauded for crafting the finest blades and armor know to the men, admired for magical proficiency, but absolutely condemned for their beastiality on the battlefield.
- Altaris - blood elves' archenemies, a society constructed on honour, tradition and courage. Their elders know all the nuances of arcane secrets, and their swordsmen bend reality with their unreal moves.
Download Forgotten Legends
Version: 1.3.9
Author: Forgotten Crew
3.79 MiB 1148 down
5 up
Jul 25 2021 pl
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Defence of the Goblin II CC
The classic multiplayer scenario.

Ported by the Wesnoth Modders Guild (https://discord.gg/K9N56hqGTm)
Download Defence of the Goblin II CC
Version: 2.6.3
Author: Baufo, Wesnoth Modders Guild
0.24 MiB 485 down
1 up
Apr 20 2022
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
3 Ways 2 Die
Six warriors came into a cave to discover it but an evil mage imprisoned them. Now they must fight together to defeat the evil mage. Original author is Ray Regade, Ported from 1.6 by Descacharrado.
Download 3 Ways 2 Die
Version: 1.3.2
Author: Ray Degade, Descacharrado
0.02 MiB 3482 down
1 up
Dec 17 2021
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Sapient's MP Mappack
6 MP maps and an RPG scenario.

This was the #1 download for Wesnoth 1.2 so I figured 1.10 should not be its last.
Ported from 1.10 to 1.14/1.16/1.18.

Tomb of Kings is a very interesting map with many choke points and routes to take
Mega War is a map in the shape of a robot with warp gates allowing one to choose the destination (AI CAN'T play this map)
Traitors Isle is a 2 vs 2 where the allied leaders have to share a tiny keep; play with humans for extra fun as you bicker :- )
Rumble in Lava Village is a quick leader slugfest (there is a current standalone version out there - it is slightly different)
Northern RPG is a hard (may need more than 1 try) but fun adventure as a bunch of Northerners
Twisted Outpost is a 2 vs 2 where the sides start very close
Morituri 4 player version is a free for all where defeated sides may either suicide or retreat

Upgraded to be compatible with the Civil War and Revolution mod for those scenarios that work well with it.
Forum topic Download Sapient's MP Mappack
Version: 4.4.2
Author: Sapient, maintained by Atreides
0.05 MiB 764 down
7 up
Feb 28 2024 cs, da, es, fr, it, nl, ru, de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
1v1 League Mappicker
A random picker of seven mainline 1v1 maps:
Clearing Gushes;
Ruphus Isle;
Swamp of Dread;
The Freelands;
Weldyn Channel.
Forum topic Download 1v1 League Mappicker
Version: 1.0.1
Author: dwarftough
0.01 MiB 2298 down
2 up
Dec 08 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Multiplayer éra, zatím je jen z části hotová. 

Obsahuje 3 frakce a 36 jednotek.

Pro verzi 1.16.X
Forum topic Download CZera
Author: unterwassermann
3.38 MiB 188 down
25 up
Aug 21 2023
Miscellaneous content/media
Unit packs, terrain packs, music packs, etc. Usually a (perhaps optional) dependency of another add-on.
The Great Steppe Music (Optional)
This add-on contains music used in some scenarios that come with the Great Steppe Era


0.2.0 Release
- new tracks, for the Bard unit, as well potentially for later campaigns

0.1.6 Release
- new track for the upcoming campaign

0.1.5 Release
- new track for the upcoming campaign

0.1.4 Release
- new icon

0.1.3 Release
- new icon

0.1.2 Release
- re-added the Black Vortex track, but credited Kevin Macleod in black_vortex.license this time

0.1.1 Release
- removed unused music

0.1.0 Release
the initial alpha release
Forum topic Download The Great Steppe Music (Optional)
Version: 0.2.0
Author: ForestDragon, Mechanical
41.68 MiB 7432 down
5 up
Feb 01 2023
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Ultimate Random Maps
20 different styles of randomly generated maps for multiplayer use.
Map types are: Archipelago, Barren, Cave, Citadel, Desert, Flood, Forest, Frozen, Island, Jungle, Lava, Marsh, Mountains, Mushrooms, Ocean, River, Vale, Volcano, Wastes, and Winter.
Forum topic Download Ultimate Random Maps
Version: 1.4.1
Author: SigurdFireDragon
0.02 MiB 4711 down
2 up
Nov 10 2021
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
The Great Steppe Era
The Great Steppe is a balanced era with good graphics and unique gameplay, set in the far-eastern lands of Irdia. Burned villages, captured prisoners, slave trade, betrayal - the era will demonstrate the brutal steppe wars in all their glory.

At the moment there are 6 factions available: the Bull Tumen, the Serpent Kaganate, the Dead Field Coven, the Northern Knyaz Triumvirate, the Ogre Kingdom and the Tartarus Mandate

Features of the era:

- Unique art drawn by Mechanical. No default sprites or franken-sprites from other eras!
- Faction Balance: we worked hard on the era's balance, and now it can offer you a balanced, unique and exciting pvp experience
- Sophisticated faction lore: all units and races have descriptions that reveal the world of the Great Steppe. (However, not everything has been translated from Russian into English yet)
- Unique playstyle for each faction. The factions in Great Steppe have a very specific playstyle that you wouldn't see in other eras.
- Many cool abilities you won't find elsewhere. You can burn villages, enslave enemies, birth kanavars, and build buildings
- Custom AI

The era is actively being developed, we frequently release updates, add content and improve existing content, fix bugs and pay attention to feedback

Write your feedback on the forum thread so we can make it better!


1.4.7 Release:
Tumen changes:
-reduced Minotaur Chosen max xp from 160 to 150
-reduced Tarbynn Terror max xp from 85 to 80
Serpent Khaganate changes:
-reduced Great Salamander max xp from 100 to 85
Dead Field Coven changes:
-reduced Kanavar Slaher max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Fiend max xp from 65 to 55
Triumvirate changes:
-new unit: Drake Merchant (advances from drake smith), has custom AMLA
-architect now has a new AMLA (makes upgrading buildings cost less MP), but no longer has marketplace AMLA (since merchant now builds markets instead)
-apprentice can now upgrade allies' buildings too, instead of only buildings from his own side
-reduced Braveheart max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Architect max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Bard max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Ushkuynik max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Sentinel max xp from 70 to 65
-reduced Marksman max xp from 90 to 80
-reduced Ranger max xp from 90 to 80
-reduced Warrior max xp from 85 to 80
-fixed skylarks's holy light aoe ability not working properly in defense
Mandate changes:
-reduced Kobold Fire Lancer max xp from 65 to 60

1.4.6 Release:
Tumen changes:
-thunder strike ability no longer damages captured units
Serpent Khaganate changes:
-fixed Bansheetaur's awe ability not working
Triumvirate changes:
-new unit: Sentinel (advances from fighter), has custom AMLA
-new unit: Bard (advances from apprentice), has custom AMLA
-most triumvirate lvl3 units are now able to build lvl1 buildings, instead of just lvl0 ones
 -ranger instead gets the option to build spike traps for 0 gold at the cost of more moves
-improved fighter/apprentice sprites
-architect now has a magical tools alt. attack
-architect now has damage/repair AMLAs, but no longer has hiding spot/library AMLAs (since bard AMLA has those buildings' abilities now anyway)
-outpost/fortress are now upkeepless
-blessed beacon/divine radiance are now upkeepless
-blessed beacon/divine radiance now have more healing - +8/+12 instead of +6/+8
-ravenblade AI is now slighty smarter (can use raven form to flee)
-warrior no longer has firststrike
-marksman's guard tower now costs 3 moves to build instead of 4
-units now have move costs mentioned in build description, instead of just gold cost
-fixed the 'resolute' ability not working (Temsk Braveheart's AMLA)
-fixed lvl2-3 skylark build cost bug
Ogre Kingdom changes:
-ogre pope now has mentor 4 ability
-fixed longrange attacks being usable by caged units

1.4.5 Release:
General changes:
-AOE attacks have been reworked, so that now they are affected by leadership/other damage-affecting abilities just like longrange attacks, and accuracy is also affected by abilities insteaad of always being a fixed amount per unit
-some translation improvements
Dead Field Coven changes:
-rampage ability now works properly even if first attack is removed (like when using mods that let you unequip weapons)
Triumvirate changes:
-added portrait to ushkuynik (contributed by Kordov)
-increase healing light movement from 2 to 4
-increased messenger of light's hitpoints from 37 to 42, and luminary's hitpoints from 48 to 54
-increased messenger of light/luminary's solar flame damage from 4-4/6-4 to 5-4/7-4
-messenger and luminary now have slightly better healing (+4/+8 instead of the original +3/+6)
Ogre Kingdom changes:
-new unit: Troll Papal Guard (alt advancement of Troll Stormtrooper)
-added portrait to halfogre mercenary/landsknecht (contributed by Kordov)
-added ranged attack anim to Ogre Cleric
-added melee attack anim to Ogre Cleric
-longrange attacks' chance to hit calculation is now more accurate, and is now affected by the same chance to hit abilities/specials as normal attacks
Mandate changes:
-added portrait to terracotta line (contributed by Kordov)
-added portrait to mangus line (contributed by Kordov)
-added portrait to kobold line (contributed by Kordov)

1.4.4b Release:
-fixed ogre kingdom not being available in Steppe + Default

1.4.4 Release:
UI Changes:
-new/improved icons for all factions
Bull Tumen Changes:
-new Tarbynn portrait (contributed by ForestDragon)
-ogre butcher's strikes text no longer overlaps with gold text
-fixed ogre butcher's strikes text not being translated
-fixed burning villages not getting extinguished properly after the first one finishes burning
-fixed chariot's trample attack 'bouncing' off impassable mountains
Serpent Khaganate Changes:
-new unit: Serpent Immortal (alt. advancement of Serpent Tarhan, with a portrait drawn by Kordov)
-new unit: Slave Rouser (alt. advancement of both slave spearman and slave archer)
-added portrait to Serpent Tarhan line (contributed by Kordov)
-serpent tarhan now has a 6-2 fire magical attack (to make him not useless when he can't enslave)
-added attack anims to Greyblade day form (contributed by the_kaygan)
-improved Serpent Tarhan sprite
-improved Slave Spearman sprite
-fixed slave spearman translation
Dead Field Coven Changes:
-new sprite and halo for Wild Witch
-buffed wild witch ranged damage by 1
-fixed translation for birther of fiends, and fixed the description showing some outdated info
-improved fear shadow sprite
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate Changes:
-building/upgrading now costs a fixed amount of moves instead of a percentage of max moves
-buffed Surveilance Tower's vision radius from 14 to 16, and observe radius from 7 to 8
-translated Apprentice/Skylark descriptions into english
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-adjusted healthbar positions on some large units
Tartarus Mandate Changes:
-removed Umbral Mandarin from the leaderpool
-worm now costs 23 gold instead of 21
-fixed tunneler ability breaking after being hit by aoe attacks or being affected by some other abilities during enemy turn
Misc Changes:
-fixed translation errors in enslave/curse of transformation
-replaced some more deprecated code in preparation for 1.18

1.4.3c Release:
-fixed Wild Witch's recalled wolves having 1 upkeep instead of 0

1.4.3b Release:
-fixed beaver still costing 18g

1.4.3 Release:
-fixed zeal/pull/idol ability descriptions
Bull Tumen Changes:
-fixed trample not giving exp on hit/kill
-fixed trample triggering death events twice
Tartarus Mandate Changes:
-brutal worm nerfs: removed scavenger on main branch (kept it on hydra branch though), reduced lvl1 hp from 40 to 33, lvl1 melee damage from 6-3 to 4-3, increased price to 20, but slightly reduced exp to compensate
-improved hydra's drain attack (now has 75% drain instead of 66%), but reduced max hp and tunnel radius to compensate
-slightly increased jorogumo hp, and reduced cost from 21 to 20
-reduced mangus cost from 18 to 17
-reduced terracotta cost from 13 to 12
-kobold now costs 15 gold instead of 16, and increased max hp by 1
-reduced jiangshi cost from 19 to 17, but also reduced hp from 29 to 28
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-long-ranged attacks can now finally be buffed by leadership/zeal/any other similar abilities
-to compensate for that, cleric now costs 21 gold instead of 18
-buffed Noble Son's max hp from 38 to 40
-increased Feudal's price from 21 to 25
-increased Siege Troll's price from 18 to 19
-reduced giant beaver's price from 18 to 16
-fixed knockback not properly giving combat exp

1.4.2c Release:
Dead Field Coven Changes:
-fixed several bugs with curse of transformation

1.4.2b Release:
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-fixed castlebreaker/storming not working on castle terrain with overlays (such the encampment + bridge terrain in Ogre Crusaders)

1.4.2 Release:
Dead Field Coven changes:
-new units: Familiar and Imp
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-fixed hillstalk not working on forested hills/mountains, as well as hill/mountain villages
Misc Changes:
-replaced a lot of deprecated lua code

1.4.1 Release:
Bull Tumen changes:
-fixed the AI attacking prisoners
Ogre Kingdom changes:
-added custom AMLA to Ogre Magnate, and reduced his max exp from 150 to 100
-improved feudal line attack animations (now has dust, similar to boars in mainline)
-feudal line now has double hit/die sounds (one for ogre, one for the boar), similarly to most mounted units in GSE
-longrange attacks no longer free slaves
-fixed longrange attacks not being able to hit units on 0% defense, or units whose defense was reduced by primal god's attack

1.4.0 Release:
Massive Change:
- re-added and heavily reworked faction: Ogre Kingdom
- The Ogre Kingdom is a powerful feudal power located in the mountains west of the Steppes. Constant feuds and conflicts with neighbors has honed the siege skills of Ogres: at their disposal they have long-range Catapult Trolls, furious Stormtroopers, Fire Pigs, armored Knights and Monstrous Beavers from Bitter Swamps. Ogres’ army is unstoppable in a siege, but vulnerable in a maneuverable field battle.
Serpent Khaganate changes:
- added new portrait to Naga Overseer line (contributed by Kordov)
Dead Field Coven changes:
-new unit line: Familiar (can transform enemies into weak lvl0 animals for a turn)
-added portrait to the ghoul line (contributed by Kordov)

1.3.1d Release:
-fixed some weird interactions between enslave, capture, disloyal and enslaver of souls abilities
 -whenever you enslave/convert a caged unit the unit becomes free from the cage
 -whenever a caged and/or enslaved unit is resurrected as a shade by Primal God, the shade will no longer be caged/enslaved
 -whenever a caged disloyal unit desert to an enemy side, he will be freed from the cage
-replaced some deprecated lua code

1.3.1b Release:
Crossover Changes:
-EoMa's Matriarch of Emptiness can now disable GSE healing abilities
Tartarus Mandate changes:
-shadow dash and tunneler abilities can no longer teleport through void (border on maps like steppe afterlife)

1.3.1 Release:
General Changes:
-hopefully fixed a bug that caused the era to show up three times in the unit database
Dead Field Coven changes:
-barrow warden now requires 68 exp to advance to instead of 80
-barrow tsar now has 1 more max hp
-fixed amlas reducing the level of souls spawned by Primal God
-changed Primal Patriarch's darkness beam sound
-fixed queen of wolves ability having an outdated description
Tartarus Mandate changes:
-added custom AMLA to Kobold Bombardier, and reduced his max exp from 150 to 100
-added custom AMLA to Kobold Arrowstorm, and reduced his max exp from 150 to 100
-added custom AMLA to Kobold Fire Lancer, and reduced his max exp from 100 to 65
-add lvl3 units now have an AMLA that gives nocturnal regeneration (might give more proper AMLAs to them later)
-buffed kobold fire lancer's fire resistance from -20% to -10%, but nerfed cold resistance from 0% to -10% (so it's more constitent with lvl1)
-kobolds and manguses can now get the healthy trait
-changed vixen huntress' claws icon (now it's metal claws instead of normal claws)

1.3.0 Release:
Massive Change:
- new faction: Tartarus Mandate
- The Tartarus Mandate is an eastern faction of terrifying beasts and monsters, who have risen from the mysterious Tartarus Abyss. Playing as this faction, you will command a motley army of sturdy and heavy-hitting soldiers, which although lack in speed and mobility. Organize smart logistics for the chthonic forces of the underworld to ensure that the creatures of the surface are prostrated before the greatness of your empire!
Map changes:
-improved the steppe Fortress Survival, with edited waves and improved map
Serpent Khaganate changes
-fixed Khagan's double attack AMLA removing enslave ability
Dead Field Coven changes:
-added new portrait to Demon (contributed by Kordov)
-improved sprites of Chernava/Rodimitsa
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-improved sprite of Watchman
-fixed AI longrange attacks being able to hit adjacent enemies
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-faction is temporarily removed from faction selection, since we are starting to rework it (it will be re-added afterwards). Northern Crusade of Shrogg Stoneface might not work properly until it is updated

1.2.4 Release:
Dead Field Coven changes:
-primal god's ability no longer turns lvl0 units into lvl-1 ones (they stay at lvl0), as otherwise it could be abused to reduce enemy exp
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-added new portrait to Pagan (contributed by Kordov)
-outposts no longer rotate when attacking
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-jouster's ability no longer gives bravado, only inspire
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-soul flame no longer affects mechanical units
-fixed penetrate armor not working when a halfogre outlaw is advanced to lvl2 mercenary
-fixed some outdated lua

1.2.3c Release:
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-added a new AMLA to ravenblade champion (to give a bit more power to the raven form)
-fixed ravenblade champion's ranged attack not being affected the damage amla/animation not working

1.2.3 Release:
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-fixed longrange bug caused by units on the recall list
Ogre Kingdom Changes:
-added several new AMLAs for Ogre Highwayman
-most +10% damage for vassals have been replaced with +20% damage ones, but can only be taken 5 times instead of 20
-fixed Eldest Son's damage amla not working
-the camera no longer scrolls to mercenaries when they paid (except for ringleader)

1.2.2d Release:
-added music fading to the the fortress survival scenario (same code that I made for the 3.5 TLU update)
-outposts no longer rotate

1.2.2c Release:
-made the longrange AI smarter (instead of just randomly picking targets, it now chooses them based on their cost, defense and resistances)

1.2.2b Release:
-longrange AI can no longer shoot through walls
-fixed longrange attacks sometimes being able to fire through walls

1.2.2 Release:
Serpent Khaganate changes:
- added new portrait to Slave Spearman (contributed by Kordov)
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-new unit: Ushkuynki: a more aggressive alt. advancement for fighter (also has custom AMLA)
-drake hero smith's berserk attack is now attack-only
-fixed longrange attack AI causing OOS in multiplayer, and re-added it
-fixed ravenform AI causing OOS in multiplayer, and re-added it
-fixed Fighter and Guard having different movepatterns
Ogre Kingdom changes:
-reduced Feudal's cost from 22 to 20, and increased hp from 42 to 43
-reduced Loyal Bishop's price from 32 to 31
-increases ogre highwayman's price from 21 to 42
-increase noble son's price from 16 to 18 and reduced hp from 38 to 37
-increased eldest son's price from 26 to 32
-increase noble knight's price from 24 to 26
-increased condottiere's price from 20 to 30
-ogre leader now has a new 'uninspiring' trait in pvp to make his leadership less OP
-fixed mercenaries taking gold while in the recall list

1.2.1c Release:
-moved some OOS-causing AI functions back into experimental AI
-changed slav keep terrain
-fixed vampires being able to randomly get the loyal trait

1.2.1 Release:
Bull Tumen changes:
- new battle chariot sprite
- new tribal bull sprite
Serpent Khaganate changes
- the disloyal ability is now inactive if the unit has the loyal trait
Ogre Kingdom changes:
- added new portrait to Ogre Pan (contributed by Kordov)
- fixed rare interface bug
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
- some slav units now use more default human portraits
- fixed a rare terrain bug with walls

1.2.0 Release:
Massive Change:
- new faction: Ogre Kingdom
- The Ogre Kingdom is a formidable feudal power in the mountains west of the Steppe. Choose vassals, keep your mercenaries paid and preach your religion to turn the motley godless army into an army of powerful and righteous warriors of the Light! Ogres need time to gather and organize their forces, which is why the faction is best in the middle of the game. 
Bull Tumen changes:
- buffed battle chariot's axe damage by 1
Serpent Khaganate changes:
- added new AMLAs to Serpent Khagan
- buffed bekh's melee damage by 1
Dead Field Coven changes:
- added new AMLAs to Fiend, and reduced its max xp
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
- added a new attack to Slav Sharpshooter, which can be used twice in one turn

1.1.2 Release:
- replaced the 'enable halos' options with 'disable halos' ones, as the halos were enabled by default
- small translation fixes
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
- added attack animations for Slav Marksman (contributed by Tezereth)
- nerfed jouster's damage
- slightly reduced Knyaz Warrior's cost

1.1.1 Release:
Bull Tumen changes:
- added new portrait to Ogre Hunter (contributed by Kordov)
- added slightly different animation for ogre grunt's heavy blow attack
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
- longranged attacks can no longer shoot through impassable terrain
- added defense animation to magic wall
- fixed some lua errors with experimental AI
- improved slav castle terrain

1.1.0b Release:
- slav AI is now disabled by default (as it's quite buggy), and there's now an 'Enable experimental AI' option (mainly intended for devs/testers)
- added slav castle terrain to the map editor

1.1.0 Release:
Dead Field Coven changes:
-new unit: Primal God (advancement for primal patriarch)
-added new portrait to Chernava (contributed by Kordov)
- +2 ranged damage for primal patriarch
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
-new units: Slav Woodsman and Slav Ranger (alt. advancement path for archer, focused on ambushing enemies and able to build traps)
-new unit: Jouster (alt. advancement for Watchman)
-new russian descriptions for fighter/archer/watchman/skylark/apprentice lines
-increase knyaz's warrior resistances by 5%
-fixed the faction not working in age of heroes

1.0.1 Release:
General changes:
- fixed some text not being translated
Bull Tumen changes:
- new ogre grunt/hunter/mancatcher/shaman/bull/chariot sprites
- added red halo to minotaurs
- fixed the antosocial/weaken abilities not working
Dead Field Coven changes:
- re-added kanavar icons for witches, this time with a new icon
Northern Knyaz Triumvirate changes:
- you can now see the descriptions of the buildings a unit can build via a new 'Building Guide' rightclick menu
- added custom AMLA to Sharpshooter, and reduced his max exp from 150 to 100
- added an extra AMLA to Grand Guard
- improved smithy/idol buff overlay icons
- changed the attack sound/halo color for skylark line
- fixed walls disappearing when terrain changes (happened in scenarios like dark forecast)
- fixed the longrange attack menu looking weird
- fixed outpost terrain bug when advancing via kills
- AI units are no longer obsessed with attacking walls (now they will first try to attack other units, and only attack walls if they have nothing better to do)

1.0.0 Release:
General changes:
- replaced the crappy old translation system with a proper .po-based one. If you find any text that hasn't been translated or other translation errors, let us know. Additionally, you can now contribute by translating the era into your language if you want
- factions now have their descriptions in the help menu, similarly to default era ones
- new add-on icon
- the era has been ported to 1.16
Dead Field Coven changes:
- brought back Primal Patriarch, this time with new art and changed stats
- Demon Warmonger has a new 'souleater' attack, and his 'devourer of souls' ability now gains souls equal to the killed unit's level instead of always 1
Forum topic Download The Great Steppe Era
Version: 1.4.7
Author: ForestDragon, Mechanical
14.36 MiB 7853 down
36 up
Feb 08 2023 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Rage (16+)
A brutal story about a group of drakes, who had nothing to lose, about the insidious dunefolks, about blood, about revenge and about the power of primal rage.

Contains RPG and slasher elements, not recommended for those under 16 years old, or for the faint of heart


1.0.2 Release
-added epilepsy warning to scenario 5, and added an option to disable the flashing lights

1.0.1 Release
-main menu now only shows background
-allies in S3 no longer get in the way of destroying villages

1.0.0 Release
the initial release
Download Rage (16+)
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Mechanical, ForestDragon, Kordov
16.13 MiB 2950 down
4 up
Jun 25 2022 ru
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
You and another commander have recently been tasked with ruling a town. However, as you approach you hear rumors of a mysterious plague ravaging the countryside, as well as unusually frequent raids. Your job is to defend the city, while also reducing the spread of the plague and keeping the populace in line.

If you like my work, I highly recommend also checking out Great Steppe Era


1.0.2 Release
-hopefully fixed a Lua bug with riots sometimes

1.0.1 Release
-fixed unrestricted immigration triggering once per turn (now spawns units once per 4 turns)
-made sounds a bit less annoyingly loud
-typo fix

1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Pestilence
Version: 1.0.2b
Author: ForestDragon
0.03 MiB 1497 down
6 up
Sep 23 2023
MP Scenario
Multiplayer scenario
After install the scenario will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Zombie Apocalypse RPG
Solve the mystery behind the zombie outbreak in an old village hidden in the woods! (4p)
Download Zombie Apocalypse RPG
Version: 1.16.211112
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
9.70 MiB 1897 down
1 up
Nov 11 2021
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
The White Troll
The tale of a Troll Whelp, born white and with extraordinary magical powers, rejected by his clan, adopted by elves, desired by a ruthless human commander.
Intermediate level, 8 scenarios.
Download The White Troll
Version: 1.1.0
Author: Wesnoth Italian Forum, Elvish_Hunter (maintainer)
0.91 MiB 1533 down
1 up
Feb 07 2022 it_IT, ru
After install the included gameplay modification(s) will be available when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu, and in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Alliances Mod
Allows players to make/break alliances with eachother, as well as other features useful for diplomacy, like transfering gold/villages/units. Mostly intended to be used in multiplayer with free-for-all (everyone against everyone) maps. The mod's menus can be accessed via rightclick options on leaders (to become allies, select an enemy leader, and choose the 'Send alliance request to this side' option, while if you want to betray your team or leave your alliance, select your leaver, and open the alliances mod menu. There's also a togglable option to send/request gold to/from other players.

If you like my mods I would also highly recommend checking out Great Steppe Era


-translated the mod into Russian

-the mod now comes with 'crisis succession' version of crusader fields, hexcake and mokana praerie maps. unlike when playing with alliances mod on normal scenarios, here you don't immediately win if you ally with everyone, instead you have to be the only one remaining to win, and therefore will need to backstab your allies a lot
-added option to transfer your units to another side

-you can now privately send/demand gold to/from enemies (useful if you want to bribe/ransom)
-private messages are now sent in [chat] instead of [message] (as otherwise you could easily lose the message by clicking on it, and observers could see it)
-fixed team name not being properly shown when joining a team after betraying your own

-removed team chat, as mainline already has that
-send gold/village transfer options are now enabled by default
-it is no longer possible to send private messages to sides you can't see through fog
-fixed some messages showing for the wrong sides
-ported to 1.15/1.16

another attempted alliance request fix

updated some outdated code

hopefully fixed the alliance accept/decline option showing up for the player who sends the request.

attempted to fix (and failed) the alliance accept/decline option showing up for the player who sends the request.

1.1.0 Release
-added team chat and private messages
-added an 'are you sure?' question to the betrayal option. 
-When moving onto an ally's village, the moving unit's owner has the choice of either capturing the village, or just putting a unit there for healing. 
-added option to transfer village ownership to allies.

1.0.2 Release
fixed a critical bug, but at the expense of introducing a new one

1.0.1 Release
fixed the alliance menu revealing invisible leaders

1.0.0 Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Alliances Mod
Version: 1.5.0b
Author: ForestDragon
0.03 MiB 2678 down
5 up
Jan 17 2022 ru
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Great Steppe + Era of Magic
This era combines Great Steppe Era and Era of Magic, allowing you to choose from both eras' factions at once. Includes normal, Age of Heroes, and RPG modes (EoMa's Masters mode is not included, as GSE does not yet have an equivalent)

In GSE + EoMa RPG, RPG nerfs from EoMa are disabled, so that EoMa units can compete with the GSE ones (now is based on EoMa's built-in RPG Unbalanced mode)

NOTE: you need Great Steppe Era 1.3.1 or later and Era of Magic 4.5.0 or later for the era to work


1.1.0 Release:
-GSE + EoMa RPG now uses EoMa's new RPG Unbalanced mode code added in 4.5, this fixes some bugs like summon not working in gse x eoma rpg
-EoMa 4.5 or later is required to play this

1.0.3 Release:
-fixed ogre kingdom faction not being available in rpg and aoh versions of the era

1.0.2 Release:
-added Ogre Kingdom faction

1.0.1b Release:
-replaced some deprecated lua code

1.0.1 Release:
-fixed GSE units getting leader nerfs in RPG
Forum topic Download Great Steppe + Era of Magic
Version: 1.1.0c
Author: ForestDragon
0.05 MiB 1480 down
8 up
Mar 01 2024 ru
Singleplayer campaign
After install the campaign will show up in the list you get when choosing “Campaign” in the main menu.
Antar, Son of Rheor
With enemies pressing on all sides, Lord Rheor is called away to relieve his neighbour Lord Othar. His son, Lord Antar is left in command of the little shire.
But evil strikes in the form of Baron Malbeth, and soon, realising the hordes of Orcs and Undead cannot be defeated with what forces he has ...
* Intermediate level (the first scenario is rather difficult and meant for experts, not for beginners)
* 13 scenarios
* You play with Humans, Elves and Dwarves against Orcs and Undead.
* The campaign is finished and full playable.
Forum topic Download Antar, Son of Rheor
Version: 1.13.47
Author: Adamant14
21.23 MiB 4344 down
2 up
Nov 16 2021 de
MP Map Pack
Multiplayer map pack
After install the maps/scenarios will be available in the map list in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
Battle Royale (map pack + item mod)
Be the last one standing in matches with 9, 20, 40 or even 100 sides!

The battle royale mod includes multiple battle royale versions of default maps, randomly spawning items, a shrinking map mechanic and more!

It also includes a 'Battle Royale Item Mod' modification that allows you to have battle royale items spawn in other scenarios/campaigns

If you like this mod, I recommend also checking out my other stuff too, and check out the Wesnoth Modders Guild!

Modders' Guild link: https://discord.gg/jNvgk3bY8v


1.1.0 Release
-added a message that shows the winning player at the end
-added a few options for configuring enemy spawns (normal, first-wave-only, starting-enemies-only, and no enemies). does not apply to ghosts, which are toggled seperately
-reduced exp mulitplier from 60% to 50%

1.0.0  Release
the initial release
Forum topic Download Battle Royale (map pack + item mod)
Version: 1.1.0
Author: ForestDragon
0.06 MiB 392 down
2 up
Mar 31 2023
MP Era
Multiplayer era
After install the included era(s) will be available in the multiplayer “Create Game” dialog.
18th Century Warfare Era
The 18th Century Warfare Era takes you to the past, to a crucial time of struggle between powerful empires and newborn nations seeking freedom, a struggle that would change the world forever. It features a wide range of land and naval units, as well as maps of some of the areas of the world where the most decisive wars were fought.
Forum topic Download 18th Century Warfare Era
Version: 1.16.230204
Author: PapaSmurfReloaded
0.92 MiB 7585 down
3 up
Feb 04 2023